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Name: ____________________________
Levels of
Objective: SWBAT understand the ecological levels of organization.
Questions/Main Ideas:
What are the cellular
levels of organization?
Remember the cellular levels of organization:
- Atoms (Carbon)
- Compounds (protein)
- Organelles (ER)
- Cells (stomach lining cell)
- Tissue (stomach tissue)
- Organ (stomach)
- Organ system (digestive system)
- Organism (human)
What is an organism?
Ecological Levels of Organization (lowest to highest):
1. Organism
• An individual living thing
• Ex) Powder Blue Tang
What is a population?
2. Population
• Group of organisms of one species living in the same place at the
same time
• Species= organisms with similar characteristics that are able to
breed and produce fertile offspring
• Compete for food water, mates, resources
• Adaptations may lead to no competition
• Ex) School of Tangs
What is a community?
3. Community
• Collection of interacting populations living in the same place at
the same time
• Change in one population affects other populations in the
• Ex) Different species of fish
What is an ecosystem?
4. Ecosystem
• Interactions among populations in a community and the physical
surroundings (Biotic + abiotic factors)
• First level that includes abiotic factors
• Ex) Coral Reef
• Terrestrial
• Aquatic
• Fresh water- ponds, lakes, streams
• Salt water- 75% of earth (marine)
What is a biome?
5. Biome
• A group of ecosystems that share the same climate and have
similar type of communities
• Ex) Tropic Coastal Ocean
Terrestrial Biomes
Tropical Rain Forest
Tropical Dry Forest
Tropical Savanna
Temperate Grassland
Temperate Woodland/ Shrubland
Temperate Forest
Coniferous Forest
Boreal Forest/ Taiga
Aquatic Biomes
Coral Reef
Open ocean
Lakes/ ponds
Rivers/ Streams
What is the
Wet; most biodiversity
Warm; tigers, monkeys
lions and hyenas
Dry; cacti and snakes
Grassy; coyotes and prairie dogs
Shrubs; mountain lions
Deciduous trees; deer
Evergreens; bears
Evergreens; moose
Cold; permafrost (frozen ground)
Marine/ salt water; warm shallow
water; high biodiversity
Marine/ salt water
Brackish (salt and freshwater); Ex)
Chesapeake Bay
Fresh; shallow water; no trees
Fresh; shallow water; trees
Fresh; still water
Fresh; moving water
6. Biosphere
• The highest level of organization that supports life
• Ex) The earth