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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
536 BRUCKN•R, Inheritance o! WhitePlumage in Phasianus INHERITANCE OF WHITE PLUMAGE IN [Auk L Oct. PHASIANUS BY J. H. BRUigKNER Plate •r8 TH• data herewithpresenteddeal with the inheritanceof white plumagein the Ring-neckedPheasant,Phasianuscolchicustorquatus. in a previouspublication (1939) the author has pointed out the scarcityof knowledgeconcerningthe geneticsof this speciesand reported on the inheritanceof an incompletelydominant,autosomal genefor melanin. A generalreviewof the literature on the genetics of the pheasantis given in that paper and accordingly will not be repeatedhere. The pheasantfancier has long had blue-eyedwhite pheasantsin his aviary, but the origin of this variety is apparently unknown. Occasionallyreports are publicizedof pure-whitepheasantsbeing shot in the wild. Whether such birds result from mutations occur- ring in the wild populationor haveescaped from aviariescannotbe proven,but the latter alternativeseemsunlikely. White plumageamongwild specieswhich are normally colored is not uncommonand albinos have been reported in many birds as well as in mammals,reptiles,amphibians,etc. In very few birds, however,is the exact nature of the white determinedand in many casesthe specimendescribedis not a true albino at all but merely a bird with more or lessdepigmentationof the plumage. In the bird with completealbinism melanin is absentin all parts of the body. The eye appearspink in color becauseof the blood in the capillariesof the iris and retina. In most white birds the eye is black, brown, orange, or bluish, and all of thesecolorsindicate the presenceof melanin. True albinism is rare but birds in which a coloredeye is associated with white plumageare common. During the pastnine years,approximatelya million pheasantchicks havebeenhatchedat the New York Stategamefarmsand amongthese but one true albino has been found. It is not uncommon to find white chicks,but usually thesehave somepigmenteddown on the wings. Almost without exceptionsuch chicksdevelopsome pigmentedfeathersas theyassumethe juvenaland adult plumagesand 'pied' birds, not white ones,are the final result. Inheritanceof color in the DomesticFowl, a speciesin the same subfamilyas P. colchicus, may give someindicationof what might Vol. •8-• •94• a BRUCI•NER, Inheritance of WhitePlumage in Phasianus 537 be expectedof color in the pheasant. In that specieswhite plumage may be due to any one of three differentgenes. The White Leghorn fowl carriesa unifactorial,incompletelydominant,autosomalgene which inhibits the formation of melanic pigment. Fundamentally the White Leghornis a coloredbird, but the presenceof the inhibiting gene in homozygous form preventsthe expressionof black. In heterozygous individualssomecolor is evident. This type of white plumageis found occasionally in other breeds,but so far as is known is the result of crossingwith White Leghorns. The secondkind of white plumage is that found in Plymouth Rocks,Wyandottes,Dotkings, Langshans,and other breedsof fowl. This white is autosomaland recessive and is apparentlydue to the absenceof a genenecessary for the formationof melanin. Sincethe eyesare pigmented in both the dominant and the recessivewhites, neither is a true albinism and both should be considered as a kind of white in which the manifestationof melanin is usually restricted to the eye. Batesonand Punnett (1908) describedanother 'complementary' white in Silkie fowls, but no other workers have been able to detect it in that breed. True albinism is so rare in the fowl that in the thirty-nine years since the rediscoveryof Mendel's laws only one casehas thus far been reported. The conditionwas found by Warren (1933) to be a simpleautosomalrecessive character. The white pheasantshowsno signsof pigmentationin the plumage, but beak and shanksare a pearl white and the eyesare blue. It can be seenthat the white plumageof the pheasantmight possiblybe any one of the geneticallydifferenttypesof white reported above,or possiblystill another, since in thesewhite pheasantsthe eyeis blue, a conditionnot found in any of the white fowlsmentioned above. Moreover,the shank color is affectedin white pheasants but not in mostwhite fowls. It is possible, of course,that in these white pheasantsthe shank-and eye-colordilution are due to other genescloselylinked with that for white plumage. In the absenceof definite information of the genetic basis for white plumagein the pheasantan investigationwas begun in 1938. While it wasunder way anotherreport of 'hereditaryalbinism'was found. Taibell (1928)concludedthat white is a monohybridrecessive character. He