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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi – 110 096 Syllabus for Class Pre Primary 2017 - 2018 1 SOMERVILLE SCHOOL, VASUDHARA ENCLAVE, DELHI-96 BOOK DETAILS (PRE-PRIMARY) Name New Gem’s English Reader Primer Cursive Writing Practice Book (Light Blue Book) Poetry Magic Book - I Publisher Ratna Sagar Book Rate Binding 254.90 12.00 SSVE 200.00 Ratna Sagar 169.90 4 Madhubun Sulekh Pustika (Praveshika) Madhubun Educational Books 170.00 12.00 5 Anupam Akshar Bodh Sultan Chand 65.00 12.00 6 Mehak Bal Geet I Rachna Sagar 120.00 12.00 7 My Book of Numbers- II (Green Book) SSVE 200.00 8 My Second Book of the World Around Me Madhubun Educational Books 193.00 12.00 TOTAL 1432.80 S.No. 1 2 3 2 STATIONERY LIST SL. NO. SUBJECT ITEM COLOUR REQUIRED NO. RATE 1 ENGLISH 100 PAGES FOUR LINED - LAMINATED RED 2 40.00 2 MATHEMATICS 100 PAGES SMALL SQUARE - LAMINATED YELLOW 2 40.00 3 HINDI 100 PAGES FIVE LINED LAMINATED GREEN 2 40.00 4 GK ORANGE 1 20.00 1 PACKET 150.00 1 PACKET 105.00 2 PACKETS 100.00 2 PACKETS 108.00 1 PACKET 15.00 2 PACKETS 30.00 100 PAGES FOUR LINED COPY INTERLEAVED - LAMINATED 5 CRAYONS PLASTIC CRAYONS (24 SHADES) FABER CASTELL 6 COLOUR PENCIL FABER CASTELL (12 SHADES) 7 WRITING PENCIL SUPER DARK WRITING PENCILS (OLE GRIP) FABER CASTELL CRAFT SHEET-BRIGHT COLOURS PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COLOURS 8 9 FLUORESCENT SHEETS 10 DRAWING SHEET (PLAIN) 11 FEVICOL TUBE (SMALL) 1 40.00 12 FEVISTICK 1 35.00 13 PLAY DOUGH BOX 1 160.00 14 ERASERS 5 15.00 15 CLEAR BAG PLASTIC FOLDER 1 25.00 16 LABELS (OPTIONAL) 30.00 17 COVERS FOR NOTEBOOKS (OPTIONAL) 60.00 18 CARRY BAG (OPTIONAL) 14.00 TOTAL 1027.00 3 SYLLABUS FOR THE YEAR 2017 - 2018 CLASS – PRE PRIMARY MONTH - APRIL S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER Revision A to Z , a to z Phonetic sound 'a'(at, an, am) Poetry Magic 1. I LOVE LITTLE PUSSY 2. LITTLE GIRL,LITTLE GIRL 3. GETTING UP Oral recognition and written Madhuban Sulekha :pages :4 to 13 अ - अ: Anupam Akshar :pages 2to 4 Poem: 1. ए. बी. सी. Revision counting 1 to 50 oral and written Counting 1 to 60( oral and written ) Pre Number Concept Big/Small, Heavy/Light I Know Colours Myself CLASS – PRE PRIMARY MONTH – MAY S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER Phonetic sound 'a'( ag, ad, ap) Poetry Magic 1. MY LITTLE HOUSE 2. BEST OF ALL Oral recognition and written Madhuban Sulekha :pages:14 to 23 अ - अ: Anupam Akshar:pages:5 to 8 Poem: 1. आई Counting 1 to 60 ( oral and written) Pre Number Concept Long/Short, Up/Down My Body Keeping Clean 4 MONTH – JULY S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER Phonic sound 'e' (en, et, ed, eg) Poetry Magic Whisky Frisky The Post Man Baby Beds Cocks Crow In the Morn Jack And Jill Oral recognition and written Madhuban Sulekha :pages :24 to 34 क - ड. , च – ञ Anupam Akshar: pages : 9 to 14 Poem: counting 1 to 70 (oral and written ) what comes between 1 to 50 Backward counting 10 to 1 My Family My home My school My class MONTH – AUGUST S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI TOPIC / CHAPTER Phonetic sound 'i' (ib, it, In, ig, id) Poetry Magic 1.HURT NO LIVING THING 2.FOUR SCARLET BERRIES 3.MARY’S LAMB 4.THE ELEPHANT Oral recognition and written Madhuban Sulekha :pages 35 to 41 ट–ण ,त,थ Anupam Akshar: pages 15to1 8 Poem: 1. 