Download Why was napoleon a hero to The french people? What actions did

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Unit 2 : The French Revolution
What will we learn today?
10.2.2 List the principles of the French
Declaration of the Rights of Man and
the Citizen (1789).
10.2.4 Explain how the ideology of
the French Revolution led France to
develop from constitutional
monarchy to democratic despotism to
the Napoleonic empire Europe.
Warm up 9
Why was napoleon a hero to
The french people?
What actions did Napoleon
take that made him A
1. Explain Napoleon’s tactical and
political mistakes
2. Summarize Napoleon’s defeat,
comeback, and final downfall.
• What were the major
mistakes that Napoleon made
during his quest to conquer
• Napoleon’s conquests aroused
nationalistic feelings across
Europe and contributed to his
Check for Understanding
• Which leader was inspired by the ideas of the American
Revolution and the Enlightenment to lead the liberation
of much of South America from Spain? (Hint George
Washington of South America)
Check for Understanding
• What was the name of the social and political system
that divided France?
• Who were the bourgeoisie?
• What was the first popular protest in France at the start
of the Revolution?
Check for Understanding
• What was one factor that enabled
Napoleon to seize control of France?
• A military seizure of political power in a
nation is called?
• What was the Napoleonic Code?
Bonaparte Crossing the Alps
Napoleon Crossing the Alps
Crossing the Alps - Propaganda
• Worried about what would
happen to his empire after his
• Feared it would fall apart
unless he had an heir
• Josephine failed to bear him a
• Divorced her and married Marie
Louise of Austria (grandniece
of Marie Antoinette)
• 1811 Napoleon II was born
• Personality proved to be the
greatest danger to the future
of the empire
• Desire for power led him to
great heights and the same
love of power led him to his
• His efforts to expand the
French Empire and crush
Great Britain, Napoleon made
three disastrous mistakes
Napoleon Needs to
Learn Modesty
• Why did Napoleon divorce Josephine?
She did not produce an heir
What was Napoleon’s greatest weakness?
His selfish desire for power
Three Costly Mistakes
1. The Continental System
2. The Peninsular War
3. Invasion of Russia
The Continental System
Napoleon wanted to stop all trade and communication between Great
Britain and other European nations.
Napoleon imposes a blockade on Great Britain. Blockade: a forcible
closing of ports by the navy.
Napoleon claims this will make the European economy stronger.
• Blockade not tight enough to
keep smugglers from bringing
British cargo into Europe
• Family members and Allies
disregarded the blockade
• Britain responded with their
own blockade which was much
stronger and successful
Epic Fail
The Peninsular War
Portugal was ignoring
the Continental System
Napoleon sent troops
through Spain to invade
Spanish towns rioted in
Napoleon throws out the
Spanish King and makes
his brother Joseph the
new king.
• Spanish worried
Napoleon would weaken
the church
• Guerrillas (peasant
fighters) struck out
against French for 6
• Napoleon couldn‘t defeat
the Guerrillas in open
• small groups ambushed
troops and fled into
• British aided the
The Third of May 1808
Francisco Goya
• Napoleon lost about 300,000 men
which weakened the French Empire
• In Spain and other countries,
Nationalism was becoming a weapon
against Napoleon.
• Nationalism: the belief that people
should be loyal to their nation.
• People who first welcomed the French
as their liberators now felt abused by a
foreign conquer
• Spanish guerillas, Germans, and
Italians turned against the French
• Most disastrous mistake (1812)
• Alexander I, Russian Czar, refused to stop selling grain to
• Both were competing for the take over of Poland
• Napoleon felt a breakdown between their alliance and
invades Russia with 422,000 troops.
• As Napoleon’s troops advanced Alexander pulled back
refusing to be lured into an unequal battle
• Russians practiced scorched earth policy-burning grain
fields and slaughtering livestock to leave nothing for the
enemy to eat
The Invasion of Russia
• Napoleon marched into Moscow to find it burning up in flames
• Alexander destroyed Russia’s “holy city” instead of surrendering it to
the French
• Once Napoleon wanted to turn back to France, the weather was cold
and harsh
• Russian raiders mercilessly attacked the retreating and very tired
French army
• Many soldiers were killed in battle, died of their wounds, exhaustion,
hunger, and cold
• Only 10,000 French soldiers were left to fight
Why did Napoleon want to blockade
He was bitter about losing a war
against them.
