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Study Guide for Unit Test #4 (Part 1)
1) What were the three main provisions of the Missouri Compromise? Why was
it significant? (See the visual in 9.2)
2) What was the Underground Railroad? Who was its most famous
3) What is popular sovereignty? Who was one of its main supporters? (Hint: he
wrote it in as part of the Kansas-Nebraska Act)
4) What were the three main provisions of the Compromise of 1850? There
were five total, but I told you in class that you only needed to know three.
Why was it significant? What section of the country felt they got shortchanged on it? (See the visual in 9.3)
5) Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? How did Southerners perceive it? What
affect did it have on the abolition movement in the North?
6) What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? How would the status of slavery be
determined in the new territories? What was the most immediate effect of
the act? (See the visual in 9.3)
7) What was the Dred Scott Decision? Who was the Supreme Court Chief Justice
who gave the ruling in the case? What previous act of Congress did it say was
unconstitutional all along? Who said that the dehumanizing effect of this
ruling would be what it takes to bring down the whole system of slavery?
8) What was the goal of John Brown’s Raid? Even though it was unsuccessful,
why was it still significant, and why is it a catalyst for The Civil War?
9) Who was elected president in 1860? What party did he represent? What did
his election to lead to? Why?
10)Who was president of the Confederate States of America?
11) What did Lincoln think of secession? What was his main goal at the
beginning of the Civil War?
12)What was the first state to leave the Union?
13)What were border states?
14)What were the North’s advantages and disadvantages at the outbreak of war?
15)What were the South’s advantages and disadvantages at the outbreak of war?
16)What were the three parts of the Union’s Anaconda Plan?
17)What was the significance of the first battle of Bull Run?
18)What was the significance of the battle of Shiloh?
19)What was the significance of the battle of Antietam?
20)Why did Lincoln wait until after Antietam to issue the Emancipation
Proclamation? What specifically did the proclamation do? In a broader
sense what was its effect?
21)What was the significance of the battle of Chancellorsville?
22)What was the significance of the battle of Gettysburg? Know the Gettysburg
23)What was the significance of the battle of Vicksburg?
24)Why are these two battles often linked together?
25)What is total war? How was it practiced by Sherman in the South?
26)Where did Lee surrender to Grant in April of 1865 to end the fighting of the
Civil War?
*If you were absent for part or all of Glory, you need to speak to me before the
test because there will be 5 questions from the movie on the test.
*Part 2 on Reconstruction Below
Part 2
1) What does period does Reconstruction refer to? What were its three main
2) What legacy does Reconstruction leave us with?
3) What important amendments were passed during Reconstruction? What
does each one say?
4) How does Lincoln’s assassination change Reconstruction?
5) What makes Andrew Johnson a misfit for the presidency?
6) What measures, regulations, and laws did Congress pass in an effort to avoid
a Confederate resurgence?
7) What did Johnson do to be impeached by the House of Representatives?
8) What is tenant farming? What is sharecropping? What did it often lead to?
9) In what ways did Southern whites look to block former slaves from their
newly found political power and rights?
10)What was the importance of Plessy vs. Ferguson?