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Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
Crust and upper mantle P- and S-wave delay times at
Eurasian seismic stations
E.R. Engdahl∗ , M.H. Ritzwoller
Center for Imaging the Earth’s Interior, Department of Physics, University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO 80309-0390, USA
Median crust and upper mantle P- and S-wave delay times, based on residuals for teleseismic P- and S-wave arrival times
included in the groomed ISC/NEIC database of Engdahl et al. [Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 88 (1998) 722] are estimated as functions
of time and azimuth for Eurasian seismic stations. The effects of source and lower mantle 3-D structure on the station residuals
are corrected by ray tracing all phase data (to a depth of 400 km below the station) through the 3-D P- and S-wave models of
Bijwaard et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 103 (1998) 30055] and Bijwaard [Seismic travel-time tomography for detailed global mantle
structure. University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1999, 179 pp.], respectively. In general, crust and upper mantle
P- and S-station delays based on medians of azimuthally binned residuals are spatially coherent and can be qualitatively
associated with Eurasian tectonic features such as orogens and cratons, as well as with structural elements such as sediment
and crustal thickness, and average uppermost mantle velocities. Paired P- and S-station delays are correlated with a rather
poorly determined slope (S/P delay time ratio) of about 1.9. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Eurasia; Seismic stations; Body waves; Delay times; Crust; Upper mantle
1. Introduction
We present in this paper crust and upper mantle Pand S-wave delay times at Eurasian seismic stations.
Our primary motivation for conducting this study is to
use these data to calibrate and/or validate 3-D models
being developed for Eurasia (e.g. Villasenor et al.,
2000) in order to improve seismic event location. For
example, if we can reliably estimate the S/P delay
time ratio and provided that the S- and P-velocities
are correlated, these data can be used to construct a
hybrid P-velocity model for the Eurasian crust and
upper mantle directly from an S-model. Moreover,
if the effects of upper mantle structure on P- and
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +1-303-492-7935.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.R. Engdahl).
S-station delays beneath Eurasia can be isolated, we
can use that information to assess the validity of features of any of the 3-D models being developed. We
can also use our analyses of station delays to identify
“surrogate” stations, that is stations operating before
1995 that are near stations of the International Monitoring System (IMS) and that can be used to extend
the ground truth data base to the earlier period.
The challenge of this study is to estimate reliably
crust and upper mantle P- and S-wave delay times
using residuals for phase arrival times from globally occurring events routinely reported by seismic
stations to international agencies. To achieve this
goal there are a number of factors that need to be
taken into account. For example, the characteristics
of routinely reported data are highly non-uniform.
Large variations in phase residuals, such as shifts or
0031-9201/01/$ – see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 1 - 9 2 0 1 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 1 0 - 7
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
drifts in time, can be caused by poor timing accuracy,
equipment changes, biased picking of arrival times, or
even unreported changes in station location (Roehm
et al., 1999). The distribution of residuals in time for
a station can also be strongly affected by spatial and
temporal variations in earthquake occurrence globally.
Finally, procedures need to be developed that can minimize these effects and produce meaningful statistics.
In this paper, we first investigate the stability of
phase reporting in time for each station and use our
approach to address the surrogate station problem.
Next we attempt to identify the source of observed
azimuthal anomalies and to isolate the true delay
caused by the upper mantle beneath each station by
correcting all of the phase residual data for 3-D structure outside this region of interest. These analyses are
made possible by using robust estimates of median station delays based on a scheme that bins all phase residual data azimuthally. We examine the final corrected
P- and S-median station delays to over 300 Eurasian
Fig. 1. (a) Monthly grand medians of teleseismic P-residual medians observed at station OBN taken over 20◦ azimuth sectors within
a 3-month moving window and plotted on the middle month. (b) Number of teleseismic P-residuals per year. (c) Azimuthal P-residual
medians plotted over 10◦ azimuth sectors. (d) Number of teleseismic P-residuals per azimuth sector.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
stations for spatial coherence and correlation to tectonic features, and to structural elements of a new 3-D
uppermost mantle model for central Eurasia developed
from surface wave data (Villasenor et al., 2000).
