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The risk of sudden cardiac arrest is 3 times greater for
individuals involved in competitive athletics
Sudden cardiac death will strike one male athlete out of 5,200
per year in Division I basketball alone
Sudden cardiac arrest takes the lives of more young athletes
than trauma associated with sports
The average age when sudden cardiac death occurs in young
athletes is 17.5 years
Risk factors of dehydration, trauma, and long travel that are
common to young athletes makes them more susceptible to
dangerous blood clots
Our comprehensive diagnostic testing model includes EKG,
echocardiogram, and vascular ultrasound
There are serious cardiac abnormalities that can be detected through
an echocardiogram, but not through an EKG, and vice versa
o Our echocardiography testing detects 90% more abnormalities
than EKGs alone
o In recent testing, almost all abnormalities identified in
students from our echocardiograms produced normal EKGs in
these same students
Vascular ultrasound can detect dangerous blood clots that may lead
to pulmonary embolisms
Many cardiac conditions do not cause any symptoms until sudden cardiac
arrest actually occurs, and all too often, the first symptom one experiences
is tragically also the last—making it very important to diagnose these
disorders as early as possible
Tests performed by WHP are not traditionally done during a routine
examination; yet they are important in detecting not only abnormalities
that can result in sudden cardiac arrest or cause blood clots, but can also
alert athletes to conditions that may affect them later in life
• Highly-qualified technologists travel to schools to professionally administer
tests using the latest technology
• Board certified reading cardiologists and radiologists, who specialize in
interpreting test results, prepare and report detailed findings to the
• Our double board certified Chief Medical Officer (cardiology and
echocardiography), Bradley J. Artel, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.S.E., is responsible
for complete medical oversight at WHP
• Vets and trains all technologists and oversees reading physicians
with whom he is in constant communication
• Immediately alerts the school or parent of any significant findings in
an athlete and provides guidance on diagnoses and treatments
• Trained in the Seattle Criteria, which when applied to the
interpretation of EKGs in athletes reduces the false positive rate to
less than 5%
WHP has Identified Numerous Cases Of Potentially LifeThreatening Cardiovascular Conditions In Student Athletes
Across The Country
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – #1 medical cause of sudden
cardiac death in young athletes
Cardiomyopathies of various types
Congenital coronary artery anomalies – #2 leading cause of
sudden cardiac death in young athletes
Wolff-Parkinson-White – can be cured by simple ablation
Long QT syndrome
Significant heart valve problems
Atrial and ventricular septal defects
Aortic root enlargement and aneurysm formation, as can be
associated with Marfan syndrome
WHP Identifies Life-Threatening Or Life-Altering
Cardiovascular Conditions at 3 Out of 4 Schools Where
Testing is Administered
High School: out of 150 students tested, 10 identified with
conditions warranting follow up with a cardiologist and possible
surgery or other intervention
NCAA D1 University: 3 students at same school identified with
Wolff-Parkinson-White in one round of testing. All were ablated
and cured
NCAA D1 University: 1 student identified with a life-threatening
heart tumor that needed to be removed immediately
NAIA University: 1 student diagnosed with a combination of
Wolff-Parkinson-White and a cardiomyopathy who had no
symptoms, but would soon have developed heart failure had
condition not been identified
Sports Facility: out of only 16 teen-aged athletes tested, 1
identified with condition requiring life-saving heart surgery
High Schools, Colleges, and Universities Partner With
Wimbledon Athletics to Help Save the Lives of Their
Young Athletes
“Purdue Athletics’ partnership with Wimbledon Athletics has
allowed us to minimize the cardiac risks of our student-athletes in
regards to participation in their sport, as the abnormalities we
have found have been further evaluated or treated. I have had the
privilege of working with many of the staff at Wimbledon Health
Partners, including their Chief Medical Officer Dr. Artel, and my
experience has always been positive.”
- Dr. Greg Rowdon, Head Team Physician, Purdue University
“Knowing that young athletes suffer sudden cardiac arrest, often
with no prior symptoms, I know I have done my part in helping
make sure my students are protected by having them tested by
Wimbledon Athletics. And for those who were identified with preexisting cardiovascular issues, I can now help them take the
necessary precautions to help prevent a tragedy.”
