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422 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. The Structure and Development of E r i o c a u l o n s e p t a n g u l a r e With. BY DR C. LEIGHTON HARE (With Plate 22 and 40 Text-figures) M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S.) (Communicatedby Prof. J. MCLEANTHOMPSON, [Read 7 June 19451 INTRODUCTION Eriocaulon septangulare With., the subject of the present study, is a small, submerged aquatic plant, the sole European representative of a large genus of well over two hundred species, the great majority of which are plants of swampy soils, with a wide distribution in the tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres. The present species occupies a n extensive tract in the north-eastern United States and the adjacent parts of southern Canada, but elsewhere is found only along the western seaboard of Ireland and in a few isolated localities in the Hebrides. Thus it belongs to the small group of less than a dozen plants, of diverse afhities, that together constitute the North-American element in the British flora. The whole region within which E. septangubre is found in our islands forms but a very small outlier, separated from the main area of the species in North America by two thousand miles of open ocean. This striking discontinuity in the geographical range of the plant, its occurrence far to the north of the bulk of the genus, its presence on both sides of the Atlantic but its absence from the mainland of Europe, together with its restricted distribution within the British Isles-collectively these facts present a complex of problems of peculiar interest. A good deal of discussion has centred around the North-American species in our flora, and the problems involved have given rise to much speculation and not a little controversy, but progress in solving them may well have been hindered by the tendency to regard the group as a homogeneous one. The questions a t issue are admittedly difficult, and, if a further advance is to be made, a fresh approach seems necessary. A full list of the plants comprising the North-American element, together with a summary of their distribution, will be given in a later paper and it need only be stated here that they differ from one another not only in their natural affinities and their life forms, but also in their means of dispersal, their habitat requirements, and their respective ranges. Nor can we assume that the manner of their introduction to Britain and the time of their arrival here are necessarily the same for each of them. It would, in fact, be true to say that every member of the group really presents a distinct and separate set of problems. The most promising approach would therefore seem to be to confine attention to a single species. The present study is concerned solely with E. septangubre. Its primary aim has been t o examine afresh the questions raised by its peculiar geographical distribution and to shed some further light on these, but more especially to arrive a t a clearer understanding of the restricted range of the species within the British Isles. From the outset it became clear that little progress could be looked for until the biological equipment and autecology of the species had first of all been investigated; for these, together with certain historical factors, must have determined its present distribution. With this end in view, field studies have been carried on over a number of years, a t first in Ireland, and later in the Hebrides. At the same time the plant has been grown in culture under various conditions on a considerable scale, while further information has been gleaned from transplant experiments carried out a t several localities in Scotland. I n this way the life history of the plant has been worked out and a general picture of its climatic and edaphic preferences and tolerances gradually built up, though many details of this picture still remain to be filled in. LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 423 Special attention has also been devoted to the structure and development of the species, for although the relationship between structure and function may not always be entirely clear, there can be no doubt that the morphology and anatomy of a plant will often illuminate its particular mode of life and the nature of its adjustment to its environment. This is perhaps especially true when, as in the present instance, the species is a fully submerged aquatic while the genus as a whole is predominantly terrestrial. For convenience, the results obtained in the course of the investigation will be described in two papers. The first of these, presented here, deals with the morphology and anatomy of E. septangulare and their relation t o its environment. The second paper, to follow later, will give an account of its biology and ecology, and will include a full discussion in which the geographical distribution of the species will be re-examined in the light of the facts which have emerged as the work proceeded. ERIOCAULON Apart from taxonomic studies, which do not concern us here, the literature relating to the genus Eriocaulon is not extensive, while the present species has hitherto received but little attention. I n 1888 Poulsen published a paper on the anatomy of the family Eriocaulaceae. He selected a series of types, representing each of the genera included a t that time in the family, and one species of Eriocaulon ( E . helicrysoides) was described. I n 1903 there appeared W. Ruhland’s comprehensive monograph on the family Eriocaulaceae. I n this work, the detailed systematic descriptions are preceded by an introductory chapter giving a general account of the range of structure met with in the family, and there are some isolated references t o the present species. A paper by Holm (1904) dealt with some features of interest in the histology of a single American species of Eriocaulon ( E . decangulare): further reference will be made t o this paper in describing the anatomy of E. septangutare. The French systematist Lecomte, in addition t o describing a number of Chinese, Indo-Chinese, and Madagascan species of Eriocaulun, published three papers in 1908 dealing with some points of interest in the biology and anatomy of some of them. I n one of these he gives an account of the remarkable method of dispersal of the fruits and seeds of two species from swampy ground in Indo-China. I n these, the sepals have undergone a peculiar modification t o form a float, closely resembling in shape the shell of a nautilus, whereby the fruits are prevented from sinking and are wafted on the surface of the water t o emergent land, where germination can take place under conditions favourable to the establishment of the seedling. I n another paper Lecomte discusses the nature of the curious glands, found near the tips of the petals in species of Eriocuulon, and provides some evidence for his belief that these structures am really nectaries. I n his third contribution Lecomte shows how certain anatomical peculiarities of the scape can be employed as an aid t o the identification of some species of Eriocuulon. I n 1919 another French botanist, L. A. Malmanche, published a thesis dealing with the comparative anatomy of the Eriocaulaceae and some adjacent families, mainly with a view to establishing their real sanities. A short general review of the anatomy of the Eriocaulaceae is given in Part IV of Solereder and Meyer’s Systematische Anatomie der Monocotyledonen (1929), in the course of which there are occasional references to E . septangulare. I n a comparative treatment of the structure of monocotyledonous seedlings, Boyd (1932) described the mature seedling of a single unidentified species of Eriocaulon. Her interpretation of this seedling, which differs from that of the present writer, will be fully discussed in a forthcoming communication. Finally, there are three papers dealing specifically with E. septangulare. A lucid account of its embryology and floral development (referred t o again later) was given by Smith in PREVIOUS LITERATURE RELATING TO 424 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULaRE WITH. 1910. A brief paper by Solomon (1931),on some features of the anatomy of the rhizome and root, displayed some confusion of thought and was marred by inadequate and misleading illustrations. Adam, in 1933, described the successful cultivation of E . septungulare a t the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, but recorded the failure of all attempts to obtain germination of its seeds. No comprehensive account of either the anatomy, ecology, or geographical distribution of E. septangulare has hitherto appeared. (a) MORPHOLOGY General habit of growth E. septangulare is, in its normal state, a fully submerged aquatic species, growing rooted in the substratum beneath still waters. It is a gregarious plant, and in favourable habitats will often cover considerable areas with a close, continuous sward. Plate 22, fig. 1, shows a small colony of flowering individuals, left stranded above water during a period of drought; but the general habit of growth is best displayed by an isolated specimen and will be gathered from Plate 22, fig. 2, which shows a plant in vegetative condition, after two seasons' active growth in culture. Although the structure of the flowers is usually very constant, in other respects the species is a variable one, individuals differing much in size and vigow, as well as in the dimensions and proportions of the several organs. The more extreme forms encountered in the field will be dealt with later, and the following description is based on typical average individuals growing under normal conditions. The plant has a short, tapering rhizome up t o 5 cm. long and 5 mm. a t its widest part, attached to the substratum by very numerous adventitious roots, and terminating in a rosette of bright green, narrow, sharply pointed leaves. The rhizome is creeping and, if allowed sufficient room, grows forward horizontally over the soil surface, but in closely packed colonies may assume an oblique or almost vertical position. As growth proceeds throughout the warmer months new leaves continuously unfold, while the older ones progressively die away, so that once maturity is reached the terminal leaf rosette remains practically constant in size, while the greater part of the rhizome is then devoid of leaves. Each 8eit8on a fresh increment of some 2 4 cm. is added to the rhizome, while the portion formed in the previous season shrivels up as its food reserves are depleted, leaving only the vascular cylinder (which often persists as a tough, hard core for one or more years longer). The appearance of the plant towards the end of the season, with its Iris-like horizontal rhizome, terminal leaf rosette and abundant roots, can be clearly seen in P1. 