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Biology 2122 Review and Objectives – Endocrine System – Chapter 16
 Autocrines; hormones; hypophysis; adenohypophysis; neurohypophysis; tropic hormones; chromaffin cells;
hyperglycemia; iodine; renin; alpha and beta cells; proinsulin; ketones; polyuria; calcitriol
Be able to identify an endocrine gland.
Know that endocrine glands are ductless glands.
Know the three classification of hormones.
Be able to give examples of amino acid based hormones.
Be able to give examples of steroid hormones.
Be able to give examples and know basic characteristics of eicosanoid based hormones.
Distinguish between hormones that use a second-messenger system and steroids that use intracellular protein receptors.
Distinguish between the half-life of steroid and protein based hormones.
Be able to give examples and provide characteristics concerning interaction methods of hormones
 Permissiveness
 Synergism
 Antagonism
10. Distinguish between the following concerning hormonal release stimuli; give examples
 Humoral
 Neural
 Hormonal
11. Know the following concerning the pituitary gland.
 Explain the relationship between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.
 Know the significance of the tropic hormones and examples
 Know the hormones released by the anterior and posterior pituitary gland.
 Know the releasing and inhibiting hormones formed in the hypothalamus and their functions. Know what
hormones they stimulate the release of.
 Know the following releasing hormones secreted from the pituitary gland and their target tissues or organs. Know
the functions also.
 Know the following disorders associated with problems in the anterior pituitary gland.
o Dwarfism; Gigantism
o Cretinism; Graves’ disease
o Cushing’s disease
 Know the functions of the following hormones released by the posterior pituitary gland.
o Oxytocin
 Know the following disorders associated with the posterior pituitary gland.
o Diabetes insipidus
12. Know the following concerning the thyroid gland
 Location
 Structure
 Functions of TSH; T3 and T4
 Know the names of each thyroid hormone.
 Know how thyroid hormones are produced
 Know the following disorders associated with problems concerning the thyroid gland.
o Myxedema; Goiter; Cretinism; Graves’ disease
o Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
 Know how a goiter is formed (and causes)
 Know the relationship between levels of TSH and hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
 Know that the parafollicular cells produce calcitonin
o Know the function of calcitonin
13. Know the following concerning the parathyroid gland
 Know the function of the parathyroid hormone
14. Know the following concerning the adrenal glands.
 Location and structure
 Know the following concerning the mineralocorticoids
o Basic functions
o Zone of cortex where it is produced
o Examples
o Function of aldosterone
 Know the following concerning the glucocorticoids
o Basic functions
o Zone of cortex where it is produced
o Examples
o Function of cortisol
 Know the following concerning the gonadocorticoids
o Basic function
o Zone of cortex where it is produced
o Examples
 Know the following disorders associated with the adrenal gland
o Cushing’s syndrome
o Addison’s disease
15. Know the following concerning the pancreas
 Insulin
o Structure
o Area and Cells that produce insulin
o Function
o Proinsulin
 Glucagon
o Structure
o Area and Cells that produce glucagon
o Function
 Disorders
o Diabetes Mellitus
16. Know the following about the Pineal Gland
 Location
 Function of melatonin
17. Know the hormone secretions and functions of the following organs/tissues
 Kidney and erythropoietin
 Skin and cholecalciferol
 Adipose and leptin