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Unit 1
The Nervous System
Study Guide
○ Explain the basic structure and function of the central nervous system
- brain
- spinal cord
○ Explain how the nervous system is protected. Include:
- skull
- meninges
- cerebrospinal fluid
○ Explain the basic structure and function of the brain. Include:
- cerebrum
- cerebellum
- medulla oblongata
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- midbrain
- pons
- corpus callosum
○ describe the basic functions of a peripheral nervous system. Include:
- autonomic
- sympathetic nervous system
- parasympathetic nervous system
- somatic
○ Explain how the nervous system helps to maintain homeostasis
○ Identify requirements necessary for a nervous response to occur.
- sensory receptors (skin, eye, ear)
- impulse transmission (neuron impulses)
- interpretation and analysis of impulses (brain, spinal cord)
- effectors (muscle, gland)
○ describe the structure of the typical neuron and explain the function of
each part. Include:
- dendrite
- cell body
- axon
- axon terminal
- Schwann cells (myelin sheath and nodes of Ranvier)
○ Describe the function of neurons, motor neurons and interneurons
○ Describe the transmission of a nerve impulse along the length of a
neuron. Include:
- the ion distribution of the neural membrane (rest, depolarization
and repolarization)
- threshold
- action potential
- all-or-none response
○ Describe the transmission of an impulse across a synapse and the
effects of neurotransmitters involved. Include:
- Acetylcholine
- noradrenaline
- glutamate
- dopamine
- serotonin
○ Describe the critical role of cholinesterase in nerve transmission.
○ Describe disorders linked to the nervous system and their effect on
homeostasis of the system and the organism as a whole. Include:
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Meningitis
- Huntington’s Disease
○ Discuss the technologies related used to diagnose nervous system
disorders. Include:
- CAT Scan
- PET Scan
STSE – Drugs and Homeostasis
○ Describe how the use of prescription and non-prescription drugs can
have a role in maintaining or disrupting homeostasis. Include:
- anaesthetics
- prescription drugs (OxyContin, Valium, Ritalin)
- illegal drugs (marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine)
- legalized drugs ( alcohol, nicotine, caffeine)
○ Explain how the eye as a sense organ helps maintain homeostasis.
○ Describe the general structure and function of the eye. Include:
- lens
- iris
- retina
- cornea
- choroid layer
- fovea centralis
- rods
- cones
- pupil
- blind spot
- optic spot
- aqueous humor
- vitreous humor
○ Trace the path of light through the eye and explain how the amount of
light entering the eye is regulated
○ Identify eye disorders. Include:
- glaucoma
- cataracts
- astigmatism
- myopia
- hyperopia
○ Identify treatments for eye disorders. Include:
- corneal transplant
- laser surgery
- corrective lenses
- lens replacement
○ Describe the general function and structure of the ear. Include:
- pinna
- tympanic membrane
- ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes)
- Eustachian tube
- semi-circular canals
- cochlea
- auditory nerve
Remember the test is scheduled for Monday, Oct 24th.