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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
LIMNOLOGY September 1971 VOLUME AND NUMBER OCEANOGRAPHY NITROGEN FIXATION THE WACCASASSA IN AN ESTUARINE ON THE FLORIDA XVI 5 ENVIRONMENT: GULF COAST1 Ralph H. Brooks, Jr.,” Patrick L. Brexonik, Hugh D. Putnam, and Michael A. Keirn Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville 32601 ABSTRACT Nitrogen fixation has been detected by the acetylene reduction method in the sediments of the Waccasassa estuary, a shallow embayment on the Florida Gulf Coast. Fixation rates in the range 1.6-15.0 ng C2H4/g sediment-hr were found within the top 2-5cm stratum of sediments. Expressed in terms of equivalent nitrogen fixed, the range was 0.64-6.0 ng N/g-hr. Much lower rates (0.03-0.40 ng GHa/g-hr) were found at greater depths in the sediment, and no fixation was observed in the flocculent unconsolidated l-2 cm at the sediment surface. All evidence indicates that the reduction of acetylene to ethylene is a biological phenomenon, directly related to the activity of nitrogen-fixing organisms in the sediments. Nitrogen-free media produced growths of Gram-positive spore-forming rods from sediments A pure culture similar to Clostridium sp. was isolated on nitrounder an Nz atmosphere. gen-free media from Waccasassa sediments and was shown capable of nitrogen fixation by the acetylene reduction method. INTRODUCTION The process of nitrogen fixation has significance for world geochemistry as well as for localized areas within the biosphere. Hutchinson (1944) noted that without this continuous supply fixed nitrogen levels would be dissipated within a period of several million years. Certainly nitrogen fixation may allow the continuation of organic production when fixed nitrogen supplies are depleted, as has been well established for aquatic environments. 1 Parts of this paper are from a Ph.D. thesis (University of Florida) by R.H.B. This research was supported by Federal Water Quality Administration research grants 16010DCK and 18050 DTK and training grant 5TOl-UI-01029-08. ‘Present address: Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 245 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 94106. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY Apparently blue-green algae are the dominant agents of such processes in aquatic environments (e.g., Dugdale et al. 1959, 1964; Dugdale and Dugdale 1962; Goering and Neess 1964; Goering et al. 1966). However, Brezonik and Harper (1969) have reported bacterial nitrogen fixation in the aphotic and anoxic zones of several lakes. Further studies by Keirn and Brezonik (1971) show NP fixation in lacustrine sediments from a variety of Florida and Guatemala lakes. Stewart (1968) reported nitrogen fixation at the thermocline of a Norwegian lake correlated with the presence of photosynthetic bacteria. In situ bacterial fixation of nitrogen has not previously been reported within oceanic or estuarine waters or sediments although both Axotobacter and NZ701 SEPTEMBER 1971, V. 16(5) 702 R. I-1. BROOKS, JR., I?. L. RREZONIK, fixing CZostridium have been isolated from the Black Sea (Pshenin 1959, 1963). A wide variety of anaerobic and facultative bacteria arc known to fix nitrogen in pure cultures. Many of these species are likely to be fo,und in organic sediments, for example Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ( Sisler and ZoBell 1951), methanogenic bacteria ( Pine and Barker 1954)) and various clostridia. In addition, methane-oxidizing bacteria (Pseudornonus) are known to fix nitrogen (Davis et al. 1964; Coty 1967) and may inhabit the sediment-water interface. One might reason that organic estuarine sediment is an unlikely habitat for nitrogen-fixing organisms since this environment is normally considered to be rich in the fixed nitrogen Howcvcr, nitrogen. measured by chemical analysis is not necessarily identical with the fraction that is biologically available. For example, sedimcnt ammonia may be sorbed onto clays and be essentially unavailable to microorganisms. Stewart ( 1969) has recently shown that algae will continue to fix nitrogen in the presence of modcrate concentrations of ammonia, although high ammonia lcvcls eventually repress synthcsis of the nitrogenase system. The fact that many bacteria are capable of nitrogen fixation is not proof that they actually fix nitrogen in any given environment but it dots suggest that this capability is useful for the growth and survival of these organisms in som,e environments. Stewart et al. (1967) first indicated