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Test Unit One
614 points
Do not write on this test. Write the answers on the answer sheet that is
Multiple Choice: Choose the answer which best describes the following questions. Be sure to write the
correct letter in the space provided for each question. 4 pts each = 244 pts
1. Group of people that lived 35,000 to 100,000 years ago. Their brains were as large as those of modern
humans, but they were shorter in height and their skulls were shaped different.
A. Neanderthals
B. Cro-Magnon
C. Catal Huyuk
D. Nomads
E. None of the above
2. People who have no permanent homes, but wander from place to place.
A. Grambokneeuns
B. Artisan
C. Nomads
D. Neanderthals
E. None of the above
3. One good is exchanged for another.
A. Trader
B. Money changer
C. Exchanger
D. Barter
E. None of the above
4. First human beings to have all the physical characteristics of modern people. They developed many art
forms including paintings in caves.
A. Neanderthals
B. Cro-Magnon
C. Catal Huyuk
D. Nomads
E. None of the above
5. One who studies places where prehistoric people lived, looking for remains of homes, graves, and towns
and examining the artifacts found there.
A. Archaeologist
B. Archaeology
C. Anthropologist
D. Geologist
E. None of the above
6. One who studies artifacts, bones, and other clues trying to determine what people looked like, what they
ate, how long they lived, and other characteristics.
A. Archaeologist
B. Archaeology
C. Anthropologist
D. Geologist
E. None of the above
7. People with skills in specialized crafts.
A. Artifact
B. Barter
C. Nomad
D. Artisan
E. None of the above
8. Most of the Paleolithic tools were made of
A. Bronze
B. Steel
C. Stone
D. Copper
E. Iron
F. None of the above
9. Discoveries made in the Paleolithic Age were
A. Pottery, bronze, crops, grinding wheel
B. Spearpoints, stone tools, fire
C. Copper, governments, laws, taxes, record keeping
D. Calculator, submarine, atom bomb
E. None of the above
10. Discoveries made in the Neolithic Age
A. Tamed wild animals, bronze, crops, plow
B. Spearpoints, stone tools, fire
C. Copper, governments, laws, taxes, record keeping
D. Motorcycle, computer chip, airplane
E. None of the above
11. Discoveries made in the Bronze Age
A. Pottery, copper, crops, grinding wheel, plow
B. Spearpoints, daggers, axes, scrapers
C. Bronze, governments, laws, taxes, record keeping
D. Motorcycle, computer chip, airplane
E. None of the above
12. One of the most impressive and mysterious monuments left from prehistoric times located in southern
England about 2800 B.C. Largest stones weigh more than 50 tons.
A. Stonehenge
B. The Great Pyramid
C. The Colosseum
D. The Great Wall of China
E. None of the above
13. Which of these civilizations did not exist during the Bronze Age?
A. Mesopotamian
B. Egyptian
C. Inca
D. Chinese
E. None of the above
14. Belief in one god.
A. Monotheism
B. Polytheism
C. Dynasty
D. Deists
E. None of the above
15. Belief in many gods.
A. Monotheism
B. Polytheism
C. Dynasty
D. Deists
E. None of the above
16. Ruler of Akkad that conquered the Sumerians. He established the world's first empire.
A. Xerxes
B. Hammurabi
C. Sargon the Great
D. Darius the Great
E. None of the above
17. A city that is independent of other cities and has its own government.
A. Hyksos
B. Empire
C. Dynasty
D. City-state
E. None of the above
18. Pressed wedge-shaped symbol's into a square tablet of damp clay. This form of writing is called
A. Hieroglyphics
B. Ziggurat
C. Cuneiform
D. Tribute
E. None of the above
19. Family of rulers.
A. Dynasty
B. Empire
C. Pharaoh
D. Official
E. None of the above
20. What was the title given to Egyptian rulers?
A. Khan
B. Emperor
C. Pharaoh
D. Czar
E. None of the above
21. A state and the conquered lands that it rules.
A. Emperor
B. Estate
C. Dynasty
D. Empire
E. None of the above
22. Egypt's writing in the form of pictures was known as?
A. Cuneiform
B. Pictionary
C. Art
D. Hieroglyphics
E. None of the above
23. First woman ruler in history.
A. Hatshepsut
B. Thutmose
C. Menes
D. Xerxes
E. None of the above
24. When a conquered nation pays taxes to the nation that conquered them.
A. Semitic
B. Menes
C. Ur
D. Tribute
E. None of the above
25. He was a Babylon ruler that conquered Mesopotamia in 1792 B.C. He would negotiate peace and
stability among city-states, then he conquered them. He developed the world's first system of laws.