2. घड़ी 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK Counting 1 to 80 oral and written Backward counting 20 to 1 What comes after 1 to Clothes we wear Rhyme time Food, fruit and vegetables Independence Day 5 MONTH – SEPTEMBER S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER Phonetic sound 'o' (op, ot, og, ox, od) Poetry Magic 1.THE FROG 2.I OFTEN W ONDER WHY 3.RAINBOW IN THE SKY 4.SCHOOL IS OVER Oral recognition and written Madhuban Sulekha :pages : 42to 50 द, ध , न , ऩ - म Anupam Akshar:pages 18to23 Poem: 1. रानी 2. मेरा counting 1 to 90 (oral and written) Backward counting 30 to 1 Work People do How we travel Traffic Signals Teachers’ Day MONTH – OCTOBER S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI TOPIC / CHAPTER Phonetic sound 'u' (ug, un, um, ud) CLAP AND TAP PAGE -57 Poetry Magic 1.SING SONG RHYME 2.THE EARLY MORNING 3.THE W IND AND THE RAIN 4.FOUND IN THE W OODS Oral recognition and written Madhuban Sulekha :pages 51to 60 य– Anupam Akshar: pages 29to30 Poem: 1. 2. 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK Counting 1 to 100 (Oral and written) Backward counting 40 to 1 Number names 1 to 5 What comes before 1 to 50 Sink and float Good Habits Living and non living Plants and trees Gandhi Jayanti 6 MONTH – NOVEMBER S.NO 1. SUBJECTS ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER PRIMER PAGES 16-25 YES , NO PAGE 9 DAYS OF THE W EEK PAGE 38-39 TEN SMALL RABBITS PAGE 50 Aa - Zz vocabulary Ch, Sh words-PAGE:56 Poetry Magic 1.SCHOOL’S OUT 2.W HEN I AM IN BED AT NIGHT 3.A SW ING SONG Oral recognition and written (revision)- क – Madhuban Sulekha :pages 61,62 Two Letter words/sentences Anupam Akshar:page:31 Poem: 1. 2. Counting 1 to 100 (Oral and written) Number names 1 to 10 Backward counting 50 to 1 Flowers Water World of animals Children’s Day MONTH – DECEMBER S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER THIS /THAT PAGE-10 I AM, YOU ARE PAGE-11 HEY DIDDLE, DIDDLE PAGE-14 Poetry Magic 1.THE SNAIL 2.JUMP OR JIGGLE Oral recognition and written :Three letter words /sentences Madhuban Sulekha :page:63 Anupam Akshar:page:32 Poem: 1. 2. Addition of single digit numbers up to 10 Festival Air Story time/telling Christmas 7 S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK MONTH – JANUARY TOPIC / CHAPTER IS THIS, IT IS PAGE-15 MY FAMILY PAGE 26, 27 & 30, 31 ONCE I SAW A LITTLE BIRD PAGE 28 OUR TOYS PAGE 32 & 33 Ask and Know Page - 44 & 45 Poetry Magic 1.MRS. HEN 2.LITTLE W IND Oral recognition and written :Four letter words/sentences Madhuban Sulekha :pages : 63, 64 Poem: 1. 2. Single digit addition revision Introduction to Subtraction Count, Subtract and write the numbers Good manners Seasons Republic Day MONTH – FEBURARY S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. NUMBER WORK 4. GK TOPIC / CHAPTER OUR VILLAGE PAGE -34 & 35 GRANNY IS READING PAGE -36 & 37 ACTION W ORDS PAGE 40 & 41 OPPOSITES PAGE 46 & 47 A W ALK PAGE 42 &43 Poetry Magic 1.THE BALLOON MAN 2.HAPPY THOUGHT Oral recognition and written: Four letter words/sentences Poem: 1. भीग गई Single Digit Subtraction (Revision) Shapes and their names Communication MONTH – MARCH S.NO SUBJECTS 1. ENGLISH 2. HINDI 3. 4. NUMBER WORK GK TOPIC / CHAPTER HOW MANY PAGE 48 & 49 Let us do Page-52 WHO IS W HERE PAGE 53 & 54 THE COW SAY MOO MOO PAGE 55 & 56 Maya’s House Page -58 Oral recognition and written: Two, Three, Four letter words/sentences Poem(revision) Revision Revision 8