the feasibility of using acetylene reduction as an index of nitrogen fixation in the field. The rate of ethylene production when molecular nitrogen is removed from a sample and purified acetylene is added is a measure of the rate of nitrogen fixation. The chief advantages of the method over the conventional 15N technique are simplicity an d sensitivity, with incubation times as short as 30 min, making the method cspecially adaptable for use in field surveys where rates may be low. The Waccasassa estuary, an unpolluted embayment on the Gulf Coast elf Florida (Fig. l), is a shallo,w, well-mixed bay with I-I. D. PUTNAM, AND M. A. KEIRN small planktonic and benthic populations. Putnam (1966) has shown that low nitrogen and phosphorus lcvcls limit primary production in the area. MATERIALS AND METHODS Nitrogen fixation was determined by an adaptation of the acetylene reduction method (Stewart et al. 1967) previously described by Brezonik and Harper (1969). Incubations were conducted in glass serum bottles (approximate capacity, 70 ml) fitted with rubber serum caps. Exact bottle volume was dctcrmincd by mass of water content. Purified grades of gases and high purity gas mixtures were obtained commercially (Mathcson Co.). All water samples were incubated under an artificial aerobic atmosphere coinsisting of 20% 02, 0.04% COZ, balance Ar. Raw water samples were incubated in situ; some water samples were concentrated 2O-fold by continuous centrifugation and were incubated in the laboratory (at about 2OC. under Sylvania daylight type fluorescent lighting). Sediment was incubated in the laboratory (in the dark at ca. 2OC) by adding 3040 ml of a sediment slurry to the serum bottle and purging either with the artificial aerobic atmosphere or with pure hclium to maintain anoxic conditions. The incubation bottles were purged with gas through a manifold of polyethylene tubing connected to a 22-gauge hypodermic needle that exte.nded to the bottom of the bottle, Gases were vented by a second needle positioned above the watersediment phase. After flushing with the appropriate gas phase, we too,k care to maintain atmospheric pressure through evacuations corresponding to the volume of gas (normally 5 cc of acetylene) added to the incubations. Incubations lasted for 0.54 hr. Reactions were terminated with trichloroacetic acid ( l-2 ml of 50% aqucous solution) or mercuric chloride (2-4 ml of saturated solution). To avoid possible leakage, serum caps were scaled with silicone grcasc. Ethylene was separated from acetylene NITROGEN FIXATION IN WACCASASSA 703 ESTUAnY WACCASASSA GULF OF SCALE IN KILOMETERS MEXICO ‘45’ FIG. 1. The Waccasassa estuary embayment and the ethylene produced was measured by gas chromatography. .A Varian-Acrograph model 600D gas chromatograph with hydrogen flame ionization detector was used with a 9 ft x l/s inch (2.7 m x 0.3 cm) Porapak T column, carrier gas (high purity nitrogen) flolw rate of 25 cc/min, and column temperature of 50C. Peaks were located by using purified gasles, and ethylene peak areas were calibrated by means of purified ethylene. Aqueous fixation is expressed as ng N and its location on the Gulf Coast of Florida. fixed/liter-hr; for sediments the rates arc in terms of ng N fixed/g sediment (dry wt basis) -hr. Controls were run with each cxperiment by adding TCA to samples before acctylcne addition. They were necessary because of rather wide variations of background ethylene in the acctylcnc. Ethylenc levels were especially high in new tanks and declined with use. To avoid complications arising from high backgrounds we found it necessary to waste the 704 1~. H. BROOKS, TABLE JR., P. L. BREZONIK, 1. Acetylene reduction rates in Waccasassa estuary water, 13 July 1968” Low tide Station? I II IIigh Surface Middle 13ottom 39 34 77 58 51 136 Surf ace Middle Bottom 53 41 - 84 107 184 tide + Results in ng ethylene/liter-lx; values are means of duplicate incubations. -1 Both stations located in the embayment in 1.5 m of water at low tide and about 2.1 m at high tide. first third of a tank. Some workers have reported abiological production of ethylenc in high organic soils when TCA is added, but we found no evidence for this in Waccasassa sediments. Control ethylene peaks were always low to undetectable when good acetylene was used. Areas of the control peaks were subtracted from the peak areas of the incubated samples to determine the rate of biological ethylenc production. RESULTS Low rates of ethylene production were found within the water column and sediments of the Waccasassa Estuary using in