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Washington Conference
Washington Conference
 An international Washington Conference
conference in 1921 that focused on naval disarmament
 Several treaties were signed during the conference
 The Five‐Power Naval Treaty fixed the ratio of capital ship tonnage between the United States, Great Britain, Japan, France, and Italy
Kellogg‐Briand Pact
Kellogg‐Briand Pact
 1928
 Outlawed war “as an Kellogg‐Briand Pact
Benito Mussolini
instrument of national policy” – aggressive war
 Allowed countries to go to war in self defense
 Failed to include any provisions for enforcement of the treaty
Benito Mussolini
 Fascist leader in Italy Benito Mussolini
who sought to destroy the Communist Party in Italy
Fascist Party
Fascist Party
 Party formed by Fascist Party
Mussolini in 1921 to fight the Communist Party
 Believed that a military dominated government should control all aspects of society
 Known as the “Blackshirts”
Joseph Stalin
 Became the leader of the Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin
Communist Party in the Soviet Union after the death of Lenin
 Used underhanded tactics to gain and maintain this position
 Killed more than 10 million of his own people to maintain control
Totalitarian state
Totalitarian state
 A country where the Totalitarian state
government is in full control of everything
Adolf Hitler
 Born in Austria, he Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
gained power in Germany through the National Socialist Party or Nazi Party
 Used his Nazi storm soldiers, or “Brownshirts,” to crush all political opposition
Nazi Party
 Won 40% of the vote in Nazi Party
Nazi Party
1932 to gain control of the German parliament
 Hitler became Chancellor a year later
 The hatred of the Jewish people
 This became the official government policy of Germany after Hitler became the dictator
Hideki Tojo
 Hideki Tojo was Prime Hideki Tojo
Hideki Tojo
Minister of Japan when the attack on Pearl Harbor took place.  The attack plunged the Far East into a war which was to end with the destruction of Hiroshima in August 1945.  For his part in leading Japan into World War Two, Tojo was executed as a war criminal. 6
 Area in northeastern Manchuria
China that was rich in natural resources
 Japan invaded this area to gain the resources
 This signals Japan’s ambition to become an imperialist nation
Axis powers
 An alliance between Axis powers
Axis powers
Germany and Italy
 Japan later joins them
Munich Conference
Munich Conference
 Leaders of Britain, France, Munich Conference
Italy, and Germany meet in Munich to discuss Germany’s aggressiveness in the Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) and Austria
 Agreement that Germany could keep these possessions but should stop aggressive nature
 Giving into the demands Appeasement
of others in an attempt to maintain peace
 This is the position that Britain and France adopts with Germany
Nonaggression pact
Nonaggression pact
 An agreement between Nonaggression pact
Germany and the Soviet Union that they would not attack each other
 They would also continue trade with each other
 They also decide to divide Poland between them
 Germany attacks Poland Poland
Allied Powers
Allied Powers
after claiming that Poland attacked first
 The Soviet Union quickly attacks from the east
 Poland falls within one month
 Germany and the Soviet Union divide the territory between them
 Britain and France Allied Powers
quickly declare war on Germany and become the Allied powers
FDR’s Leadership
FDR’s Leadership
 He had a fatherly image FDR’s Leadership
that created the feeling of security
 He had great relationships with other world leaders
 He was able to pull the country together during the war
 1935‐1939
 The United States Neutrality Acts
Neutrality Acts
passed a series of laws that outlawed trade with nations that were at war
 It also prevented Americans from traveling to countries at war 10
Lend‐Lease Act
Lend‐Lease Act
 This law allowed the Lend‐Lease Act
United States to loan or lease materials to nations at war as long as they came to pick them up and paid cash
 “Cash and carry”
 Means “lightning war”
 Used by Germany to Blitzkrieg
attack and quickly defeat an enemy
 Used a combination of air power and fast moving tanks and infantry
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
 The Prime Minister of Winston Churchill
Britain during World War II
Atlantic Charter
Atlantic Charter
 A secret joint pledge Atlantic Charter
between Franklin D Roosevelt and Winston Churchill to not pursue any territorial expansion
December 7, 1941
December 7, 1941
December 7, 1941
December 7, 1941
December 7, 1941
December 7, 1941
 “A day that will live in infamy”
December 7, 1941
 The Japanese execute a surprise attack Pearl Harbor
 This draws the United States into the war