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The Electric Climate
Flat-Earth Science
by Rolf A. F. Witzsche
In the beginning...
1 - The Earth was thought to be flat...
Contrary to all observed evidence and prior knowledge, the flat-Earth belief deemed
science ruled the public's mind for centuries in a game of religious conformity that
had become the Dark Age World of living in the 'small,' a house with boarded-up
2 - Also, the Earth was thought to be the center of the universe...
The 'small' is hard to step away from when it is required to uphold the hierarchal
doctrine of a church that has become an empire. When truth doesn't rest on evidence,
but on doctrine, society lives behind closed doors, because an understanding of the
truth is required for any development in science. The desire to open the closed doors
was kept weak in the dark ages of indoctrinated popular perception.
3 - When the real scientific age began...
After centuries of being trapped in old beliefs the planet Earth was eventually
acknowledged to be a small speck orbiting the Sun, and that the solar system is not
the center of the universe, but a tiny part of it, afloat in a vast galaxy of many billions
of Suns, which itself was eventually recognized as being but a tiny speck itself in a
larger universe of countless billions of galaxies.
But with this knowledge of the vastness of the universe and our tiny place within it,
the status of the human being did not diminish. It became immense. The human being
gained in dimension as mankind awakened and entered the complex domain and became
at one with the universe.
4 - Today, the biggest challenge that we face is the old tradition that
takes us back to the beginning...
Evidently the old Flat-Earth-Society syndrome has not really been healed. We still live
in a world in which 'inconvenient' evidence becomes routinely discarded in an effort to
maintain established doctrines, the kind which institutions and empires have a vested
interest in.
5 - We face a paradox in science that society seem unwilling to solve,
even in the face of dire consequences...
In today's world we have incredibly advanced instrumentation available for
exploration, giving us tools that open windows to the universe that the ancients
couldn't even dream of. We can now see things that in the Dark Ages nobody ever
Ironically we don't believe what we see. Old 'myths' evidently are hard to put aside,
which is a technology that we have yet to develop. But oh if we do, what joy we find as
we make discoveries upon discoveries!
For example, the ancients had once believed in a myth in which the universe was
deemed to have been created a few thousand years in the past by the creative act of
some deity. Today, the leading-edge myth isn't much different. In the modern myth
the universe was created in a big bang a mere tens of billions of years in the past. We
are still locked into a flat-Earth type of thinking that demands that the infinite must
have had a 'beginning.' Can a universal principle have a beginning?
While today's Big Bang myth is fast receding into the historic graveyard of discarded
mythologies, other similar, already disproved myths, still rule supreme and are kept
alive for certain political objectives. One of these myths pertains to the nature of our
The myth of the fusion-powered Sun
- The face of the myth Mankind's advance in the science of theoretical physics ushered in the age of nuclear power.
We began to understand the makeup of the atom and what we can do to fission it in order to
harvest the physical emery that holds it together so that we can power our industries with
this energy. The breakthrough in science gave us the potential for an energy rich futures in a
world were coal, oil, and gas are rapidly becoming too limited in supply to meet our growing
present and future needs, especially considering that mankind will likely continue to live on
this planet for many millions if not billions of years to come.
Since nuclear fission power is also inherently limited we have discovered that we can power
our infinite future with still another nuclear process, that of fusing two isotopes of hydrogen
together in a high temperature plasma environment. This process has been demonstrated to
be powerfully efficient, as the hydrogen bomb illustrates. The process is simple in principle.
We use an atomic bomb to create the plasma environment to ignite the hydrogen bomb. One
of the last tests of such a device vaporized an entire tropical island to a depth of several
hundred feet below sea level.
Thus, having demonstrated the principle of nuclear fusion power we immediately regarded the
demonstration as proof that the same kind of process exists naturally everywhere in the
universe and also powers our Sun. With this notion, the concept was born that our Sun, and
every sun and star in the universe, is an endlessly self-regulating nuclear fusion furnace,
burning up hydrogen.