A. Nebuchadnezzar
B. Thutmose
C. Hammurabi
D. Sargon the Great
E. None of the above
26. They were the first group of people to settle in the Mesopotamian region and become civilized.
A. Sumerians
B. Hebrews
C. Aryans
D. Phoenicians
E. None of the above
27. During the Old Kingdom in Egyptian history, what significant events took place?
A. Hatshepsut became the first woman ruler in history.
B. The Hyksos rule over the Egyptians
C. Pyramids were built
D. Rameses builds a great empire
E. None of the above
28. It was the greatest single archeological find from ancient Egypt. It provided evidence of the Egyptians
great wealth and power.
A. Thutmose's tomb
B. King Tut's tomb
C. Hatshepsut's tomb
D. Xerxes' tomb
E. None of the above
29. The important metal that the Aryans discovered.
A. Copper
B. Iron
C. Bronze
D. Tin
E. None of the above
30. They were the first to use coins for trade.
A. Chaldeans
B. Assyrians
C. Phoenicians
D. Lydians
E. None of the above
31. Their writing system was based on an early alphabet system which was easier and faster than
A. Lydians
B. Hebrews
C. Phoenicians
D. Aryans
E. None of the above
32. What nation was located in the upper Tigris valley and were known for their ruthless warriors.
A. Lydians
B. Assyrians
C. Phoenicians
D. Aryans
E. None of the above
33. Known as the father of the Hebrews.
A. Jacob
B. Joseph
C. Moses
D. Abraham
E. None of the above
34. What civilization developed a medical textbook.
A. Egyptians
B. Mesopotamians
C. Persians
D. Phoenicians
E. None of the above
35. What civilization numbering system was based on 60. They used the 360 degree circle, as well as
multiplication and division tables.
A. Egyptians
B. Mesopotamians
C. Persians
D. Phoenicians
E. None of the above
36. Today, Mesopotamia is known as what country?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Turkey
D. Syria
E. None of the above
37. Today, Asia Minor is known as what country?
A. Europe
B. England
C. China
D. Turkey
E. None of the above
38. The Nile Delta was great farmland because:
A. it was easily fertilized
B. farmers in the area were brilliant in agriculture
C. the annual Nile flood carried rich topsoil downstream to the delta
D. farmers used advanced irrigation methods
E. None of the above
39. They wrote on papyrus, one of the first forms of modern paper
A. Egyptians
B. Sumerians
C. Lydians
D. Syrians
E. None of the above
40. The only ancient people united specifically by their religious faith were
A. Egyptians
B. Babylonians
C. Persians
D. Hebrews
E. None of the above
41. The primary difference between the religious beliefs of the Hebrews and the religious beliefs of other
ancient peoples was:
A. Hebrews were polytheistic, others were monotheistic
B. Hebrews believed in many gods
C. Hebrews were monotheistic, others were polytheistic
D. Hebrews believed in no gods
E. None of the above
42. Egypt’s wealth came primarily from:
A. conquering other people
B. their massive agricultural output
C. their mining output
D. their manufacturing output
E. None of the above
43. A pharaoh during the New Kingdom that died of cancer at the age of 18.
A. Thutmose II
B. Thutmose III
C. Tutankhamen
D. Rameses
E. None of the above
44. A pharaoh during the time of Moses and the Hebrew's exodus.
A. Thutmose II
B. Thutmose III
C. Tutankhamen
D. Rameses II
E. None of the above
45. He ordered all memory of Hatshepsut (his mother) erased
A. Thutmose II
B. Thutmose III
C. Rameses II
D. Tutankhamen
E. None of the above
46. It was a pyramid built during the old kingdom. It stood 450 feet high. There were two million stone
blocks, each weighing 2 1/2 tons.