situ and laboratory incubations. Although acetylene reduction was consistently found within the bottom sediments, it was detected in embayment water samples only once. In a series of in situ incubations during July 1968, ethylene production was noted within the water column with highest activity near the botto,m (Table 1). Subscqucntly, in November 1968 and in May 1969, in situ incubations gave no evidence for acetylcnc reduction. In July and November 1968 and February 1969, solids in the estuary water were concentrated about 20-fold by continuous centrifugation to achieve a total Kjeldahl nitro*gen of about 0.23-0.37 mg N/incubation bottle; the concentrated water samples were exposed to acetylene during several laboratory incubations and no ethylene production could be detected. All of the water column stud- I-1. D. PUTNAM, AND M. A. KElRN its included high and low tide water and used 4-6-hr incubations, It is doubtful that the single occurrence of fixation in the water reflected a difference in the type od water present at that time. Salinity in the embayment varies between 17 and 24%0 at high tide and 12 and 21%0 at low tide. Except under unusual circumstances (e.g., hurricanes) seasonal salinity effects within the embayment are rather small. Effects arc of course more pronounced in the upper (pre-embayment) section of the estuary, where summer rains cause considerablc freshening of the river water; but this study was confined to the embayment, which by virtue of its size is much less affected by summer runolff. The range of 51-184 ng ethyIene/literhr found in July 1968 can be expressed in terms of equivalent nitrogen fixed if we assume the theoretical ratio of 1.5 moles of ethylene produced per mole of ammonia fixed. The reduction of acetylene to ethylene requires two electrons and the rcduction of Na to 2 NH3 requires six, so the rate of ethylene production should be 1.5 times the rate of ammonia production, assuming that electron transfer is the ratelimiting step. Using the acetylene reduction and 15N techniques, Stewart et al. (1968) measured ratios ranging from 1.41.8 for Aphanixomenon; Schollhorn and Burris (1967) repo,rted a value of 1.25 folr Axotobacter and Clostridium. Conversion of the data in Table 1 to equivalent nitrogen fixed (assuming a molar ratio of! 1.5) indicates a range of 16.9-61.3 ng N fixed/ liter-hr. Although analysis of seasonal aspects of sediment fixation was not our purpose, nitrogen fixation was found in the estuarine sediments on every sampling occasion throughout the year. An initial experiment with the sediment to determine the optimal length of incubmation showed that the rate of acetylene reduction was appro,ximately linear up to, 1 hr; with longer incubations, rates were lower and more variable ( Fig. 2). The mean for six sediment replicates incubated to assess the precision of the techniques was 11.5 ng NITROGEN FIXATlON IN WACCASASSA incubation FIG. 2. Effect of incubation Time time on the amount ethylene/g sediment&r, with a relative standard deviation of 3.6% (Table 2). Rates of cthylcnc production in cmbaymmt sediments for all olur determinations (over 60) ranged from an undetectable amount to 15.0 ng ethylene/g dry wt scdiment-hr. A distinct layering was found within a typical sediment core ( Fig. 3). In the flocculent, unconsolidated l-2 cm at the core surface, no acetylene reduction was found at any time. Significant rcduction rates were consistently noted in the next 2-5 cm of consollidated gray-black ooze, ranging from 1.615.0 ng CzH4/g sediment-hr. From 5-20 cm the typical 2. Results of replicate incubations Ethylene ng sediment 55.9 51.2 60.5 58.2 51.2 53.4 produced by estuary sediment. core consists of coarse organic material overlying the limcrock substratum; acetylcac reduction was always found in this zone, but the rates ( 0.03-0.40 ng C&14/g sediment-hr) were low compared with those in the upper portions of the core. An arcal survey elf the embayment indicated that acctylcne reductioa is a consistent phcnomcnon in the upper scdimcnts. Duplicate cores were taken at 8 Ethylene Production: nannograms 2.5”” (g dry wt 1.’ hr -’ None detectable 1.62 - 15.0 produced rig/g sediment t 5-20 cm 4.827 4.631 4.971 4.961 4.582 4.760 (Hours) of ethylene 0.2 TABLE 705 ESTUARY 11.6 11.1 12.2 11.7 11.2 11.3 Mean = 11.5 s* = 0.17 s = 0.41 L FIG. 3. Section of sediment core illustrating variation of acetylene reduction with depth. Range of ethylene production represents a minimum of six determinations in each layer. 