The whole thing makes sense, right? What else could power such a huge entity as our Sun
that contains 99.8% of the entire mass of the solar system? The heat generated by its
enormous gravity was deemed sufficient to ignite the fusion furnace at its core, while the
immense gravity of the Sun would prevent the nuclear bomb within it from blowing the Sun
apart. The generated heat would then work its way to the surface by means of convection
currents, maintaining a surface temperature of 5,800 degrees Kelvin. The result is a nice,
clean, simple theory, isn't it?
For many people this theory was an open and closed case, and for many it still is. Besides,
what else could power the Sun for billions of years, but an atomic bomb in its belly,
continuously exploding, being nicely controlled by a self-regulating process? This sounds
great, but it has the ring of a fairy tale. The universe has far more efficient processes going,
and more elegant ones that open up a door for mankind to a near infinite future. Here, as we
become evermore open to the heart of truth new discoveries begin to unfold.
- There are many holes in the old theory Our advanced space-based instrumentation has discovered numerous pieces of evidence that
simply don't fit the old theory, which thereby has become too small suddenly. The new pieces
of evidence indicate that there is something false about the old theory.
For example it has been discovered that the umbra of the Sunspots, the very center from
which the Sun's solar fairs erupt, are 'dark' as shown below. The Sunspots are actually the
coolest and darkest spots on the Sun, whereas they should be the hottest and brightest if
the Sun was heated from within.
(c) - sample from: The Electric Sun Hypothesis
This simple piece of evidence forces one to completely rethink the hypothesis as to what
powers the sun, because the neat fusion furnace theory simply doesn't fit the evidence. The
story of the Sun being a constantly exploding hydrogen bomb sounds too much like a fairy
tale where everything is simple and the improbable magically happens.
There is another major piece of evidence that doesn't fit either. If the Sun was a giant
nuclear fusion furnace heated from within, why would the Sun have a corona - a plasma mantle
that encapsulates the Sun - extending far from it into space? The Sun's corona wouldn't
exist if the Sun was a fusion furnace. It would have no business being there. But that's not
what we see. The corona does exist, and it's existence is an enigma that forces a completely
different model for the Sun onto the table, and also for the universe itself. We know from
measurements that the Sun's temperature at the surface of the photosphere, the surface
that we see glistening in the sky, is 5,800 degrees Kelvin. However, the temperature of the
solar wind around the Sun increases rapidly all through the corona the further we get away
from the Sun itself. For example the temperature of the solar wind starts at 5,800 degrees
as it moves away from the Sun, but by the time it 'drifted' 100,000 km above the surface its
temperature has increased to several million degrees Kelvin. And farther out still, at twice
the distance of the Sun's diameter, temperatures of 200 million degrees have been
detected. This increased heating with increased distance from the Sun wouldn't happen if
the Sun was heated from within, but it does happen. So, where does the heat come from? It
certainly doesn't come from the surface layer, which is by far the coolest layer of them all.
And then there is the case of the missing neutrino emissions. If the Sun was a nuclear fusion
furnace it should be a massive neutrino emitter, but this evidence isn't found. The nuclearfusion-furnace theory is full of these kinds of holes, too many to be listed here. The current
general scientific practice is to patch up those holes with exotic theories for which no real
evidence exists.