called his white specimens'albinos',but the descriptionfurnished indicated that they were blue-eyed whites. Since his studies were somewhat limited, port the presentexperiments. it seems advisable to re- 538 BRVCKN•rt, Inheritance of WhitePlumage in Phasianus [Auk L Oct. GENETIC ANALYSIS The first crosses were made in 1958. A male and two female white pheasantswere purchasedfrom a fancier with the assurancethat they had bred true for many generations. These birds had white plumage,blue eyes,and pearl-white beak and legs. There were no coloredfeathersanywherein the birds nor did they showany after the adult molt. The male was mated with four Ring-neck females and the two white femaleswere mated to a Ring-neckmale with the following results: Progeny Parents Number White cP X Ring-neck 9 9 Ring-neck cP X white 9 9 89 14 Color Ring-neck Ringmeek This is what would be expectedin the Fx generationif the white plumagewere due to a recessive, unifactorial,autosomalgene. If the character were sex-linked and recessive,that would be shown by differences in the progenyfrom reciprocalmatings. The mating of normal, colored,Ring-neckmalesto white femaleswould then produceF• progenywith normalplumage,but in the reciprocalmating of whitemalesto Ring-neckfemales,the femaleprogenywouldbe white, while the male progenywould be Ring-neckcolor. Since such'criss-cross' inheritancewasnot found, thesefirstmatingsdemonstratedthe autosomalnature of the gene. At maturitymostof the F• birdswereidenticalin appearance with the Ring-neckstock,but an occasional bird exhibiteda completely white primaryor tail-feather. Othershad a patchof white feathers on the throat but in the majority white was not in evidence. All progenyhad dark-pigmented eyes,beak and shanks. F2 GENERATION In 1959,the F• progenyof the white • X Ring-neck 9 9 were matedinter se to producethe F2 generation(pen 1-$9). This was alsodone [or the progenyof the Ring-neck• X white 9 9 (pen 2-$9). In theseF2 generations the expectation was$ colored:1 white, if the white were a simple,recessive character. Classifications at hatching,includingembryosdying late in which color could be determined, were as follows: Vol. •94t •8] -• BRUCKNr•, Inheritance of WhitePlumage in Phasianus Hatched Late dead embryos Ring-neck White Ring-neck Pen 1-39 70 25 25 Pen 2-39 44 13 10 Combined White 539 Combined Ring-neck White 6 95 31 4 54 17 149 48 147.75 49.25 total Expected (3: 1 ratio) Taken either separatelyor togetherthesematingsyield an unusually closefit to the 3: 1 ratio expected. About onehundredoœthesebirds were reared to maturity and in none oœthem did any oœthe white segregates assumethe Ring-neckplumageor showthe pied condition. It wasnotedthat a numberoœthese(adult) birdshad an occasional dark feather,particularlyon the head. Conversely, someoœthe F2 Ring-neckshad an occasional white feather in the wing or a small white patch of featherson the throat. Doubtlessthesewere individualsheterozygous for white. Birds oœthat genotypemust have comprisedtwo-thirdsof the F2 population,but sinceonly a few oœ the Ring-necks showedany white feathers,it is clearthat the white plumageis usuallycompletely recessive in the heterozygote. The symbolc, which is usedto denotethe genefor recessive white in the fowl, is assignedto this gene responsiblefor the absenceoœ color in the pheasant. The normal wild Ring-necked Pheasant would thus be CC, while the pure-whitebirds would be cc. BACKCROSSES The expectationhere, as in any backcrossto the recessiveform, wasa ratio of 1 colored: 1 white. Backcross matingsoœFx progeny were made to the white male and females. One oœthe original white hensdied during the breedingseasonand, accordingly,two additional white hens were obtained from the original sourceoœ the stockusedin the experiment. The resultswere as follows: Hatched Pen 3-39 Pen 4-39 Late deadembryos Combined Ring-neck White Ring-neck White Ring-neck White 33 61 21 66 21 30 15 15 54 91 36 81 145 117 131 131 Combined total Expected (1: 1 ratio) 540 Inheritance of WhitePlumagein Phasianus IL'Auk Oct. There is a deficiencyof white chicksin both these backcrosses. Application of theX5 testfor goodness of fit of observed andexpected ratios (in combinedtotals)yieldsa valuefor X• of 2.992and,with n = 1, the value for p is .083. This meansthat the deviationfrom expectation is not significant, and, therefore,the hypothesis that a single gene causesthe recessivewhite is not invalidated. Dunn (1923) reported a lethal gene linked with recessivewhite in White Wyandottefowl. The deficiency of whitesin thesepheasant backcrosses doessuggestthat embryonicmortality is higher in cc embryosthan in Cc ones. However,there was no deficiency of the