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Possible essay questions
>how body reacts to stress (GAS)
Stress: the experience of a perceived threat (real or imagined) to one's well-being resulting from a series of
physiological responses and adaptations
Stressor: A physical, social, or psychological event or condition that we perceive challenges or threatens us
and that produces a stress response.
Stress response: the series of physiological changes and adaptations that result from a stressor
>stressors can be physical, social, emotional, intellectual, economic, or spiritual
> they can be positive or negative
>based on out interpretation/perception
>these perceptions are based on past experiences, biological factors, characteristics of the event/station
Coping: is the act of managing events or conditions to lessen the impact of a stressor
Eustress: stress that presents opportunities for personal growth; POSITIVE STRESS
>asking out mr.chew and he says yes
Distress: stress that can have a detrimental effect on health, NEGATIVE STRESS
>financial problems
>mr.chew broke up with you
>prolonged distress is BAD FOR YOU
You can not get rid of stress, you need it.
-Whenever we're surprised or something happens our emotional reactions triggers the adrenal glands (two
almond sized glands sitting atop the kidneys) to secrete adrenaline and other hormones into the bloodstream
>as a result heart speeds up, breathing increases, blood pressure is elevated, and blood sugar rises.
This is know as the FLIGHT-or-FIGHT response: Physiological arousal response in which the body
prepares to combat or escape a real or perceives threat
>this series of behavioral, neurological, and immunological changes are designed to help us; however, if
overtaxed, the response can be damaging to our bodies
Flight or fight is a complex physiological response to stress is which our bodies move from homeostasis
Homeostasis: a balanced physical state in which all the body's system function smoothly and maintain
>to one of crisis as the body attempts to return to homeostasis after responding to stressors.
>This is referred to as ADAPTIVE RESPONCE (form of adjustment in which the body attempts to restore
>Hans Selye in 1936 called the internal fight to go back to homeostatic as GENERAL ADAPTATION
SYNDROME (GAS) [the pattern followed in the physiological response to stress, consisting of the alarm,
resistance, and exhaustion phases
>it has three phases: ALARM, RESISTANCE, and EXHAUSTION
Alarm phase: when the body is exposed to a real or perceived stressor, the fight-or-flight response kicks
into GEAR!
>stress hormones flow and the body prepares for battle!
>subconscious perceptions and appraisal of the stressor stimulate the area in the brain responsible for
>emotional stimulation triggers the physical reactions we associate with stress
>when the mind perceives a real or imaginary stressor, the cerebral cortex, the region of the brain that
interprets the nature an event is called into attention. If it sees a threat it triggers the AUTONOMIC
NERVOUS SYSTEM (ANS) that response is to prepare the body for action.
>ANS is the portion of the central nervous system that regulates body functions that a person does not
normally consciously control
>such as heart function, breathing, and glandular function.
>when we are stressed the activity rate of all these bodily functions increases dramatically to give us the
physical strength to protect our selves
--> the sympathetic nervous system which energizes the body for fight or fight by signaling the release of
several stress hormones that speed the heart rate, increases the breathing rate and other responses
--> the parasympathetic nervous system functions to slow all the systems stimulated by the stress response
>in a healthy person the two work together
-->The response of the sympathetic nervous system to stress involves a series of biochemical exchanges
>hypothalamus (structure in the brain) is the control center of the sympathetic nervous system and
determines the overall reaction to stressors.
>when the hypothalamus senses it needs more energy to fight the stressor it stimulates the adrenal glands
located near the top of the kidneys to release epinephrine (adrenaline)
>causes more blood to be pumped to beat the heart
>dilated the bronchioles (air sacs in the lung) to increase oxygen intake
>stimulates liver to release glucose
>dilated pupils
-because blood is diverted from the digestive system this often causes the nausea you feel and dry mouth
>>At the same exact time the hypothalamus uses chemical messengers to trigger the pituitary gland within
the brain to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) which signal the adrenal glands to release
cortisol, a hormone which makes stored nutrients more readily available.
>other parts of the brain releases Endorphins a naturally occurring opiate to relieve pain
---> The resistance phase is like the alarm phase but at an intense level, stressor still exists. Tries to go to
--> Exhaustion phase is when the body has a prolonged response and leads to a ALLOSTATIS LOAD (or
exhaustive wear and tear of the body)
>the physical and emotional energy to fight the stressor has been depleted. Chronic stress can create
continuous alarm and resistance resulting in total depletion of energy.
>over time this leads to reduce in immunocompetence, or the ability of the immune system to respond to
various assaults. Blood pressure can remain dangerously elevated, and you may get sick easily.
-Mental disorder
>complications, long term effects/treatments
-warning signs
-Mental disorders are prevalent in the age group 15-24 than any other.
