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How did events in Europe contribute to the Great Depression in the United States?
A Imposing of tariffs meant that European countries could not sell goods in the U.S.,
so they imposed their own tariffs, resulting in a decline of worldwide trade.
B Famine brought millions of unskilled immigrants to the United States.
C An epidemic led to a labor shortage and a decline in economic activity.
D The rise of communism led to economic isolation from the United States.
Which of the following was the MOST damaging effect of bank failures?
A People who worked in banks lost their jobs.
C People were unable to cash checks.
B People who deposited money did not get it
D People could only borrow money for
Which of the following contributed MOST to the Great Depression?
sales taxes
property taxes
taxes on imports
taxes on income
All of the following were results of the crash of the Stock Market EXCEPT:
A less demand for luxury items
C lack of adequate capital for businesses
B increased prices for farm products
D huge debts for many individuals
The Dawes Plan of 1924, led to —
A a loss of United States territory in the Pacific
C improved economic stability in Europe
B increased political tensions in Europe
D an increase of migration in the United States
Which of the following was a result of the Stock Market crash in 1929?
more demand for luxury items
decreased prices for farm products
increased capital for farm products
increased capital for farm products
How did events in Europe contribute to the Great Depression in the United States?
A Increased production led to decreased demand for American products.
B Famine brought millions of unskilled immigrants to the United States.
C An epidemic led to a labor shortage and a decline in economic activity.
D The rise of communism led to economic isolation from the United States.
What was the most damaging effect of bank failures?
People who worked in banks lost their jobs.
People who had deposited money did not get it back.
People who needed to cash checks were unable to do so.
People who owed money to banks did not have to pay it.
President Herbert Hoover's administration contributed to the Depression because it—
A did too little to create jobs.
C loaned too much money to banks.
B lowered interest rates too much.
D imposed too many regulations on business.
Answer: A
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon persuaded Congress in 1921, to reduce the personal income tax
until 1932, because he wanted the government to—
A rely on sales taxes.
C end inheritance taxes.
B help the unemployed.
D encourage capital investments.
As a result of the Great Depression, the federal government took steps to protect
consumers from which of the following?
A check frauds
C tax collections
B bank failures
D insurance scams
In response to the Great Depression, the federal government passed the Revenue Act of 1932. The purpose of
this act was to —
A raise tax rates.
C regulate the stock market.
B lower interest rates.
D increase the money supply.
Under the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the U.S. government reacted to the Great Depression by —
A recruiting additional immigrant workers.
C restricting the movement of farm workers.
B reducing the number of federal employees.
D implementing new government programs.
Franklin Roosevelt responded to the Great Depression in all of the following ways except—
A stricter restrictions on immigrant workers.
C increased the number of federal employees.
B implemented new government programs.
D paid farmers subsidies.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created in 1933, as part of the New Deal. It was designed to
A protect the availability of cash in banks.
C protect the benefits of retired citizens.
B monitor the frequency of stock purchases.
D determine the amount of employee wages.
Answer: A
During the Great Depression, the government used many tactics to help farmers. All of the following tactics
were used EXCEPTA the purchase of farm surplus.
C increased tax on imported food.
B the purchase of bulk supplies.
D increased tax on homegrown food.
Answer: D
About what percentage of the United States workforce was unemployed at the height of the Great
A 15%
C 35%
B 25%
D 45%
The Great Depression effected the U.S. economy through:
A relaxed restrictions on immigrant workers
C restricted the movement of farm workers
B reduced the number of federal employees
D implemented new government programs
How did Franklin D. Roosevelt respond to the Great Depression?
A relaxed restrictions on immigrant workers
C restricted the movement of farm workers
B reduced the number of federal employees
D implemented new government programs