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Study Guide: Plate Tectonics
1. What is the correct order (starting from
the surface) of Earth’s layers?
2. The youngest rocks on the ocean floor
are located ____.
17. Earth’s mantle is like...
18. Any trace of an ancient organism that
has been preserved in rock is called a
3. Earth’s inner core is like…
19. The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is
one example of
4. The crust and upper mantle make up
20. Before lava reaches the surface it is
5. Plates of the lithosphere float on the
21. The boundary between two plates
moving together is called a __.
6. What is Pangaea?
22. Seafloor spreading occurs because __.
7. The process by which the ocean floor
sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and
back into the mantle is known as
23. Continental drift states that continents
have moved __ to their current location.
24. The Great Rift Valley in Africa is a __.
8. Most geologists think that the movement
of Earth’s plates is caused by
25. The Andes mountain range of South
America was formed at a ___.
9. The geological theory that states that
pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in
constant, slow motion is the theory of
26. Active volcanoes are most likely to form
at __.
10. The result of plate movement can be
seen at ___.
27. __ are formed when two continental
plates collide.
11. The ___ are mountains formed by the
collision of the Indo-Australian Plate and
the Eurasian Plate.
28. The __ is (are) an example of a
transform boundary.
12. The presence of the same __ on several
continents supports the hypothesis of
continental drift.
13. The hypothesis that continents have
slowly moved to their current locations is
called __.
14. According to Wegener’s hypothesis of
continental drift,
15. Plates move apart at __ boundaries.
16. Plates slide past one another at __.
29. A __ forms where two oceanic plates
30. According to above figure, what type of
plate boundary occurs between the
North American Plate and the Eurasian
31. According to above figure, what type of
plate boundary occurs between the
Nazca Plate and the South American
45. Mountains that are formed by volcanoes
along a coastline occur at a __ plate
46. Magma that leaves a volcano’s vent is
called ___.
Use the diagram below to answer questions
32. Earth’s thick plastic-like layer is the __.
33. Plates move together at a(n) __.
34. One plate is forced under another in
a(n) __.
35. A(n) _____ is an underwater mountain
36. The main points of evidence for _____ are
fossils, rocks, and climate.
37. When continental plates pull apart at a
divergent boundary on land, a(n) __
38. Two of Earth’s plates slip past each
other along a __ boundary.
39. Oceanic crust is made up mostly of an
igneous rock called __.
40. The lithosphere is broken into sections
called __, which float on top of the
41. The formation of volcanoes and
mountain ranges can be explained by
the theory of ___.
47. The asthenosphere is part of which
layer of Earth?
48. Pressure increases with depth toward
the center of Earth. In which layer
would you expect pressure to be the
49. According to the theory of plate
tectonics, on which layer do plates float?
50. Which layer is made up the crust and
part of the mantle?
51. Overall, which layer is the thickest?
Use the diagram below to answer questions
42. A continental plate collides with an
oceanic plate at an(n) __ boundary.
43. An ocean plate plunges beneath
another plate and back into the mantle
in a process known as ___.
44. A major volcanic belt known as the ___
circles the Pacific Ocean.
52. Which type of boundary occurs at X?
53. What feature occurs at Y?
54. What is happening at Z?
55. Which type of plate boundary occurs at
56. What feature occurs at X?