Download Oct 2310:58 AM Comparing Cells Lab Analysis Questions

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 Comparing Cells Lab Analysis Questions
1. Describe 3 differences between the plant cells and the animal cells you looked at. 2. Thinking about how the structure and arrangement of cells contributes to the functioning of the organism, propose reasons for the differences you mentioned. 3. Why do you think we stained the cheek cells but not stain the Elodea cells?
4. Which two of the following three were more similar Elodea Leaf, Potato, Onion? Why do you think accounts for the differences and similarities? 5. a. What type of organic molecule is starch made of? _________________________________
b. What is the function of starch in plants? c. Why do you think that the potato tested positive for starch? 6. How do the shapes of Animal cells compare to the shapes of plant cells? b. Propose a reason for the difference. c. Would changing the shape of either type of cell be an advantage for the organism? Why or why not? 7. a. What organelles did you see under the microscope? b. Based on what you learned when we built in the giant cell project, why do you think that we didn’t see all of the organelles? c. What could we use to see the other organelles?
Oct 23­10:58 AM
Oct 24­11:36 AM
Water is Polar!
Why is this important?
Oct 23­10:55 AM
Remember: the phospholipid heads are polar and like water, the tails are non­polar and don't like water. Try to make two models using the clips and beads so that the heads are in contact with the water but the tails are not. Oct 23­11:12 AM
Does your model look like this? Oct 23­11:16 AM
Oct 23­10:55 AM
Cell Transport
Active vs. Passive
Diffusion Annimation­a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en­
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