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34. Branches climbing, round, villofe, jointed.
Leaves two inches long, broad-ovate, fharp at the bafe,
veined: veins fomewhat villofe on both fides. Petioles
villofe, fubcinereous.
Peduncles oppofite, half the
length of the leaf, firft three-parted, then once bifid.
Pedicels two-flowered. Bractes two, oppofite, very
minute, briftle-fhaped, at the bafc of the pedicels and
calyx. Calycine fegments briftle-fhaped.—It varies
with the branches, and veins of the leaves lefs villofe,
and is allied to J . nafuta. Native of Malabar. K o e nig .
3 5 . Stem dividing from the very bottom into long
branches, refembling fo many items: the'fe are round
at bottom, but obfcurely quadrangular at top, up­
right, weak, hairy, a foot and half high, a little branched
at top. Leaves oppofite, hirfute, on a ciliate petiole,
• quite entire, dark green on the upper furface, fpreading, the lower ones remote, the upper clofely and imbricately heaped, and hence having the appearance of
a quadrangular fpike. Flowers folitary, feffile, fmall,
inodorous, in all the axils of the leaves. Bracte one
pn each Tide of every flower, fublinear, green, ciliate
with long white hairs. Calycine leaflets like the brac­
tes, but fhorter by half. Tube of the corolla fhorter
than the.calyx, gibbofe, whitifh: lower lip twice as
long as the tube, flat, and fpreading very much, end­
ing in a wide and equally trifid border, wholly white,
except two little iulphureous knobs at the origin, with
two fulvous dots before them : upper lip ovate, twotoothed, fhorter, concave, upright, brownifli on both
fides, with longitudinal yellow ftreaks. In this lip the
ftamens are placed. Each anther divides at bottom
into two legs, the inner of which is fhorter and free,
the outer ends in an inflexed filament. Style awlfhaped. Stigma bifid. Capfule comprefTed, orbiculate, acuminate both ways, fmooth, brown j containing
in each cell one kidney-fhaped, dark, comprefTed
feed, appearing as if it were dufly, placed tranfverfely,
having at top and bottom a tuft of brownifh hairs,
which in the magnifier appear round, awl-fhaped, pel­
lucid, and divided into feveral chambers by tranfverfe
partitions. T h e whole plant is rugged. It flowers the
whole fummer. Its native place of growth is un­
known .—Introduced in 1780, by Monf. Thouin .
3 6 . Stem upright, very fmooth, as is the whole
plant, hexangular with the fides grooved. Leaves petioled, two inches long, attenuated, quite entire. R a ­
ceme a hand in length, upright, cofnpofed almoft to
the top of upright racemelets, an inch long, oppo­
fite ; towards the top fimple, with oppofite flowers.
Flowers on'the racemelets alternate, four or five, on
fhort pedicels. Bractes two, briftle-fhaped, the length
of the pedicel, and at the bafe of the pedicels. Caly­
cine fegments linear-lanceolate. Corolla purple, bifid;
upper lip linear, entire; lower fubtrifid. Filaments
capillary, the length of the corolla. Anthers two, pedicelled. Style the length of the corolla, capillary.—
Native of the ifland of Trinidad: von Rohr .
3 7 . See Dianthera debilis.
38. See Dianthera violacea.
3 9 . Stem upright, branched, quadrangular, very
finely pubefcent at top, fomewhat hoary. Leaves fix
or eight inches long, and two or three broad, atte­
nuated, fharp at both ends, nerved, fmooth, on pe­
tioles two inches long. Partial fpikes on fhort pedun­
cles, oppofite. Peduncles pubefcent. Flowers oppo­
fite. Bractes in pairs, pubefcent, the length of the
calyx. Calycine leaflets linear-lanceolate, pubefcent.
Upper lip of the corolla linear-lanceolate, undivided j
lower trifid. Filaments undivided. Anthers two on
each filament, one placed a little above the other.
Native of Cayenne. Von Rohr*.
4.0. Stem upright, flifF, obfcurely quadrangular,
hairy backwards at the angles. Leaves three inches
long, attenuated, fharp, quite entire, fmooth above,
fhining, hairy underneath, fpreading very much, on
very fhort petioles. Spikes folitary, upright, fhorter
by half than the leaf, imbricate, axillary, with one ter­
Anterior bractes ovate, membranaceous,
* Vahl.
