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Unit 13- Geography Awareness
Concepts: Themes, Maps, Posing Questions
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas):
 Geographers use concepts and tools to interpret the world
 Physical patterns and processes affect the nature and distribution of physical features
Essential Questions:
 How do geographers use the Five Themes to organize the study of people and the earth?
 How do maps help geographers?
 What defines a region?
 How have physical processes shaped patterns in the physical environment?
Academic Vocabulary:
 N/A
Language of Instruction:
 Location (Absolute/Relative)
 Region (Formal, Perceptual, and
 Place
 Movement
 Human-Environment Interaction
 Landform
 Physical Features
Student Understanding (student friendly TEKS)
 WG1A –I can analyze the effects of physical geography and the influence it has on the past
and present.
 WG9A—I can identify physical and human factors that make up a region.
 WG9B—I can describe different types of regions.
 WG13A—I can interpret maps to explain the division of land.
 WG21A--I can analyze and evaluate primary and secondary sources, aerial photographs, and
 WG21B—I can locate places of significance on a map.
 WG21C--I can create and interpret different types of maps.
 WG22A--I can design maps, diagrams, tables, and graphs to communicate geographic
 WG22C—I can use geographic terminology correctly.
 WG22D--I can use proper English form when writing.
 WG22E—I can cite sources to avoid plagiarism when creating original work.
 WG23C-- I can use problem-solving and decision-making skills.
The student will:
and be able to:
analyze the effects of physical and human geographic
how geography and processes of
patterns and processes on the past and describe their impact
spatial exchange (diffusion)
on the present, including significant physical features and
influenced events in the past and
environmental conditions that influenced migration patterns
helped to shape the present
and shaped the distribution of culture groups today (WG 1A)
Unit 13: Geography Awareness
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Unit 13- Geography Awareness
Concepts: Themes, Maps, Posing Questions
the concept of region as an area of
Earth's surface with related
geographic characteristics
identify physical and/or human factors such as climate,
vegetation, language, trade networks, political units, river
systems, and religion that constitute a region (WG 9A)
describe different types of regions, including formal,
functional, and perceptual regions (WG 9B)
interpret maps to explain the division of land, including
the spatial characteristics of a variety
man-made and natural borders, into separate political units
of global political units
such as cities, states, or countries (WG 13A)
apply critical-thinking skills to
organize and use information
acquired from a variety of valid
sources, including electronic
analyze and evaluate the validity and utility of multiple
sources of geographic information such as primary and
secondary sources, aerial photographs, and maps (WG 21A)
locate places of contemporary geopolitical significance on a
map (WG 21B)
create and interpret different types of maps to answer
geographic questions, infer relationships, and analyze
change (WG 21C)
design and draw appropriate graphics such as maps,
diagrams, tables, and graphs to communicate geographic
features, distributions, and relationships (WG 22A)
communicates in written, oral, and
visual forms
use geographic terminology correctly (WG 22C)
use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and
punctuation (WG 22D)
create original work using proper citations and
understanding and avoiding plagiarism (WG 22E)
uses problem-solving and decisionmaking skills, working
independently and with others, in a
variety of settings
Unit 13: Geography Awareness
use problem-solving and decision-making processes to
identify a problem, gather information, list and consider
options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and
implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the
solution (WG 23C)
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