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Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:___________ Class:______
Study Guide: The Civil War and Reconstruction
Part A: Important Terms: Instructions: For each term below, on a separate sheet of paper, write at least one
sentence explaining why that term is significant for one to understand the eras of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
1. South Carolina
21. William Sherman
2. Abraham Lincoln
22. The Emancipation Proclamation
3. Abolitionism
23. John Wilkes Booth
4. Jefferson Davis
24. The 13th Amendment
5. Thomas Jackson
25. The 14th Amendment
6. Robert E. Lee
26. The 15th Amendment
7. Great Britain
27. Reconstruction
8. Ulysses S. Grant
28. The Freedmen’s Bureau
9. The Mississippi River
29. The 10% Plan
10. Richmond, VA
30. Charles Sumner
11. George McClellan
31. Radical Republicans
12. Border States
32. Andrew Johnson
13. Battle of Gettysburg
33. Edwin Stanton
14. Battle of Fredericksburg
34. Samuel Tilden
15. Battle of Chancellorsville
35. Rutherford B. Hayes
16. Agrarian
36. 5 Military Districts
17. Industrial
37. Racism
18. Battle of Vicksburg
38. Carpetbaggers
19. Harriet Beecher Stowe
39. Hiram Revels
20. Appomattox
40. Sharecropping
Part B: Open Response: Instructions: Write an answer to the questions below. Use this section to study for the
essay portion of the test. Use the back if you need more room to answer the question.
1. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg such a decisive segment of the Civil War?
2. What were the goals of the Anaconda Plan? Be specific!
3. What was the Compromise of 1877? What role did Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden have in this
compromise? How did this compromise impact the lives of African Americans?
Study Guide: The Civil War and Reconstruction
Part A: Important Terms: Instructions: For each term below, on a separate sheet of paper, write at least one
sentence explaining why that term is significant for one to understand the eras of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
1. South Carolina: This was the first state to
21. William Sherman: This Union general
leave the Union during the Civil War.
unleashed a drastic strategy by burning down
2. Abraham Lincoln: He was president during the
various areas, including Atlanta, to force the
Civil War.
South to surrender.
3. Abolitionism: This was the movement to end
22. The Emancipation Proclamation: This was a
statement from Lincoln that all slaves in the
4. Jefferson Davis: He was the president of the
South were set free.
23. John Wilkes Booth: He assassinated
Confederate States of America.
5. Thomas Jackson: He was a vital general for
Abraham Lincoln.
24. The 13th Amendment: This amendment ended
the Confederacy.
6. Robert E. Lee: He was a vital general for the
25. The 14th Amendment: This amendment stated
7. Great Britain: Many felt Great Britain might join
all citizens, regardless of race, had equal legal
the South in the Civil War; yet, they did not.
8. Ulysses S. Grant: He was a pivotal leader in
26. The 15th Amendment: This amendment said
the Civil War for the North and took Vicksburg.
all males citizens had the right to vote
He also served as president during
regardless of race.
27. Reconstruction: This is the era from 1865reconstruction.
9. The Mississippi River: This was a strategic
1877 in which the USA attempted to reconstruct
body of water that the North took over in the
the South politically, socially, and physically.
28. The Freedmen’s Bureau: This was a social
Civil War.
10. Richmond, VA: This was the capital of the
program created for the former slaves.
29. The 10% Plan: This was Lincoln’s plan that
11. George McClellan: He served as a Northern
stated when any state had 10% of their citizens
general in the Civil War; yet, Lincoln fired him
pledge loyalty to the Union, they could be a
for his passivity.
state again.
12. Border States: These were states in between
30. Charles Sumner: He was a leader for the
the North and South that did not join the
Radical Republicans during Reconstruction.
31. Radical Republicans: This group on
13. Battle of Gettysburg: This was a famous
Congressmen wanted to deal drastically with
battle in the Civil War and was the location of
the South and use legislation to protect the
an attempted Southern invasion.
rights of the former slaves.
14. Battle of Fredericksburg: This battle was a
32. Andrew Johnson: He was Lincoln’s vicevictory for the South and Robert E. Lee.
president and became president when Lincoln
15. Battle of Chancellorsville: This battle was a
33. Edwin Stanton: This man was the Secretary of
victory for the South.
16. Agrarian: This is a type of economy chiefly
War for Andrew Johnson. When Johnson fired
built on growing crops.
him, the House impeached the President.
17. Industrial: This is a type of economy chiefly
34. Samuel Tilden: This Democrat won the
built on industry, factory production, and the
Popular Vote in the Election of 1876.
35. Rutherford B. Hayes: This Republican won the
18. Battle of Vicksburg: This battle was a crucial
Electoral College Vote in the election of 1876.
36. 5 Military Districts: These were five zones of
win for the North and helped them to gain the
Mississippi River.
military occupation that remained in the South
19. Harriet Beecher Stowe: She wrote Uncle
by the North after the Civil War.
37. Racism: This is the evil belief that some races
Tom’s Cabin, which depicted the evils of
are superior to others.
20. Appomattox: The South surrendered in this
38. Carpetbaggers: These people moved to the
city and lost the Civil War.
South to assist with Reconstruction efforts.
Many viewed them in a negative light.
39. Hiram Revels: He was the first African
American to serve as a Senator.
40. Sharecropping: This was a system in which
farmers rented land to farm on and did not own
the land they used.
Part B: Open Response: Instructions: Write an answer to the questions below. Use this section to study for the
essay portion of the test. Use the back if you need more room to answer the question.
1. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg such a decisive segment of the Civil War?
Robert E. Lee invaded the Union because his supplies were low. This was a change from a primarily
defensive strategy to an aggressive offensive strategy. Lee radically needed supplies and the Anaconda
Plan was blocking his supplies. Invading the North was a desperate attempt to gather supplies to
continue the war. The South eventually had to retreat. This was a decisive moment in the Civil War. This
moment showed the South could not invade the North successfully.
2. What were the goals of the Anaconda Plan? Be specific!
The North had three goals to accomplish to end the conflict. FIRST, the North wanted to blockade
Southern ports to deprive the South of outside goods and profitable trade. SECOND, the Union
wanted to control the Mississippi River to “split the South” and control the trade and travel of the
body of water. THIRD, the North wanted to capture Richmond, VA, which was the capital of the
Confederate States of America.
3. What was the Compromise of 1877? What role did Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden have in this
compromise? How did this compromise impact the lives of African Americans?
In the election of 1876, Samuel Tilden, a Southern Democrat, won the Popular Vote. Yet,
Rutherford B. Hayes, a Northern Republican, won the Electoral College vote. Southern
Democrats agreed to accept Hayes without opposition, if the Northern Federal troops were
evacuated from the South. This was called the Compromise of 1877. Without the 5 military zones,
there would be no real way to enforce a Reconstruction plan to protect the rights of the former
slaves. Reconstruction ended and the African Americans of the South were abandoned by the