How did Britain respond to the French
They started their own, more
successful blockade against
Why were the Spanish people upset with
They didn’t like how he made his
brother king. They also feared he
would hurt the Catholic church.
What was the Peninsular War?
A conflict between Spanish rebels
(guerrillas) and Napoleon’s troops.
What was Napoleon’s biggest mistake?
Invading Russia
What did the Russians do to Moscow?
They burnt it before Napoleon
could get to it.
Approximately how many of Napoleon’s
troops died in Russia?
Napoleon's retreat from MoscowNorthen
In 1812-Pryanishnikov
Check for Understanding
What is the scorched earth policy?
Check for Understanding
What is Nationalism?
• France’s
enemies take
full advantage
of his weakened
• Austria declares
war despite his
marriage to
Marie Louise
Allies form
the Fourth
Napoleon Suffers Defeat
• Frederick William
III of Prussia and
Alexander I of
Russia paraded
their troops into
the French capital
• Napoleon wanted
to fight on but his
generals refused
Napoleon Suffers Defeat
•Napoleon raises
another army in
only a few
and untrained
=quickly defeated
•1814 Napoleon
• April 1814,
Napoleon accepts
the terms of
surrender and gave
up his throne
• Napoleon was
given a small
pension (money)
and was exiled
(banished) to Elba,
a tiny island of the
coast of Italy
• Louis XVIII assumes throneunpopular
• Peasants suspected him of
wanting to undo the Revolution’s
reforms and this was incentive for
Napoleon to try and regain power
• Napoleon escaped from Elba on
March 1, 1815
• Joyous crowds welcomed him on
his march to Paris
• Thousands joined the army and
within days, Napoleon was again
the Emperor of France
• Allies quickly joined forces and prepared for battle near
Waterloo, Belgium
• Napoleon attacked but was overpowered by the Allied
• Hundred days-Napoleon’s last bid for power
Battle of Waterloo, Battle of WatBattle of Waterloo - Sadler
When the other countries see Napoleon is
weak, what do they do?
They attack him like a panther
would to a wounded cat!
Where is Napoleon sent when he surrenders?
The island of Elba
What was the Hundred Days?
Napoleon’s attempt at a
• Napoleon was shipped to St. Helena, remote island off the
South Atlantic
• Lived lonely in exile for six years and died in 1821 with
stomach problems
St. Helena
St. Helena
St. Helena
Les Invalides, Musée de l'Armée
• Military genius
• Brilliant
• Victories and
achievements must
be measured
against the millions
of lives that were
lost in the wars
What was the final battle that Napoleon led?
The Battle of Waterloo
Where did Napoleon finally live out his final
The Battle of Waterloo
What was Napoleon’s downfall?
His thirst for power
• “He was as great as a man can be
without virtue.”-Alexis de Tocqueville
What were the major mistakes that
Napoleon made during his quest to
conquer Europe?
A National Hero
Design a commemorative plaque on Pic Collage for
Napoleon Bonaparte describing him as a National
Hero. Convince people Napoleon is a Hero.
(Your own general statement) EX: All of France should
recognize the great accomplishments of Napoleon,
a hero to us all.
 Then list 4 reasons positive accomplishments
of Napoleon
Write a 5 sentence paragraph when you upload your
collage that explains why you think Napoleon is a
Save your pic collage and upload to:
Create a “Wanted Poster” on Pic Collage for
Napoleon Bonaparte. Describe him as a villain.
Convince people Napoleon is an evil
(Your own “wanted” statement) EX: Be on the look
out for the ruthless, devious, dictator. Napoleon
is wanted for:
 Then list at least 4 reasons why
Napoleon is wanted
Write a 5 sentence paragraph when you upload
your collage that explains why you think
Napoleon is a villain.
Save your pic collage and upload to:
• 1. The king of France at the beginning of the French Revolution.
• 2. A device used for executions during the Reign of Terror.
• 3. The meeting in which the 3 estates would meet to vote on a
new tax.
• 4. The military genius who led the French Army and then seized
political power in France.
• 5. The person in charge of France during The Reign of Terror.
• 6. A forced seizure of political power.
• 7. A military strategy in which resources like food/land are
• 8. The last battle Napoleon fought.
• 9. A coalition between Russia, Austria, and Persia.
• 10. The system of laws created by Napoleon.