22, fig. 2, which shows also on the right the shrunken remnants of the previous season's growth. During the winter months the plant enters on a period of rest and active growth ceases, although the leaves of the rosette remain green and are not shed. Ramijhtion of the rhizome and vegetative reproduction Branching of the rhizome can take place in two quite distinct ways : (i) by sympodial branching, which is always associated with flowering; and (ii)by monopodial branching which is of rarer occurrence, and usually found in sterile individuals only. (i) Xympodial branching The inflorescence is invariably terminal in position and the growing point is used up in its formation. At the onset of flowering in early summer two buds arise in the a d s of the uppermost leaves immediately surrounding the base of the young scape, one bud on each side. As the scape elongates these buds develop into axillary branches, both growing a t the same rate, so that by the end of the season two fresh increments of rhizome have been formed, diverging a t an angle of about 20".This sympodial method of branching is illustrated in Text-figs. 1-3, where the plants have been sketched after removal of all LEIGHTON HAFLE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 425 the leaves except those of the axillary shoots, while in Text-fig. 2 the scape also has been cut off so as t o display more clearly the forking of the rhizome. Text-fig. 1 shows the condition a t the beginning, Text-figs. 2 and 3 that a t the end of the summer. As a rule, axillary branches do not produce inflorescences in the season in which they are formed, but in specially vigorous individuals they sometimes do so. When this happens, ramification of the rhizome is carried a stage further, for rudimentary branches of the second order are always laid down a t the base of the secondary inflorescences, and in consequence, the rhizome may fork twice or thrice in a single season. This condition is illustrated in Text-fig. 4, where I is the main inflorescence, and s, and s, the new axillary shoots at its base (all other leaves having been removed). It will be seen that s, terminates in a young secondary inflorescence i, while s2 has remained sterile. (ii) Monopodial branching Not all specimens of Eriocaulon flower in a given season, and those which do not, frequently remain unbranched, but sometimes they resort to monopodial branching ; buds arising in the axils of leaves some way from the growing point of the rhizome. Monopodial branching of flowering specimens is a rare occurrence, but it has been noted on one or two occasions : it seems to be associated with arrested development of the terminal inflorescence. I n Text-fig. 5, which illustrates this condition, a and b are the normal sympodial branches a t the base ofthe inflorescence I , while c and d are additional axillary branches of approximately the same age, arising from the upper surface of the rhizome. Branching of the rhizome of Eriocaulon, whether sympodial or monopodial, endows the species with an effective means of vegetative increase; for as the older parts of the rhizome progressively decay, the branches become isolated, each of them henceforth leading an independent life. Once established in a suitable habitat, the plant can in consequence spread rapidly. The root and root-system On fertile soils E. septangulure produces a vigorous and well-developed root system (see P1. 22, fig. 2 ) ; on sterile or sandy substrata it is much reduced. The individual roots are all adventitious and arise mainly from the lower surface of the rhizome, often breaking through the bases ofthe leaves. They are pure white and translucent, soft in texture, very flexible and have a curious and characteristic vermiform appearance, owing to the presence of regularly spaced internal diaphragms. I n well-grown specimens they have an average diameter of about 1 mm. and taper but little, except near the extreme tip. The great majority do not branch a t all, but occasionally the more vigorous ones produce a few very slender, secondary or tertiary branches. Root-hairs are entirely lacking. I n contrast to the leaves, all the roots formed during the growing season persist until the following spring. The leaf The leaf arrangement is two-ranked in the seedling but changes gradually to a rather complex spiral as the plant matures. The phyllotaxy is then difficult to determine exactly, because the horizontal or oblique position of the rhizome in relation to the incident light results in a displacement of the leaves. The individual leaves, which are linear-lanceolate in shape with a concave upper surface, are broadest just above the base and then taper gradually to a very fine point. Their maximum length is about 7 cm. and their width about 5 mm., but they are often smaller than this. Soft and rather brittle in texture and bright green in colour, they are markedly translucent, and show a characteristic internal fenestration, due to certain anatomical peculiarities which are described later. The spathe and scape The onset of the reproductive phase in the early summer is marked by the emergence of the spathe in the centre of the leaf rosette; it takes the form of a narrow cylindrical sheath, open only a t the extreme tip (Text-figs. 4,5). Growing a t first more rapidly than 426 LEIGHTON HARE: THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. ~sc. Fig. 1 Fig. 5 Text-figs. 1-5. For legends see p. 427. LEIGHTON HARE: THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 427 the scape, it forms a protective sheath within which the inflorescence slowly develops, but after reaching a length of some 3-5 cm. it ceases to elongate, and shortly afterwards the young capitulum breaks through the tip. This sequence of events is illustrated in P1.22, figs. 3-5, which show how effectively the young inflorescence is protected throughout the early stages of its development within the spathe. The latter serves also as an accessory organ of assimilation ; in colour, texture and internal structure i t resembles a leaf in all respects except for its cylindrical form. The scapes of E. septangulure are very variable in length, but in this respect show a close correlation with the depth of water in which the plant is growing. I n very shallow water they may not exceed a few inches, while in deeply submerged specimens they reach several feet. I n North America they are stated t o reach 3 m. (Moldenke, 1937), while Praeger (1934) reports scapes up to 3 ft. long in Ireland, but in Skye the writer finds that they rarely exceed 2 ft. I n proportion t o their length they are remarkably narrow, with a diameter (in an average specimen) of about 3 mm. just above the base, and tapering gradually t o about half of this a t the apex. These dimensions are, moreover, independent of the length of the scape, which is so buoyant that it needs but little mechanical support. The cross-section is polygonal with projecting angles, but in spite of the specific name of the plant, the number of angles is by no means always seven. For example, out of ten scapes, all of approximately the same length, four showed six, four others seven, while one had eight, and one nine sides. As it develops, the inflorescence axis frequently becomes spirally twisted. The injlorescence The inflorescence is a capitulum closely recalling that of some Compositae and Dipsacaceae and in the present species is almost spherical when young, though it becomes broadly elipsoidal and vertically flattened as it matures (compare Text-figs. 1, 4). At the same time the colour changes from nearly black t o pale grey as the flowers unfold. The involucral bracts are usually five, though sometimes six in number, and the receptacle is strongly convex and rounded on its upper surface. The flowers, each of which is subtended by a bract, are arranged in successive concentric whorls, which develop in centripetal order ; the members of any one whorl open simultaneously, although those near the centre of the capitulum seldom reach maturity. The total number of flowers in a given capitulum bears little relation to its size, although in large heads of about 8 mm. in diameter the average number approximates one hundred. The flowers are always unisexual, but the distribution of the two sexes within the capitulum is very variable and shows a number of features of interest. Although often described as monoecious, this condition is in fact far from universal, unisexual heads also occur, and these may be either male or female; again in monoecious heads although the flowers of any one whorl are always of one sex, the distribution of sexes within the heads shows great variability. Flowers of different sexes do not occur in alternate whorls nor are they always grouped together near the centre or a t the periphery of a head, as stated in some Floras; the arrangement is, in fact, irregular and unpredictable and varies from head to head. These and other features relating t o the capitula are illustrated in Table 1, Text-figs. 1-5. General morphology of the plant and mode of branching of the rhizome. Text-fig. 1. A plant a t the beginning of the growing season, showing the young axillary shoots s1 and se at the base of the developing inflorescence I . sp., base of spathe (the rest has been removed). ( x 1.) Text-fig. 2. A plant at the end of the growing season, showing the fully developed axillary shoots s1 and s, diverging from the base of the scape sc. ( x 1.) Text-fig. 3. Base of same plant as in Textfig. 