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Resources: Anniversary Bibliography
Hunter, Robert E. Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, a "Chronicle of the Time": Comprising
the Salient Facts and Traditions, Biographical, Topographical, and Historical, Connected with
The Poet and His Birth-Place, together with a Full Record of the Tercentenary Celebration
(Stratford-upon-Avon, 1864)
Möbius, Paul, Shakespeare als Dichter der Naturwahrheit: Festrede bei der Shakespearefeier zu
Leipzig am 23. April 1864 (Leipzig, 1864)
Moses, Elias and son, The Tercentenary, or, The Three Hundredth Birthday of William Shakespeare
(London, 1864)
Shakespeare Memorial (1564-1864) (London: Beeton, 1864)
Blair, Wilfrid, The Death of Shakespeare: A Chronicle Play in Two Scenes (Oxford, 1916)
Bodleian Library, A Catalogue of the Shakespeare Exhibition Held in the Bodleian Library to
Commemorate The Death of Shakespeare, April 23, 1616 (Oxford, 1916)
Cardiff Public Libraries, Catalogue of the Shakespeare Tercentenary Exhibition Held in the
Reference Library (Cardiff, 1916)
Comité Franco-Britannique, Deux siècles d’hommages français a Shakespeare (Paris, 1916)
Gilmer, Albert Hatton. King Shakespeare: A Masque of Praise for the Shakespeare Tercentenary
Written for the Drama League of Boston (Boston, Massachusetts, 1916)
Gollancz, Sir Israel (ed.) A Book of Homage to Shakespeare (Oxford, 1916)
Grafton Galleries, Shakespeare Tercentenary: Catalogue of Portraits of William Shakespeare, his
Contemporaries, and Subsequent Actors and Editors, with Views of Stratford and Elizabethan
London, Medals, Costumes, Models, Playbills, etc. January 19 -February 17, 1917 (London, 1917)
Grolier Club, Catalogue of an Exhibition Illustrative of the Text of Shakespeare's Plays as
Published in Edited Editions: together with a Large Collection of Engraved Portraits of the Poet
(New York, 1916)
Jochumsson, Matthias, 1616-1916, on the Tercentenary Commemoration of Shakespeare Ultima
Thule Sendeth Greeting: An Icelandic Poem (Oxford, 1916)
John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of
Shakespeare: His Sources and the Writings of his Principal Contemporari es; with an
Introductory Sketch, and Sixteen Facsimiles (Manchester, 1916)
Kittredge, George Lyman, Shakspere: an Address Delivered on April 23, 1916, in Sanders Theatre,
at the Request of the President and Fellows of Harvard College (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1916)
Koster, Edward B., William Shakespeare: Gedenkboek, 1616-1916 (Gravenhage, 1916)
Lee, Sir Sidney, Shakespeare and the Red Cross: An Address Delivered at the Opening of the
Shakespeare Exhibition at the Grafton Galleries on 19 January 1917 (London, 1917)
Lyttelton, Edward, Give God the Glory: Shakespeare Sermon: Preached at Worcester Cathedral on
the First Sunday after Easter, 1916 (Eton, Berkshire, 1916)
Mackail, John William, Shakespeare after Three Hundred Years (New York, 1916)
MacKaye, Percy, Caliban by the Yellow Sands: A Community Masque of the Art of the Theatre
Devised and Written to Commemorate the Tercentenary of the Death of Shakespeare (New York,
Manchester Whitworth Institute, Catalogue of Portraits of William Shakespeare and
Representative Actors and Editors (1916)
New York Public Library, The Shakespearean Festival (New York, 1964)
Postgate, John William, Homage to Shakespeare: Timely Studies of the Colossus of All Dramatic
Literature, Reprinted from The Pittsburgh Post (Pittsburgh, 1916)
Public Record Office, Shakespeare Commemoration, 1913: Exhibition of Original Documents of
Shakespearean Interest, upon April 19th 1913 (London, 1913)
Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare Tercentenary Commemoration 1616-1916:
Shakespeare's Birthplace. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Original Documents
of the
xvith & xviith Centuries, Preserved in Stratford-upon-Avon (Stratford-upon-Avon, 1916)
Shakespeare Tercentenary Meeting Held at the Mansion House, on May Day, MCMXVI, together
with the General Arrangements for the Tercentenary Commemoration (London, 1916)
Snider, Denton Jaques, The Shakespeariad: Souvenir of the Tercentenary of
Death-Day April 23rd, 1916; A Dramatic Epos (St. Louis, Missouri, 1916)
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, Shakespeare Tercentenary Commemoration Performance: A Tribute to
