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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Vagally Induced Mobitz Type Second Degree A-V Block I, and the Hyporeactive SA Node* Miguel Gambetta, Iloderick W. M.D., Childers, Pablo Denes, M.D., Second degree reflex the R eflex vagal stimulation discharge prolongs the typical sinus panied less recover normally PR after of the We pacing vagus nerve disrupts nodal tion This degree circumstances, in A-V nodal rate while by removing cases responded poorly responsiveness A-V requests: 60637 cells, to This 26-year-old prosthesis inserted of effect was Dr. obtained noticed where the the 0.75 mg resulted in in stimulasecond the Childers, Box 161, 950 East The 59th Uni- patients by a failure of node. left carotid rate remained after a sinus sinus 40 at a rate massage. It unchanged. and of the the heart maneuver in Figure mm Hg, prolongation The is shown administration Valsalva is shown of rhythm of 82 of 0.26 sec. degree A-V block by right is shown. A similar effect intravenously to 0. 19 sec pressure a marked (A) valve mitral and drug. rate is to be effect of in strip C, The remained PR at performed in the 2; after an overshoot the sinus rate of the PR interval failed to ensued. 2 This is an 18-year-old The resting ECG showed Street, #{149}j I I __ ‘‘#{149}‘I’#{149}’’j!#{149}’’ A Cardiology, blood while top given minute decreased preserved. slow of Medicine, be REPORTS a PR interval of second (dark line) sinus of atropine one interval SA the 82 per minute. The effect of recumbent position vagal was at the during that obtained to reflex vagal 1 shows per minute and In B, the production carotid sinus massage frequency reflects three to of the sinoatrial rate beats block. #{176}Fromthe Department versity of Chicago. Reprint Chicago three discharge in appeared woman had a Starr-Edwards mitral 23 years ago because of severe regurgitation. At the present time she is asymptornatic her only treatment consists of anticoagulants. accomtime produced effect 1 CASE The coordinated the I w this CASE vagal influence, but preof the A-V node. Under A-V nodal the for the nodal the PR interval refractoriness. observed asymmetry to depress and more this type basis Figure atrial have A-V have Mobitz The beat. of atrial excitation from serving the responsiveness these changes activity is not The challenged, each vagal block stimulation. node period. so produced prolongation. A-V vagal depresses of the sinoatrial nodal refractory frequently Artificial effect rate A-V bradycardia by being and M.D. ‘tiI #{149}#{149} healthy a sinus student rhythm I ‘ on no medications. at a rate of 82 per J#{149}. B C 1. Case 1 : Lead II rhythm strips showing: ( A) control; ( B ) carotid sinus massage by the dark bar), and ( C ) the effect of 0.75 mgm of atropine given mnstravenously. The PP intervals are between 700 and 720 msec in the three strips. The PR intervals are 0.26 sec during ( A) and 0.19 sec during ( C ). See text for explanation. FIGURE ( indicated 152 Downloaded From: on 05/02/2017 VAGALLY INDUCED SECOND DEGREE A-V BLOCK 153 VALSALVA MANEUVER .5Om C.) 0) .8 U) .7 .4O .3O 2. FlGuisx and PR Case 1 : PP intervals intervals are against time neuver. longation There is a marked of the PR interval lack of in sinus a Valsalva ma- bradycardia and displays the .4 proand I 5 during phase IV. The straining is marked by a dark bar. minute, 0 Q.5 plotted 15 10 to a sec Valsalva ( not shown). Figure 3 maneuver-development during phase IV, the without a concomi- salva maneuver. in each V node the 14-year-old of an healthy irregular student pulse. had Figure an 4 shows ECG taken a continuous be- waves The of these a P wave of rates of three per ( below intervals configuration and patients sinus 150 A-V node was origin. minute They or the all above, sec ) when 0.20 axis of the expected reached with P for sinus normal can exercised. reflex of the vagal the SA include bradycardia bradycardia normal cardiac ( when activity and A-V respiratory 30 nodes are induced the manifestations of responsiveness of appropriately balanced) sinus arrhythmia, the and is equally of carotid sinus after the overshoot massage, phase of and the the Val- bradycardia atrial cyclic sinus cases of related the of CHEST, VOL. 62, NO. 2, AUGUST second that massage in atrial atrial fixed tachy- frequency of excitation. In two of our sive sinus rate after after node, the as of vagal rate tions block in A-V during reported Case phase of the As during on the was while by sinus maneuver, the A-V isolated node observed maintaining respiration, showed be bradycardia Valsalva was in the a constant cyclic conduction, and more carotid sinus massage. 