A. The Great Pyramid
B. The Pyramid of Khufu
C. The Pyramid of Giza
D. The Pyramid of Cairo
E. None of the above
47. Why were pyramids built?
A. As monuments to the pharaoh's power. They were built to serve as tombs.
B. To serve as a place of worship for the Egyptians.
C. To represent the Egyptian gods they worshipped
D. To serve as a home for the pharaohs when they were alive.
E. None of the above
48. The significance of the Rosetta Stone
A. Provided a key in deciphering hieroglyphics
B. Translated hieroglyphics into English so it could be deciphered
C. Provides a key in deciphering cuneiform
D. It was the first rose that was set in a stone
E. None of the above
49. The following is/are true about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
A. built by king Xerxes
B. was built for Nebuchadnezzar’s wife to make her feel at home
C. became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
D. B and C
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
50. The following is/are true about Judaism
A. Is one of the oldest religions of the world
B. It became the foundation of Christianity and Hinduism
C. Its the religion of the Jews
D. Their God is known as Yahweh
E. All of the above
F. A, B, and C
G. A, C, and D
H. C and D
I. A and D
51. The following is/are true about the Gilgamesh Epic.
A. It's a long narrative poem about a Sumerian king named Gilgamesh.
B. It's one of the oldest poems ever written.
C. It was written on clay tablets in cuneiform.
D. A and B
E. A and C
F. A, B, and C
G. None of the above
52. This civilization had the earliest known sewer system for drainage
A. Mesopatamia
B. Egyptian
C. Aryan
D. Persian
E. None of the above
53. China's first dynasty
A. Ch'in dynasty
B. Shang dynasty
C. Zhou dynasty
D. Han dynasty
E. None of the above
54. This civilization's culture was a model for all of Asia.
A. Great Britain
B. Japan
C. Korea
D. China
E. None of the above
55. This nation felt the family was more important than ones self or the state
A. China
B. Japan
C. Korea
D. Vietnam
E. None of the above
56. This dynasty reigned for 900 years. Longer than any other dynasty in China
A. Shang
B. Tang
C. Chin
D. Zhou
E. None of the above
57. The Olmec civilization developed a writing system that was
A. used also by people in China
B. deciphered with the Rosetta Stone
C. used to calculate the orbits of the planets
D. used as a basis for later Mesoamerican writing systems
E. None of the above
58. Who discovered the idea of zero and did precise calculations?
A. Olmecs
B. Egyptians
C. Sumerians
D. Phoenicians
E. Lydians
F. None of the above
59. They were the first to tap rubber trees for sap.
A. Olmecs
B. Egyptians
C. Sumerians
D. Phoenicians
E. Lydians
F. None of the above
60. They were the first to play basketball (pok-a-tok).
A. Olmecs
B. Egyptians
C. Sumerians
D. Phoenicians
E. Lydians
F. None of the above
61. What would happen to the losers of the game pok-a-tok.
A. became slaves
B. sacrificed to the gods at the end of the game
C. nothing would happen to them
D. tortured
E. None of the above
Essay 260 pts
1. Explain how the people that lived during the Paleolithic Age differed from the people that lived in the
Neolithic Age and Bronze Age. 15 pts
2. Name five reasons why the first civilizations lived by rivers. 25 pts
3. Compare and contrast the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, and Chinese civilizations. 50 pts
4. List three things for which the Phoenicians were famous. 15 pts
5. List three of Hammurabi's codes. 15 pts
6. Name and explain five key traits that set the Sumerians apart from all the human societies that existed
before it. 50 pts
7. Explain how things of the past have influenced the present. You must give ten examples. The examples
that you give must come from the information that was given in unit one. 90 pts
140 pts
1. Draw a map of Europe, Asia, and Africa 60pts
2. Label Europe, Asia, and Africa 15 pts
3. Draw in and label the following Rivers: Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, Indus, and Yellow. 25 pts
4. Locate and label the following: Sumer, Babylon, Nile Delta, Egypt, where the Hebrews settled,
Mesopotamia, Chinese Civilization, and the Indus Valley Civilization 40 pts.
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