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Chapter 6 Section 3
Jefferson In Office
Pages 221-225
I. The Rise of the Supreme Court
A. Judiciary Act of 1801
• Before leaving office, John Adams and the
Federalist majority appointed 16 new federal
• Judges were nicknamed the “midnight
judges” b/c Adams appointed them around
midnight on his last night in office.
B. Thomas Jefferson and the
Republicans took to removing the
“midnight judges”.
C. The impeachment of Justice Samuel
Chase estab. clear guidelines that
judges could only be impeached, or
removed, for criminal behavior.
II. Marbury v. Madison
A. Summarize the case of Marbury v. Madison.
B. What was the outcome?
III. The United States Expands West
A. Thomas Jefferson believed the wealth was in
the ownership of land.
B. In 1803, Napoleon sold the Louisiana
Territory to the U.S. for $15 million. This
provided funds for France and avoided a
potential alliance with America and Britain
when France declared war on Britain.
C. The United States doubled in size and gained
control of the entire Miss. River.
D. Briefly explain the following:
• Lewis and Clark Expedition
• The Pike Expedition
• The Essex Junto
IV. Rising International Tensions
A. During Jefferson’s second term, his goal was
to keep America out of war between France
and Britain.
• Economic Warfare
How did American merchants become in the
middle of France and British regulations and
• Impressment
What is impressment? How did this practice
affect America?
• Embargo Act of 1807
Why did Jefferson have Congress pass the
Embargo Act of 1807?