However, there is a more elegant solution unfolding at the forefront of science, called the
Plasma Cosmology. Here an entirely different perception of the Sun, our galaxy, and of the
universe as a whole, has been emerging in the last 80 years. This theory not only makes more
sense, but it also fits the observed evidence. While the new model is still being refuted right
and left, it nevertheless solves all the problems that cannot be resolved under the old fusionfurnace model, which can only be made to work by resorting to fairy-dust science. And on top
of it all, discovering the real world is more exciting than putting Band Aids on defective
theories. What can be more exciting than living at the leading edge of progressive
Here begins the plasma evidence
It is known, and measurable to some extent, and largely undisputed that the 99.99% of the
entire mass of the universe exists in the plasma state, the 4th state of 'matter.' In addition
to it existing as a gas, a liquid, and a solid, matter also exists as plasma. When seen as a gas,
liquid, and a solid, our perceived universe of 'matter' is a universe 'created' by atomic
structures consisting essentially of empty space that is dynamically occupied by electrically
charged particles called electrons and protons, and also some neutral particles called
neutrons. The electrons are negatively charged and are orbiting a tiny core of positive
protons and an equally number of neutrons. In an atomic structure the positive and negative
charges are held together into a single cohesive structure by the strongest force of the
universe, that of electric attraction. This force is balanced by the centrifugal force of the
electrons. However, the particles themselves are not made up of 'matter' either, but are
themselves but various types of constructs of fast moving points of energy, called quarks. In
real terms, the entire universe contains not a single speck of basic manner, so that
everything is nothing more than a complex construct of dynamic points of energy ordered by
an array of harmonizing principles interacting in an incredibly intelligent design. If a single
one of these principles wouldn't exist, no atom, no planets, no world, and no life, would exist.
The resulting high-level world that we live in is a world that is incredibly ordered. But in the
subatomic world that we can't readily see, some different principles and different types of
order come into place that are more basic, more universal, and more powerfully effecting
everything, including the atomic world and above. That's the plasma part of the universe that
makes up 99.99% of it. The plasma universe is a universe of ions. It is an electrically
unbalanced world in which the particles are not bound into atoms, but are free floating,
though retaining their electric charge. The plasma thus becomes as 'soup' of negative
electrons and the positive protons 'hanging' around in space by themselves. The plasma world
can also contain incomplete atoms (ions) that have electrons or a protons missing, thereby
having an electric potential. Being electrically charged the plasma functions as a near perfect
electric conductor that is capable of carrying large electric currents, as we see it in lightning
bolts for example. Plasma, of course, is also is widely extensive. It extends throughout space,
mostly in the form of free flowing electrons. It fills the space of our entire galaxy. It is
deemed to encapsulate the galaxy into a vast, closed-loop electric circuit. In this vast sea of
(electric) plasma our terrestrial world is located, including our Sun. Our Sun is understood as
a ball of dense plasma with an extremely large positive electric charge. Naturally, the Sun,
being positively charged, it interacts with the negative electric potential in the galactic
plasma that pervades its surrounding space.
Since electric attraction is the strongest force in the universe, almost infinitely stronger
than gravity, an enormously strong electric current thereby interacts with the sun. This
current is so great in close approximation of the sun that the plasma forms a double layer
around the Sun, called the chromospheres. The double-layer plasma acts as a kind of buffer
that builds up energy and then transfers this energy in a process of electric arcing onto the
Sun's photosphere. (See: NASA x-ray image no sunspots)
The process of arcing lets a 'small' portion of the ions from the photosphere escape, which
then becomes the solar wind and plasma prominences. The solar wind accelerates into space,
powerfully driven by electric attraction. If the solar wind came from explosions within the
sun, its speed would diminish with increasing distance. Instead, its speed is increasing
enormously. As the solar wind ions are interacting with other ions in the galactic plasma the
solar wind lights up the corona.
The Sun with its strong electric potential has an extremely intense plasma surrounding it,
with enormous electric currents flowing through it that all ends up eventually flowing into the
photosphere with the violent intensity of extreme electric arcing. The visible evidence
suggests that the heating of the Sun occurs almost entirely electrically, and that it occurs
right on the surface with the Sun acting as a giant anode.
The principle of this kind of surface heating was easily observed in old radios, decades ago,
of the type that were powered by vacuum tubes. It wasn't uncommon then to see the anode
of a vacuum tube getting red hot when an overloading condition had caused larger than normal
currents to flow within it. With the Sun being positively charged, thereby being an anode, one
would expect to see its surface being 'spotted' with a vast sea of anode tufts that are
related to high inflowing currents. And that is exactly what we see in the picture below,
surrounding a Sunspot.