2. Methodology
2.1. Data selection
We select residual data only at teleseismic distances
because at regional distances the effects of 3-D lateral
heterogeneity are difficult to separate from the upper
mantle signal beneath the station that we are trying
to isolate. The effects of 3-D structure are further
exacerbated by the considerable spatial and temporal
variation in the occurrence of earthquakes regionally.
Basically, teleseismic ray paths to stations are nearly
vertical and the onset of phase picks are less complicated and/or ambiguous, making these data ideal
for estimation of station delays that can be correlated
with 3-D models.
We use a “groomed” phase data base of well-constrained teleseismic events that occurred during the
period 1964–1999 (Engdahl et al., 1998) to examine
teleseismic residuals for P- and S-phases reported to
Fig. 2. Same as Fig. 1 but for teleseismic S-residual medians observed at station OBN.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
the ISC/NEIC by Eurasian stations. Only teleseismic
P- and S-arrivals that bottom in the lower mantle were
selected for processing. Rays for P-waves must bottom between depths of 740 and 2740 km (the top of
the D00 layer in model ak135) and for S-waves between
depths of 760 and 2740 km. These rays correspond to
surface focus distances of 28◦ and 91◦ for P-waves
and 27◦ and 94◦ for S-waves. These criteria ensure
that all phase data selected are at or beyond the triplication cusp from the 660 discontinuity and do not
pass through the D00 layer. Within the selected distance
ranges the observed spread of the median travel time
residual (defined later) is less than 1.21 s for P-phases
and 3.20 s for S-phases.
2.2. Robust statistics
The station residual data base contains a large number of outliers, thereby necessitating a robust median
statistics approach using an algorithm programmed by
R. Buland (personal communication). We implement
this algorithm by grouping travel time residuals (relative to ak135) into bins of size 0.1 s (the reported precision of most data) using ranges of ±5.0 s for P-phases
Fig. 3. Same as Fig. 1 but for teleseismic P-residual medians observed at station CHG (Chang Mai, Thailand).
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
and ±15.0 s for S-phases. Estimating the median from
binned groups is highly efficient, and robust estimates
of the median and the spread are determined from the
grouped data. The spread is defined as the median of
the absolute differences between the residuals and the
median residual scaled to yield one S.D. when applied
to a Gaussian distribution. The S.E. of the median is
estimated by dividing the spread by the square root of
the total number of binned observations. To remove a
modest number of outliers median data for a station
are not used if the spread and standard error are greater
than 1.0 and 0.3 s if based on P-wave residuals and
1.3 and 0.4 s if based on S-wave residuals.
2.3. Station time history
The time history of reported station residuals is
examined by estimating median station residuals for
teleseismic P- and S-phases as a function of time. This
is accomplished by binning residuals in 20◦ azimuth
sectors over a 3-month window that moves in time, estimating the median in each sector, and then assigning
the grand median of all sector medians to the central
month of that window. The binning sizes of azimuth
sectors and time windows were chosen so as to optimize the distribution and number of station residual
data in each bin. The only constraint imposed is that
Fig. 4. Same as Fig. 1 but for teleseismic P-residual medians observed at station CMAR (Chang Mai Array, Thailand).
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
there cannot be more than nine adjacent empty sectors (180◦ azimuth gap) for a grand median to be estimated. This approach strongly reduces the effects of
uneven sampling caused by the location of stations
relative to active seismic source zones at teleseismic
Fig. 1(a) shows is a typical example of a station
with a long reporting history for which the moving
window median of P-residuals has some prominent
fluctuations in time. For station Obninsk (OBN), there
is a large positive excursion in the median estimates
between about 1976 and 1980, as well as a slight positive offset after 1995. To date the operators of station
OBN have not provided the authors with an explanation for these fluctuations. Nevertheless, for this
example of a short-term variation in time the grand
median of the monthly medians appears to be only
slightly biased (−0.40 with a spread of 0.27 and S.E.