2, after removal of scape, showing sympodial branching of the rhizome. ( x 2.) Text-fig. 4. Plant in which one axillary shoot s1 has produced a secondary inflorescence i. cp., capitulum; I, base of inflorescence. ( x 1.) Text-fig. 5. Plant showing sympodial branches a and b at the base of the inflorescence I,and additional branches c and d arising farther back along the rhizome. The young capitulum is still enclosed in the spathe. ( x 1.) [Note. I n all the plants figured above, leaves (other than those of the branches) have been removed.] 428 LEIQHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. which shows the results of flower counts in a series of capitula of different kinds and sizes. It will be seen that in five of the capitula, all of about 8 mm. diameter, the total number of flowers ranged from 96 t o 137, while in two others, both about 6mm. in diameter, the numbers were 30 and 72 respectively. Again, in the monoecious heads the ratio of female to male flowers vaned from less than 1 t o over 14, though, on the average, female flowers considerably exceed the male in any one capitulum. It should be added that among the unisexual heads the female greatly predominate ; only one entirely male head has in fact been noted among the large number examined (see no. 7 in Table 1). It is clear that in E . septangutare there is an effective mechanism for securing crosspollination, for in monoecious individuals the sexes are separated in time of development, while in dioecious ones there is spatial segregation. I n a mixed colony, however, many flowers of both sexes will mature simultaneously. Table 1 No. 1 j Diameter of capitulum (=.) Total no. of flowers Male flowers Female flowers 97 96 137 72 100 122 30 36 52 9 30 0 0 30 61 44 128 42 100 122 Total 654 157 497 0 In capitulum no. 3 in the table the nine male flowers were confined to the outermost whorl. The jlowers The morphology of the flower of Eriocaulon presents certain difficulties, and contradictory statements are still t o be found in the literature regarding it. This uncertainty can be attributed in part t o the minute size of the flowers, which do not exceed 2 mm. in length, and partly to the fact that in the course of development, the form and arrangement of the parts become much modified by intercalary growth. Hence, it is only by following its ontogeny that the morphology of the flower can be interpreted with confidence. The structure of both male and female flowers is, on the whole, uniform and constant, but a considerable number have been found which depart in various ways from the normal type: these will be described in a separate paper, and the account which follows refers to normal flowers only. It should, however, be mentioned that these exceptional flowers provide evidence for the belief that the unisexual and dimerous flowers of E . septangulare have been derived by reduction from an ancestral type which had perfect ones constructed on a completely trimerous plan. (i) The femalejlower This is shown in bud, just before opening in Text-fig. 9 and fully developed in Textfig. 10 (after removal of the bract and the anterior petal, so as to display the gynaecium t o better advantage). The two sepals, strongly concave and bearing a terminal tuft of glistening white hairs, completely enclose the flower when in bud, but partially separate and become reflexed a t the tip during anthesis. The two petals are free and strap-shaped, tipped with white hairs and provided on the upper surface with an ovoid, subterminal, glandular structure, whose real nature and function have long been in doubt. Usually referred t o in taxonomic descriptions simply as a gland, Lecompte, in 1908, suggested that it might be a nectary and (working apparently with herbarium material) he obtained Fig. 6 b. t. Fig. 8b ovu. Fig. 11 Fig. 9 Fig 10 Text-figs. 6-11. Morphology of the flower. Text-fig. 6. Fully developed male flower, after anthesis. ( x 20.) Text-fig. 7. Immature male flower with subtending bract. ( x 20.) Text-fig. 8a. Very young male flower, after removal of sepals. ( x 25.) Text-fig. 8 b . The same flower, after removal of petals and two of the stamens. ( x 25.) Text-fig. 9. Nearly mature female flower, before anthesis. ( x 20.) Text-fig. 10. Fully developed female flower, after anthesis; one petal removed. ( x 20.) Text-fig. 11. Gymecium of female flower, with ovary wall dissected away. ( x 20.) [b., bract; s., sepals; p.$ petals; g1 and g,, petal glands; g3, gynaecial glands; st., staminodes; ow., ovary; om.,ovule.] 430 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY O F ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. some evidence that in two Indo-Chinese species of Eriocaulon these petal glands secrete a reducing sugar. I n the present species it was found possible to collect and test the actual secretion from the glands of living flowers and the results of these tests, coupled with observations on the behaviour of visiting insects (to be described later), make it clear that a t least in E. septangulure these petal glands do in fact function as nectaries. The bilobed, bilocular ovary is shortly stipitate, and terminates in a style of variable length with two divergent, hairy stigmas. Each loculus contains a single orthotropous ovule, pendulous from its upper and inner extremity. Occasionally, one of the ovules fails to develop, but as a rule each gives rise to an ellipsoidal or subspherical seed, which, when mature, completely fills its loculus. I n Text-fig. 11 a mature gynaecium is shown, with the ovary wall dissected away so as to reveal the ovules and their mode of attachment to better advantage. Immediately beneath the heart-shaped ovary and attached to the short stalk which supports it are four minute emergences, arranged in two pairs lying respectively in the anterior-posterior and lateral planes, one pair inserted slightly above the other (see Text-fig. 10). Though extremely small, these structures are always present in the living flower, yet they have been generally overlooked, and in taxonomic descriptions are very rarely referred to. They were noted, however, by Saunders (1939) who (presumably on comparative grounds) regarded them as staminodes. Some of the abnormal flowers found by the present writer provide conclusive evidence that this assumption is correct. (ii) The male flower This is also dimerous in arrangement, as seen in Text-fig. 7, which is a sketch of a young male flower, together with its subtending bract. Text-fig. 6 shows, on the same scale, a male flower just as it reaches maturity, but before dehiscence of the anthers (the bract and one sepal have been removed). The two sepals are free, but the corolla gives a t first the impression of having a trumpet-shaped tube with two divergent lobes, and this is how it has usually been interpreted. Thus Hooker (1930) describes the inner perianth of Eriocaulon as ‘a two- to three-lobed tube’ and speaks of the stamens as ‘inserted on the tube’. A very similar statement is made by Le Maout & Decaisne (1873), while more recently Rendle (1930) says ‘the petals form in the male a two- to three-lobed tube, on the upper part of which stand the stamens’. I n contrast to these authors, Ruhland (1903) and Hutchinson (1934) describe the petals as ‘free’ but do not refer to the mode of insertion of the stamens. It is evident, therefore, that the morphology of the male flower presents some difficulty and that it has been interpreted in different ways by different workers. The difficulty arises because of the extensive intercalary growth of the axis in the development of the flower of Eriocaulon (a fact fist emphasized by Smith in 1910). This makes it necessary to study the early phases of development if the structure of the mature flower is to be rightly understood. Text-figs. 8a, b show a very young male flower: in (a)the sepals have been removed, and in (b)the petals and two of the stamens in addition. At this stage it is easy to remove the petals, leaving all four stamens in situ, when it becomes clear (1) that the latter are inserted directly on the floral axis, and ( 2 )that the part of the flower below the level of insertion of the stamens is solid, not hollow. Evidently, therefore, this portion of the flower should be regarded as a torus, on the rim of which both petals and stamens are inserted; during the later stages of development the torus grows rapidly, and eventually simulates a corolla tube very closely;but the appearance is deceptive and careful examination a t sufficient magnification reveals its true nature. Each of the petals is provided on its upper surface with a subterminal gland, larger than those of the female flower, while the nectar-secreting mechanism of the male flower is further augmented by two additional glands a t its centre. The latter are U-shaped and occupy the upper surface of a shortly stalked organ, which terminates the floral axis and rises slightly above the level of insertion of the stamens (Text-fig. 6). This organ is formed LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 43 1 a t an early stage in the development of the flower, just as the stamens are, and in the very young flower represented in Text-fig. 8 b it can be clearly seen. There can be little doubt that it should be regarded as gynoecial in origin; hence it provides additional evidence of the derivation of the unisexual flower of Eriocaulon from a n ancestral type having perfect flowers. The seed The seed, which is ellipsoidal in shape, is about 0.8 mm. long by 0.5 mm. wide and has a light brown, smooth, tough and elastic testa (Text-figs. 12, 14). It is almost filled with the white, starchy endosperm, while the minute UndifferFntiated embryo (whose greatest dimension scarcely exceeds 0.2 mm.) is situated a t the extreme micropylar end. I n taxonomic works, the embryo is usually referred to as ‘lenticular’, though Smith (1910) is more precise and speaks of it as ‘bell-shaped, with flaring edges’; neither description, however, quite conveys its true shape. When isolated from the seed and carefully examined it is seen to have the form of a bi-convex lens, with a hemispherical process a t the centre of one of its faces. It lies within the seed with this process immediately opposite t o and directed towards the micropyle, so that when viewed from either end of the seed, the embryo appears circular, while in longitudinal sections it has the shape shown on