2 showed could unrespon- constant of a result, situation 3 who, the absence massage. A similar sinus by and stimulation in case pattern a reflexly evidenced overshoot sinus a similar 1 showed atropine, carotid effect cases Case fluctua- advanced A similar A-V case Ehrentheil.2 minimal and second degree phase of the Valsalva slowing A-V block maneuver. of the II ) obtained during the straining ( B ) . Note that the slowest sinue A-V block developed (heart rate ( A ), and after the rate is 75 per minute prior to the test was 1972 Downloaded From: on 05/02/2017 sinus node after the overshoot Thus, in all three B 3. Case 2 : Selected strips (lead pressure overshoot of a Valsalva maneuver at the time that first and second degree 82 beats per minute). the block #{149}1 FIGURE in A-V paroxysmal to Aof respi- occurrence marked carotid as associates,’ .11: A seen pacing and The some demonstrated. was sinus by the block. cardia atrial fixed from apparent. DiscussIoN the Feigenbaum induce A-V flutter or PR is of degree patient Some .20 .-- 25 During eventuates strip (lead II ) obtained during quiet breathing. It can be seen that the sinus rate remains constant while the A-V conduction shows cyclic Wenckebach cadences occurring with respiralion. Inspiration is indicated by the dark horizontal bars. Carotid massage ( both right and left) shown in Figure 5 failed to induce sinus bradycardia while advanced A-V block was produced with two consecutive nonconducted P waves. Comment: __ I . of these situations, the vagal effect on the is unrevealed. When the input frequency ration 3 Thi5 . 20 experiments cause I . SECONDS of 0.20 of sinus tachycardia during phase II and production of second degree A-V block tant sinus bradycardia. CASE . period a PR interval response -. 154 GAMBETTA, DENES :: 4. FIGURE \Iohitz Case type during 3: Continuous I developing expiration. rhythm strip synchronously Note the with absence of respiratory (lead II ) showing respiration. The sinus .Lili_ : second degree “dropped” AND beats CHILDERS .. A-V were block observed arrhythmia. It_ I_ - 5. FIGURE A-V with during patients, vagal manifest or more of the SA The degree In to occur in these node conduction in a recent study.7 speculate They to the other hand, be conceivable known SA as, for of to occur an example, as a result arteries of in of small the in some in body thought to in sinus nodal cardiac cases vagal of peripheral be an intrinsic altera- properties of the nervous when reported system and this emphasizes integration of the in its control the clinical system the parasym- of SA and events A-V which may is deranged. REFERENCES vagal on vagal 3 C: the Interrelationship sino-atrial J Clin of pacemaker Invest 44:399, Variation of the Heart RL, findings in relation 1952 Averill KH, 67,375 PR interval in sinus to Wenckebach Lamb LE: asymptomatic arrhyth- phenomenon. Electrocardiographic subjects. VII. Atrioven- J Cardiol 6: 153, 1960 4 Holmes JH, Weill DR Jr: Incomplete heart block produced by changes in posture. Amer Heart J 30:291, 1945 5 Benedict RB, Evans JM : Second degree heart block and with the block. Amer Wenckebach or block. 7 Goldbarg is phenomenon Heart J 43:626, 6 Harrington JT, tricular in the diabetic Fisch of conduction. possible J 43:229, its Johnson tricular as CM, action atrioventricular Ehrentheilof: mia and Amer de- On H, Wun.sch and 1965 innervation nerve, here complex result and recognized occlusion and function the disease8 vagus could occur. membrane phenomenon nodal normal pathologic Chagas’ cause not cells. potassium Hirschsprung’s ac4uired rate of 90/mm P waves are seen did diastolic 1 Feigenbaum to 91 documented of the heart. vessel the pathetic A-V of the and at an is postulated are rhythm posi- Congenital or absent result is individuals nature node. achalasia a defective in 2 have not been vagal innervation the tion The degrees examples, innervation of infantile 1 is of seen a sinus neuropathy.9 An additional cases, response not on the the in parasympathetic could nutrient of case disturbances. uncommon was showing precise Factors In persons process strip made two changes A-V It case number the exceedingly only other conduction. various on the unresponsiveness the are maneuver. disease. respect was in hiccups.6 effect for can in hearts.3 Valsalva in the rhythm unresponsiveness exhibited small this and vagal responsible fects II at the top. At the bottom, two nonconducted by a dark bar ) . The expected sinus bradycardia node the A-V of normal anxiety,5 is an as a with increased One A-V by block this, apparently block the in normal block associated as on lead structures, ( marked massage A-V resulted Atrioventricular tion,4 carotid manifest exercise be Continuous Wenckebach effect unexplained. with 3: node. first known Case clinically Ann AN, correlations Intern Moran of normal CHEST, associated 1952 Dc Sanctis JF, Childers exercise business Downloaded From: on 05/02/2017 anxiety. RW: Hiccup induced Med 70: 105, 1969 multistage VOL. with executives. 