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7th Grade Geography
Essential Questions:
1. How does geography, climate natural and manmade resources affect the way people live and work?
2. How do maps and globes reflect history, politics, and economics?
3. Why do people move?
Essential Vocabulary – spatial thinking, geographic patterns, GIS, absolute location, relative location, GPS, latitude, longitude, hemisphere,
equator, prime meridian, cartographer, projection, relief, elevation, scale, political borders, globe, map, region, continent, longitude, latitude,
compass rose, legend, key, theme, commercial agriculture, subsistence farming, mining, farming, logging, irrigation, hydroelectric power,
deforestation, poaching, agricultural revolution, rural, urbanization, industrialization, water power, biofuel, wind turbine, ecotourism, scale, birth
rate, death rate, population density, climate regions, land use, climate patterns, – pollution, infrastructure, public services (i.e., police department,
fire department, public schools, public works), deforestation, soil erosion, physical conflicts, floods, droughts, snowstorms, plate tectonics, erosion,
glaciations, avalanche, convection, continental drift theory, Pangaea, moraine, subduction, divergence, convergence, fault, earthquake,
Standard 3: Apply geographic knowledge and skills (e.g., location, place, human/environment interactions, movement, and
3.1 Analyze and use various representations of the Earth to gather and compare information about a place.
Students will know…
1. how to identify different types of maps
2. different map projections
3. the Five Themes of Geography
4. geographic Information System (GIS)
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
1. the purpose and features of various
types of maps
2. advantages and drawbacks of major
map projections
3. how geographers identify the five
themes of geography
4. the different tools geographers use
Students will be able to…
1. analyze, interpret, and create various
types of maps
2. explain purpose of various map
3. categorize geographic information
based on the five themes of geography
4. create maps and analyze patterns using
layers of data
3.2 Locate on a map or globe physical features (e.g., continents, oceans, mountain ranges, and land forms) natural features (e.g.,
flora, fauna) and human features (e.g., cities, states, national borders) and explain their relationships within the ecosystem.
Students will know…
1. how to identify physical features on a
map or globe
2. how to identify natural features
3. how to identify human features
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
1. how to locate physical features on a
map or globe
2. how to locate natural features
3. how to locate human features
Students will be able to…
1. explain the role of physical features
within the environment
2. explain the role of natural features
within the environment
3. explain the role of human features
within the environment
3.3 Analyze diverse land use and explain the historical and contemporary effects of this use on the environment.
September 2014
Students will know…
1. how land is used
2. land use in regions and locations
3. history affects land use in the
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
1. there are a variety of ways that the land
is used
2. land use is dependent on different
regions and locations
3. historical events have changed land use
in the environment
Students will be able to…
1. explain the contemporary issues
regarding land use
2. analyze the impact of diverse land use
on the economy
3. distinguish contemporary vs. historical
effects of land use in the environment
3.4 Explain how movement patterns throughout the world (e.g., people, ideas, diseases, products, food) lead to interdependence
and/or conflict.
Students will know…
1. there are movement patterns
throughout the world
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
1. movement patterns may lead to
interdependence or conflict
Students will be able to…
1. explain how movement patterns lead to
interdependence or conflict
3.5 Use appropriate geographic resources to interpret and generate information explaining the interaction of physical and human
systems (e.g., estimate distance, calculate scale, identify dominant patterns of climate and land use, compute population density).
Students will know…
1. there are a variety of geographic
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
1. to interpret and generate information
using geographic resources
Students will be able to…
1. analyze information from geographic
3.6 Describe and distinguish between the environmental effects on the earth of short-term physical changes (e.g., floods, droughts,
snowstorms) and long-term physical changes (e.g., plate tectonics, erosion, glaciations).
Students will know…
1. the effects the environment has on the
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
1. there are both short-term and long-term
physical changes that affect the earth
Students will be able to…
1. identify short term and long term
physical changes
3.7 Describe major changes in a local area that have been caused by human beings and analyze the probable effects on the community and
Enduring Understandings
Students will know…
Students will understand that…
Students will be able to…
1. human environment interaction (HEI)
1. human beings have an impact on the
1. analyze the positive and negative affects
community and environment around
humans have on their community and
September 2014