706 R. H. RROOKS, JR., P. L. UREZONIK, Distribution of acetylene reduction FIG. 4. within sediments of the Waccasassa embayment. Data from 2-5cm segments of duplicate cores at 8 stations. Station II was in a mudflat. stations, the upper 2-s-cm portion of each was blended to obtain a homolgcneous sample, and acetylene reduction rates were determined ( Fig. 4). The range was from 4.9-15.0 ng ethylene/g sediment-hr, but most of the values were near the mean rate of 9.2. Expressed in terms of the equivalent amount of nitrogen fixed (assuming the theoretical ratio of 1.5 moles C&I* produccd per mole NH3 fixed), the results indicate a mean and range of 3.07 and 1.65.0 ng N/g dry wt-hr. Several experiments were undertaken to evaluate the environmental conditions for fixation in sediments and to define the agents of fixation. The effect of a nitrogen-fret oxygen atmosphere vs. an anoxic ( helium) environment was studied in one experiment; in all but oae of five samples, the rate of ethylene production was higher II. D. PUTNAM, AND M. A. KEIRN under a helium atmosphere, but the differences were not so great as would be expected if strict anaerobes were the fixing agents. Probably the organic sediments cxerted a sufficient o,xygen demand to maintain anoxic microzones in the samples oven in an oxygen atmosphere. Exposure of incubating samples to light decreased the acetylene reduction activity; the me,an rate of cthylcne production in five replicates incubated in the light was only a third of the mean value for those incubated in the dark. The reasons for this cannot be fully explained; howcvcr, it is well known that the activities of solme microorganisms can be inhibited by visible radiation. Since the agents of ethylene production (hence nitrogen fixation) in the sediments arc presumably anaerobic or facultative bacteria, the addition of easily assimilable carbonaceous substrate to sediment samples should enhance their activity. Scvcral experiments have given somewhat conflicting results in this regard. In an early experiment acctatc gave apparent stimulation of acetylene reduction at concentrations of 0.02 and 0.2 M but glucose gave no response. However no acetate stimulation was found in three later experiments in the range 10m4to 10-l M; in fact 10-l M acetate and butyrate actually inhibited fixation by about 30%. No evidence for glucose stimulation o’r inhibition was found in any of the four enrichment experiments in the concentration range 10m4to 10-l M, but sucrose gave definite stimulation (SO100% incrcascs over controls) in each of the three experiments in which it was added. Similar responses to added organic substrate have been found for freshwater lake sediments by K&n and Brezonik (1971). Experiments evaluating the impact of inhibitors on acetylene reduction showed it was completely inhibited in 30-40 ml of scdimcnt slurries by 1 ml of 50% trichloroacetic acid or 3 ml of saturated mercuric chloride solution. Acetylene is a competitive inhibitor of Na (Schollhorn and Burris 1967), so the convcrsc should be true, i.e., NITROGEN FIXATION IN WACCASASSA 707 ESTUARY 11 I31 I [Substrate] -’ Classical Lineweaver-Burk plot for [S] is substrate (reactant) competitive inhibition. concentration; v is the rate of the enzyme catalyzed reaction, and I represents an enzyme inhibitor with concentration I2 greater than 11. FIG. 5. added molecular nitrogen should reduce the rate of acetylene reduction according to the competitive enzyme inhibition pattern (see Mahler and Cordes 1966). Thus a reciprocal (Linoweavcr-Burk) plo,t of reaction velocity (ethylene production rate) vs. substrate (acetylene) concentration should be linear, and added inhibitor (m.olecular nitrogen) should give the classical competitive inhibition plot ( Fig, 5). To verify this for Waccasassa sediments, two sets of samples were set up, One series was exposed to various concentrations of acetylene in a helium (nitrogen-free) atmosphere; in another series, samples elf the same sediment were exposed to various FIG. 6. Ethylene production vs. acetylene concentration for Waccasassa sediment. Samples were incubated for 1 hr; 30 ml of sediment slurry was in each 70-ml serum bottle. Helium atmosphere = 0; N2 atmosphere = q . It [S] kdbottle)” plot of data from 7. Lineweaver-Burk Fig. 6 showing competitive inhibition of ethylene production by Na in Waccasassa sediment. Helium atmosphere = 0; N2 atmosphere = 0. FIG. acetylene concentrations in a 70% Ng-30% CO2 atmosphere. A plot of ethylene production rate vs. acetylene concentration for the two series ( Fig. 6) indicates typical cnzymc or saturation kinetics given by the Michaelis-Mcnten model, A Lineweaver-Burk plot of the data (Fig,. 