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ElectroMagnetic Therapy in
Chiropractic Practice
Dr. Jerry Jacobson
Founder and Chief Science Officer
Magneceutical Health
Outline of Agenda
Understanding Magnetism
Science behind Magnetic fields applied to Health
Clinical Research using Magnetic fields
Summary of How Magnetism applies to Chiropractic
D.D. Palmer...father of
Described TONE....
“Nerves, like all material substances, are
composed of particles, atoms or molecules,
which vibrate, oscillate… When nerves are in
normal condition, known as tone – normal
tension… impulses are transmitted by vibration
in a normal manner with usual force.”
Building on the Works of Giants
Jacobson Resonance Equation:
mc =BvLq
m= target mass (molecule)
c= speed of light
B=strength of Magnetic field
L= length of organism
q= unit electric charge
Cyclotron Resonance Equation:
f= frequency
q= charge of electron
B=strength of Magnetic field
π = Pi
m= mass of electron
Dr. W. Ross Adey
Maintained that molecular organization in biosystems
essential for sensing weak stimuli (thermal,
chemical, or electrical) resides in joint functions of
molecular assemblies (or in subsets). It is at the
atomic level within systems that physical rather than
chemical events shape the flow of signals and
transmission of energy.
Electromagnetic Fields Affect Cardiac Rate
and Rhythm
Low Level EMF’s applied non-invasively can
slow heart rate and enhance A-V block. the
effect could be used in patients with atrial
tachycardia (AT’s) and atrial fibrillation (AF) to
slow rapid ventricular rates.
Professor Benjamin Scherlag, Heart Rhythm Institute at the University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. 2010
ECG Wave
Low Level EMF Suppresses Atrial Fibrillation
Lilei Yu, MD Benjamin Scherlag, PhD et al, Heart Rhythm Institute at the University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK 2009
Progressive and significant increase in the WOV
during the first 3 hrs of rapid pacing induced AF
and reversal toward baseline values, when rapid
pacing induced AF and PTEMF were
simultaneously applied during the last 3 hrs.
Neural firing is shown at baseline. After 3 hrs of
rapid pacing there was marked increase in
amplitude and frequency of the neural activity.
After 3hrs of combined PTEMF and rapid pacing
these effects were significantly reduced
Low Level EMF to Suppress A-Fib: The first
step toward a completely Non Invasive
In 3 separate experiments, pulsed Pico-Tesla EMF (PTEMF) applied
to vagal trunks, right atrial appendage or non invasively across the
chest can significantly increase AF threshold, markedly inhibited the
duration and cycle length of AF induced by powerful cholinergic
stimulation. In addition PTEMF suppress RAP induced ERP changes
and AF indelibility. These latter effects were associated with an initial
increase in the amplitude and frequency of neural firing in the GP and
reversal by PTEMF’s.
* Pulsed PTEMF’s were in the PicoTesla range at Low frequencies in Delta range
* AF= atrial fibrillation
* RAP= rapid atrial pacing
* ERP= effective refractory period
* GP = ganglionated plexi
Professor Benjamin Scherlag, Heart Rhythm Institute at the University of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. 2010
Restoration of Nerve Ultrastructure and Recovery from Motorneuropathy
in Mice by Electromagnetic Field
Grip Strength diminishes over first 10 weeks
Grip Strength returns over last 8 weeks with PTemf
Motor Neuropathy-Cornell/Fairleigh-Dickinson
* Demonstrated in vivo effect EMF on restoration of subcellular structures required for nerve
impulse conduction and metabolism
* EMF treatment lead to a rise in grip strength from Motor neuropathy.
* (Anjali Saxena et al, 2003; study available on request)
Restoration of Nerve Ultrastructure and Recovery from Motorneuropathy
in Mice by Electromagnetic Field
Radial Nerve Ultrastructure Presented In Electron Micrographs
Fig. 1 Electron micrograph (EM) of cross sections of radial nerve of mice from control Group 1, indicating Axon (AX), Axonal membrane
(AXM), Golgi bodies (GO), Microtubule (MIC), Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF), Schwann cells (SC), A. (Top)
GO, MT, B. (Bottom Left) MT binary fission, C. (Bottom) NF. EM Magnification x 19,000. Scale Bar = 1 m.
Restoration of Nerve Ultrastructure and Recovery from Motorneuropathy
in Mice by Electromagnetic Field
Fig. 2 Electron micrograph (EM) of cross sections of radial nerve of mice from IDPN treated Group 3 unexposed to
EMF indicating Axon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Microtubule (MIC), Mitrochondria (MT), Myelin sheath
(MY), Neurofilament (NF), Schwanna cells (SC). A. (Top) MY, AXA, B. (Bottom) MY, AXM, MT, NF. EM
Magnification x 10,000. Scale Bar = 1 .
Restoration of Nerve Ultrastructure and Recovery from Motorneuropathy
in Mice by Electromagnetic Field
Fig. 3 Electron micrographs (EM) of cross sections of radial nerve of mice from IDPN treated Group 2
exposed to EMF, indicating Axon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Golgi bodies (GO), Microtubule (MIC),
Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF), Schwann cells (SC). A. (Top) MT, MY, AXM,
NF, MIC, B. (Bottom Left) GO, MIC, C. (Bottom Right) GO, NF, MY, MT. EM Magnification A, B x 19,000, C
x 4,800. Scale Bar = 1 .
Restoration of Nerve Ultrastructure and Recovery from
Motorneuropathy in Mice by Electromagnetic Field
These results are the first to demonstrate a
biological effect of EMF in vivo on the
restoration of subcellular structures required
for nerve impulse conduction and metabolism
in nerves, and consequently a grip strength
recovery from motorneuropathy, under
controlled experimental conditions.
Professors Brij and Anjali Saxena,Cornell/Fairleigh-Dickinson 2003
PTemf tested in double blind clinical study for treatment of
Osteoarthritic knees
J. Jacobson, R. Gorman, F. Chaviano, W. Yamanashi et al. Estratto Da Gazzetta medica Italiano-Archivio
per le scienzemediche Vol 160 2001
Osteoarthritis (Knees) - 176 Subject, Double Blind Clinical Study
* Results: Reduction in pain after treatment sessions was significantly (P<.001) greater in the magnet-on
group (46%) compared to the magnet-off group (8%).
* Conclusion: Low-amplitude, extremely low frequency magnetic fields are safe and
effective for treating patients with chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis.
* Study formed foundation for CE Mark in Europe and Health Canada clearance**
% improvement across 4 different Scales (n=15)
Effects of PTEMF treatment on wound healing
in rats
CT Trostel, DVM: RM Mclaughlin, DVM: JG Lamberth, PhD: et al AJVR, Vol 84, 2003; 64:845-854
Procedure: 64 male rats, 32 in each group (open / sutured) w/ 16 in control
Treated group exposed to PTEMF 160 minutes/day for 7 days
Results: Open wounds contracted more quickly at days 2 and 4
Sutured wounds were stronger (stress) and tougher (strain) at day 14
Conclusions : PTEMF appears to be a safe form of adjuvant treatment for wounds and
Summary of How Magnetism applies to
Founded upon similar principles… DD Palmer
Evidence Based research in Healing, wounds/nerves/etc
Human Research in “Pain”… Arthritis, Fibromyalgia
Macro adjustment plus Micro adjustment = Better Health