the right of Text-fig. 13. Embryology A full account of the early stages in embryology is given in the paper by Smith (1910), already referred to, and here it need only be said that he found that the development is unusual, the embryo a t first passing through regular quadrant and octant stages, while a suspensor is entirely absent. His account ends by emphasizing the striking lack of differentiation of the resting embryo as it is found within the mature seed ; ‘at this stage ’, he says, ‘there is no differentiation of the embryonic organs, nor any indication where these shall have their origin’. This statement forms a fitting startingpoint for the description given below of the post-seminal maturation of the embryo and the development of the seedling proper. The account should be regarded as a preliminary one, for it is based on external morphological features only, and for this reason is couched in somewhat general terms. A fuller and more critical account and a comparison with other monocotyledonous seedlings are in c o m e of preparation and will be presented as soon as the histology of the embryo and seedling has been fully worked out. Germination On account of the lack of differentiation of the resting embryo the germination of E. septangukcre necessarily takes place in two stages, though the transition between them is a gradual one. The first stage covers the maturation of the embryo outside the seed and the second the development of the seedling proper until it becomes established as a self-nourishing plantlet. Stage 1. The maturation of the embryo The seed tends to settle on the substratum beneath the water with its long axis horizontal or nearly so, as shown in Text-figs. 12 and 14. I n this position the lenticular portion p . of the resting embryo (Text-fig. 13, right) lies in the vertical plane, with the process on its outer face immediately opposite the micropyle. When germination begins in late spring or early summer the embryo first enlarges slightly, the inner face becoming nearly hemispherical. The process (p., Text-fig. 13) then elongates and soon breaks through the micropyle, appearing as a short, colourless, cylindrical body with a rounded end, which grows forward horizontally till it reaches a length of about 1 mm. (Text-fig. 12). If a t this stage the complete embryo is dissected out ofthe seed, it is seen to be mushroomshaped, as shown on the left of Text-fig. 13 (its parts are lettered t o correspond with those of the resting embryo, so that the relation between the two will be apparent). JOURN. LINN. S0C.-BOTANY, VOL. LIII 2a Fig. 13 Fig. 12 /c* Fig. 16 Fig. 15 Fig. 20 Fig. 14 Fig. 17 Fig. 18 Fig. 19 Text-figs. 12-20. Morphology of the seed, embryo and seedling. Text-fig. 12. First stage in germhation, the embryo emerging from the micropyle. ( x 16.) Text-fig. 13. On the right the resting embryo in longitudinal section; on the left the young embryo dissected from the seed. (Both x 26.) Text-fig. 14. Second stage in germination. ( x 16.) Text-fig. 16. Another embryo at same stage as Text-fig. 14, t o show lack of differentiation. ( x 32.) Text-fig. 16. Third stage in germination showing the first leaf and rudiment of the second. ( x 12.) Text-fig. 17. Fourth stage in germination, emergence of the radicle followed by the first adventitious root. ( x 12.) Text-fig. 18. Another seedling at the same stage as Text-fig. 17, but showing the epicotyl, the first node, and the strongly curved anchoring organ. ( x 12.) Text-fig. 19. A further seedling of the same age, but possessing a definite hypocotyl. The seed has been dissected away to reveal the ‘cotyledonary sucker’. ( x 12.) Text-fig. 20. A seedling 3 months old, showing the mature habit, the seed still attached at the base, and one of the coiled roots. (8 natural size.) [n.,first node; I,, Grst leaf; lz, second leaf; Tad., radicle; a.o., anchoring organ; cot., cotyledon; s., seed. For other reference l0tbrS see text.] LEIQHTON RARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 433 The distal end of p . now becomes clothed with a crown of rather stiff hairs, many of which are backwardly directed, and a few days later a conical process c. arises on the upper side of p . and half way along it. This grows vertically upwards until its length is about equal to that of the horizontal portion from which it arises, so that the embryo as a whole is now shaped like an inverted letter T (see Text-figs. 14, 15). Up to this stage, the embryo is still colourless and undifferentiated, but the apex of c. now turns green and a growing-point is organized here which gives rise to the plumule. With this event the first stage in germination may be considered to end, for it is immediately followed by the appearance of the first rudimentary leaf. Stage 2. The development of the seedling The embryo a t this time is still extremely small (its greatest dimension hardly yet exceeds 1 mm.), but the first leaf grows rapidly and, after it has reached a length of a few millimetres, the rudiments of a second one can just be discerned. The young seedling now presents the curious appearance shown in Text-fig. I6 and it will be seen that there is as yet no sign of a radicle. The latter organ, which in most plants is the fist t o emerge on germination, is in the present species the last to appear. About this time, however, it breaks through the base of the seedling a t a point vertically beneath the plumule: it appears to be endogenous in origin. The axis of the seedling proper is now defined and it will be seen that it is approximately a t right angles to the embryonic axis (Text-fig. 17). The hairs, a t first confined to the tip of the axis, meanwhile gradually increase, and when the radicle has reached a length of a few millimetres, they usually cover the whole under surface of the seedling. The hemispherical structure embedded in the seed is clearly the absorbing tip of the greatly reduced cotyledon (the so-called ‘cotyledonary sucker ’) which is united to the body of the seedling by a very short cylindrical limb passing through the micropyle. This is made clear in Text-fig. 19 which shows a seedling a t a slightly later stage, where the seed coat has been torn open and removed so as to reveal the structure within. That part of the seedling which lies below the level of insertion of the cotyledon is usually very much abbreviated, so that a hypocotyl can hardly be said to exist. Often, however, there is a slight downward extension of the axis here, and occasionally a short but quite definite hypocotyl is laid down (compare Text-figs. 17, 19). The epicotyl is better developed, but it rarely exceeds a few millimetres in length ; occasionally, however, it grows somewhat larger, so that a t this stage the seedling may have quite a slender appearance, as in the example sketched in Text-fig. 18. Subsequent internodes are always very short so that the seedling soon assumes the squat appearance and rosette habit of the mature individual (Text-fig. 20). The first adventitious roots arise in the epicotyledonary internode (Text-fig. 17), the later ones in successively higher internodes, but the time of their appearance varies considerably in different individuals. Throughout the whole period of germination the seed remains firmly attached in a lateral position a t the base of the epicotyl, where it is held in place by the pressure of the testa around the cylindrical limb of the cotyledon, which is always of smaller diameter than the absorbent tip embedded in the seed (Text-fig. 19). The seed is, in fact, held in this way so effectively that it continues in position long after germination is complete. It can be seen, for example, a t the base of the leaf rosette in Text-fig. 20, which is a sketch of a seedling known t o be 4 months old, since it had been grown from seed. Anchorage of the seedling As noted above, the radicle is the last of the organs to appear, and long before it does SO the seedling has become lighter than water, for even the &st leaves are provided with the abundant aerenchyma which is so characteristic of every part of the mature plant. In the absence of a radicle, some alternative mechanism must therefore be present for securing the young seedling to the substratum, otherwise it would inevitably rise to the 2a2 434 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. surface and all hope of its establishment would then vanish. I n the initial stages of germination, anchorage is effected by the distal end of the embryonic axis with its crown of hairs. This may remain horizontal or, more frequently, bend more or less strongly upwards (compare Text-figs. 16-18); i t becomes entangled in the particles of the substratum, holding the seedling in place, until fixation is later on secured in the normal way by the roots. The mechanism recalls a grappling hook and does, in fact, function in the same way. I n the mature seedling this curious anchoring organ appears as a lateral outgrowth at the base of the epicotyl, on a level with and opposite t o the cotyledon (Textfig. 