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Hypertension: How to prevent and treat
the silent killer
Up to 90% of Canadian adults will develop high blood pressure (or “hypertension”) in their lifetime. Since
it has no symptoms, hypertension is often called the silent killer because you may not know that you
have it. Having hypertension increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. For this reason, it is
important to have your doctor check your blood pressure regularly. You should follow a healthy diet and
stay physically active to help prevent and manage hypertension.
What is hypertension?
Your heart pumps blood throughout your body. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the
walls of your arteries. Hypertension is when blood moves through your arteries at a higher pressure than
normal. It is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder than it usually does. This can damage
the arteries and lead to heart disease, kidney problems and stroke.
Over 25% of Canadians have hypertension. It becomes more common as you get older. You are more
likely to develop hypertension if you:
have a family history of hypertension
are obese
are not active
are very stressed
drink too much alcohol
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eat too much sodium in your diet.
Can changing my diet help prevent or treat hypertension?
Yes. Your diet can play a major role in either causing or preventing hypertension. Blood pressure can be
controlled or lowered by following the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan.
The DASH eating plan includes:
Lots of vegetables and fruit
Plenty of low fat milk products, such as skim or 1% milk and yogurt
An emphasis on whole grains
More fish, poultry, lentil, beans and nuts, but less red meat
Choosing fewer foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol
Eating less sodium
Limiting sugar and sweets
Choosing foods that are high in calcium, magnesium, and potassium
Aiming for 30 gram of fibre.
For more information on DASH, please click here.
If you have questions about the DASH eating plan or would like to get started with the DASH plan, call 1877-510-510-2 to speak with an EatRight Ontario Registered Dietitian or send an email.
A note on sodium
About 30% of Canadians have hypertension because they eat too much sodium. If you reduce your
sodium intake, you can lower your blood pressure level. Here are some tips to control your sodium
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At the Grocery Store
Choose fewer processed foods. Over 75% of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods such
as cheese, deli meats, pizza, sauces and soups. Buy unsalted and lower sodium foods whenever
possible. Look for words such as “sodium-free”, “low sodium”, “reduced sodium”, or ”no added
salt” on the package.
Compare food labels. Buy the products with the lowest amounts of sodium. Even foods that don’t
taste salty may contain sodium.
Looks for products with a sodium content of less 360 mg or less than 15% DV (Daily Value) per
serving. Buy fresh or frozen vegetables whenever possible, lower sodium vegetable juices, and
canned vegetables that are low in sodium.
Enjoy a variety of grains such as barley, quinoa and rice which are naturally sodium free.
Buy unseasoned meat, poultry, fish, seafood and tofu. Choose unsalted nuts. Buy low sodium
canned beans or try dried beans, peas and lentils.
At Home
Prepare your own meals often, using little or no salt. This will help you avoid salty restaurant food.
Make your own soups, sauces and salad dressings.
Cook pasta, rice or hot cereal without adding salt.
Rinse canned vegetables and canned beans to wash away some of the sodium.
Use less salt than what the recipe calls for, except when baking.
Use less of the seasoning that comes with pre-packaged foods. Use less ketchup, soy sauce and
other condiments, or try the lower sodium option.
Add flavour without sodium. Try herbs and spices instead.
When Eating Out
Order smaller portions or share with someone.
Ask for gravy, sauces and salad dressings “on the side”, and use only small amounts.
Flavour your food with lemon or pepper instead of adding salt, sauces or gravy.
Ask for your meal to be cooked without salt or monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Check the nutrition information of menu items before you order and choose foods with less sodium.
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This information may be in a poster or pamphlet at the restaurant or on the restaurant’s website.
Balance out your day. If you ate a high sodium restaurant meal today, make sure you eat a lower
sodium meal at home..
Factors beyond diet
By managing your hypertension, you can cut your heart attack risk by up to 25%. In addition to following
DASH and eating less sodium, here are some other things you can do to help you prevent and treat
Have your blood pressure checked regularly – at least once every two years. Have it checked
more often if your blood pressure is high.
Maintain a healthy weight. Even a loss of 10% of your body weight can reduce your chance of
having a heart attack or stroke.
Control stress. Consider relaxation therapies such as yoga, tai chi or meditation.
Quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing heart disease. For help getting started,
visit Smokers’ Helpline.
Be physically active. Aim for 30-60 minutes of exercise at least four times per week. Try walking,
jogging, cycling or swimming. If you’re new to activity, speak to your doctor before getting started.
Your doctor may suggest medicine to help treat hypertension. Follow your doctor’s directions
exactly for taking the medication.
Limit alcohol. Have no more than 1 to 2 drinks per day and no more than 9 per week for women
and 14 for men.
The Bottom Line
Following a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity and balanced eating can help prevent and
treat hypertension. The DASH eating plan can help you enjoy delicious foods while keeping blood
pressure levels under control.
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Updated: 2016-10-09 | Page 4 of 5
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This content from is Copyright © Dietitians of Canada 2015, unless otherwise indicated.
The content is not meant to replace advice from your medical doctor or counselling from a Registered Dietitian.
It is intended for educational purposes only. Dietitians of Canada acknowledges the financial support of EatRight
Ontario by the Ontario government. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the province.
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