Download Biology Unit Review Chapter 2 – Cells, Cell Division, and Cell

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SNC2D – Gr. 10 Science
Mr. S. DeBoer
Biology Unit Review
Chapter 2 – Cells, Cell Division, and Cell Specialization
Key Concepts:
 All organisms are made up of one or more cells
 Microscopes enable us to examine cells in details
 The cell cycle occurs in distinct stages
 Cell division is important for growth, repair, and reproduction
 Cancer cells generally divide more rapidly than normal cells
 Medical imaging technologies are important in diagnosing and treating
Sections to pay attention to:
- 2.1 Plant and Animal Cells – review of organelles, functions, etc.
- 2.3 The Importance of Cell Division – for Reproduction, Growth, Repair
- 2.5 The Cell Cycle – know all the stages, diagrams, checkpoints, etc.
- 2.7 Cell Division Going Wrong: Cancer
- 2.9 Specialized Cells
- Lab Activities 2.2 –creating our own wet mount slides of onion and cheek cells and
staining them.
Appropriate Review Questions:
*Read key concepts summary on p.62
p.64-65 #1-10, 12-15, 17-21
p.66-67 “self-quiz” #1-15, 17
Chapter 3 – Animal (and Human) Systems
Key Concepts:
 Complex animals are made up of cells, tissues, organs, and organ
 Scientists use laboratory techniques to explore the structures and
functions within animals’ bodies
 Each organ system has a specific function and corresponding specific
 There are four main types of animal tissues
 Organ systems interact to keep the organism functioning
 Research is helping people overcome illness and injury
SNC2D – Gr. 10 Science
Mr. S. DeBoer
Sections to pay attention to:
- 3.1 Hierarchy of Structure in Animals – levels of organization in biology, from cells
to tissues, to organs, to organ systems, four types of tissues
- 3.2 Stem Cells and Cellular Differentiation – types of stem cells, how used...
- 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10 – the Body System Presentations – you are responsible
for ALL information in the presentations, as well as the information in the textbook
sections – be sure to skim through these sections as you are studying, in case any of
the presenters missed an important piece of information!
- 3.11 Interactions of Systems – how do the body systems interact together?
- Lab Activity 3.5 Frog Dissection – you don’t have to know too many details about
the frog dissection, but you should know the general procedure and what we did.
Appropriate Review Questions:
*Read key concepts summary on p.114
p.116-117 #1-8, 11-16 (14 is a great question!!), 19, 21, 23-24
p.118-119 “self-quiz” #1-17, 19, 22-23
Chapter 4 – Plant Systems
Key Concepts:
 Plants have a shoot system and a root system
 The organization of tissues, organs, and systems is different in plants
to that in animals
 Plants have dermal, vascular, and ground tissue systems
 Scientists can change the genetic makeup of plants
 Plant tissue systems interact to perform complex tasks
 Meristems determine the pattern of plant growth
Sections to pay attention to:
- 4.1 Systems in Plants – root vs. shoot, etc.
- 4.2 Plant Tissue Systems – meristematic cells, 3 types of plant tissues
- 4.4 Tissues Working Together – how do plants get what they need for
photosynthesis (light, CO2, and water)
- 4.6 Plant Growth – know the important concepts about plant growth
Appropriate Review Questions:
*Read key concepts summary on p.148
p.150-151 #1-6, 8-11, 14-15, 19-22, 24, 27, 29-30
p.152-153 “self-quiz” #1-16, 20, 23