A Sunspot showing the umbra, penumbra, and surrounding anode tufts
- a representative sample from the website: The electric cosmos
The principle of plasma arcing that causes the intense electric heating is being routinely used
on Earth in electric-arc welding processes and in electric arc furnaces that are common in
the steel industry. Evidence that the Sun's electric heating is the result of the same process
and that its effect is just 'skin-deep' is evident by the lack of a nuclear fusion furnace
underneath the Sun's glistening surface, so that the heating originates in the surface layer
The evidence for this fact is not only seen in the umbra. It can also be felt by everyone on
Earth on a daily basis. The electric arcing that lights up the anode tufts on the Sun is being
recognized as the only possible source for the intense ultraviolet light that causes sunburn
injuries to many people on Earth. The intense ultraviolet light that causes these injuries
definitely does not flow from the interior of the sun. If it were to come from within the
sunspot umbra, that area would be immensely brighter instead of being darker.
What millions of people protect themselves from each summer with ultraviolet-blocking
sunscreens reflects nothing less than the evidence of intense high-current surface arcing on
the Sun. Electric arcing has been routinely used in the past for health purposes on order to
generate ultraviolet light artificially during the winter to prevent vitamin-D deficiencies. So
it has been well known for a long time that electric arcing causes intense ultraviolet radiation.
Plasma loops and surface arcing
(image by TRACE 'Transition Region and Coronal Explorer' a NASA space telescope)
Sunspots occur when the double layer plasma sheet surrounding the Sun gets overloaded and
ruptures above the plasma loops, releasing a literal explosion of charged particles (the solar
flairs) as they are 'torn' out of the photosphere, exposing the 'cooler' layers of the sun
beneath it. Some evidence exists that suggests that a small amount of nuclear fusion reaction
might be happening in the double layer plasma region above the photosphere, where the high
energy levels exist that are needed to sustain nuclear fusion. That is where we find evidence
of the 'heavier' atomic elements being created. Traces of sixty eight of the ninety two
natural elements have been detected in the Sun's 'atmosphere.' This evidence takes us far
beyond the simple hydrogen-fusion furnace model to a far more complex and efficient model
that has large implications for us living in the Earth.
Of course, what is presented in this web page is nothing more than an extremely simplified
view of the electric-Sun model that has been developed over the last 80 years. (more of it
can be found on the website: The Electric Sky)
What does this tell us
about our climate on Earth?
It tells us that we are really at the mercy of the galactic processes and their variations
which is reflected in various types of inconsistency in the heating of the surface of the Sun
that our climate primarily depends on. We know from historic observations and other forms
of evidence that large temperature variations have occurred on the Earth, some resulting in
ice ages, some resulting in hot climates. We also know that ice ages have occurred during
times of extremely high concentration of the so-called greenhouse gases, and that hot
periods have occurred when these so-called greenhouse gases were low. All this tells us that
our climate is at the mercy of the galactic forces that not only power the Sun, but also
affect the plasma 'weather' of the entire solar system, which in turn interacts with the
'weather' of the cosmic-radiation background that bombards the Earth and affects cloud
formation in the troposphere that affects our climate to a vastly greater degree than
anything else does, up to 97% of it.
Our solar system is really but a tiny speck in the galaxy, as are all the other solar systems. If
we were to draw the solar system in its true scale on a piece of paper with the distance
between the Earth and the Sun (93 million miles) measuring one inch, the finest dot that we
could make with an extremely sharp pencil would then represent the Sun. The Earth would be
too small to be visible (1/100th of it), located on an orbit 2 inches in diameter. Pluto, being
far off, would be located on an orbit 3.5 feet in diameter, about as far as a person can reach
across. All the other planets would have their orbits in the space in-between.
On this scale the nearest star, the closes Sun to our own that is over 4 light years away,
would be represented by another one of those faint dots that only a sharp pencil can make,
and that dot would be four miles away. That is how 'empty' our galaxy really is, which itself is
considered a moderately densely packed galaxy. Because the stars are so extremely small
relative to their separation, the plasma flow in the arms of the galaxy remain relatively
unaffected by the stars themselves, but not so by the surrounding solar 'weather' patterns.
