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Ecology is the study of
relationships between
organisms and organisms and
their environment
• Population- all the species living in an
• Community- all the different
populations in the woods
• Ecosystem- area where things interact
• Biotic-Factors in the ecosystem (living)
• Abiotic- factors in the ecosystem ( nonliving)
• Each organism lives in a habitat
• Predator- eats other organisms
• Prey- animal that gets eaten by
the predator (zebra)
• Symbiosis- class relationship between 2
organisms (1-3)
• Mutualism- when both organisms
• Parasitism- only one organisms benefits
• Commensalism- one organism benefits
but the organism that does not benefit
is not harmed
• Producers- make their own food
• Consumers have to depend on
other animals to eat (do not
make their own food)
Types of consumers
• Primary- eats only plants AKA herbivore
• Secondary- eats primary consumer
• Decomposers- break down dead
organisms & bring nutrients back to the
environment (bacteria)
• Scavengers- feed on dead organisms
• Food Chain- shows the
organisms involved starting with
producer and ending with
• Food web- shows overlapping
food chains
• Pyramid of biomass- compares the total
mass of different types of organism in
the ecosystem
• Producers make up the base
• Primary are on the next level
• Secondary and higher are on the next
• Each level is called a trophic level
biogeochemical cycles
• 1. precipitation- movement of
water( air to earth)
• 2. evaporation – movement of
water (earth to air)
• 3. condensation- making of
water vapor into liquid
• 4. Transpiration- movement of
water from plants to air
• 5. Reparation- movement of
water from animals to air
• 1. photosynthesis
• 2. Respiration
• 3. Decomposition
• 4. Burning of fossil fuels
Nitrogen Cycle
• Nitrogen gas from the air is
converted into form plants can
• Denitrification- when nitrogen is
returned to the soil
• Biomes- ecosystems make up biomes
• 1. tundra- frozen subsoil
• 2. taiga- subsoil thaws
• 3. temperate deciduous forest(Mississippi)- cold winters and warm
• 4. Tropical rain forest- found at the
• 5. Grasslands- parries
• 6. Desert- little rainfall
• 7. marine – salt water
• Carrying capacity- # of organisms an
area can support
• Limiting factors- factors the limit the
population size
• Renewable- replaced by recycling
• Non-renewable – not replaced
• Species
• - extinct species have disappeared
• Endangered- in danger of
• A species can only reproduce with a
member of its own species
• Primary succession- Volcanic ash,
nothing grown in the area
• Secondary succession- has been
planted before