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Download Suggested Answers for Case Study, Chapter 23, Disorders of Blood
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Suggested Answers for Case Study, Porth Chapter 23, Disorders of Blood Pressure Regulation 1. The reason for the high incidence of hypertension among African Americans is not entirely clear. Salt sensitivity, or the increase of blood pressure in response to a high sodium diet, has been speculated. This condition is thought to involve an impaired renal sodium transport mechanism. Increased vasomotor tone and abnormal endothelium-dependent vasodilation are other possibilities for the prevalence of hypertension among African Americans. Barriers to care are noteworthy in this population. There are frequently financial considerations, difficulties in accessing health care, or long wait times for treatment. Furthermore, health education materials may not be culturally sensitive and fail to address the high rate of salt sensitivity, smoking, and obesity among African Americans. 2. An elevated systolic pressure, even in the absence of diastolic hypertension, carries with it a high risk for cardiovascular disease. Increased systole is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy, increased myocardial demand for oxygen, and subsequent heart failure. An absolute or relative decrease in diastolic pressure limits coronary perfusion. Finally, a widened pulse pressure damages arterial tissues and predisposes an individual to atherosclerosis and aneurysm formation. 3. Diuretics reduce blood pressure by increasing renal secretion of sodium and water. They reduce cardiac output and, with prolonged use, decrease peripheral vascular resistance. ACE inhibitors limit the activity of ACE in converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II. As a result, less circulating angiotension II is available to trigger aldosterone secretion and vasoconstriction. ACE inhibitors also inhibit bradykinin degradation and stimulate the production of prostaglandins that have a vasodilating effect.