Galactic variances do happen. The disk of the Milky Way galaxy is a huge place, approximately
100,000 light years in diameter (100,000 miles on our model), and it is about 1,000 light years
thick containing an estimated 200-400 billion stars (solar systems), which all have their own
'weather' patterns that interact with the galactic plasma. As the spiral arms of the galaxy
rotate, minor changes in the plasma-flow pattern are believed to happen, similar to the
moving shadows in a forest.
In the middle of the last Little Ice Age, for example, a dramatic reduction in the number of
Sunspots has been observed, called the Maunder Minimum. Now things are back to 'normal'
(whatever 'normal is). The climate history of our planet also indicates that climate changes on
our planet do not follow smooth patterns. We have seen large variances with sort-duration.
We have also seen these patterns all the way through the ice ages. This kind of large, shortterm fluctuations that occur quite randomly, are hard to explain within the framework of the
solar fusion-furnace model, but they do definitely appear rather 'normal' in the electric-Sun
The electric model tells us of a vastly more complex universe of interacting forces acting on
the Earth's climate than we could have ever imagined in times before our space probes and
space telescopes enabled us to see things that no one had any reason to suspect in earlier
times. Based on modern observations we can now speak in terms 'of a solar weather' with its
own weather systems, such as that caused by solar flairs and magnetic storms that we now
know shield the Earth to some degree from some of the cosmic background radiation that
ionizes our troposphere and affects cloud formation and thereby the climate on our little
We know now from observations that the Sun's 'atmosphere' and its weather extends twice
as far into space than the Sun's distance to Pluto. On our scale model where the sun is but
the size of the faintest pencil point, the solar 'atmosphere' would represent a seven foot
wide ball.
While the closest ball in our ball park would still be four miles away, there are several
hundred billion such balls in the galactic ballpark, all of them in motion, with some of them
being thousands of times bigger than that surrounding our own sun.
Our sun is a rather mediocre star in galactic terms. Some stars are 5000 times brighter than
the Sun, each with a correspondingly larger solar 'atmosphere.' Their 'weather' patterns
might represents huge balloons tens of thousands of feet across in our scale model ballpark
filled with hundred of billions of such balls. In their multitude they do cast a fast sea of
ever-changing 'shadows' on the fabric of the galactic plasma flows, and on the patterns of
the cosmic background radiation emanating from those countless suns. All of these effects
collectively affect the ionization of the troposphere on Earth which affects cloud formation
and thereby the temperature on Earth.
As the galaxy rotates these countless shadows in the plasma flow emerging from the galactic
center may be of long or short duration. Some may be lasting for decades, come for
centuries, and some for millions of years. Some have given us ice ages, and some have given us
warm periods. Some of these might have brought the epoch of 'cool' climates to the solar
system five million years ago when Antarctica began to freeze over, which will likely remain
frozen until the shadows that have caused it pass by. Also there were evidently other
shadows involved that gave us the more intense ice-age period, and the bright spots inbetween that we call the interglacial warm periods. Other galactic variances gave us the still
shorter interglacial optimums that caused rivers to flow in Sahara, or lesser warm periods
like the medieval optimum when vineyards were cultivated in Iceland, and the still lesser
warm period that became the Little Ice Age around the 17th Century.
See: The Electric Universe
The Earth's climate has never been in a steady-state mode. We live in a galaxy of constantly
changing shadows, some with small consequences for mankind, and some with huge
consequences like during the ice ages of the last 2 million years. Nor do we have any reason to
believe that these galactically modulated cycles will abruptly cease.
See: The Coming Ice Age
One related phenomenon that has been observed, which is closely related to the 'modern' Ice
Age cycles is a 100,000-year cyclical shift of the orbital center of the Earth in respect to
the Sun (part of the Milankovitch cycles). Considering the strong currents that are flowing in
the galactic plasma that affects our world, it is not unreasonable to assume that the
resulting magnetic variations might be responsible for the long term variations in the Earth's
orbit that has a close relationship with the ice age cycles.