Hort. kew.
nerved, hairy-ciliate ; the dorfal ones half-ovate, ciliate
cufped, one at the bafe of each flower. Flower foil!
tary, fertile in the axils of the bractes. Calycine feg.
ments briftle-fhaped. Filaments bifid at the tip, one
fegment upright, the other bent down; with a finale
anther on each fegment. Native of Cayenne. Vcm
Rohr y.
4 1 . Stem round, fmooth, as is the whole plant
Leaves on fhort petioles, two inches and more in length"
with raifed nerves on both fides, quite entire, blundlh*
paler underneath.
Peduncle fimple, three or four
inches long, flowering at top, in a fpike an inch lonoflowers folitary, oppofite.
Bractes three to each
flower: the outer much broader, narrowed at the bafe
obovate j the two fide ones oblong, attenuated at the
bafe, fhorter than the outer, fubciliate, with minute
hairs. Calycine fegments lanceolate. Corolla larp-e,
purple, cloven beyond the middle: upper lip lan­
ceolate, two-toothed, fhorter than the lower; which
is three times broader, and trifid; the fegments ob­
long. Stamens the length of the upper lip. Native
of the ifland of Santa Cruz in America. Pftug' .
42. See Dianthera flava.
4 3 . See Dianthera americana. M r . Miller's fpecimen is in the Bankfian herbarium.
44. See Dianthera punctata.
4 5 . This is an upright fhrub, three feet high, witli
round brittle ftems. Leaves quite entire, fmooth, on
fhort petioles, oppofite, three inches long. Common
peduncles racemed, little divided $ the terminating
many-flowered, the axillary three-flowered or there­
abouts. Bractes ufualiy in threes, fhorter than the
calyx. Flowers inodorous, purple. Capfules wedgefhaped \
According to Vahl, there are frequently two or
three flowers within a fix-leaved involucre; the two
outer leaflets larger, widening outwards, mucronate,
one a little fhorter than the other, the remaining four
equal and awl-fhaped.
Native of the Weft-Indies; common on the arid
open hills of St. Euftatia.
46. This is an upright plant, two or three feet in
height. (Browne fays, it feldom rifes more than ten
or twelve inches.) Probably it is annual.
acuminate, two inches long. Panicles terminating, dichotomous, flender. Flowers numerous, red, feffile.
Bractes briftle-fhaped. T h e whole plant has the fmell
of new hay mixt with a refrefhing aromatic fcent.
Native of the Weft Indies; (Domingo and Martinico) where the inhabitants make a fyrup of it, which
they ufe againft. diforders of the breaft. The bruifed
leaves are alfo good in wounds and cuts; whence the
French there call it Herbe a cbarpentiere .
47. See Dianthera comata.
48. Branches a foot long and more, quite fimple,
oppofite, from upright fpreading, obfcurely angular,
with internodes from three to four inches in length$
there are frequently two other fhorter branches from
the axils. Leaves two inches long, very remote, acu­
minate, fomewhat rugged, paler underneath, on fili­
form petioles two or three lines in length". Peduncles
at the ends of the branches, from the axils of the ter­
minating leaves, three or five, equal, broader at top;
the lateral ones trifid, the middle ones undivided.
Bractes at the bafe, briftle-fhaped. thefe,
there are two lanceolate acuminate leaflets, one fhorter
than the other, protecting two or three flowers. Ca­
lycine fegments briftle-fhaped. Capfules villofe. Obferved in Malabar by Koenig .
49. Stem round, fmooth. Leaves two inches long,
ovate, acute, fmooth, quite entire, on fhort petioles:
Common peduncles oppofite, three times as long as
the leaf, quadrangular, pubefcent at top, with fharp
angles: partial peduncles umbelled, four, an inch
long, pubefcent, the middle ones a little longer. P e ­
dicels three or four, very fhort, umbelled. Bractes
of the peduncles and pedicels in pairs, oppofite, ob­
long, acuminate—of the flowers rhomb-fhaped, blunt,
membranaceous, veined, much larger than the calyx,
* Vahl.
* Ibid.
\ Ibid.
- Vahjl.