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Name: _________________________________
Z361 Final Fall 2000
Multiple Choice Section
Answer all 32 questions using a No. 2 pencil to fill in a scantron form provided. Except
for question #32, there is only one correct answer to each question.
160 points, 5 points per question.
1. Cephalopod beaks and tentacles are thought to be homologous to which of the
following two hypothetical ancestral mollusc (HAM) features?
a. Crystalline style and mantle cavity
b. Crystalline style and foot
c. Radula and mantle
d. Radula and foot
e. None of the above.
2. Which of the following statements about polychaete circulatory systems is TRUE?
a. In many species, the setae serve as gills.
b. Polychaetes have a closed circulatory system.
c. A two-chambered heart is found at the anterior end of the animal.
d. Polychaetes have no blood respiratory pigments.
3. Which of the following statements about nematode reproduction is TRUE?
a. The male has a spicule that holds open the female vulva during copulation.
b. The female has a vulva that opens into the cloaca.
c. The female has a vulva at the posterior end of the body right next to the anus.
d. Both a. and b. are true.
e. Both a. and c. are true.
4. Examine the diagram of a cross section through an anthozoan below. Which of the
following statements about the diagram is TRUE?
5. The Malphighian tubules of insects:
a. function in gas exchange.
b. function in excretion.
c. are the only remnants of the coelom in insects.
d. Both a. and c. are true.
e. Both b. and c. are true.
6. Which of the following animals are, in order, acoelomate, pseudocoelomate and
a. cnidarians, flatworms, arthropods
b. sponges, nematodes, molluscs
c. flatworms, rotifers, arthropods
d. rotifers, echinoderms, chordates
7. Appendages emerging from the thorax and abdomen of crustaceans function in:
a. copulation.
b. defense.
c. locomotion.
d. food handling.
e. all of the above.
8. Which of the following statements about bivalve molluscs is TRUE?
a. Oysters burrow in the sand with a spade-shaped foot.
b. Scallops burrow in the sand with a spade-shaped foot.
c. Mussels anchor themselves to hard substrates using byssal threads.
d. Mussels, scallops and oysters are all deposit feeders.
9. Examine the diagram of a cross section through a generalized arthropod below.
Which one of the following statements about the diagram is TRUE?
a. (1) is the heart; (2) is the gut; (3) is the coelom.
b. (1) is the heart; (2) is the gut; (3) is the hemocoel.
c. (1) is the dorsal hollow nerve cord; (2) is the gut; (3) is the hemocoel.
d. (1) is the heart; (2) is the coelom, (3) is the hemocoel.
10. Which of the following statements about Chelicerates is TRUE?
a. The head and thorax tagmata are fused to form an opisthosoma.
b. All members have mandibles that are used to crush and grind food.
c. All members have biramous antennae.
d. In all members, the first set of appendages are chelate.
11. Which of the following statements about lophophorate morphology is TRUE?
a. The term polypide refers to an entire bryozoan individual and consists of the
zooid and the zooecium.
b. The term zooid refers to an entire bryozoan individual and consists of the
polypide and the cystid.
c. The zooecium is the visceral material and includes the lophophore, the gut and
the muscles.
d. The cystid is entirely acellular protective material, composed of protein and
e. None of these statements is true.
12. Rotifer locomotion and musculature are best described by which of the following
a. Rotifers swim with their jointed appendages.
b. Rotifers have a complex series of longitudinal and circular muscles that work
against the hydrostatic skeleton to result in a telescoping motion.
c. Rotifers effect a telescoping motion by alternately contracting circular and
longitudinal muscles in the metameric segments of their bodies.
d. Rotifers do not move. All groups are sessile.
13. The parasite Schistosoma:
a. is a flatworm that has a very simple life history.
b. is a roundworm that has a molluscan intermediate host.
c. resides as an adult in the intestines of vertebrate hosts.
d. has a sessile larval stage that infects vertebrate hosts by being ingested.
14. In the Branchiopod Daphnia (water flea), the thoracic appendages function in:
a. gas exchange.
b. copulation.
c. locomotion.
d. both (a.) and (b.)
e. both (a.) and (c.)
15. Larvaceans:
a. are in the subphylum Larvacea.
b. are in the class Urochordata.
c. are in the subphylum Cephalochordata.
d. None of the above.
16. Which of the following statements about arthropod vision is FALSE?
a. Compound eyes produce an integrated mosaic image in the animal’s brain.
b. Compound eyes are comprised of multiple ommatidia.
c. Limulus have up to 8 lens eyes.
d. The visual pigments in compound eyes are housed in the rhabdome.