Indeed far greater variances have been observed. With the galactic plasma being a 'jungle'
of varying flow patters extremely intensive interactions have been observed in what has been
called the nebula phenomenon. A nebula is believed to be a gas cloud of the hot remnant of an
exploded star, the leftover of a Super Nova. But what keeps the remnant hot? In the Plasma
Cosmology the explanation is simple. The Nova isn't deemed s super-explosion, but is merely
an intense electric event causing an enormous corona that continues to be electrically heated
by the strong electric currents that prevail in that area in space. See below.
The point is, that if the ever-changing galactic plasma can produce such huge electric events,
and sometimes quite rapidly, the variances that we experience are relatively minor
happenings. In recent geologic history the Earth has gone through two major climatic steps in
the opposite direction from what is shown below. Five million years ago the Earth suddenly
cooled substantially, strong enough to cause Antarctica to become completely covered in ice.
Then three million years later ( two million years ago) another step towards colder
temperatures was taken and the cyclical Ice Ages began that are evident primarily in the
Northern Hemisphere (as Antarctica is already frozen). It should be noted that the
interglacial warm periods are actually the anomalies. They are giving us short periodic
interruptions in the ongoing two-million-year Pleistocene Ice Age. And even within the
glaciation part of the Ice Age cycles, sudden warm periods have been observed. For example,
around 14,700 years ago, the climate suddenly warmed up by a whopping 22 degrees
centigrade over a space of only 50 years, and then, just as suddenly the normal glaciation
climate returned until 3000 years later (11,700 years ago) another sudden warming began
that brought us into the Holocene interglacial period. These dramatic climate changes are the
kind of variances one would expect in the plasma universe, even the extreme examples shown
below, but they cannot be explained at all under the standard model.
Also see from
TPOD July 29, 2004: Arc Lamp in the Sky
TPOD July 27, 2004: Stellar Nurseries
TPOD Oct 06, 2004: The Iron Sun
TPOD Oct 15, 2004: Solar Tornadoes
TPOD Nov 03, 2004: Kepler Supernova Remnant
The bottom line is, that if the galactic clock is right, the next Ice Age on Earth might not be
far off, by which we will be forced to protect our agriculture with technological
infrastructures that we must build as a substitute for the current warm interglacial climate.
And that's no easy to do, but it is possible.
See: Urgently Needed: An Ice Age Renaissance
It seems obvious from all that our galactic environment poses some rather significant
challenges, which should prompt us to support one another to meet those challenges, rather
than cutting one another down in war. We are the brightest species of life on this planet,
with capabilities that no other species has, to push back the affects of the coming Ice Age
with resources built of the strength of our humanity. Shouldn't we develop those capabilities
with love? While we cannot master and change the universe, we certainly can mobilize
ourselves to become masters of ourselves in our responses to the universe. And that begins
with opening our eyes to the universe itself, reflected in scientific honesty and a love for the
Here we run into politics
If the electric solar model was accepted, including all that comes with it, then the dogma of
manmade global warming would loose its last shred of credibility. Since this dogma is very
much a part of the modern phase of the war of empire versus civilization, great efforts are
being made by the empire forces to keep the global warming dogma alive. The global warming
dogma is needed for imperial rule to control the world's economies and to break apart the
institution of the sovereign nation state. That's a long-term objective in the quest for
establishing a global world-empire with imperial dominance over all nations. Manmade global
warming is one of the keys for opening the door to this inhuman and inherently fascist
imperial world. This imperative might be one of the reasons why the electric model of the sun
is being denied contrary to all existing evidence in support of it.
