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Helpful Words: Oxygen, Cocci, Bacilli, Bacteria, Decomposers, Flagella, Strep
throat, Reproduce, Capsule, Nitrogen, Meningitis, Protection, Pathogens
Monerans are microscopic organisms more commonly known as
___________________________.They are simple cells without a nucleus, but
some have ________________, whip like structures that helps them move. Other
bacteria glide and some can crawl. There are more monerans than any other type
of living organism in the world. In fact there are more of them, in and on, your
body than there are people in the world. There are so many bacteria because
they can divide and make more, as they very quickly ____________________.
They live everywhere on earth, even where it is very cold, harsh and dry. They are
able to survive because they have a protective coating or __________________.
There are three main shapes of bacteria. Some are rod shaped, which are
called_______________. Others are spheres called ______________ and others
are cork screws, called spirilla. They can link together in chains and clusters. Some
are aerobic which means they need ___________________, while others are
anaerobic meaning, they don’t need it to carry on life processes.
Monerans are very important to man’s well being. They help us digest our food,
they help us make and preserve food, like cheese and yogurt. They recycle dead
organisms so the atoms can be reused. The bacteria that feed on dead organisms
and break them down are known as _________________________. Bacteria fix
nitrogen into a form that can be used by other organisms to build body tissues.
Sometimes bacteria are harmful to humans and can cause diseases or produce
poisons that can even kill us. Some harmful bacteria can cause tuberculosis,
pneumonia and even ________________________, a very sore throat usually
accompanied by a fever. If these diseases are not treated with antibiotics, they
can really damage our bodies. Some bacteria like salmonella, can cause food
poisoning giving us diarrhea and stomach cramps. Some bacteria, like those that
cause tetanus and botulism, produce poisons. Despite the harmful bacteria, man
could not survive without the helpful bacteria, which make the world habitable.