Download Chapter 3, Section 1, “Minerals” 1) All 4000 on Earth share four

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Chapter 3, Section 1, “Minerals”
1) All 4000 ____________________ on Earth share four specific characteristics.
A) Minerals are ___________________ occurring, that means formed by
processes on or inside Earth with no input from humans. For example, ______
formed by the natural evaporation of seawater is the mineral ____________,
but if it is formed in a lab it is not a mineral.
B) Minerals are _________________ __________, not made by life processes.
If you remember, the term ‘organic’ refers to a group of chemical compounds
containing carbon that were derived from plants or animals. Minerals are not
organic. Example: sugar is NOT a mineral because it is made by plants.
C) Minerals are elements or compounds with a definite chemical ____________.
D) Minerals have an orderly arrangement of _______________ and all minerals
are ____________________ solids.
2) Only a ____________ can be a mineral, but not all _____________ are minerals.
3) The term _________________ means a solid with atoms arranged in orderly,
repeating patterns that repeat over and over.
4) A _______________________ is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in
orderly, repeating patterns.
5) A crystals shape depends on how its __________________ are arranged.
6) Crystal shapes can be organized into groups known as _____________________.
7) The basic crystal systems are: (fill in examples for all of them!)
Salt or
hexagonal tetragonal orthorhombic monoclinic triclinic
8) Some crystals form from cooling _______________, hot melted rock below the
Earth’s surface. We call these types of rocks/minerals ‘INtrusive’. They cool
slower because they aren’t exposed to wind, rain, or other environmental factors.
9) Some crystals form from cooling _______________, hot melted rock ABOVE
the Earth’s surface. We call these types of rocks/minerals ‘EXtrusive’. They
cool faster because they are exposed to wind, rain, and other environmental
10) When magma cools ________________, the atoms have time to rearrange and
the crystals are large.
11) When magma cools _________________, the atoms don’t have much time to
rearrange so the crystals are small.
12) Crystals can form from ____________________ as the water evaporates or
they can form if too much of a substance is dissolved in the water.
13) Crystals formed as water evaporates are called ______________________.
14) 98% of the Earth’s crust is made up of only _______________ elements.
15) Silicates are minerals that contain _________________, oxygen, and one or
more other elements; they include most common rock-forming minerals.
16) Silicon and oxygen are the two most __________________ elements in Earth’s
crust; they form the building blocks of many minerals.
17) Most minerals are composed of ________________ and _________________
combined with other elements.
Chapter 3, Section 2,
“Mineral Identification”
___________________ and ___________________ are not enough to
distinguish most minerals.
2) The minerals pyrite and gold are both gold colored and may appear similar.
Pyrite is often called __________________ __________________.
3) _________________ is a measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched,
the _____________________________ compares mineral hardness.
4) The Mohs Scale lists the hardness of __________________ minerals.
5) ___________, the softest mineral, has a hardness of one, and ___________,
the hardest mineral, has a hardness value of ten on the Mohs Scale.
6) The way a mineral reflects __________________ is its luster, it can be
__________________ or __________________.
8) Nonmetallic lusters include dull, pearly, ____________and ______________.
9) Some minerals with glassy lusters are quartz, calcite, ________ and _______.
10) Specific _______________is the ratio of a mineral’s weight to the weight of
an equal volume of ________________ expressed as a ________________.
11) Gold’s specific gravity is 19, pyrite’s specific gravity is 5. Gold is 19 times
heavier than ___________, pyrite is ___________ times heavier than water.
12) __________________ is the color of a mineral in powdered form, but the
streak test is useful only for minerals _____________than the streak plate.
13) Gold and pyrite can be distinguished by a __________________ test. Gold
has a _______________ streak and pyrite has a _______________ streak.
14) The way a mineral ________________can be a distinguishing characteristic.
15) Minerals with ______________________ break along smooth, flat surfaces.
16) Cleavage and hardness are determined by the arrangement of a mineral’s _____.
17) Weak or fewer bonds within the structures of ______________ and
_____________ allow them to be broken along smooth, flat, cleavage planes.
18) Minerals with _____________ break with uneven, rough, or jagged surfaces.
19) Quartz is a mineral with ______________________ .
20) Some minerals have properties that involve _______________ or magnetism.
21) _____________ and ______________ will pick up iron filings like a magnet.
22) Calcite causes light to split in two, causing you to see a __________________
image when looking through a transparent specimen.
23) Calcite also fizzes when _______________________ (HCL) is dropped on it.
Chapter 3, Section 3, “Uses of Minerals”
________________ are rare and beautiful minerals that are highly prized.
2) _______________________ is a gemstone of quartz that has a purple color.
3) The __________________ diamond and the ________________ diamonds
are famous historical gems.
4) The ______________diamond was the largest uncut diamond ever discovered.
5) The __________________ diamond gained a reputation for bringing bad luck.
6) Gems have ______________ applications in abrasives, lasers, and electronics.
7) Diamonds have a hardness of ten on the Mohs Scale so they are very useful as
industrial ______________________ or ______________________ tools.
8) Rubies can be used to produce specific types of _________________ light.
9) Quartz crystals are used in _______________ and as _________________.
10) Most industrial diamonds and other gems are ____________________, which
means they are made by humans.
11) Minerals can contain other useful ______________________.
12) An ______________ is a mineral or rock containing a substance that can be
mined at a profit. Minerals are classified as ores as long as they are profitable
and useful.
13) ______________________, an ore of aluminum, is refined to make pure
aluminum for many products.
14) Iron, is obtained from its ore ______________________.
15) __________________ is another mineral that contains iron.
16) Elements must be __________________ or purified, from ores.
17) During __________________, a substance is melted to separate it from any
unwanted materials.
18) Some elements __________________ in fluids, travel through weaknesses in
rocks, and form __________________ __________________ deposits.
19) __________________ , an important source of zinc, sometimes fills spaces in
collapsed limestone.
20) ___________________ is the process of coating iron with zinc to prevent rust.
21) Titanium is a useful element derived from the minerals _________________
and __________________. Ilminite and rutile are common in cooled magma,
as vein minerals, and as beach sand.
22) ______________________ is a durable, lightweight, metallic element used
in automobile body parts, wheel chairs, tennis rackets, and many other products.