Download BIOMES/AQUATIC SYSTEMS Biology 1039 Terrestrial

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Biology 1039
Names in parentheses are names of biomes from the web site – world distributions from web site & book
I. Tundra (Tundra) Arctic and alpine
Climate: cold and dry
Plant forms: low growing mosses, grasses, sedges
Characteristic animals: caribou, water birds, musk oxen, arctic fox
II. Desert (Desert Scrub)
Climate: dry, hot - cold
Plant forms: scattered shrubs, sometimes short trees
Characteristic animals: reptiles, rodents, hawks, jackrabbits, coyotes
III. Taiga or Boreal Forest (Taiga)
Climate: cold, low – moderate amounts of moisture (mostly as snow)
Plant forms: coniferous trees (spruce, larch, firs), shorter stature
Characteristic animals: moose, elk, beavers, mink, wolves, lynx, hares
IV. Woodland/Grassland/Shrub land continuum (Temperate Grassland, Mediterranean Scrub)
Climate: moderate rainfall (125 – 25 cm), moderate-hot summers, cold winters
Plant forms: as implied by names
Characteristic animals: variety of species across types – grasslands dominated by bison,
pronghorn, elk, prairie dogs, wolves in North America before conversion to agriculture.
V. Temperate Forest (Temperate Broadleaf Deciduous Forest)
Climate: moist with warm-hot summers, cold winters
Plant forms: Large deciduous trees
Characteristic animals: song birds, amphibians, deer, turkey, squirrels
VI. Temperate Rain Forest (not given)
Climate: very wet, mild summers and winters
Plant forms: tall, large coniferous trees (redwoods, Douglas firs, spruces, pines, firs)
Characteristic animals: deer, amphibians, raptorial birds, bobcat, wolverine
VII. Thorn Forest/Savanna/Thorn Scrub continuum (Tropical Savanna)
Climate: moderately wet but distinct dry period, warm to hot all year
Plant forms: ecological counterpart to group IV, but many bushes and trees have thorns
Characteristic animals: In Africa - elephants, lions, antelope, zebra, ostrich, giraffe
VIII. Tropical Seasonal Forest (Tropical Broadleaf Evergreen Forest)
Climate: high precipitation but with distinct dry period, warm to hot all year
Plant forms: tall trees, many deciduous; lianas (vines)
Characteristic animals: monkeys, apes, parrots, bats, insects, cats, reptiles
IX. Tropical Rain Forest (Tropical Broadleaf Evergreen Forest)
Climate: high precipitation with short dry season, warm to hot all year
Plant forms: tall trees, lianas; evergreen
Characteristic animals: same as group VIII
Terms to know:
Plankton – microscopic organisms in water
Phytoplankton – photosynthetic algae and cyanobacteria
Zooplankton – single-celled protozoan and larvae of small crustaceans
Nekton – large, free-swimming animals
Fish, aquatic mammals, reptiles, amphibians
Benthos – bottom-dwelling organisms
Affixed: oysters, barnacles, mussels
Sand dwellers: worms, echinoderms (starfish, sand dollars, sea slugs)
Bottom walkers: lobsters, crayfish
I. Freshwater
A. Streams and Rivers
- flowing water, clear or sediment filled
B. Lakes and Ponds
- contained water, clear or nutrient filled
C. Marshes, Swamps, Bogs
- shallow water with much vegetation
D. Estuaries
- interface between freshwater rivers and ocean or sea
II. Marine
A. Intertidal
- rocky or sandy
B. Pelagic
- open ocean
C. Benthic
- ocean floor (sometimes vent areas)
D. Coral reefs
- around islands and near shore