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Honors Chemistry: Chapter 6 Review
1) Define:
• Period – row on the periodic table
• Family – column on the periodic table
• Group – column on the periodic table
• Electronegativity – ability of an atom to attract e- when in a compound
• Ion – an atom with a charge
• Cation – atom with a positive charge (lost e-)
• Anion – atom with a negative charge (gained e-)
• Ionization energy – energy required to remove an electron from an atom
• shielding – describes the decrease in attraction between the electrons and the nucleus
within an atom, energy levels shield an electron from the ‘pull’ of the nucleus
2) All elements can be divided into 3 categories: metals; nonmetals; metalloids
3) What type of elements are located to the left of the “staircase”? List any exceptions:
metals; Hydrogen is a non-metal
4) What type of elements are located to the right of the “staircase”? List any exceptions:
non-metals; no exceptions
5) What type of elements are located on the “staircase”? List the exceptions:
metalloids; Aluminum & Polonium are metals
6) List the properties which identify a:
• Metal – shiny; good conductors; malleable; ductile; solids @ room temp
• Metalloid – combination of metals & nonmetals
• Non-metal – dull; poor conductors; brittle; usually liquid or gas @ room temp
7) Give the group number(s) and 3 elements in each group:
• Oxygen grp 16, 6A (O, S, Se)
• Alkali earth metals 2, 2A (Be, Mg, Ca)
• Nitrogen grp 15, 5A (N, P, As)
• Alkali metals 1, 1A (Li, Na, K)
• Halogens 7A, 17 (F, Cl, Br)
• Inner transition metals no #’s, (La, Ac, Ce)
• Boron grp 3A, 13 (B, Al, Ga)
• Transition metals 3-12, 1B-10B (Ag, Fe, Cu)
• Carbon grp 4A, 14 (C, Si, Ge)
• Nobel gases 8A, 18 (He, Ne, Ar)
8) Give some properties of:
• Nobel gases do not react; inert
• Inner transition metals usually radioactive
• Alkali metals very reactive in water, soft solids
• Halogens extremely reactive; very volatile
• Alkali earth metals never found alone in nature
• Transition metals high melting points, hard solids, non-reactive
9) What do all elements in the same row have in common?
All have the same highest energy level
10) What do elements in the same column have in common?
They are all in the same family/group, therefore they share the same properties
11) What happens to atomic size across a period? Why?
Atomic size gets smaller, b/c shielding is constant, therefore the electrons are pulled closer
to the nucleus as the nucleus’ charge increases.
12) What happens to atomic size down a group? Why?
Atomic size gets bigger, b/c shielding increases as more energy levels are added
13) What happens to shielding across a period? Why?
Shielding stays constant, b/c all elements are in the same energy level
14) What happens to shielding down a group? Why?
Shielding increases, b/c more energy levels are added
15) What happens to ionization energy across a period? Why?
It increases, (need more energy), b/c the e- are held more tightly (shielding is constant)
16) What happens to ionization energy down a group? Why?
It decreases, (need less energy), b/c the e- are not held as tightly (shielding increases)
17) Why is ionization energy and atomic radius inversely proportional?
As an atom increases in size, the e- are not held as tightly, therefore it take less energy to
remove an e18) What is the trend in electronegativity?
Electronegativity increase up and across the periodic table
19) How does the size of a cation compare to a neutral atom? Why?
It is smaller; cations are positive, so they have lost e-, therefore size decreases
20) How does the size of an anion compare to a neutral atom? Why?
It is bigger; anions are negative, so they have gained e-, therefore size increases
21) Which is the most electronegative atom? Why is it not a noble gas?
Fluorine, not a noble gas b/c noble gases do not react or form compounds therefore they
have no electronegativity.
22) Would the first ionization energy compared to the second ionization energy of an element be
higher, lower or the same? Why?
The second ionization energy will be higher than the first ionization energy because it
becomes increasingly difficult to remove additional e-, since the remaining e- will be held
more tightly
23) Circle the atom in each pair that has the largest atomic size:
a) Al B b) S O c) Br Cl d) Na Al
e) O F
f) Li Ar
24) Is it easier to form a positive ion with an element that has a high ionization energy or an
element that has a low ionization energy? Explain.
A positive ion is formed when electrons are lost, therefore it will be easier to form a positive
ion with an atom with a lower ionization energy, since it will be easier to remove electrons
from that atom as opposed to one with a higher ionization energy.
25) Circle the atom in each pair that has the greater ionization energy.
a) Li Be b) Na K c) Cl Si d) Ca Ba
e) P Ar
f) Li Mg
26) Circle the atom in each pair that has the greater electronegativity.
a) Ca Ga
b) Li O c) Cl S d) Br As
e) Ba Sr
f) O S
27) Rank the following elements by increasing atomic size: Li, Na, Be, Mg: Be, Li, Mg, Na
28) Rank the following elements by decreasing ionization energy: S, O, Ne, Ar: Ne, O, Ar, S
29) Which is the largest atom in the 4th period? K
30) Which group contains hard solids that are fairly non-reactive? Transition metals
31) Which is the smallest rare earth metal? Yb
32) Which transition metal has the lowest electronegativity?
Lu (according to know values); Lr (theoretically should be lower)
33) Which group of elements contains highly reactive non-metals? halogens
34) Which alkali metal has the highest ionization energy? Li
35) Which is the largest metalloid?
Various answers: Uuo, or #117 once discovered, or At (if you don’t count the ‘U’ elements)
36) Which non-metal in group 6A has the lowest ionization energy?
Se, b/c Po & Te are not non-metals
37) Which element in the 3rd period has the highest electronegativity? Cl