It would certainly be easier to maintain the manmade-global-warming doctrine if the Sun
could be acknowledged as a nice and steady fusion furnace causing almost no temperature
variations itself, so that any observed warming on Earth would have to be manmade or else it
wouldn't happen. The thereby hyped up fear of global warming is certainly a strong argument
for wrecking the world's economies by curtailing mankind's energy use and preventing the
development of nuclear power. However, should the truth become universally accepted that
mankind has no effect on the global climate at all, that all climate changes are galactic in
origin as they always have been throughout geologic history, then the war or empire versus
civilization would loose one of its platform and the surge towards the coveted global empire
would be broken, or at the very least it would be set back by a notch or two. In this manner
politics still determines the face of science as in ancient times, except for the small
difference in that religious dogma has given way to the modern phenomenon of fairy-dust
See: No Manmade Global Warming
While it is wise to be cautious in the use of our power as human beings in affecting the
natural world in which we live, we need to be truthful with ourselves. Wisdom begins with
truthfulness, especially scientific truthfulness, and that begins when we close the door to
the rule of empire that routinely perverts the truth and turns science into a hired servant to
underwrite its agenda. In the resulting environment of lies and the growing consensus
supporting the lies ("In lies We Trust") mankind is deeply doomed. A house built on lies is
doomed to fall.
In comparison with this doom the changing physical environment that the dynamics of the
universe bring with them, the only actual manmade factor that affects us is a factor that is
primarily mental and perceptional. This factor however represents but a small challenge. As
human beings we have the physical and technological resources developed to be able to now
face the recycling ice ages fully prepared and with a laughter on our lips, saying "where is
your sting?" But with our humanity being drowned in an environment of lies and conformity
with the sophistry called 'consensus,' much of what we have built so far is presently doomed
to fall by the wayside and become lost as much of it is already being lost in the evermore
strongly unfolding mental ice-age of fascism, irrationalism, insanity, terror, disease, and
poverty -- the ice age of empire.
The Ice Age of Empire
The ice age of empire got a big boost in the late 1960 and early 1970s. It started with the
imperial declaration that mankind is a cancer on the Earth, followed up with policies of
intention focused on having the cancer eradicated.
The ice-age war of empire versus civilization started in 1971 with the wrecking of the
Bretton Woods world-financial system. The wrecking was done under a policy of intention to
loot the economies of the nations for the welfare of the private world-fincial empire. Three
years later, in 1974, that policy of intention was intensified with a new phase of it, the policy
to depopulate the Third World, which was put on the table with America's National Security
Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM200) that was designed as a policy to preserve the raw
materials of the Third World for the future needs of the unfolding world-empire.
The Global Warming doctrine was concocted in the same year and largely for the same
purpose. It is still being used as a battering ram against Third World development under the
guise of carbon credit trading.
In the same timeframe the infamous DTD ban was imposed that was designed to halt the
elimination of malaria around the world. Likewise in the same timeframe the CFC ban was
initiated that made life-saving refrigeration increasingly unaffordable in the poor nations.
After that, within a few years, AIDS erupted, focused on Africa. It caused an immensely
tragic wave of death that further wrecked the already looted economies of Africa . Virtually
at the same time the insanity of deindustrialization was imposed on the West, even while its
economies were already collapsing under the weight of the currency looting that the wrecking
of the Bretton Woods system had enabled.
Evidently, by its timing that puts the global warming doctrine smack into the middle of this
ice age of policies of intention for economic suicide, it becomes evident that the global
warming hysteria is not reflecting any astrophysical imperatives, but reflects itself as an
interlocked element of the general flood of genocidal political demands for imperial
objectives that were intensely imposed in the 1970s and 1980s, and continue to be imposed to
the present day.
The global warming doctrine certainly isn't an isolated thing in the political sphere, but is a
key part in this sphere of a larger genocidal package for which a general consensus is now
demanded across the world and for which science is perverted into fairy-dust plays to create
and underwrite the needed imperial consensus.
However, no matter how deeply the world is flooded with lies, and the lies are being
maintained with consensus, the truth tends to come to the foreground as it always has. Just
as the flat-Earth model was eventually rejected in the face of the growing awareness in
society of the undeniable evidence to the contrary, which broke the religiously imposed
consensus, so today's fairy-dust plays in science concerning the nature of the Sun and the
universe will be cast aside. The face of the truth supported by monumental evidence simply
cannot be ignored forever or be covered up.
