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Name: _________________
Classwork/ Homework
Short Answer
Gravity and Inertia
Use the diagram to answer each question.
Explain how inertia and gravity combine to keep the planets in their
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Use the diagram to answer each question.
Name the type of wave that has the highest frequency
3. Name the type of wave labeled C.
4. Name the type of wave that has the greatest energy.
5. Which letter shows the type of wave that can be seen by the human eye?
6. Name the type of wave labeled A.
7.Which letter indicates X-rays?
Use the diagram to answer each question.
HR Diagram
Using the figure, name a star that is very dim and red in color.
9. Compare our sun to Alpha Centauri A in terms of color, brightness, and
surface temperature.
10. State how Barnard’s star and Mira are similar.
11. Name the stars on the diagram that are blue or blue-white.
12. Describe three features of the star Deneb.
13.Suppose you wanted to observe the star Aldebaran. What clues would you use
to help you identify it?
Life of A Star
Use the diagram to answer each question.
How does a neutron star form?
15. What determines whether a star will form a black hole when it dies?
16. What is a supernova?
17. How does a star’s life begin?
18. When a star begins to run out of fuel, what two types of stars can it become?
19. What happens to small and medium stars when they run out of fuel?
Answer Section
1. Inertia tends to make the planets travel in straight lines. Gravity from the sun
pulls the planets toward the sun. These two factors acting together cause the
planets to stay in their orbits.
2. gamma rays
3. ultraviolet
4. gamma rays
5. B
6. infrared
7. D
8. Barnard’s star
9. Both stars are yellow in color but Alpha Centauri A is slightly brighter than our
sun. Our sun is slightly hotter than Alpha Centauri A.
10. They both have about the same surface temperature and color.
11. Algol, Regulus, Spica, Rigel, Zeta Eridani
12. Deneb is an extremely bright star, white in color, with a surface temperature of
about 10,000 degrees Celsius.
13. Aldebaran is very bright and red-orange in color.
14. A giant or supergiant star forms a supernova. After the supernova explosion,
the leftover material forms a neutron star.
15. Only stars with more than 40 times the mass of the sun form black holes when
they die.
16. A supernova is the explosion of a dying giant or supergiant star.
17. Gas and dust in a nebula contract to form a protostar.
18. red giant or supergiant
19. They become white dwarfs.