62, NO. RW, et tests Amer Amer atrioven- al: Results in a Heart 2, AUGUST and group of J 79: 1972 VAGALLY 194, INDUCED DEGREE A-V BLOCK 1970 8 Amorin elevation Chagas’ DS, Godoy BA, Manco in blood pressure and disease. A preliminary Editorial This The SECOND 1968 9 Fagerberg SE : Diabetic logical study Med on Scand the Suppl neuropathy, significance 345, a clinical of vascular and histo- affections Acta 1959 Expression paper reports recognition AV causes up patients. of these with AV stimulation and unusual unresponsive node degree patients a rare of an responsive second JC, et al : Effects of acute of atropine on heart rate in report. Circulation 38:289, 155 the block me demonstrate for a later the reflex a develop of a defects? would follow- in life will node syndrome SA supraventricular with and vagal a longtime time sick finding. node production following to wish At SA the arrhythmias, chronic Clinically, suggest the idiopathic these findings avoidance, or and/or will AV conduction in young patients very cautious use of drugs which slow conduction : digitalis, dine, procaine amide and the beta blocking these George they quiniagents. C. Griffith, La Carwda, M.D. California The Tall Grass Called Sugar Cane Seventy-five produced percent from latter, 13,746,000 States 102.5 as a table the world’s Saccharum cane, tons in 1970, with lb per year. used of sugar were a per Besides sweetening sugar produced capita the and supply oljicinale. in the consumption candy industry, flavoring is Of the agent in of is nation of very bitter hol. sugar and substance In the refining acetic acid which process, anhydride and as combi- results is used for denaturing molasses is separated in hours nea a abcofrom varies from three weeks Hargrave and Pepys (Lancet a case of bagassosis that developed after exposure is the chief chills, fever, is scanty and toms persist foods, pharmaceuticals and beverages and as a fermenting agent in certain alcoholic drinks. It is an ingredient of a variety of insecticides, hair tonics, plastics, photographic materials, shoe polishes and explosives. Too, sugar is used in tanning leather, silvering mirrors, in adhesives a core binder in casting metals. Oddly, chemical involvement months. reported United of sugar sugar monary to moldy complaint. retrosternal mucoid, bagasse. It may pain, occasionally 1 :619, four Usually, be associated and cough. The blood-streaked. to two to three miliary nodules to many 1968) to five dysp- with sputum Sympmonths. in both from a few days X-ray reveals widely scattered lungs, unilateral or bilateral patchy infiltrations in the upper lobes, or increased hilar densities extending toward the bases. Earlier erroneous concepts relative to its etiology have been replaced by authoritative, precise knowledge as formulated by Buechner ( personal cornmunication, February 23, 1.972 ) . “There is no evidence sugar. Also, sugar cane yields a valuable wax, and celbulose which is used in paper making and in synthetic fiber manufacturing. Moreover, it contains aconitic acid useful in making plastics. Bagasse is the fibrous residue of sugar or silica as playing a role in the pathogenesis of this disease. It is now well established that bagassosis is a manifestation of hypersensitivity to thermophilic actino- cane from mycetes organism after juice the French extraction. The word bagasse is derived bagage and originally meant rubbish, trash or worthless. Bagasse has been used as fuel at sugar mills, for gardening mulch and cattle feed, in the manufacturing of paper, plastics, dyes, acoustic, sound- absorbing boards which sugar cane and refractory brick. The plant from originated was a native of Southeast Asia. It reached it to San Domingo tropical United China in 100 B C. in 1493. It is being and semitropical States. Workers amounts of shipping and manufacturing gassosis. The length CHEST, bagasse country who are VOL. 62, dust in and connection 2, sufficient AUGUST brought in every the in exposed processes of exposure NO. Columbus cultivated to with may southern massive handling, develop ba- to cause pul- to support viruses, toxic contaminants, mechanical irrita- lion . and is not a fungus which produces the infection. The principle hypersensitivity reaction is ( formerly known as Micro- Thermoactinomyces sacchari spora vulgaris) but other thermophiic actinomycetes such as Thermoactinomyces vulgaris and Micropolyspora faeni (formerly known as Thermopolyspora polyspora) are probably also involved.” Heam and Holford-Stevens (Brit J md Med 25:283, 1968) observed that inhalation of extracts of thermophilic Actinomyces vulgaris produced bate systemic reactions typical of a precipitinmediated hypersensitivity response in 12 of 15 subjects who had had bagassosis. Andrew L. Banyai, M.D. 1972 Downloaded From: on 05/02/2017