-Stress is the greatest contributor to mental disability
---> Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an acute stress disorder caused by experiencing an extremely
traumatic event, such as rape or combat
>the development of PTSD is based on the hyperressponsive action of the flight-of-fight response
>PTSD symptoms are
->dissociation (perceived detachment of the mind from the emotion state of even the body)
->Acute anxiety or nervousness (in which a person is hyper aroused, may easily cry or experience mood
swings, flashbacks, nightmares, or recurrent thought/visual images. They might have shaking, nausea, and
relive the moment again)
>Key psychosocial stressors include change, hassles, pressure, inconsistent goals, and behaviors, conflict,
overland, and other factors.
-Major depressive disorder is caused by the interaction between biology, learned behavioral responses,
cognitive factors, environment, and situational triggers and stressors.
>some disorders (such as bipolar disorder) run in families
>people who have low self-esteem, who consistently view themselves and the world with pessimism or
who are readily overwhelmed by stress, are also prone to depression
>depression can be triggered by a serious loss, difficult relationship, financial problems, or pressures
-In recent years researchers have shown that physical changes in the body can be accompanied by mental
changes (such as depression)
-Women are almost twice as likely to experience depression
>men tried to distract themselves from a depressed mood whereas women focused on it. If focusing
obsessively on negative feelings intensifies these feelings, women who do this may predispose themselves
to depression.
>Depression in men is masked by alcohol, drugs, or long work hours.
>Depression is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease in both men and women, it is
also associated with a higher risk of death by heart disease in men
>men are more likely to act on suicidal feelings than women, and they are usually more successful at
suicide as well; suicide rates among depressed men are four times those of women.
-it is not normal for older people to be depressed, but age and medicated can induce depression
>depression in children is an increasingly reported phenomenon.
-both psychotherapeutic and pharmacological modes of treatment are recommended for clinical depression.
>drugs often relieve the symptoms of depression (like loss of sleep/appetite)
>and psychotherapy can be helpful by improving the ability to function
The two most common psychotherapy treatments include:
1) Cognitive Therapy
>It helps a patient look at life rationally and correct habitually pessimistic thought patterns. It focuses on
the here and now rather than analyzing the patients pass. It lasts 6 -18 months of weekly sessions consisting
of reasoning and behavioral exercises
2) Interpersonal Therapy
> its combined with cognitive therapy, it also addresses the present but focuses on correcting chronic
relationship problems. Interpersonal therapist forces on a patients relationships with their families and other
-Antidepressant drugs offer several options for treating depressive disorders. The most common
antidepressants are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
-talk about different nutrient resources (not having enough)
-cholesterol/saturated fat/obesity/through management
-different diet
BMI calculation
>eating disorder
>long term health problems
Nutrition: The science that investigates the relationship between the physiological function and the
essential elements of the foods eaten
> With our country's overabundance of food/food choices media "prime" us to want delicious food
>we have easy access to Nutrients
>Nutrients: the constituents of food that sustain humans physiologically: protein, carbohydrates, fats,
vitamins, and minerals
>Americans should have few nutritional problems however current diet trends contribute to many major
diseases: cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, ect
A healthful diet provides the proper combination of energy and nutrients. It is sufficient to keep us
functioning well in our daily lives.
It should be
1) Adequate: providing enough energy/nutrients to main health.
>Calorie is the unit of measurement used to quantify the amount of energy we obtain from particular food.
Different people need different calorie intake
2) Moderate: to much consumption can lead to weight gain, portion control is essential
3) Balanced: you diet should contain the proper combination of foods from different groups.
4) Varied: eat a lot of different foods each day. Variety helps you avoid boredom and keep the diet
5) Nutrient dense: referring to the proportion of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients compared to the
Studies show how caloric intake has increased (studies show it isn't an actual increase of food eaten but the
number of calories in the foods we choose to eat) this + out sedentary lifestyle its not surprising we have
seen a dramatic rise in obesity
-Carbohydrates are basic nutrients that supply the body with glucose, the energy form most commonly used
to sustain normal activity
>Carbs can be metabolized more quickly and efficiently the proteins and are a quick source of energy for
the body, being easily converted to glucose, the fuel for the body's cell
>these food also play an important role in the functioning of internal organs, the nervous system, and the
>not all carbs are the same. Separated into 2 categories
1) Single sugars which are found primarily in fruits
2) complex carbohydrates which are found in grains, cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, yellow fruits,
carrots, yams, and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower) (and also other
vegetables like potatoes)
>Most people don't get enough complex carbs in our daily diets.
>A typical American diet contains large amounts of simple sugars commonly called glucose.