of 0.01). Residuals are also examined as a function of
their azimuth by binning all residuals in time into 10◦
azimuth sectors, estimating the median in each sector,
and then determining the grand median of all sector
medians with the same constraint on azimuth gap as
used above. For station OBN the grand median of the
sector medians shown in Fig. 1(c) is −0.38 (with a
spread of 0.36 and S.E. of 0.06). Thus, when fluctuations in time are short term it is possible to make stable
estimates of the grand median of P-residuals in both
time and azimuth. Also shown in Fig. 1 are the number
of data points per month (Fig. 1(b)) and by azimuth
sector (Fig. 1(d)). Without the binning procedures described above, data from sources in the azimuth range
of 80–90◦ would dominate the estimates of station
Fig. 2 show similar plots in time and azimuth for
median S-residuals reported by station OBN. Not unexpectedly, the median scatter is larger in both time
and azimuth. Grand medians in time and azimuth are
−0.11 (with a spread of 0.95 and S.D. of 0.05) and
−0.03 (with a spread of 1.28 and a standard error
of 0.22), respectively. Although somewhat obscured
by the different scaling, the same fluctuation in time
(between 1976 and 1980) seen for P-residual medians
in Fig. 1(a) can also be seen in Fig. 2(a) Moreover,
the shapes of the azimuthal median plots for P and S
(Figs. 1(c) and 2(c)) are quite similar, suggesting that
the structural effects being mapped into the azimuthal
sector medians are the same.
Fig. 5. Source patch (5◦ × 5◦ grid) medians of residuals for P-rays
bottoming in the lower mantle observed at stations (a) CHG and
(b) CMAR.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
2.4. Surrogate stations
As a test of how well station time and azimuth medians are resolved we address the surrogate station problem. Most primary and auxiliary IMS seismic stations
are located at or near the sites of conventional stations
that have a long reporting history. Preliminary analysis
of stations potentially surrogate to IMS stations globally suggests that for most regions unique historical
reference events recorded by surrogate stations can be
used to calibrate stations of the IMS network, provided
that the separation distances are no more than 100 km
and differences in median delay between stations of
up to about 0.5 s are acceptable (Engdahl, 1999).
Station Chang Mai (CHG) is a good example of
a station that could be an ideal surrogate to the primary IMS array station Chang Mai Array (CMAR)
at a separation distance of 37 km. Figs. 3 and 4 show
that, except for a perturbation in the time history of
CHG in 1974, the median patterns in time and azimuth are virtually identical for these two stations.
The CHG perturbation has little effect on our median
analyses, but would need to be investigated if historical reference events observed by the station during
that time period were to be used. We also note that
there is a small difference of about 0.2 s in the amplitudes of the azimuthal medians between these two
stations. These characteristics are further amplified in
Fig. 5(a) and (b). These figures show that for CHG
and CMAR the medians of P-residuals projected onto
5◦ × 5◦ source patches (cf. Engdahl et al., 1998) at
teleseismic distances are clearly azimuthally dependent and (except for amplitude) are well correlated.
The coherence of the source patch medians between
the two stations is demonstrated in Fig. 6. However, a
regression line fitted to these data using the method of
Press et al. (1992) has a slope of about 0.70, suggesting
that CHG residuals are slightly earlier for fast arrivals
and slightly later for slow arrivals by about 0.2 s. This
could hardly be a property of the earth or an artifact
of our methodology. We suspect that the very different
methods used by analysts to read the data from these
Fig. 6. Correlation of CHG and CMAR source patch medians.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
two stations may be a factor. CHG has been read from
paper WWSSN records at the station while data from
CMAR are read interactively at the International Data
Center from screen projections of the waveforms. The
reduction in spread for CMAR median data is clearly
a result of the more accurate picks that can be made
in the latter case. But the improved signal-to-noise
characteristics at the array CMAR could also result
in the picking of earlier weaker signals at that station as compared to the corresponding later arriving
picks at CHG. If this were the case, it could explain at
least part of the rotation (from a slope of 1.0 ) of the
regression line in Fig. 6.