7) shows the classical competitive inhibition pattern. The maximum velocity (V,,,) as obtained from the y-intercept of the Linewcavcr-Burk plot is approximately the same for both curves, implying that high concentrations of acetylene negate the inhibitory effect of Nz. The organisms most likely to be responsible folr biological nitrogen fixation in the anoxic etsuarine scdimcnts are anaerobic bacteria of the genus Clostridium. An enrichment and isolation procedure for such organisms was used on the Waccasassa sediments. A sample from the 2S-cm depth was heated at 80C for 10 min to destroy vegetative forms and then inoculated into a nitrogen-free salt medium containing 4 g/liter of one of the follolwing carbon sources : acetate, maltose, mannitol, sorbitol, or sucrose. All except acetate have been reported as fcrmentablc carbon sources for Clostridium pasteurhum. After incubation at room temperature ( 222%) under a pure nitrogen atmosphere 708 R. 1-I. BROOKS, JR., P. L. BREZONIK, for 3 days, growth was apparent (by increased turbidity and gas production) in all media except that containing acetate. Most rapid growth occurred initially with mannitol, but in subsequent transfers sorbitol gave the quickest response. A test fo’r acetylene reduction activity in the mannito1 culture gave positive results. Gram stains showed an abundance of Grampositive rods, many showing subterminal swellings characteristic of developing spores, accompanied by a few Gram-variable coccoid forms. The enrichment cultures were incubated 5 more days to prolmotc sporulation, then heated to 80C for 10 min and transferred to basal salts media containing so’rbitol. Transfers were incubated under an NZ atmosphere at room temperature for 48 hr, and another .transfer was made to similar media. Following incubatioa for 5 days, a third transfer was made. Micro-Kjcldahl analysis of each batch of fresh media showed no detectable ammonia or organicN. A test for acetylene reduction on the eight bo,ttlcs ( duplicates of the four original carbon sources showing growth) frosm the third transfer gave positive results for three bottles. Streak plates were made onto the nitrogen-free basal salts medium plus sorbitol in 2% agar from the incubated material of the third transfer, and the plates were incubated for 72 hr in an anoxic jar (Nz atmosphere). Colonies on the plates were all similar and not colored. Ten colon& of Gram-positive rods were picked from plates streaked with m,cdia from bo,ttlcs that had exhibited acetylene reduction and transferred to, basal salts plus sorbitol. Each isolate was grown under both aerobic and anaerobic (Nz atmosphcrc) conditions. Four co,lonics grew only anacrobically; the remainder grew under both conditions. The latter were tcstcd for acetylene reduction and gave negative results. The four obligate anaerobic isolates were also tested for acetylene reduction; three showed positive rates. The final isolates have the charactcristics of a Clostridium culture: Gram-posi- II. D. PUTNAM, AND M. A. KEIRN tive, strictly anaerobic, large rods that ferment sugars and can fix molecular nitrogen. Further physiolo,gical tests would of course bc necessary to ,cstablish the specific identity of the cultures. Since the taxonomy of marine and estuarine anacrobcs is not highly developed, to place the cultures in a particular genus would bc questionable. Nonetheless, the work has demonstrated that “clostridia-like” nitrogen-fixing bacteria arc present in Waccasassa estuary scdimcnts. The data do not exclude the possibility that other nitrogen-fixing forms are present since the isolation method used was selective for these bacteria. DISCUSSION Evidence for low rates of bacterial nitrogen fixation has been found in the Waccasassa embayment by the acctylcne reduction technique. With incubations of 1 hr or less the prccisioa of the test was very good, with a relative standard deviation of about 4%. The decrease in activity with incubation times longer than 1 hr may be rclatcd to bottle effects or to the imposed atmospheric changes inherent in the proccdurc. Evidence for nitro’gcn fixation has been confined chiefly to the sediments, with highest rates found within the top 2-5 cm. Expressed in terms of ammonia nitrogen fixed, rates in this zone ranged from 1.65.0 ng N/g sediment-hr. Acetylene reduction activity has never been found within the aerobic interfacial zone. It was found only once within the well-oxygenated water column, suggesting the possible occurrence of