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Chapter 3 Ancient Egypt
Section 2 How Early People Lived
Vocabulary p. 70
1. Tutankhamen – Egyptian Pharaoh; began his rule when he was 9 years old; died at 19 in
2. Memphis – Capital city of United Egypt under Menes.
3. Thebes – An ancient city on the Nile River; Became the capital of the Egyptian Empire after
the Hyksos period.
4. Kush – An ancient kingdom in Northeastern Africa, which flourished from about 751 B.C. to
A.D. 400.
5. Valley of the Kings – An ancient burial place near the Nile River. Many ancient Egyptian
rulers are buried at this site.
Section 3 Egyptian Civilization
Vocabulary p. 77
6. Civilization – A society that has achieved a high level of culture including the development
of government, religion, and the growth of large cities.
7. Hieroglyphics – A system of writing in ancient Egypt that used pictures and signs to stand for
objects, sounds, and ideas.
8. Papyrus – A type of paper made from reeds and used by the ancient Egyptians for writing
and keeping records.
9. Scribe – A person whose profession was writing down or copying letters, contracts, and other
10. Rosetta Stone – A large inscribed stone discovered in Rosetta, Egypt, in 1799. Because it
contained carvings in three languages – hieroglyphics, late Egyptian, and Greek – the Rosetta
Stone enabled scholars to learn the meaning of hieroglyphics.
11. Slave – A person who is the property of another person.
Building Skills Time Skills
Vocabulary p. 82
12. Historical Map – A map showing historical information, such as a series of battles or the
stages in the growth of an empire.
13. Boundary – An imaginary line dividing one country from another.
14. Cataract – A waterfall or churning rapids in a river.