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GRADE 6 WORLD CULTURES ATASCOCITA MIDDLE SCHOOL UNIT 1 – GEOGRAPHY SKILLS – TARGETS 6.3, 6.4, 6.21, AND 6.22 STUDENT NAME: Student-Friendly Learning Target Statements I know the definition of these landform terms, and I can identify them on a map: Knowledge Targets “What I need to know!” bay, canal, strait, lake, gulf, river (transportation corridor), peninsula, island, mountain range (transportation barrier), isthmus, ocean, continent, absolute location (latitude/longitude), relative location, plateau, valley, compass rose (cardinal and intermediate directions), scale, geography, greenhouse effect, physical geography, tropics, globe, Equator hemispheres, Prime Meridian, deserts, poles I know the cardinal and intermediate directions and how to use them on a map. (North, South, East, West, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest) I know the geographic location of the following landforms and can locate them on a map/globe: Continents: (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica) Mountain Ranges: Rockies, Appalachians, Sierra Nevada, Alaskan Range (including Mt. McKinley), Himalayas, Andes, Alps, Atlas, and Ural; Major Deserts: Mojave, Atacama, Sahara, Kalahari, Arabian, Gobi, Great Sandy I know the geographic location of the following water features and can locate them on a map/globe: Oceans: (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic ) Major Rivers: Mississippi, Rio Grande, Nile, Congo, Amazon, Rhine, Danube, Yangtze, Darling Other Bodies of Water: Gulf of Mexico, Hudson Bay, Caribbean Sea, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea I know the geographic location of the following features and can locate them on a map/globe: Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle, Equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn Reasoning Targets “What I can do with what I know.” I can evaluate which is the best type of map to use in different applications. (Including: Political, Physical, Land Cover, Annual Rainfall, Elevation) I can distinguish between absolute and relative location. I can pose and answer geographic questions, including: Where is it located? Why is it there? What is significant about its location? How is its location related to the location of other people, places, and environments? I can estimate distances using map scale. Skill Targets I can explain how to use a compass rose on a map. I can use latitude and longitude to determine absolute location. “What I can demonstrate.” I can use an atlas to answer geographic questions. I can create sketch maps that illustrate various places and regions. I can use scale and direction to find a location anywhere on earth. Product Targets “What I can make to show my learning.” I can create a “Geo Bingo” card of selected physical features. (Mind-sketch strategy) I can create a 3-D globe representing Earth.