homozygous recessives in the F• generation and the discrepancies in the backcrossesshould therefore be ascribed to chance. Since the deficiency of whiteswasevidentin theembryos dyinglate,anylethal effectof the white in the homozygous conditionmust have been exertedin embryos dyingat somestagebeforethe plumagecolor couldbe determined.It is noticeable thatthe majordeviationfrom theexpected 1: 1 ratiowasin pen3-39,whichyieldeda ratioof 54 Ring-neckto 36 whitechicks,whereas pen 4-39gavea ratio of 91 Ring-neck to 81 whitechicks.The latteris a reasonably goodfit to the normal ratio. Some of the white birds from the backcrosses showedan occasional darkfeatherand a fewof the Ring-necks showed a whitefeatheror two aswasthe casein the F• matings. In orderto checkfurtherthe conclusion as to the geneticbasis for whiteplumage,the whitesegregates fromthe backcross matings, pens3-39and4-39,werematedintersein 1940. Two suchmatings were made with the result that 75 chicks were hatched. These chicks wereall purewhitewhenhatched, andat maturityshowed no signs of coloredplumage. DISGUSSION The sourceof the whitepheasants as bred in captivityis not definitelyknown,but, ashasbeenmentioned,whiteindividualsin wild birdsof otherspecies arenotuncommon. Someof these wildspecimensare true albinos,but they are relativelyrare. Gamebreeders differin theiropinions asto theoriginof thisvariety. Some believe it to be a true mutationor 'sport'while othersthink that it is the result of selectionfrom 'pied' or 'spotted'stock. This latter aberrantform isrelatively common.Gorrespondence with observant gamebreeders hasindicatedthat white mutationsfrom Ring-neckand melanistic pheasantshave been known to occur. Vol. sS] 1941 .• BRUCKNER, Inheritance o[ WhitePlumage in Phasianus 541 It is evident from the data presentedin this paper that white plumagein the pheasant,Phasianuscolchicus,is due to the presence in the homozygouscondition of a unifactorial, autosomalgene. Dominanceof the allele, C, for color, is sometimesincompletesince heterozygous individualsoften showoccasionalwhite feathers. Conversely,homozygous recessive individualsmay showa slight ticking or a coloredfeather. Recessive white segregates from backcross matingsbreed true when mated inter se. It would seemthat white plumagein P. colchicusis similar in characterto the recessivewhite found in White Wyandotte,White Plymouth Rocks and other varieties of fowls. However, in the pheasantthe pigmentin the eye, beak and shank is so reducedthat thesestructuresappearbluish, whereastheseareasare not affectedin white fowls. This suggeststhat the genesresponsiblefor white plumagein the two speciesare not comparableor else,possibly,that the pheasantcarriesa gene,or genes,for the dilution of eye, shank and beak color closelylinked with the genec responsiblefor absence of color in the plumage. However, since in all the white birds raised in this study no exceptionswere observedto the rule that white pheasantshave blue eyes, beak and shanks, it seemsmost probablethat the singlegene, c, is responsiblefor the dilution of melanin pigment in theseareasas well as for its elimination from the feathers. SUMMARY White plumagein the genusPhasianusis due to a single,autosomal,recessive gene,c, presentin the homozygous condition. This is shownby ratios observedin 103 Fx, 262 backcross,and 197 F2 pheasants followingcrosses involvingwhite and Ring-neckPheasants. LITERATURE CITED BAaW•SON, W., Am) PuremEant,R. C. 1908. Experimental studies on the physiologyof heredity. Reports to the EvolutionCommitteeof the Royal Society,4: 18-35. ]•RUCKNER, J. H. 1939. The inheritanceof melanismin pheasants.Journ.Heredity,30: 45-52. DUNN, L. C. 1923. A lethal gene in fowls. Amer. Naturalist, 57: 345-349. TAIBELL, A. 1928. L'eredita meridaliana dell'albinism in Phasianus colchicus L. Rivista di Biologia, Milano, 10: 695-701. WARREN, D, C. 1933. Inheritanceof albinismin the DomesticFowl. Journ. Heredity, 24: 379-383. 5't2 BRVCKN•R, Inheritance of WhitePlumage in Phasianus EXPLANATION [Auk L Oct. OF PLATE 18 UPPERF•CURE: Normal Ring-neckedPheasant,Phasianuscolchicus,used in study of the inheritanceof white plumage. Fx hybridsbetweenthis bird and pure-white pheasantscannot be distinguishedfrom the common Ring-neck except in rare in- stances whereone or two main tail- or wing-feathers may be white. LowER F•CVRE:Pure-white pheasant used in this study. The white segregates in the F• and backcross matingsare identical in appearanceand breedingbehavior with the original white stock. Departmentof Poultry Industry Cornell University,Ithaca, New York THE PLATE AUK, VOL. 58 NORiMALLY I}URE-WHITE PLUIMAGED RIN½;-NECKI•]D PHEASANT RING-NECKED PHEASANT USED IN THIS STUDY 18