- Dean Broxterman, Athletic Trainer, Richland High School
A Sample of the Many High Schools, Colleges, and
Universities Where We Have Tested
• NCAA D1, D2, D3
• High Schools
• Purdue University
• Richland High School (TX)
• Georgia Southern University
• Stephenville High School (TX)
• Texas Woman’s University
• Saginaw High School (TX)
• University of Louisiana Monroe
• Lexington Christian Academy (KY)
• Grambling State University
• Palmetto Christian Academy (SC)
• Columbus State University
• Cathedral Academy (SC)
• Lamar University
• LeTourneau University
• Young Harris College
• Spring Hill College
• Adrian University
• Vanguard University
• Andrew College
• Bluefield College
• Arizona Western College
• Community Colleges
• East Mississippi Community College
• Pima Community College
WHP Helped Save the Lives of Student Athletes Tested
by Wimbledon Athletics
Kenneth Johns, Winthrop University
Sprinter diagnosed with severe case of HCM and immediately pulled from
sports. Follow up with Kenneth’s family revealed the condition was
overlooked despite years of PPEs
“I am forever grateful to Wimbledon Athletics for detecting this condition in my
son. Knowing Kenny could have died out there on the track had he not been
tested is something I think about all the time. I firmly believe all schools ought
to be checking their students for these conditions so that more lives can be
saved.” –Mrs. Koi Johns, mother
Jordan Powell, Grambling State University
Football player diagnosed with an abnormally weak heart (cardiomyopathy)
despite no symptoms and clean sports physicals. Condition would have likely
progressed to heart failure or sudden cardiac arrest if not detected
“There is a lot of concern over concussions in football and laws have been put
in place for that, but what about the heart? That is just as important. Without
Wimbledon Athletics’ testing, we wouldn’t have known about Jordan’s
condition until it was too late.” –Mrs. D’Andrea Powell Dorsey, mother
WHP Has Inspired Teen Basketball Player with Heart
Abnormality and his Mother to Advocate for Cardiac Testing
Richard Jetter, Brashear High School
Basketball player experienced atrial fibrillation at school. Follow up tests
revealed a congenital coronary artery anomaly, which was corrected
through heart surgery
Richard was inspired by one of our press releases and reached out to us via
Twitter to tell us his story. Richard and his mother are now advocating for
schools to implement our program
“I think that most parents are unaware of potential heart problems that
could affect their children, like I was, and they don’t know how to get their
kids checked out. Parents are dedicated to helping their children succeed in
sports and are not thinking about things that can take them out of the game
or, worse, cause death.” –Teresa Hunt, mother
Pro Athletes are Being Diagnosed with and Dying from
Cardiovascular Conditions—Testing Needs to Happen Earlier, in
Middle/High School and College
Larry Bird – NBA player and coach with atrial fibrillation
Channing Frye – NBA forward playing with enlarged heart
Chris Bosh – NBA star suffered pulmonary embolism last year
Etan Thomas – NBA player underwent surgery to fix a leak in his aortic valve
Hank Gathers – NCAA superstar collapsed and died on the court from HCM
Pete Maravich – had successful NBA career and later died from sudden
cardiac arrest
Isaiah Austin – diagnosed with career-ending Marfan syndrome while being
drafted for NBA
Rich Peverley – NHL player retired at age 33 after collapsing from sudden
cardiac arrest
Star Lotulelei – #1 NFL draft hopeful diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy
during NFL scouting combine
Jerome Kersey – beloved former NBA player died from pulmonary embolism
Kimmo Timonen– NHL player diagnosed with pulmonary embolism
Steven Stamkos – NHL player underwent surgery to remove a rib that was
reducing blood flow after DVT in collarbone
We Make the Testing Process Easy and Convenient for You
and Your School
1. You select the teams to be tested (in addition to standard
sports, we recommend testing marching band, cheerleaders,
and dance teams)
2. You choose the testing dates most convenient for your
students and your school (Monday-Sunday, 8:00AM – 8:00PM)
3. We provide a letter you can send to your student athletes and
their parents/guardians with information on how to register
and to schedule (testing takes 75 minutes per student)
4. Qualified technologists travel to your school on your selected
test dates and provide all supplies and equipment needed for
the testing (we cover all the expenses)
5. Board certified reading cardiologists and radiologists prepare
detailed findings of each student’s test results (for any
dangerous conditions detected, Dr. Artel will call the school or
parent immediately)
We Provide You and Your School with Resources to Ensure
Testing Runs Smoothly and Efficiently
Wimbledon Athletics Welcome Kit includes important
information about the registration and scheduling process,
how your students should prepare for testing, and how test
results will be delivered
We provide you with emails, flyers, and social media posts to
communicate with your students and their parents/guardians
regarding important testing information as well as registration
and scheduling links
We work with you to identify the supplies needed for testing,
such as treatment tables, privacy screens, and gowns, and we
make sure these are delivered to your site in advance of your
testing date
WHP Handles all Billing Directly with Your Students’
Insurance Providers
We bill the student’s insurance directly for the testing and accept
what the insurance provider deems usual and customary
We do not bill the policyholder for the difference between our charge
and the allowed amount, but as required by law, the policyholder’s
deductible and co-insurance will be billed (if applicable)
If the policyholder’s deductible has not been met, we can offer a
payment plan or we can eliminate the balance entirely for those in
genuine hardship situations
Health Saving Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), and
Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA) are established to help cover
part or all of a policyholder’s deductible, and funds may automatically
be deducted if a balance is due, even if a hardship waiver has been
The policyholder may receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from
the insurance company explaining what medical services were paid
for, but this is not a bill and should not be remitted
Our Program is Beneficial for Your School!
Reduce your liability by ensuring all student athletes have
cardiovascular evaluations prior to participating in your sports
Mitigate any potential corrective cardiovascular conditions
identified in your students early, before problems arise
Supplement existing pre-participation physical evaluations with
extensive and comprehensive cardiovascular test regimen
Help save your students’ lives by identifying dangerous vascular
conditions and detecting unsuspected cardiac abnormalities that
can lead to sudden cardiac death!
Wimbledon Health Partners formed in 2013 to meet the need for
on-site diagnostic testing at physicians’ offices. The industry leader,
Wimbledon Health Partners provides physicians with state-of-theart, in-office testing to detect circulatory conditions and cardiac
abnormalities using vascular ultrasound and echocardiography.
Wimbledon Athletics, the newest division of Wimbledon Health
Partners, is pioneering the way for high schools, colleges,
universities, and sports facilities to test students for vascular
conditions and for unsuspected cardiac abnormalities to help
minimize sudden cardiac death among young athletes.