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Name: _____________________!
Date: ______________________!
Class color: ____________________!
Directions: After examining the propaganda item you are assigned, complete the information below. The pdf
version of the propaganda items is on my Teacher Page in the Anne Frank/Holocaust Unit.!
Propaganda Item #____________ !
Definition of Propaganda: __________________________________________________________________________!
Propaganda Techniques!
ASSERTION: enthusiastic or energetic statement presented as fact, but not necessarily true; the
statement should be accepted without question!
BANDWAGON: an appeal to follow the crowd, to join in because others are doing so well; because
so many people have joined, victory is inevitable and defeat impossible!
CARD STACKING: selective omission which involves only presenting information that is positive
to an idea or proposal and omitting information contrary to it!
GLITTERING GENERALITIES: words that have different positive meanings for individual subjects,
but are linked to highly valued concepts (honor, glory, love of country); they demand approval
without thinking since such an important concept is involved!
LESSER OF TWO EVILS: tries to convince audience of an idea or proposal by presenting it as the
least offensive option; used to convince people to make sacrifices; adds blame on an enemy country
or political group!
NAME CALLING: use of derogatory language that carries a negative connotation when describing
an enemy; labels the target as something that the public dislikes!
PINPOINTING THE ENEMY: simplifies a complex situation by presenting one specific group or
person as the enemy; clear-cut right and wrong!
PLAIN FOLKS: convinces the public that his/her views reflect those of the common person and they
are working for the benefit of the common person!
SIMPLIFICATION (STEREOTYPING): reduces a complex situation to a clear-cut choice involving
good and evil; useful in swaying uneducated audiences!
TRANSFER: used in politics and during wartime; often used to transfer negative feelings for one
object to another; transferring blame or bad feelings from one politician to another of his/her friends
or party members!
1. List the main images and/or dates shown in this piece of propaganda: !
2. Who is “included” in this piece? What images/text in the piece prove this?!
3. Who is “excluded” in this piece? What images/text in the piece prove this?!
4. What propaganda technique is used in this piece of propaganda? Defend your answer with evidence
from the propaganda piece itself. !
5. Into which time period/category does this piece of propaganda fall? Check the box next to the time
period/category and defend your answer with evidence from the propaganda piece itself. !
1919-1933: Propaganda for Votes and Power: ____________________________________________________!
1933-1939: Power and Persuasion in the Racial State: ____________________________________________!
1939-1945: Propaganda for War and Mass Murder: _______________________________________________
1945-Present: Propaganda on Trial: ____________________________________________________________!
6. Based on your analysis, what do you believe is the message sent by this piece of propaganda?!