2.5. Azimuthal variation of station medians
At each station, the travel time residuals display
an azimuthal dependence due to the 3-D structure
of the crust and mantle. The azimuthal variation of
sector medians at station NRI is especially pronounced
(Fig. 7(A)) reaching a peak to peak variation of over
4 s between sectors, which could reject this station
from further analysis based on the previously set criteria. A projection of residuals to 5◦ × 5◦ source patches
(Fig. 8(a)) reveals, however, that positive residuals
have their source along the north Atlantic ridge and
Europe, whereas the larger negative residuals are produced by down going slabs in the western Pacific and
Indonesia. The effects of slabs are not as pronounced
for stations CHG and CMAR (Fig. 5) as it is likely
that rays to those stations are not sampling the down
going slabs as extensively as rays to NRI.
To remove the effects of 3-D mantle structure all
NRI residuals were corrected by ray tracing through
the 3-D P-model of Bijwaard et al. (1998). The resulting sector medians greatly reduce the azimuthal
dependence of the NRI station medians (Figs. 7(B)
and 8(b)), changing the grand median of the azimuthal
sector medians from −0.45 to −1.20 s and reducing
the spread from 1.41 to 0.30 s. Also brought into
Fig. 7. Same as Fig. 1 but for teleseismic P-residual medians observed at station NRI (Norilsk, Russia). (A) Uncorrected and (B) corrected
for 3-D source upper mantle, lower mantle and station upper mantle structure.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
better focus is a possible problem in the time history
of NRI during the period 1980–1984. The same analysis for station CHG changes the grand median of the
azimuthal sector medians from −0.10 to −0.84 s and
reduces the spread from 0.89 to 0.57 s and for station CMAR changes the grand median from −0.25 to
−1.01 and reduces the spread from 0.52 to 0.37.
2.6. Correcting for near source and lower mantle
We have shown that in order to properly estimate
crust and upper mantle station delays to stations NRI,
CHG and CMAR it is necessary to remove the effects
of source and lower mantle signatures in the residuals
due to 3-D structure. Corrections for these effects typically have to be made for nearly all Eurasian stations.
Hence, we use the 3-D high-resolution P- and S-wave
models of Bijwaard et al. (1998) and Bijwaard (1999),
respectively to remove the near source and lower mantle effects of 3-D structure from all Eurasian station
residuals. These models are represented as perturbations to the 1-D reference model ak135 (Kennett et al.,
1995). Because we aim to use P- and S-station delays
to calibrate a Eurasian 3-D upper mantle model and
S/P delay time ratio estimates to help merge the S- and
P-parts of the model, station residuals are corrected
from the source to a depth of 400 km beneath the
station. At this depth and using the selection criteria
previously described, upcoming teleseismic P-waves
enter the model at distances between 1.4◦ and 3.5◦ and
teleseismic S-waves between 1.5◦ and 3.3◦ from the
station, respectively. At a depth of 200 km the annulus
distances are less than half of these numbers. Hence,
we conclude that the station delays we have estimated
are representative of the integrated effects of all lateral
heterogeneity within the limited region of the Eurasian
upper mantle sampled by each station and within the
resolution length (∼200 km) of 3-D upper mantle
models (e.g. Villasenor et al., 2000) for the region.
Fig. 8. Source patch (5◦ × 5◦ grid) medians of residuals for
P-rays bottoming in the lower mantle observed at station NRI.
(a) Uncorrected and (b) corrected for high-resolution 3-D source
upper mantle, lower mantle and station upper mantle structure
(below 400 km).