>Americans have the "meat and potatoes" diet
>talk about anoreixa/blumia >BMI calculation (body mass index) height vs weight
-Fat cells consist of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
>those unable to hold any more hydrogens in their chemical structure are labeled saturated fats (they come
from mostly animal sources) [unhealthy]
-sex ed
-hormonal and non hormonal method
-how it is affective
Sexually transmitted infections (STI's): infectious diseases transmitted through some form of intimate,
usually sexual, contact
>more than 20 known types of STI's
>veneral diseases ---> sexually transmitted diseases
STI's are generally spread through some form of intimate sexual contact
>anal intercourse
Chlamydia: bacterially caused STI of the urogenitial tract
>shows no intial symptoms sometimes
>effects 2.8 million people
>Gonorrhea: second most common STI in the U.S, if untreated can cause sterility
>700k cases per year
>caused by bacterial pathogen neissseria gonorrhea
-Syphillis: one of the most wide spread STI's; characterized by distinct phases and potentially serious
>caused by bacterium: Treponema pallidum
>transmitted through DIRECT sexual contact
>rare instances comes through breaks in the skin; through deep kissing in which body fluids are excharged
or through some other transmission
Herpes: is a general term for a family of infections characterized by sores or eruptions on skin
>can be transmitted fro kissing or sharing utensils
Genital herpes: STI caused by herpes simple virus
--Genital warts: warts that appear in the genital area or the anus; caused by the human papillomavirus
1) full-blown genital warts (which are noticeable)
2) the much more prevalent flat warts which are not usually visible to the naked eye
>puts people at risk for cervical cancer
Contraception falls into several categories
Barrier method: contraceptive methods that block the meeting of egg and sperm by means of a physical
barrier (such as condom, diaphragm or cervical cap), a chemical barrier (such as spermicidal) or both
Hormonal methods: contraceptive method that introduces synthetic hormones into the woman's system to
prevent ovulation, thicken cervical mucus, or prevent a fertilized egg from implanting [oral contraceptive
pills 99% effective, Seasonale, progestin only pills (contain small doses of progesterone and no
estrogen/96% effective) ]
-substance abuse
-different categories/example
7 representative categories of drugs:
1) stimulants
>Cocaine: a powerful stimulant drug made from the leaves of the south American coca shrub
Amphetamines: a large and varied group of synthetic agents that stimulate the central nervous system (like
Methamphetamine (meth): a powerfully addictive drug that strongly activated certain areas of the brain and
affects the central nervous system
2) depressants
3) hallucinogens/psychedelics
>Mescaline: a hallucinogenic drug derived from the peyote cactus
>psilocybin: the active chemical found in psilocybin mushrooms; it produces hallucinations
Phencyclidine (PCP): a hallucinogen, commonly called "angel dust" that causes hallucinations, delusions,
and delirium
4) Designer drugs (club drugs): synthetic analogs (drugs that produce similar effects) of existing drugs
>collectively known as club drugs
>include ecstasy, GHB, rohypnol, ect
>has unwanted effects like hallucinations, amnesia, paranoid, and even death
Ecstasy (MDMA): a club drug that creates a feeling of openness and warmth but also raises heart rate and
blood pressure.
Rohypnol: a powerful sedative, commonly known as the "date rape" drug for its ability to cause
semiconsciounsnes and facilitate unwanted sexual encounters
gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB): a central nervous system depressant alleged to have body building
properties that had been used as a "date rape" drug
Ketamine (special K): an anesthetic used primarily in veterinary settings that has gained popularity as a
club drug with potentially dangerous hallucinogenic effects
5) Inhalants: chemicals that produce vapors that when inhaled produce highs
>can cause hallucinations/euphoric highs
>legal to purchase and universally available
>pain thinner, lighter fluid, wax, spot remove ect
>volatile chemicals in these products reach the bloodstream within seconds. An inhaled substance is not
diluted by stomach acids/fluids and is more potent then being swallowed
>combining with alcohol can cause a synergistic effect and can cause severe liver damage
>may experience dizziness, disorientation, impaired coordination, reduced judgment, slowed reaction time
>sudden sniffing syndrome (SSD) occurs if a user inhales deeply and then participates in a physical activity
>Amyl nitrate: a drug that dilated blood vessels and is properly used to relive chest pain
>can produce fainting, dizziness, warmth, and skin flushing
>nitrous oxide: the chemical name for "laughing gas" a substance that is sued for surgical or dental
6) anabolic steroids: artificial form of the hormone testosterone that promote muscle growth and strength
>can be injected or received as pills (erogogenic drug)
6) -risk factor of cancer, warning signs/treatment options
>cancer is a large group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
>this can cause an neoplasm, a new growth of tissue that has no job
>becomes tumor
>tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous)
>age and gender has a great deal to do with who gets cancer
>specific causes of cancer are smoking, obesity, and a few viruses
>environmental factors (chemicals, radiation, viruses, and certain medical treatments), lifestyle factors
(poor diet, inactivity, obesity, and alcohol consumption) and internal factors (hormones, immune
conditions, and inherited mutations)
>carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and help cause it (tar in cigarettes)
>oncogenes - suspected cancer causing genes
>various things are factored in
radiotherapy - use of radiation to kill cancerous cells
chemotherapy - use of drugs to kill cancerous cells