the Genius of William Shakespeare, Humbly Offered by the Players and their Fellow Workers in
the Kindred Arts of Music (London: 1916)
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, A Tribute to the Genius of Shakespeare: Being the Programme of a
Performance at Drury Lane Theatre on May 2 1916, the Tercentenary of his Death (London, 1916)
University of Wisconsin Department of English, Shakespeare Studies to Commemorate the ThreeHundredth Anniversary of the Death of W. Shakespeare, April 23, 1616 (Madison, 1916)
Victoria and Albert Museum, Shakespeare Exhibition 1916 (London, 1916)
Woodberry, George Edward, Shakespeare: An Address (Boston, Massachusetts, 1916)
Woods, Mary A., Studies in Shakespeare for his Tercentenary (London: 1916)
Arts Council of Great Britain, The Shakespeare Exhibition (London, 1964)
Birmingham Public Libraries Shakespeare Memorial Library, Shakespeare Exhibition to Celebrate
the Four Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth and the Centenary of the Library (Birmingham, 1964)
Bodleian Library, William Shakespeare 1564-1964: A Catalogue of the Quatercentenary Exhibition
in the Divinity School, Oxford (Oxford, 1964)
Bloom, Edward A., Shakespeare 1564-1964: A Collection of Modern Essays by Various Hands
(Providence, Rhode Island, 1964)
British Museum, William Shakespeare 1564-1616 and Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593: An
Exhibition of Books and Other Illustrative Material (London, 1964)
Central Literary Magazine, Special Celebration Number: William Shakespeare 1564 -1964 (London,
Clinton-Baddeley, V.C., Lines Written to be Spoken at the Planting of an Oak by Dame Edith Evans
D.B.E. on Primrose Hill, April 23rd 1964 (signed copy) (London, 1964)
Dawson, Giles E., Four Centuries of Shakespeare Publication: The 11th Annual Lecture on Books
and Bibliography, Presented at the University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas, 1964)
Deelman, Christian, The Great Shakespeare Jubilee (London, 1964)
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West, Shakespeare in Deutschland, 1864-1964 (Bochum, [1964])
England, Martha Winburn, Garrick’s Jubilee (Ohio, 1964)
Farmer, Geoffrey A., A Check List of the Collected Editions of the Works of William Shakespeare
Held in the Major Australian Libraries (Adelaide, 1964)
Fort Hare University, South Africa, Fort Hare Contributions to the Shakespeare Quatercentenary
Festival (Fort Hare, 1964)
Fox, Levi, The Shakespeare Anniversary Book (Norwich, 1964)
Guildhall Art Gallery, Shakespeare and the Theatre: An Exhibition (London, 1964)
Lantern: Journal of Culture and Knowledge / Tydskrif vir kennis en kultuur: A Tribute to Shakespeare
(Pretoria, 1964)
Libraries Board of South Australia, An Exhibition of the Main Editions of William Shakespeare
(Adelaide, 1964)
McManaway, James G. (ed.), Shakespeare 400: Essays by American Scholars on the Anniversary of
the Poet's Birth (New York, 1964)
National Portrait Gallery, O Sweet Mr Shakespeare I’ll Have his Picture: The Changing Image of
Shakespeare’s Person 1600-1800 (London, 1964)
New York Public Library, The Shakespearean Festival (New York, 1964)
Schlösser, Anselm (ed.), Shakespeare-Jubiläum 1964: Festschrift zu Ehren des 400. Geburtstages
William Shakespeares und des 100jährigen Bestehens der Deutschen Shakespeare -Gesellschaft
(Weimar, 1964)
Show: The Magazine of the Arts, The Many Faces of Shakespeare: Show's Special Report on the
Great Will and what he Means to us, A.D. 1964 (Ne wYork, 1964)
Sir C. Ramalinga Reddy College, Eluru, Homage to Shakespeare: Quartercentenary (Eluru, India, 1964)
Spencer, T.B.J., Shakespeare: A Celebration, 1564-1964 (Harmondsworth, 1964.)
Stanbrook Abbey Press, A Memento of the Quatercentenary Year of William Shakespeare 15641964 April 23 (Worcester, 1964)
Stratford-upon-Avon Herald and South Warwickshire Advertiser: The Shakespeare Quatercentenary
Supplement, Friday 24th April 1964
Sutherland, James, and Joel Hurstfield (eds.) Shakespeare's World: Nine Lectures Given at University
College, London to Commemorate the Fourth Centenary of the Birth of Shakespeare (London,
University of Cape Town, Shakespeare at 400: A Series of Lectures Given in May and June 1964
(Cape Town, 1965)
White, Eric W. (ed.), 15 Poems for William Shakespeare (Stratford-upon-Avon, 1964)