3. Results
3.1. P- and S-station delays
Median P- and S-station delays are compared
in Figs. 9 and 10 to a shear velocity model (Vsv)
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
Fig. 9. P-station delays compared to tomographic imaging of (a) sediment thickness; (b) crustal thickness; and (c) shear velocity structure
(Vsv) in the uppermost mantle at 100 km depth (positive velocity perturbations are contoured). Black diamonds indicate scaled slow delays
and open squares scaled fast delays.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
Fig. 9 (Continued ).
of sediment thickness, crustal thickness, and upper
mantle velocity structure, Vsv, at a depth of 100 km
obtained by Villasenor et al. (2000) for central Eurasia. The model, parameterized in terms of velocity
depth profiles on a discrete 2◦ × 2◦ grid, was obtained
by simultaneous inversion of broadband group and
phase velocity maps of fundamental-mode Love and
Rayleigh waves using a priori models for the crustal
and sedimentary layers as starting models for the
inversion procedure.
The P- and S-station delays correlate well with
known tectonic features, such as sedimentary basins,
cratons and orogens, the most obvious being fast delays associated with higher, upper mantle shear wave
velocity anomalies beneath the east European platform, Siberian platform, and northern Indian shield.
Some prominent groups of positive S-station delays
(Fig. 10(a)) appear to be associated with large sedimentary basins along the Caucasus, the Turkmen/Tajik
region, and near the eastern margin of India (the
Ganges fan). Correlation of station delays with crustal
thickness is not as obvious and perhaps is limited by
the poor station coverage of regions that do have thick-
ened crust such as the Tibetan plateau. However, there
is one cluster of positive S-delays in the Tien Shan
region (Fig. 10(b)) for which the only correlations
that can be made are 40–50 km of thickened crust in
the Vsv model (Fig. 10(b)) and a small low velocity
anomaly in the uppermost mantle just north of the
cluster (Fig. 10(c)). This latter anomaly is more prominent in the higher resolution 3-D P-model of Bijwaard
(2000) who used a block sizes as small as 60 km in the
region, suggesting that the feature may not be as well
resolved by surface wave modeling. By far the best
correlation are P-station delays associated with large
low velocity mantle anomalies underlying the western Arabian peninsula, Red Sea, and the Afar triangle
region in northeast Africa (Fig. 10(c)). The pattern of
positive and negative P delays agrees exceptionally
well with the apparent boundaries for these shear
velocity anomalies in the upper mantle of the model.
Both P- and S-station delays also correlate well with
large low velocity regions of the upper mantle beneath
Indochina and Mongolia southwest of Lake Baikal.
Fig. 11 compares the S-station delays to delays
computed by integrating through the Vsv model
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
Fig. 10. S-station delays compared to the same tomographic images as Fig. 9.
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
Fig. 10 (Continued ).
beneath each station along a vertical path. While there
is a general correlation between these delays there is
also considerable scatter, undoubtedly due to the differences in resolution between the two data sets. The
Eurasian Vsv model, presented in smoothed form in
Figs. 9 and 10, has a resolution of only 200–300 km
and the uncertainties in the predicted station delays are
presently unknown. On the other hand, the S-station
delays determined in this study have uncertainties of
only several tenths of seconds and are based on the
travel times of waves with wavelengths on the order of
tens of kilometers. Hence, while sharp structural features in the real earth such as discontinuities or thickened sediments of small spatial extent may be seen in
the station delays based on higher frequency waves,
they would not necessarily be reflected in the predicted
model delays.
3.2. S/P delay time ratio
Fig. 12 displays paired S- and P-station delays for
Asian stations. A line of slope 1.9 (the S/P delay time
ratio) was fitted using the method outlined by Press et
al. (1992) that utilizes error estimates in both coordinates. Here we use the spread in each P and S-delay
measurement as the estimated error. Because of the
scatter, there is substantial uncertainty in this estimate
of the S/P ratio. Nevertheless, our result is not inconsistent with the findings of Kennett et al. (1998) who
performed a joint inversion of the Engdahl et al. (1998)
P- and S-delays for 3-D P- and S-wave velocity variations globally. By taking the logarithmic derivatives
of the velocity variations they found an S/P ratio of
1.9 to 2.2 throughout the uppermost mantle.