bacterial populatioas within the microienvironment of resuspended scdimerits; the distribution with depth in the water column and the Eailurc to dctcct acetylene reduction under olthcr conditions would support such a relationship. We have sufficient evidence to conclude with reasonable assurance that the acctylene reduction activity in the sediments is directly related to nitrogen-fixing organisms. All lines of evidence point to NITROGEN FIXATION IN ethylene production as a bio,logical phenomenon; bolth trichloroacctic acid and mercuric chloride complctcly inhibit acetylenc reduction, Added organic substrate increased the rate of ethylene proiduction. The fact that Nz acts as a competitive inhibitor of acctylcnc reduction strongly suggests that ethylene is prolduced by nitrogenase. It should be noted that Burris (1969) doubts his carlicr conclusion (Schiillhorn and Burris 1967) that acetylcnc is a competitive inhibitor and now thinks it to bc noncompetitive [in which the rcciprocal lines (Figs. 5 and 7) intersect to1 the left of the ordinate]. Differentiation bctwecn these two casts is not always simplc, especially when the intersection point is very near the ordinate. The data in Fig. 7 are not sufficient to, rule this possibility out, but this does not negate their significance in supporting a bio’logical mechanism for acetylene reduction, in the sediments. Nitrogen-free media produced growths of Gram-positive spore-forming rods frolm sediments under an atmosphere of pure nitrogen. A pure culture similar to Clostridium sp. was isodated from the scdimcnt and shown capable of nitrogen fixation by acctylcnc reduction. A rough estimate of the total amount of nitrogen fixed in the 2-5-cm layer of scdimcnts in the Waccasassa can be obtained from the data presented in Fig. 4. Assuming that the mean value of 3.07 ng N fixed/g scdimcnt-hr is a reasonable estimate o,f the nitrogen fixatio,n rate in this stratum of scdimcnt throughout the estuary, the amount of nitrogen fixed on an annual basis is 37 rug N/cm2-yr or for the entire 7-km2 estuary, 2.6 X 10” kg N/yr. Thcsc values are based on an avcragc sediment dry weight of 0.455 g/cm3 in the 2-5-cm zone. These extrapo,lated valucs arc obviously rather crude, but they serve to illustrate the point that the scemingly low rates found in the sediments in fact rcprcscnt significant amounts of nitrogen fixed on an annual basis, Because sediments are normally thought to be cnrichcd in nutrients, we wcrc somcwhat surprised at our initial results indi- WACCASASSA ESTUARY 709 eating nitrolgen fixation in Waccasassa estuary sediments. Free ammonia was dctermined on sediments from 14 widely scattered stations in the estuary (Brooks 1969); a range of 0.01-0.37 and mean of 0.06 mg NH3-N/g sediment was found. Not all this ammonia would necessarily be available to microorganisms; much or perhaps all of it could be loosely sorbed to solid material in the sediment. Some evidence that this occurs was reported by Broloks ( 1969)) who found that this sedimcnt contains 3-5% clay mineral and tends to sorb ammonia rapidly from solution. Algal fixation of nitrolgen has been known to occur in natural waters for a long time (c.g., Hutchinson 1941; Stowart 1965; Stewart ,et al. 1967). Presence of bacteria capable of fixing N2 in aquatic environments has also1 been kno’wn for some time (e.g., Pshenin 1959, 1963). However the latter studies reported only laboratory isolations and gave no evidence for in situ fixation. Evidence for in situ nitrogen fixation in lake waters by heterotrophic and photosynthlctic bacteria has been recently reported (Brezonik and Harper 1969; Stewart 1968). The prcscnt report cxtcnds the rcportcd occurrence of nitrogen fixation in nature to the scdiments underlying natural waters. However, the phenomenon is probably not important as a nitrogen source to the overlying waters because of the low rates found and the locatio,n of activity in compacted scdimcnts. REFERENCES BREZONIK, P. L., AND C. L. HARPER. 1969. Nitrogen fixation in some anoxic lacustrine cnvironmcnts. Science 164: 1277-1279. BROOKS, R. II., JR. 1969. In situ nitrogen dynamics within an estuarine embayment. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. l?lorida, Gainesville. 229 p. BURRIS, R. H. 1969. Progress in the biochemistry of nitrogen fixation. Proc. Roy. Sot. London Ser. B 172: 339-354. COTY, v. I?. 1967. Atmospheric nitrogen fixation by hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria. Biotech. Biocng. 9: 25-32. DAVIS, J. I)., v. F. 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