17. Which of the following statements about asteriod papulae is FALSE.
a. Papulae emerge from the aboral surface of the body.
b. Papulae are filled with coelomic fluid.
c. Papulae function in gas exchange.
d. Papulae house gametes and release them during spawning.
18. Which of the following statements about echinoderm feeding is FALSE?
a. Crinoids are filter feeders, straining particles from the water with their podia.
b. Regular urchins are herbivores, using their Aristotle’s rasp algal or plant
material from a substrate.
c. Sea cucumbers are predators, using their tentacle crown to grasp prey before
immobilizing them with a poison.
d. Asteroids are predators and many feed by everting their stomach and
externally digesting their prey.
19. Examine the diagram of a spider below. Which of the following statements about the
labeled structures is FALSE.
(1) is the pedipalp.
(2) is the chelicera.
(3) is the tracheal system.
(4) is the spinnerets.
(5) is the heart.
20. The nematode cuticle:
a. is impermeable to dissolved gases.
b. is never molted.
c. is considered to be evidence of a close link with the phylum Rotifera.
d. is largely composed of collagen.
21. The Blatteria
a. are commonly known as cockroaches.
b. are commonly known as dragonflies.
c. have a single set of wings.
d. have elytra.
22. Nematocysts are:
a. sensory receptors in cnidarians that help to orient the animal’s body in space,
by detecting gravity.
b. stinging organelles in cnidarians that are used to ensnare passing prey.
c. chemoreceptors in nematodes.
d. resident within the mesoglea of cnidarians.
23. Examine the diagram of an Asteroid cross section below. Structures (1) and (2)
correspond to which of the following structures.
coelom and mesoderm
coelom and ossicles
coelom and gonads
radial canal of water vascular system and gonads
radial canal of water vascular system and ossicles
24. Oligocheates:
a. reproduce by epitoky.
b. are parthenogenetic.
c. are hermaphroditic.
d. Both a. and c. are true.
25. A cestode proglottid:
a. anchors the organism into the host intestinal wall with barbed hooks and
adhesive suckers.
b. is composed largely of muscles that help propel the worm through the host
c. is composed almost exclusively of reproductive tissues.
d. is composed almost exclusively of male reproductive tissue. The female
gonads are housed in the scolex.
26. Which of the following statement about leech locomotion is TRUE?
a. Leeches move using alternate contractions of the circular and longitudinal
muscles, much like earthworms do.
b. Leeches move by alternate grasping of the substrate with the anterior and
posterior suckers, much like an inchworm.
c. Leeches move across substrates by anchoring their setae into the substrate and
then grasping with the anterior sucker.
d. Leeches move by sinusoidal wriggling using contractions of longitudinal
muscles along alternate sides of the body, much like a snake.
27. Which of the following statements about shell spiraling in gastropods is TRUE?
a. In many gastropods, shell spiraling has resulted in the loss of one gill, kidney
and heart auricle.
b. All gastropod shells spiral in the same direction.
c. Spiraling is thought to have arisen to aid in reproductive behavior.
d. Spiraling occurs in only one subclass of gastropods, the opistobranchs.
28. Which of the following statements about sponge feeding is TRUE?
a. Ciliary currents created by the pinacoderm bring water and particles into the
inside of the sponge.
b. Archaeocytes emerge from the mesohyl layer and engulf particles from the
water moving through the sponge.
c. Nematocysts, lining the spongocoel, ensnare plankton passing through the
d. Choanocytes generate water currents with their ciliary beating and also engulf
particles passing through the sponge.
29. Bryozoans:
a. are solitary.
b. are always colonial but never polymorphic.
c. are always colonial and often polymorphic.
d. are highly motile.
30. Monogonont rotifers:
a. have haploid males that form from unfertilized mictic eggs.
b. are entirely parthenogenetic.
c. can reproduce parthenogenetically by producing mictic eggs.
d. can form cryptobiotic resting eggs (actually zygotes) directly from amictic
31. All Echinoderms:
a. have well developed brains.
b. have an internal skeleton.
c. have a gastrovascular system.
d. have a highly reduced coelom.
32. The field trips in Z362 were: (all are correct answers, answer all that apply)
a. a waste of time and money.
b. educational but a major inconvenience since they were on the weekend.
c. very educational and should be kept as is.
d. should be optional.
e. Can’t answer, I wasn’t enrolled in Z362.