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HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
It is most beneficial to you to write this mock midterm UNDER EXAM CONDITIONS.
This means:
• Complete the midterm in ___ hour(s).
• Work on your own.
• Keep your notes and textbook closed.
• Attempt every question.
After the time limit, go back over your work with a different colour or on a separate piece
of paper and try to do the questions you are unsure of. Record your ideas in the
margins to remind yourself of what you were thinking when you take it up at PASS.
The purpose of this mock exam is to give you practice answering questions in a timed
setting and to help you to gauge which aspects of the course content you know well and
which are in need of further development and review. Use this mock exam as a
learning tool in preparing for the actual exam.
Please note:
Come to the PASS workshop with your mock exam complete. During the
workshop you can work with other students to review your work.
Often, there is not enough time to review the entire exam in the PASS workshop.
Decide which questions you most want to review – the Facilitator may ask
students to vote on which questions they want to discuss in detail.
Facilitators do not bring copies of the mock exam to the session. Please print out
and complete the exam before you attend.
 Facilitators do not produce or distribute an answer key for mock exams.
Facilitators help students to work together to compare and assess the answers
they have. If you are not able to attend the PASS workshop, you can work alone
or with others in the class.
Good Luck writing the Mock Exam!!
Dates and locations of mock exam take-up: Wednesday October 12th 2:30-4:00 in
PA 101 and Thursday October 13th 2:30-4:00 in CO 212
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
Part 1-Map
Using the map provided, indicate which location each number represents.
1. Number one (1) on the map is:
a. Sparta
b. Constantinople
c. Rhine River
d. Peloponnesus
2. Number two (2) on the map is:
a. Mediterranean Sea
b. Black Sea
c. Dead Sea
d. Adriatic Sea
3. Number three (3) on the map is:
a. Rome
b. Constantinople
c. Sparta
d. Athens
4. Number four (4) on the map is:
a. Spain
b. Pyrenees
c. Alps
d. Rome
5. Number five (5) on the map is:
a. Pyrenees
b. Danube River
c. Portugal
d. Rhine River
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
Part Two-Multiple Choice
Circle the answer which is the most correct.
1. Which of the following statements best describe slavery in Athens?
a. Slave labor was only agricultural
b. Slavery was race-based
c. Slaves were a part of every faucet of society
d. Slave labor was only used for domestic work
2. Which group invaded the Western Roman Empire at its end?
a. Germanic tribes/barbarians
b. Carthaginians from North Africa
c. The eastern Byzantine Empire
d. The Islamic State
3. Greek colonization was motivated by…
a. Desire to spread Greek culture
b. Over-population in the established polis
c. Military conquest and aspirations to gain more land and resources
d. The invasion of the Persians
4. Which Roman emperor legalized Christianity?
a. Constantine
b. Justinian
c. Octavian/Augustus
d. Julius Caesar
5. Which of the following is not a pillar of Islam?
a. Making the pilgrimage to Mecca
b. Not consuming pork
c. Giving alms to the poor
d. Accepting that there is only one God, called Allah, and Muhammad is His
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
6. Which political office in the Roman Republic was held by Plebeians and
represented Plebeian interests?
a. Praetor
b. Consul
c. Dictator
d. Tribune
7. What is Arête?
a. Islamic “community”
b. Roman “military prowess”
c. Aristotle’s theory of moderation; the “golden medium”
d. Greek “moral virtue”
8. Which of the following is not a similarity between Christianity and Islam?
a. Both revolutionized women’s rights
b. Both were derived from Roman pagan religion
c. Both were monotheistic
d. Both were utilized as systems of political organization and power
9. The first codified Roman laws were called:
a. Augustus’ Legal Reforms
b. The Five Pillars of Rome
c. The Twelve Tables
d. The Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian
10. After the death of Muhammad, Islam continued to spread rapidly. As the Islamic
State grew, what city became the new center of the Arab world?
a. Damascus
b. Mecca
c. Ravenna
d. Jerusalem
11. Which of the following Roman political offices never held imperium?
a. Consul
b. Dictator
c. Emperor
d. Censor
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
12. What does orthopraxy refer to?
a. Religious faith and belief
b. Religious rules and rituals
c. It is a specific sect of Christianity
d. When a person dies for their faith
13. During Justinian’s rule, the Byzantine Empire’s greatest enemy was:
a. The Germanic tribes
b. Syria
c. Persia
d. Islamic armies from the Arabian Peninsula
14. Language is commonly used as a factor to distinguish group identity, and to
explicitly exclude ‘others’ who do not speak the common language. In which of
the following historical examples was language not a major factor?
a. Deciding how to divide the Roman Empire (into East and West)
b. Conceptualizing Greek identity
c. As a tool for ‘othering’ slaves in the ancient world
d. Conceptualizing Roman identity
15. The process of Romanization:
a. Was primarily beneficial to the Roman state, which gained land and
b. Was primarily beneficial to colonized peoples, who gained roman
c. Was the Roman Empire forcing their barbaric colonized subjects to
assimilate into ‘civilized’ Roman culture
d. Was a generally beneficial exchange of cultural traditions and values
between Rome and newly colonized peoples
16. What is Asceticism?
a. A Christian practice of suppressing physical needs and desires in an effort
to achieve a spiritual relationship with God
b. A Greek artistic style
c. A particular form of Roman propaganda, first used by Julius Caesar
d. A Greek philosophical theory that all humans have an element of divinity
within them, and should follow the natural order of things
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
17. The patron-client relationship can be characterized as:
a. A social system which was utilized to organize political support and
influence political decisions
b. A social system utilized as a tool of social welfare to help mitigate the
hardships of the plebeians
c. An unequal relationship based on comradery and mutual advantage
d. All of the above
18. Which of the following did Rome not borrow from the Greeks?
a. Athenian political organization
b. The value of education as a moralizing and socializing tool
c. Philosophical theories of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
d. Religious traditions
19. The Macedonian Dynasty:
a. Destroyed the Byzantine economy with endless wars of conquest
b. Stabilized the Byzantine Empire by encouraging organized dynastic
c. Divided religious unity by creating the Iconoclastic controversy
d. Organized the military into themes
20. What is ‘Haram’?
a. Islamic ‘sanctuary’ or ‘holy ground’
b. Islamic dietary restrictions
c. The Byzantine value of individuality
d. The dominant pre-Islamic Arabian religion
HIST 1001 A
Taylor Tombol
Part Three-Short Answer
Define and give the significance of five (5) of the following terms. Your answer should
be about a paragraph long and should answer the who, what, where, and when of the
concept/person/place, as well as explain it’s importance.
Arab Culture
Ancient Slavery