19), but as explained above, it is actually a product of the still undifferentiated embryo and is the f i s t part to emerge from the micropyle when germination begins. Clearly this specialized anchoring mechanism is needed most urgently throughout the Grst phase of germination (i.e. while the embryo is undergoing maturation outside the seed) and also during the second phase, up to the time when the radicle and later the adventitious roots appear. Towards the end of this period anchorage is rendered more secure by the growth of hairs from the lower surface of the maturing embryo : the special mechanism, however, remains functional until germination is well advanced. The need for secure anchorage of the seedling even a t a relatively late stage is emphasized by the frequent occurrence of twisted or coiled roots. A n example of the latter condition is shown in Text-fig. 20, where one of the roots has coiled through 360" (presumably around some object embedded in the substratum). Coiling of the roots, though uncommon, has been reported in several other aquatic species (see Arber, 1920, pp. 205-6). (6) ANATOMY The leaf When examined in surface view the leaf reveals beneath its epidermis, even to the unaided eye, a regular and highly characteristic reticulation, and under a magnification of 15 diameters a short segment of it presents the appearance shown in Text-fig. 22. The structures responsible for this elaborate pattern are made clear by transverse sections, such as that shown diagrammatically in Text-fig. 24 which was taken across the lower third of the leaf. The sinuous outline, most pronounced on the abaxial face, is due to the presence of a series of longitudinal ridges alternating with shallow furrows, which extend from the base t o the apex of the leaf. Internally, the leaf is traversed longitudinally by a series of air canals (a.c.), each of which lies opposite one of the ridges and is crossed a t regular intervals by a succession of transverse diaphragms, dividing the space within into compartments about 0.5 mm. long. The canals are separated from one another by strips of parenchymatous tissue through the centre of each of which runs a single vascular bundle (v.6.) ; hence the bundles are situated opposite t o the surface furrows. It is these internal structures, seen through the translucent epidermis of the leaf, which produce the characteristic reticulation referred to above. Owing to the gradual narrowing of the leaf the number of air canals seen in any transverse section steadily decreases as the section approeches the apex. For example, a well-grown leaf about 3 in. long showed thirteen canals a t its base; 2 in. higher they were reduced to six in number, while a t the apex o d y the central one remained. There is a corresponding reduction in the number of vascular bundles, each of which pursues an independent course and remains unbranched in its passage through the leaf. The structure and disposition of the assimilatory tissue show marked specialization. There is first a single hypodermal layer of chlorenchyma (shown cross-hatched in Textfig. 24), whose component cells have their long axes parallel to the leaf surface. This tissue is shown in surface view in Text-fig. 25, and it will be seen that it forms a loose meshwork with abundant intercellular spaces. The assimilatory tissue of the leaf is further augmented by the diaphragms, whose thin plate-like cells are richly provided with chloroplasts, giving them a vivid green colour, in striking contrast with the adjacent colourless parenchyma. Fig. 23 Fig. 22 Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Fig. 26 Text-figs. 21-26. Anatomy of the leaf. Text-fig. 21. A portion of the epidermis, showing the small conical hairs. ( x 150.) Text-fig. 22. A segment of the leaf under low magnScation, showin@( the characteristic fenestration. ( x 16.) Text-fig. 23a, b. A stoma in section and surfam view. ( x 340.) Text-fig. 24. A diagrammatic trsnsverse section of the leaf. ( x 20.) a . ~ .a,ir canal; v.b., vascular bundle; chE., subepidermal chlorenchyma; diaphragms shown dotted. Text-fig. 26. The subepidermal chlorenchyma in surfme view. ( x 360.) Text-fig. 26. Shorn under high magnification the area enclosed by broken lines in Text-fig. 24. ( x 160.) a1 and a,, the inner and outer sheaths of the vascular bundle; A., hair in transverse section. The chlorophsts, which are shown in black, are omitted on the right of the diaphragm. 203 436 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. The area enclosed by dotted lines in Text-fig. 24 is drawn under high magnification in Text-fig. 26. It shows the large radially elongated epidermal cells, the single layered hypodermal chlorenchyma, a portion of one of the partition walls which separate the air canals, with its central vascular bundle, and finally to the right a part of one of the diaphragms. The cells of the latter exhibit the elaborate stellate outline and numerous small intercellular spaces so characteristic of these structures in hydrophytic species (the abundant chloroplasts are shown in black). The vascular tissue of the leaf is a good deal reduced, though less so than in many submerged aquatic plants. Each of the larger bundles has several vessels, always spirally thickened, but otherwise thin-walled and scarcely lignified : in the smaller bundles there may be only a single vessel. The phloem is poorly differentiated and consists mainly of parenchyma. Surrounding each bundle is a well-marked sheath of small cells, yellowish in colour, with slightly thickened walls and elongated in the direction of the veins. Considerable discussion has centred around the so-called double bundle sheaths of the leaves of Eriocaulaceae. Poulsen (1888) described them as occurring in the leaves of all the genera he studied, including Eriocaulon, and they were referred to also by Ruhland (1903) and Boyd (1932). Holm (1904), in his study of E. demngulare, concluded that the outer sheath had little real validity, since its cell structure was indistinguishable from that of the adjacent collenchyma of the mesophyll: moreover, the sheaths were lacking in other parts of the plant. I n E. septangulare there is also an apparent double sheath surrounding the vascular bundles of the leaf only, but the outer layer is ill-defined, and examination shows that it is composed of cells which differ only in size from those of the parenchymatous tissue within which the bundle is embedded (Text-fig. 26). The epidermal cells of the upper and lower faces of the leaf are similar; narrowly rectangular in shape, they have smooth, thin, non-sinuous walls and contain no chloroplasts. Although the leaves appear a t first sight to be quite glabrous, examination shows that both surfaces bear regular longitudinal rows of small, bluntly pointed hairs; the latter are arranged in narrow parallel bands, lying within the furrows of the leaf, but absent, or nearly so, from the ridges. A small portion of the epidermis bearing three of the hairs is shown in surface view in Text-fig. 21, while one of them is seen in vertical section in Text-fig. 26. Each of the hairs comprises a small rectangular basal cell (cut off from the underlying epidermal cell) and a conical terminal cell, bent over so as to lie parallel to the leaf surface, with its tip directed towards the leaf apex. Although in ordinary circumstances the leaves of the present species are continuously submerged, they are, nevertheless, provided with stomata of quite normal appearance. The latter are, however, confined to the abaxial surface and are present only in very small numbers, with a frequency of the order of 10 per cm.2. One of them is shown in surface view and in section in Text-fig. 23a, b. The guard cells are in the plane of the epidermis; they are thickened in the usual manner and each is in contact with a subsidiary cell of about the same size lying parallel to it. A further feature of the leaf, unexpected in a submerged aquatic species, is the presence of a hydathode at its distal end. Near the apex the converging veins (here reduced to about three in number) unite to form a single large one which extends almost to the extreme tip where there is a single terminal aperture through which contact is made with the surrounding water. The significance of the presence of stomata and hydathodes on the submerged leaves of E . septangulare is considered in the final discussion. The spathe I n discussing the morphology of the spathe its resemblance to a leaf was emphasized, and this impression is reinforced when it is studied anatomically. Internally the two organs are indeed almost identical, as will be apparent when Text-fig. 27, (a diagrammatic transverse section of the spathe surrounding the scape), is compared with Text-fig. 24, a corresponding section of the leaf. The air canals, diaphragms, and vascular tissue are closely similar in both organs, and the same is true of their surface features and the LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULaE WITH. 437 Text-figs. 27-30. Anatomy of the spathe and scctpe. Text-fig. 27. Diagrammatic transverse section of the base of the scape and the surrounding spathe. (The tissues are shaded to correspond to those of the leaf.) ( x 26.) Text-fig. 28. Diagrammatic transverse section of apex of scape. ( x 26.) Text-fig. 29. One of the large vascular bundles of the scape. ( x 490.) Text-fig. 30. Shows under high magnification the area enclosed by broken lines in Text-fig. 27 ( x 114) (chloroplasts omitted from cells of the diaphragm). 438 LEICHTON HARE : THE STUDY O F ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. distribution of the stomata. In the spathe, however, assimilatory tissue is not found beneath the inner epidermis, and the parallel vascular bundles show occasional anastomoses, especially as they approach the tip; but these minor differences only emphasize the essential similarity in structure of the two organs, which should clearly be regarded homologous. It is of interest t o note that in E. decangzclare studied by Holm (1904),the anatomical resemblance between the leaf and spathe is also very close. Stomata1 frequency per mm.a Scape no. 1 2 3 At base At apex 9.20 7.26 7.96 16.50 8.33 14.70 Total 2442 Average 8 4 4 39.53 13.18 I n surface features there is again a close parallel with the leaf; lines of hairs occupying the furrows, while stomata are found in longitudinal rows overlying the intervening ridges. The stornatal frequency is of considerable interest, for whereas on the leaf it is LEIOHTON HARE : THE STUDY OB ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 439 of the order of about 10 per on the scape it has an average value of approximately 10-7 per mm.2, i.e. over one hundred times as great. A number of counts were made in order to determine if the frequency was constant or not throughout the length of the scape, and the results are embodied in Table 2. The figures are in each instance the average of twenty separate counts, made from strips of epidermis removed from the lower third and upper third of the scapes respectively. The final average figures are thus based on sixty separate counts and show that the frequency a t the top of the scape is over 60% greater than a t its base; a result whose significance is dealt with later when the structure of the plant in relation to its environment comes under review. The rhizome Text-fig. 31 is a diagrammatic transverse section across the middle region ofthe rhizome, drawn to the same