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Unit 9 Evolution STUDY GUIDE - Segreto
Name: _____________________________
1. Define species:
2. Define population:
3. What’s the difference between the two?
4. List the 4 principles of Natural Selection, and explain what each one means:
5. In order for a population to be successful, survival is not enough. What else must happen?
6. What’s the difference between uniformitarianism and catastrophism?
7. Evolution is considered to be one of the most important theories in science, because it ________________________
__________________________________(see pg 319).
8. Explain what that means:
9. What’s variation?
10. What’s an example of variation?
11. In the table below, list and explain the four sources of evidence Darwin used to support his theory:
12. What’s the difference between a homologous structure and an analogous structure?
13. Define vestigial structure:
14. What’s a vestigial structure that humans have?
15. What’s a vestigial structure that whales have?
16. Molecular evidence for evolution involves comparing the ______ ___________________ of two animals to see how
closely they’re related.
17. Define gene flow:
18. Give an example of gene flow:
19. Define genetic drift:
20. Give an example of genetic drift:
21. Which one increases, and which one decrease, the genetic diversity within a population?
22. Other than gene flow and genetic drift, what are the three factors that lead to evolution?
1. __________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. _______________________________
23. Define sexual selection and give an example:
24. Define the following terms and give at least one example of each:
Convergent evolution:
Divergent Evolution:
25.The American flying squirrel and the flying phalanger of Australia live in similar environments and look very similar.
However, they are not closely related. Their resemblance is most likely an example of
a. sexual selection.
c. convergent evolution
b. temporal isolation.
d. divergent evolution
26.The theory of endosymbiosis suggests that chloroplasts and mitochondria were once free-living prokaryotes, that were
engulfed by larger prokaryotic cells. Eventually, this relationship led to the development of eukaryotic cells
with cellular organelles. These organelles included mitochondria, and in some cases, chloroplasts.
The endosymbiosis theory is supported by the fact that both organelles
a. contain DNA
c. are capable of living independently
b. are found in eukaryotes
d. make protein
27.Which types of organisms developed first due to the early environmental conditions on Earth?
a. prokaryotic and aerobic
c. eukaryotic and aerobic
b. prokaryotic and anaerobic
d. eukaryotic and anaerobic
28.The overuse of antibiotics has led to
a. new antibiotic-resistant populations of viruses
b. new antibiotic-resistant populations of bacteria
c. the extinction of viruses
d. the extinction of bacteria
29.A.I. Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane each suggested that Earth’s oceans once contained large amounts of organic molecules
that eventually gave rise to pre-cells. What is Oparin and Haldane’s idea historically known as?
a. big bang theory
c. primordial soup model
b. cell theory
d. evolutionary model
30.One way that populations can change is when new alleles appear. What is the major source of new alleles in natural
a. mutations in sex cells
c. trait selection by natural selection
b. mutations in somatic cells
d. adaptations in individual organisms