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Organisms in their Environment Study Guide
1. ​At what level of organization in an ecosystem is an individual plant or animal?
2. Correctly list the levels of organization from least complex to most complex?
Least complex: ________________________
Most Complex: ________________________
3. Define abiotic factor: ______________________________________________________________
Examples: ______________________________________________________________________
4. Define biotic factor: _______________________________________________________________
Examples: ______________________________________________________________________
5. Describe the ​community leve​l of organization of a rabbit? _________________________________
6. Define the community level of organization. ___________________________________________
7. Describe a change to an abiotic factor of a squirrel’s habitat that could be harmful to it? _________
8. Describe an ​abiotic​ factor that makes up part of a desert habitat?
9. Describe a change in a ​biotic​ factor that will be a disadvantage for a certain species of fish living
around coral reefs in shallow seas? ____________________________________________________
10. Ecosystem is the level of organization that is best described as: __________________________
11. Give an example of an interaction between a biotic factor and an abiotic factor? ______________
12. Meat-eating desert reptiles depend on what biotic factors to supply their needs? ______________
13. One coastal cholla cactus can house the nest of the cactus wren containing three adults and up to
four young. Five cholla cacti are counted in a study area. What is the maximum number of wrens that
could nest in the area? _______________
14. Define population. ______________________________________________________________
15.What is the lowest level of organization of the biosphere, or the one that has the fewest members?