scale as that of the scape, while Text-fig. 33 shows on a large scale a small portion of the inner cortex and the vascular cylinder. The latter is very narrow, with a diameter less than a quarter of that of the whole rhizome, and comprises an outer ring of small almost contiguous bundles, enclosing a group of larger ones, scattered irregularly, the whole series inter-connected by numerous anastomoses (Text-fig. 33). I n each bundle phloem predominates, the xylem being considerably reduced, with the vessels feebly lignified and only spirally thickened. The stele is bounded externally by a narrow band of sclerenchyma but possesses no true endodermis. The parenchymatous cells of the stelar region contain abundant starch which is not found elsewhere in the plant save in the endosperm of the seeds. The very wide cortex, traversed radially by numerous leaf traces, and in its lower half by the large adventitious roots, shows two distinct tissue zones (see Text-fig. 31); a narrow outer one of compact parenchyma beneath the radially elongated epidermis, and a wide inner one composed of narrow, thin-walled, cylindrical cells, longitudinally elongated and provided with numerous, radially arranged, spine-like processes by which alone the cells make contact with one another (shown in detail in Text-fig. 32). Thus the whole of this zone is permeated by innumerable, narrow, interstitial spaces, providing the rhizome with a continuous internal atmosphere; a further example of the elaborate provision for aeration which is so characteristic of the species. I n the apical portion of the rhizome, where the imbricated leaf bases protect the internodal surface, the latter is clothed with fine, white, silky hairs. These are multicellular and uniseriate, tapering gradually t o a very fine point: though variable in length, they may reach 5 or 6 mm. The longer ones are remarkable for the extreme tenuity of the narrow, cylindrical cells of which they are composed, for these may reach a length of 1400p, although their average diameter is but 20p, i.e. the cells may be as much as seventy times as long as they are broad. On the older parts of the rhizome devoid of leaves the hairs break away, leaving the surface almost glabrous. The root I n certain respects the root of E. septangulare is the most highly specialized of all its organs. There is very elaborate provision for the effective aeration of all its parts, its most striking feature being the occurrence of numerous, evenly spaced, cortical diaphragms; structures which, as already noted, give the roots the curious vermiform appearance so characteristic of the species. While diaphragms are present in various forms in many other parts of the plant, in the root they attain a degree of complexity unapproached elsewhere. Moreover, in the root they exhibit a striking radial symmetry, and the relationship of their component cells both to one another and t o the intervening cortical cells is remarkably precise and regular. I n the description which follows, it should be understood that the root is assumed t o be in a vertical position and hence with all its transverse planes horizontal. 440 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY 03 ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. Fig. 31 Fig. 32 Fig. 33 Text-figs. 31-33. Anatomy of the rhizome. Text-fig. 31. Diagrammatic transverse section across the rhizome showing the central stele, the many small leaf traces Lt., the adventitious roots r. The dotted line marks the boundary between the two zones of the cortex. ( x 19.) Text-fig. 32. Two cells from the inner zone of the cortex drawn at high magnification, showing the spinous processes by which they make contact. ( x 290.) Text-fig. 33. Small portion of the stele and adjacent inner cortex. ( x 290.) [s.g., starch grains; v.b., vascular bundles; scl., sclerenchyma; aer., aerenchyma of cortex.] LEIGHTON HARE : T H E STUDY O F ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 441 There is a normal growing point and root cap, but root-hairs are entirely lacking. Immediately behind the apical meristem the cortex is homogeneous, but at a distance of approximately 1 mm. from it the diaphragms begin to appear. At first they are crowded closely together, so that in the second millimetre of length about ten occur, but the interval between them rapidly increases and soon attains its maximum and nearly constant value of approximately 0.5 mm. Longitudinal and transverse sections of the root tip and of the mature parts of the root not only display successive stages in the ontogeny of its stelar and cortical tissues, but also show how the regular spacing of the diaphragms is brought about. The cortical cells are a t first all alike; they are thin-walled, isodiametric and arranged symmetrically in very regular radial files. Later, as growth and differentiation proceed, alternate transverse layers of cells behave in a different way. The cells of one such layer elongate rapidly in the direction of the axis of the root, but apart from a slight increase in diameter remain unchanged, so that when mature they give rise to a short cylinder of elongated, thin-walled parenchyma about 0.5 mm. long. The cells of the next layer do not elongate, but undergo elaborate change of shape and slight thickening, to form one of the thin, rigid, disk-like diaphragms described in detail below. This sequence of events is repeated with perfect regularity in all succeeding layers, so that in longitudinal section the cortex of the root shows a regular alternation of long and short cells, as seen in diagrammatic form in Text-fig. 34. The portion of this figure enclosed within dotted lines is drawn t o a larger scale in Text-fig. 35. The stele (8.) is surrounded by a cylindrical sheath of two layers (sh,) and (sh2),whose component cells exhibit in less extreme form the structure already noted in the cortical cells of the rhizome (cf. Text-fig. 32) : the sheath is in consequence permeated by intercellular spaces. I n the radial longitudinal plane of Text-fig. 35 the cells of the diaphragm d. have a relatively simple outline, for their horizontal faces are smooth and lie in contact with the rounded ends of the long parenchymatous cells above and below them, but as seen in transverse sections of the root they have an extremely complex shape. This will be apparent from Text-fig. 38, which shows two of them in accurate outline drawn from a projected image. I n the right centre of the figure they are seen in plan, above and below a t (a)and (b) are sections along the planes A A and BB respectively, while to the left at ( c ) is a section along CC, the radial longitudinal plane of the root. The central part of these cells is approximately cylindrical, but each has a thin marginal flange in the transverse plane broken up into a highly complex series of narrow, almost linear lobes, which appear to be due to radial and tangential strains, accompanied by local lesions of the middle lamella. Each of the cells has four main lobes, projecting diagonally one from each corner ; and if these alone are retained and all minor lobing is omitted, the cell outline can be reduced to the simplified diagrammatic form shown a t ( d ) in Text-fig. 38. Text-fig. 39 shows a sector of a complete diaphragm. Although semi-diagrammatic, it is drawn t o scale, with the cells in their true relative positions, but in order to avoid confusion these have been given the simplified outline just referred to: in this way the structure of the diaphragm as a whole can be more clearly displayed. The stele in the centre (shown shaded) is surrounded first by two rings of sheath cells and then by five concentric rings of diaphragm cells. It will be seen that, in the inner rings, strictlyradial alinement of the cells is maintained, and adjustment to the increasing circumference of successive rings is effected merely by a steady increase in the size of their component cells. When the latter become unduly large (this happens first in ring 3 in the figure) one or more of them in each ring is attached in the next outer ring to two smaller ones. I n the figure this is seen in each of the cells lettered a to e , the outer ends of which have in each instance bifurcated, so as to provide the surfaces of contact for the two smaller cells joined to them in the following ring. The effect of this adjustment is that in the outer rings the number of cells per ring steadily increases, so that the strict radial symmetry of the diaphragm breaks down. It will be clear, however, that besides preserving a highly characteristic shape the cells are linked together throughout the diaphragm in 442 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. d. c.p. Fig. 35 Fig. 34 C A Fig. 36 1-:I Simplified ' Fig. 37 outline 0 Fig. 39 Figs. 3 4 4 0 . For legends see p. 443. Fig. 38 Fig. 40 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY O F ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 443 a remarkably precise and regular manner. This is further emphasized by the constant spatial relationship between the diaphragm cells and those of the cylinders of parenchyma immediately above and below them; as indicated in Text-fig. 37, where a few cells of a diaphragm are drawn with the overlying parenchymatous cells (shown by dotted lines) superimposed upon them. If this figure is compared with those showing the radial and tangential sections of the root (Text-figs. 35, 36) it will be clear that while each complete ring of diaphragm cells corresponds in position with a ring of parenchymatous cells immediately above it, the individual cells of the two systems regularly alternate. Text-figure 40 is a transverse section of the central part of a root and shows the stelar tissues in detail. The endodermis has its cell walls uniformly but only slightly thickened. The phloem is a good deal reduced, but the xylem is fairly well-developed and usually takes the form of a single, large, central vessel (though two are not infrequent) surrounded by a varying number (three to five) of smaller ones, which almost always abut directly on to the endodermis, so that the pericycle is interrupted a t these points. Long ago van Tieghem (1891) drew attention to this peculiarity in the roots of Eriocaulon, and the matter