The offset of the correlation line could be caused
by a baseline difference between the reference model
(ak135) P- and/or S-upper mantle velocities and the
real velocities beneath Eurasia. The most likely explanation is that S-wave velocities are slower on
average in the regions sampled by our station delays
as compared to S-wave velocities in the reference
model (ak135). The scatter in Fig. 12 may have several sources. In addition to the basic reading error, the
reported S-arrivals may have been read from vertical
component seismograms at some stations and horizontal components at others and the procedures at any
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
Fig. 11. Correlation between P- and S-delay times with a slope of about 1.9.
given station may change with time as well. There is,
however, a possibility that P- and S-wave velocities
in some parts of the 3-D Eurasian model may not be
correlated, i.e. lateral variations in S-velocities do not
exactly match those in P. In that case, station P- and
S-delays rather than S/P delay time ratios could be
more important for model validation.
4. Conclusions and discussion
Fig. 12. S-station delays compared to delays computed by integrating through a Eurasian Vsv model (Vsv) beneath each station
along a vertical path.
We have demonstrated an approach that can be
used to make robust estimates of P- and S-median
delays for structure underlying Eurasian stations. This
approach, which is based on the azimuthal binning
of residuals, isolates the true delay in the crust and
upper mantle beneath the station by minimizing the
effects of temporal variations in station performance
and the occurrence of earthquakes globally, and of
3-D structure outside the region of interest. Nevertheless, there remain variations in residuals as a function
E.R. Engdahl, M.H. Ritzwoller / Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 123 (2001) 205–219
of distance within individual azimuth sectors that are
not fully accounted for. Figs. 5 and 6, even though
uncorrected for global 3-D structure, suggest that the
grand median of source patch medians may be an
even better way to obtain unbiased estimates of P- and
S-station delays. A grand median of −0.15 s for 206
uncorrected CHG source patch medians (Fig. 5(a))
is in excellent agreement with a grand median of
−0.18 s for 164 uncorrected source patch medians
of its surrogate station CMAR (Fig. 5(b)). However,
a similar analysis of 196 NRI source patch medians
that have been corrected for global 3-D structure
(Fig. 8(b)) gives a grand median of −1.62 as compared to the grand median of NRI azimuthal sectors
of −1.20 s (Fig. 7(B)). We suspect that this difference
may be due to underestimation of the amplitude of the
3-D wave speed anomalies for down going slabs that
are sampled extensively by ray paths to station NRI.
This underestimation of velocities can result from the
heavy damping used in the global inversions, especially for the S-model of Bijwaard (1999). The source
patch median approach obviously needs further study.
The azimuthal variations of the station median
shown for station NRI (Figs. 7(A) and 8(a)) also point
to a potential problem in prior estimates of station
corrections that include azimuthal terms. Dziewonski
and Anderson (1983) in a global study estimated station corrections based on three terms: a constant and
two cosine terms in azimuth (θ), cos(θ) and cos(2θ ),
with appropriate phase shifts. The cos(θ) terms tended
to show an intriguing pattern of having the slow direction point towards the ocean for many stations near a
coast and the cos(2θ) terms showed stronger regional
trends. However, as we have shown for station NRI
and have observed for many other Eurasian stations,
source-region upper mantle and lower mantle path
3-D structure can strongly map into these azimuthal
The final corrected P- and S-station median station
delays appear to be spatially coherent and well correlated qualitatively to tectonic features, and to structural elements of a new 3-D uppermost mantle model
for central Eurasia developed from surface wave data
(Villasenor et al., 2000). Estimates of S/P delay time
ratios for paired station delays are generally correlated,
but the origin of large observed variations from the
general trend is not clear.
We thank Antonio Villasenor for the GMT script
used to construct most of the figures shown in this
paper and Ray Buland for the computer program
used for robust median statistics. We are grateful
to Cliff Thurber and Hans Israelson for helpful reviews. This work has been supported by contracts
DTRA01-99-C-0019 and DTRA01-00-C-0013.
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