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Chemistry – Structure of the Atom
Early Ideas of the Atom – Practice Questions
Lesson Summary
 Democritus was the first person to propose the existence of atoms.
 According to Democritus, atoms are solid, homogeneous, and indivisible.
 Aristotle did not believe in the existence of atoms.
 John Dalton’s atomic theory is based on numerous scientific experiments.
1. Contrast the methods used by the Greek philosophers and Dalton to study the atom.
2. Define atom using your own words.
3. Summarize Dalton’s atomic theory.
4. Explain how Dalton’s theory of the atom and the conservation of mass are related.
5. Six atoms of Element A combine with eight atoms of Element B to produce six compound
particles. How many atoms of Elements A and B does each particle contain? Are all of the atoms
used to form compounds?
October 2012
Mastering Concepts
7. Who originally proposed the concept that matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles?
8. Whose work is credited with being the beginning of modern atomic theory?
9. Distinguish between Democritus’s ideas and Dalton’s atomic theory.
10. Was Democritus’s proposal of the existence of atoms based on scientific methods or ideas?
11. Explain why Democritus was unable to experimentally verify his ideas.
12. What was Aristotle’s objection to the atomic theory?
15. Define matter and give two everyday examples.
October 2012