was further investigated by Holm (1904) in E. decangulure. The latter found that in this species the interruption, though often observed, was by no means constant and he pointed out that this is true also of other families in which it had previously been reported: for this reason he regarded this character as having little phylogenetic significance. There are no purely mechanical tissues in the root, but the diaphragms themselves are relatively rigid, while the intervening parenchyma is so soft and delicate that the epidermis sags inwards in these regions, emphasizing the vermiform appearance of the roots. Clearly this method of construction, while preventing collapse, imparts to the roots great flexibility. I n the older parts of the root there are signs of disorganization and partial breakdown of the parenchymatous tissue between the diaphragms. Chromosome number The chromosome number of the present species has not yet been determined exactly, but preliminary counts made from metaphases in the cortical cells of root tips make it clear that the number is in the neighbourhood of 60. Very few other species of Eriocaulon have been hvestigatedcytologically ,but the chromosome numbers of three species are given by Darlington & Janaki Ammal(l945) on the authority of Erlandsson. They are as follows ( X = 8 or 9): E . cinereum, 32; E. trumtum, 32; E . sexangulare, 36. Evidently, therefore, the present species is a higher polyploid. The significance of this fact will be referred to when the geographical distribution of the present species comes under review. THESTRUCTURE OF ERIOCAULON SEPXANGULARE IN RELATION TO ITS ENVIRONMENT In concluding this account of the morphology and anatomy of E . septangulure it will be of interest t o consider the structure of the plant in relation t o its aquatic environment. Clearly the species is markedly specialized; indeed, it is not possible to examine it in Text-figs. 34-40. Anatomy of the root. Text-%. 34. Diagrammatic radial longitudinal section of the mature root, showing the disk-like diaphragms alternating with cylinders of parenchyma. ( x 44.) Text-fig. 35. Shows at higher magni6cation the portion of Text-fig. 34 enclosed by broken lines, ( x 125.) [s., stele; 3h, and sh,, inner and outer sheaths; d., diaphragm; c.P., cortical parenchyma.] Text-fig. 36. Diagrammatic tangential longitudinal section through cortex of root. ( x 140.) Lettering as in Text-fig. 35. Text-fig. 37. A few cells of the diaphragm seen from above; the simplified outline of d, Text-fig. 38, has been used. Overlying cortical cells shown dotted. ( x 170.) Text-fig.38. I n right centretwocellsof thediaphragminaccurateoutline. ( x 400.) a,section along A A ; b, section along BB; c, section along CC; d, simplified diagrammatic outline, as used in Text-figs. 37 and 39. Text-fig. 39. A section of a diaphragm in surface view shown diagrammatically, with the adjoining stele and its sheaths. 1 t o 5, the concentric rings of diaphragm cells; a to e, diaphragm cells whose outer ends have bifurcated. ( x 125.) Text-fig.40. Transverse section of the stele of a root showing pentarch structure and the protoxylem in contact with the endodermis. ( x 490.) 444 LEIGHTON HARE: THE STUDY OB ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. detail, or study its performance in the field, without recognizing how closely it is attuned to the conditions which govern its life beneath the water. I n endeavouring to interpret its structural peculiarities there is, nevertheless, an initial difficulty, for without resort to carefully controlled experiment it would not be possible to distinguish precisely between those features that are inherent in the genotype and those which may be due to the direct, phenotypic response of the individual to its environment. Long familiarity with the plant in the field, coupled with observation of its performance under diverse conditions in culture, has, however, revealkd the fact that the present species is a n unusually plastic one; both the external form and the internal structure of the individual plant can be modified to some extent by corresponding changes in the milieu. Some account of these observations will be given in a subsequent paper and in the following discussion the salient stmctural features of E . septangulare, in its typical normal form, will be passed briefly in review without considering how they have arisen, and an attempt will be made t o relate them t o the conditions under which the species grows in its natural habitat. With its narrow, subulate leaves, grouped in a compact rosette, Eriocuulon has a habit of growth especially prevalent in those aquatic plants that grow rooted in the substratum beneath still water. Littorella uni$ora and Lobelia dortmannu, frequent associates of Eriocuulon in the lochs of Ireland and the Hebrides, both resemble it in this respect, while Isoetes lacustris, though taxonomically so remote from it, provides a still more striking parallel. Leaves of the type referred t o are well adapted t o withstand the fluctuating stresses set up by wave action, and it is perhaps significant that all the species named inhabit the shallow margins of lochs and pools, where in stormy weather surface movements can be quite severe. Plants with this habit of growth are not, however, confined t o such situations. A much clearer correlation with environmental conditions is shown by the seeding, which, it will be recalled, possesses a peculiar anchoring device which secures it to the substratum before the radicle appears, so counteracting its natural buoyancy and preventing it from rising t o the surface of the water beneath which it germinates. It is, however, in its internal structure that Eriocaulon septangulare provides the clearest evidence of accommodation t o sub-aqueous conditions. This is seen perhaps most clearly in certain peculiarities in the structure and disposition of its tissues, particularly those which are concerned: (a) with support, (b) with photosynthesis, and (c) with aeration. These three aspects of its organization will be considered briefly in that order. (a) Tissues concerned with support It may be well to emphasize here that the problem of support in submerged aquatic plants differs in certain fundamental respects from that of terrestrial species. I n the first place, the former are protected from the bending and torsional stresses occasioned by the wind, to which the great majority of land plants are exposed and t o withstand which they must be adequately equipped. I n the present species this is reflected not only in the absence of specialized mechanical tissues throughout the plant body but also in the unusual disposition of its vascular bundles. I n all the organs of the plant, even those of axial nature, the vascular strands are grouped near the centre; in none of them does the usual peripheral series occur. Although protected from the wind the plant is, as already noted, exposed to wave action and it is of interest t o note that the parenchymatous tissues of the stem and leaf and scape are so arranged that they provide in themselves the requisite degree of strength. Thus, from the mechanical point of view, the leaf with its crescent-shaped cross-section, its external corrugations and internal girder-like partitions is adequately stiffened, while the scape with its alternating ridges and furrows, and its internal radial ribs, separated by circular canals, has a typical columnar structure. I n this way both organs acquire sufficient strength, yet do so without sacrificing either lightness or flexibility. There can be no doubt that a nice adjustment of these three complementary qualities makes for the LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. 445 success of the species in its life beneath the water; a fact which may be overlooked when it is grown in culture but which becomes clear enough when it is observed in its natural habitat. The behaviour of the inflorescence axis provides a rather striking illustration. This organ varies in length from a few inches when the plant is growing in shallow water t o several feet when it is deeply submerged, and is so constructed that it achieves rigidity when short yet becomes perfectly flexible when long. The reactions of the two kinds to stormy weather are instructive. Whereas the short scapes withstand the shock of the wavelets on shallow shores and remain upright and unbending, the long ones in deeper water meet the menace of the larger waves not by resisting but by yielding to them, bending and straightening again as the waves approach and pass, yet all the while bearing aloft the capitula clear above the troubled water. Under the same conditions the flowers of Lobelia Dortmanna, borne on rigid stems, often become waterlogged. A further consequence of submergence is the upward reaction of the water, which acts in opposition to the force of gravity. For Eriocaulon septangulare this upthrust exceeds the weight of the plant itself, which is in consequence subject to a resultant force acting upwards, not downwards as in all terrestrial species. With these conditions in mind the absence of mechanical tissues throughout the plant is natural enough, for no part of it has any weight t o carry; yet a t the same time the upthrust of the water may become a positive danger, since it tends to drag the plant from its moorings. We have already seen how this danger is met in the seedling by means of a special anchoring mechanism, but the mature individual is exposed to the same risk and in a later paper, dealing with the ecology of the species, it will be shown that the tendency to uprooting sets a limit to the successful establishment of E . septangukre in certain habitats, which in all other respects are highly favourable to it. ( b ) Tissues concerned with photosynthesis The present species grows a t depths beneath the water ranging from a few inches to over five feet, with the majority of individuals occurring within the range of one to three feet. The water is usually clear ; nevertheless, some measurements made by the writer in the lochs of Skye confirm Pearsall’s findings for the English lakes (1917), and show that the light intensity under water falls off rapidly with increasing depth below the surface; a t