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Physical Science Chemistry
Due Date _________________
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PSC 1W2 Early Atomic theory
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. atomos
b. atoms
John Dalton
John Joseph Thomson
(1 point) Greek word for “uncut” or “invisible”
(1 point) Used electrical experiments to explore atoms
(1 point) The smallest piece of matter
(1 point) Stated the first scientific theory of atoms
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
(1 point) Used philosophical reasoning to form an atomic theory, not science
a. Democritus b. Aristotle c. Mr. Munger d. John Dalton
(1 point) Used electrical experiments to explore atoms
a. excited b. John Dalton c. atomos d. John Joseph Thomson
(1 point) Said that all atoms of the same element have the same mass
a. Mr. Neff b. Thomas Aquinas c. Democritus d. John Dalton
(1 point) The letter I in the above diagram indicates:
a. hydrogen atom b. negative charge c. oxygen atom d. Dalton
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(1 point) The letter H in the above diagram indicates:
a. hydrogen atom b. Aristotle c. oxygen atom d. Dalton
(1 point) The letter J in the above diagram indicates:
a. negative charge b. Dalton c. positive charge d. oxygen atom
(1 point) The letter B in the above diagram indicates:
a. John Joseph Thomson b. Earth c. Air d. positive charge
(1 point) The letter F in the above diagram indicates:
a. Water b. Aristotle c. Fire d. hydrogen atom
(1 point) The letter A in the above diagram indicates:
a. John Joseph Thomson b. negative charge c. positive charge d. Air
(1 point) The letter G in the above diagram indicates:
a. oxygen atom b. Water c. hydrogen atom d. Aristotle
(1 point) The letter E in the above diagram indicates:
a. Water b. Aristotle c. Fire d. Earth
(1 point) The letter C in the above diagram indicates:
a. John Joseph Thomson b. Air c. Earth d. Fire
(1 point) The letter K in the above diagram indicates:
a. Water b. Dalton c. John Joseph Thomson d. Fire
(1 point) The letter D in the above diagram indicates:
a. Fire b. Water c. Air d. Earth
(1 point) Taught that you cannot reach a smallest piece, therefore there are no atoms
a. Aristotle b. Mr. Neff c. Mr. Munger d. Democritus
(1 point) Model of the atom based on energies of the parts
a. excited b. quantum mechanical model c. John Dalton d. Neils Bohr
(1 point) The theory of atoms that really wasn't scientific was the _____.
a. Rutherford's b. Dalton's c. Marshall's d. early Greeks
(1 point) Who discovered that most of the positive charge in an atom was in a central “nucleus”?
a. Bohr b. Rutherford c. Thomson d. Dalton
(1 point) Said that all compounds contain atoms of more than one element
a. Mr. Neff b. Democritus c. John Dalton d. Aristotle
(1 point) His atomic model is the solid sphere model
a. John Dalton b. Aristotle c. Democritus d. John Joseph Thomson
(1 point) His atomic model is the “plum Pudding” model
a. Democritus b. John Dalton c. John Joseph Thomson d. Thomas Aquinas
(1 point) Which of the following in NOT part of John Dalton’s atomic theory?
a. All elements are composed of atoms. b. A compound contains atoms of more than one element c. Atoms contain
subatomic particles d. All atoms of the same element have the same mass
(1 point) Greek word for “uncut” or “invisible”
a. atom b. Neils Bohr c. John Dalton d. atomos
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(1 point) J.J. Thomson’s experiments provided evidence that an atom ___.
a. is the smallest particle of matter b. contains negatively charged particles c. could not be divided into smaller parts
d. has a positive charge
(1 point) Said that all elements are composed of atoms
a. Democritus b. Aristotle c. Mr. Neff d. John Dalton
(1 point) His atomic model is the chocolate chip cookie dough
a. John Dalton b. Democritus c. Aristotle d. John Joseph Thomson
(1 point) Theory that held that atoms were solid spheres joining in set patterns.
a. Cashmore's b. early Greeks c. Rutherford's d. Dalton's
(1 point) Notice that elements were observed to always combine in the same way
a. Democritus b. Mr. Neff c. Aristotle d. John Dalton
(1 point) Claimed that the elements were earth, air, fire, and water
a. Democritus b. Thomas Aquinas c. Mr. Powers d. Aristotle
(1 point) The First atomic theory to take into account the negative electrical charges found by
experimentation was brought forth by?
a. Thomson b. Dalton c. Greeks d. Bohr
(1 point) Sated the first scientific theory of atoms
a. John Dalton b. ground state c. Ernest Rutherford d. atom
(1 point) Discovered that Dalton was wrong
a. Aristotle b. John Dalton c. Democritus d. John Joseph Thomson
(1 point) The first atomic theory to take into account the electrical charges found in experiments.
a. Thomson's b. early Greeks c. Powers' d. Dalton's
(1 point) Discovered that most of the atom is empty space
a. Ernest Rutherford b. John Joseph Thomson c. quantum mechanical model d. atomos
(1 point) The theory that first coined the word "atom" for the tiny particles of matter.
a. Cashmore's b. Dalton's c. early Greeks d. Rutherford's
(1 point) Observed that in a particular compound, atoms of different elements always combine in the
same way
a. Aristotle b. Thomas Aquinas c. John Dalton d. Mr. Neff
(1 point) Discovered that electrons were 1/2000th the size of the smallest atom
a. Thomas Aquinas b. Aristotle c. John Joseph Thomson d. Democritus
(1 point) Described the electrons around the nucleus
a. John Joseph Thomson b. Ernest Rutherford c. ground state d. Neils Bohr
(1 point) Said that all objects made of 4 elemental substances
a. Mr. Powers b. Democritus c. Aristotle d. Mr. Munger
(1 point) Thought of dividing matter, like water, into the smallest possible piece
a. Aristotle b. Mr. Neff c. John Dalton d. Democritus
(1 point) the position of least energy
a. ground state b. excited c. quantum mechanical model d. atomos
(1 point) The smallest piece of matter
a. ground state b. John Joseph Thomson c. atom d. quantum mechanical model
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(1 point) Who used philosophical reasoning to form an atomic Theory, not science?
a. John Dalton b. Democritus c. Aristotle d. Albert Einstien
(1 point) Given more energy than the ground state
a. Ernest Rutherford b. Neils Bohr c. excited d. atom
(1 point) Said that all Atoms of different elements have different masses
a. John Dalton b. Aristotle c. Mr. Neff d. Democritus
(1 point) The Greek philosopher Democritius coined what word for a tiny piece of matter that cannot be
a. atom b. element c. electron d. molecule
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