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Nitrogen Cycle Game Questions
• When does nitrogen leave the air?
▫ Through lighting strikes or fire
▫ Bacteria
• When does water carry nitrogen?
▫ Dissolved water
• When do animals lose nitrogen?
▫ Waste
▫ Die
• How do animals get nitrogen?
▫ Eat other animals and plants that contain nitrogen.
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Importance of Nitrogen
• Allows plants and animals to make amino acids,
proteins and DNA
▫ Amino acids: use to make proteins
▫ Proteins: made of C, H, N, and other elements,
involved in almost all cell functions
 Forms: antibodies, contractile-movement, enzymes,
storage, structural support
▫ DNA: genetic coding to direct the development
and functions of cells.
How Nitrogen Moves
• Move from atmosphere to Plants
▫ Fire, lightning, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria
▫ Changes it from N2 to the form which plants can use:
ammonium ion (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-)
▫ Bacteria live in the soil and on the roots of plants, which
then provides nitrogen to the plants
• Plants to Animals
▫ Food Chain: Producers to consumers
• Plants and animals to soil
▫ Animal waste
▫ Decay of organisms
• Plants and animals to atmosphere
▫ Decay of organisms
Human impact on the Nitrogen Cycle
• Humans add too much nitrogen which off
balances the cycle
▫ Nitrogen-rich fertilizer and livestock waste
• Affect:
▫ Increase nitrate (form of nitrogen) causes plants
to grow fast until they use up the supply and die
▫ Increase in plants = increase in consumers and
when the plants all die so do the consumers
Nitrogen Cycle Question
• Which letters on the cycle shows where
nitrogen is being “fixed” into a useable
form for plants?
A, D
B, C
C, D
A, B
Nitrogen Cycle Question
• How do plants get the nitrogen they require for
▫ A. the process of photosynthesis creates nitrogen
from sugar
▫ B. by absorbing it from holes in their leaves and
combining it with oxygen
▫ C. a symbiotic relationship with bacteria that
“fixes” nitrogen in the roots
▫ D. nitrogen from the air attaches itself to the stem
and leaves of plants.
Nitrogen Cycle Question
• Which of the following best explains why animal
manure can be used as a fertilizer for crops and
gardens? The plant uses the
▫ A. carbon from the dead plant matter to make
▫ B. nitrogen to make proteins and DNA
▫ C. oxygen for cellular respiration
▫ D. hydrogen to form sugars
Carbon Cycle Question
• Which place on the nitrogen cycle
shows nitrogen in its LEAST useable