a few feet it is reduced to a fraction of its value in the air above. If, then, the plant is t o survive and flourish under these conditions it is clear that it must utilize to the full its capacity for photosynthesis, and certain peculiarities of its structure and organization are best explained in the light of this necessity. Thus we find that not only the leaf but also the spathe and scape are bright green and richly supplied with chloroplasts; each of these organs plays its part in carbon assimilation. The role of the scape merits special consideration: appearing in late spring it persists throughout the summer and autumn, when maximum demands are made on food resources, and is then discarded. Again, although the leaf rosette a t soil level may be feebly illuminated beneath deep water, the scape a t least reaches to the light; its upper, bright green portion, rising above the surface, where it is always well illuminated. Moreover, the scape has a compensatory action, for the more deeply submerged the plant, the larger the scape and the greater the part this plays in photosynthesis; hence, it must have a balancing effect on the total assimilation. Passing to the internal structure of the leaf we find again signs of specialization. This is seen perhaps most clearly in the unusual disposition of its assimilatory tissues, which are arranged in two planes mutually a t right angles. There is first a subepidermal layer of chlorenchyma beneath both faces of the leaf, forming a loose reticulum, with wide intercellular spaces. This renders the leaf markedly translucent and light penetrates it freely to fall on the series of transverse diaphragms, which a t frequent intervals cross the air canals traversing the leaf from base to apex. These diaphragms, which in most aquatic. plants are colourless, or nearly so, are in the present species bright green and richly 446 LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY O F ERIOCAULON SEPTANGULARE WITH. supplied with chloroplasts ;whatever other part they play their assimilatory role is patefit. The structural peculiarities of the leaf of E . septangulare recall the ‘shade’ type of organization and suggest equipment for e&cient assimilation in low light intensities. (c) Tissues concerned with aeration Turning now to the problem of respiration, it is evident that the manner of growth of E. septangulare in dense colonies, rooted in finely divided silt beneath static water of considerable depth, creates conditions which demand adequate supplies of oxygen and effective provision for gaseous diffusion. The remarkable elaboration of its aerating system-perhaps the most striking feature of the anatomy of the species-seems clearly related t o this demand. All the submerged parts of the plant are provided with intercellular spaces, but the character of the air spaces in the several organs varies and reflects their diverse functions and different environmental conditions. Thus for the root and rhizome, buried in waterlogged soil or creeping over its surface, the need for oxygen is most acute, and in these parts the aerenchyma exhibits small but very numerous intercellular spaces, so that the internal atmosphere bathes almost every cell outside the vascular tracts. For the leaf and spathe and scape, conditions are less severe and here we find wide longitudinal canals which facilitate the downward diffusion of oxygen. Once again the scape has a significant role, for it provides a channel of communication linking the oxygen-starved organs below with the well-aerated upper layers of the water. Eventually there is direct access to the air above, for the upper part of the scape, well provided with stomata, rises at length above the surface of the water. The diurnal cycle of gaseous exchange can be observed in a very direct way in the present species by a change in colour. During the day, and especially in bright sunlight, oxygen accumulates in the intercellular spaces, and the leaves and spathes then appear bright, glistening, silver-grey beneath the water. With the onset of darkness assimilation ceases, and during the night the oxygen is largely removed; partly perhaps by slow difhsion into the water, but there can be little doubt that most of it is directly utilized in respiration. The result is that with the returning light, the plant is seen to have lost its silver tinge and now appears a bright grass green. Finally, the occurrence of stomata and hydathodes on the leaves of E . septangulare calls for comment. Both those structures might well be regarded as anomalous in a species which is fully, and often deeply, submerged beneath the water; nevertheless, they have been reported in several other plants of similar habitat. I n some of these the stomata have been shown t o be permanently closed, roofed over by the cuticle, or otherwise rendered non-functional and in all such instances they are doubtless vestigial; they suggest that for the species in question the aquatic habit is derived rather than primitive. In E . septangulare the stomata appear t o be quite normally constituted, but the frequency of their occurrence on the leaves is so low that they can scarcely be of much significance, nor is it likely that they would lead to flooding of the tissues unless a strong negative pressure developed within the leaf. On the scapes the stomatal frequency is much higher and steadily increases from the base of the organ to its apex. I n terrestrial plants stomatal gradients of this kind ar0 well known (see, for example, Zalenski, 1904; Yapp, 1912)) and taken in conjunction with other anatomical gradients of a similar kind they have been regarded as indicationa of increasing xeromorphy; the distal portion of a leaf being farthest from the waterconducting tracts of the stem, while the upper leaves develop in an increasingly dry atmosphere. I n a submerged aquatic plant such an explanation can hardly apply, since all the stomata are laid down and develop in a uniform and constant humidity; but however the gradient in stomatal frequency on the scapes of the present species may have come about, it would appear to have real significance. It will be recalled that the upper .part of the scape (where the stomata are relatively abundant) emerges at length above the water, so that the stomata here have direct access to the air. Thus a diffusion LEIGHTON HARE : THE STUDY OF ERIOCAULON SEPTANOULARE WITH. 447 gradient will be established in the wide longitudinal canals of the scape and the supply of oxygen t o the submerged organs will be much facilitated. Throughout the reproductive phase, therefore, the scape provides a channel of communication linking the roots and rhizome of the plant, buried in waterlogged silt, with the open air above the water. The hydathodes of E . septangulare closely resemble those reported by Sauvageau (1891) in Potarnogeton densus and take the form of open pores a t the leaf apices. The veins of the leaf converge towards this point, where the ultimate tracheids come into open communication with the surrounding water. The writer has found that if the water overlying growing specimens of the plant is lowered until the tips of the leaves just protrude the surface, and if the plants are then covered with a bell-jar, the familiar phenomenon of guttation 1s soon observed. Evidently there is a ‘transpiration stream’ throughout the plant, and since this must be maintained by the roots, the latter should not be regarded merely as a means of anchorage, but as actively absorbing organs. E . septangulare thus comes into line with other rooted aquatic plants in which a similar movement of water has been demonstrated (Arber, 1920, pp. 260-6). ACRNOWLEDOEMENTS The greater part of the work involved in this investigation was carried out a t the University of Aberdeen, and I desire particularly to thank Prof. J. R. Matthews for his kindly criticism and advice :his interest in my work has been throughout a constant inspiration and encouragement. I am also indebted t o Sir Edward Salisbury and Dr C. R. Metcalfe, who kindly provided facilities for continuing the work a t The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Prof. J. McLean Thompson has given me every encouragement to complete the work at the University of Liverpool. I also acknowledge with gratitude a generous grant from the latter University towards the cost of illustrathg the present paper. Other friends and colleagues have helped me by supplying material and in various other ways, for which full acknowledgement will be made in a forthcoming paper dealing with the ecology and geographical distribution of E. septanguhre. REFERENCES ADAX,R. M. (1933). Eriocaulon septangulare. New Flora & Silva, 6 , no. 1. ARBER,A. (1920). Water Plants. A Study of Aquatic Angiospem. Cambridge. BOYD,L. (1932). Monocotyledonous seedlings. Trans. Bot. SOC.Edinb. 31, pt. 1. D-INGTON, C. D. & JAN- A w , E. K. (1946). Chromosomk A t b of Culti,vated Plants. Lonaon. HOLM,T. (1904). Eriocaulon decangulare L., an atomical study. Bot. Gaz. 31, 17-37. HOOKER, J. D. (1930). The Student’s Flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed., London. HUTCHINSON, J. (1934). The Families of Flowering Plants, Vol. 2, Monocotyledons. London. LECOMTE, H. 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Spiraea ulmaria and its bearing on the problem of xeromorphy in marsh plants. Ann. Bot., Lond., 26, 815-70. ZALENSKI, V. (1904). Materials for the study of the quantitative anatomy of different leaves of the same plant. Mem. Polytech. Inst. Kiev, p. 50. (In Russian; quoted by Maximov, N. A.) EXPLANATION OF PLATE 22 Fig. 1. Shows a small colony of specimens of E. septangulare at Cregduff Lough, Connernara, Ireland. (These are seen in the figure exposed above water after a period of drought.) This photograph, taken by Mr Welch, is reproduced by kind permission of the author and publishers, from Dr R. Lloyd Praeger’s The Botanist in Ireland (Hodges, Figgis and Co.), Dublin, 1934. Fig. 2. An isolated specimen of E. septangulare which had been grown in culture at Aberdeen. (Actual size.) Figs. 3-5. Specimens selected to show stages in the growth of the spathe and scape. (Actual size.) C. LEIGHTON HARE Journ. Linn. SOC. Bot. Vol. LIII, PI. 22 Eriocaulon septangulare With.