Another reason for hiding the plasma sun
The reason might be the potential for an energy-rich future on Earth.
TRACE image of plasma with temperatures reaching upwards to a million degrees
While the immense electric power that results in the heating of the sun through plasma
discharge arcing is a reflection of the Sun's large electric charge, the Earth exists in the
same plasma-electric environment, although having a much lower electric charge. The large
unfolding plasma filament above is 75,000 miles high (5 timed the diameter of the Earth). An
electric discharge of this magnitude would incinerate our planet. Fortunately the mass of the
Earth is 330,000 times smaller with a correspondingly less intense plasma field surrounding
it. Nevertheless the vastly weaker plasma-electric potential surrounding the Earth might still
be massive enough to power all of mankind's 'modest' requirements.
It might yet become technologically possible to tap into the vast galactic energy storehouse
that surrounds us, possibly by opening a plasma channel with a directed energy beam creating
a conductive path, like controlled lightening, that extends all the way into the plasmasphere.
The Earth and surrounding plasma in space
While none of that seems presently possible, extensive research might open a way and
thereby revolutionize electric power production and utilization throughout the planet and
usher in a new phase of civilization, an energy-rich phase without empires. For as long as
empires rule, this kind of potential will therefore be impeded by all possible means.
Nevertheless the potential remains.
In addition we have a large plasma current inflowing from the Sun in the form of highly
accelerated solar wind.
Rope-like structures have been observed by the THEMIS space craft cluster, of "twisted
magnetic fields" the signature of the electric current flows entwined in plasma filaments
that act as transmission lines carrying "field-aligned" currents across interplanetary and
interstellar space.
For the time being there is a faint movement afoot to use tethers trailing from spacecraft to
collect plasma energy for use in spacecraft propulsion. One experiment apparently failed as
the tether burned out in some places do to high electric currents flowing in it. Space-power
harvesting might ultimately prove to be possible and be far simpler and more efficient than
harvesting nuclear fusion power, which involves a complex engineering process. If there is a
way to tap into the galactic electric flow, mankind will find it eventually if it keeps its mental
horizon clear and open. A century ago fission nuclear power would have seemed miraculous.
Now it is common place. We have entered an era of the application of new physical principles,
principles that have always existed, but have never been discovered before or understood.
This phenomenon that has become a feature of the modern humanist world will likely become
common and together with many other things enable space-powered energy systems on Earth.
The bottom line is that the future looks bright with unlimited potentials, even if those
potentials still appear like science fiction dreams to those focused on flat-Earth horizons in
their scientific perception.
Orders of magnitude of increasing potential
In energy technology
Each step in the advance of energy technology gave mankind at least a ten-fold increase in
energy density with a corresponding increase in mankind's productive power reflected in
greater freedoms and higher standards of living.
We stepped up in this manner from wood fuels to coal, then to oil and gas, then to fission
nuclear power, soon to be followed by fusion nuclear power, with plasma power offering still
another magnitude or two of increase in power density.
Just as wood-fired power systems have become obsolete and useless, in like manner coal
powered system will soon be discarded. Coal is already useless for most power needs, like
powering airplanes for example. Oil will suffer the same fate when hydrogen fuels come on
line, produced by nuclear power.
A world without nuclear power is already unthinkable. The conventional power systems are
becoming too limited and cumbersome, and too polluting in large scale applications. Even now,
a future world without nuclear-fusion power is hard to imagine. But why should we have to
imagine such nightmares when the technology is within reach to prevent it and another
increase of one or two orders of magnitude is on the horizon of the next power develop built
on new physical principles by tapping into the galactic potential. The universe is a hotbed of
power that can be ours if we will but reach for it.
In governmental-economic technology
This natural increase in orders of magnitude in the beneficial power of advancing
technologies is not limited to physical technologies alone. The same pattern has also been
observed in governmental 'technologies.'
The old empires, like the Roman Empire, were basket cases in terms of efficient
governmental technologies. There was nothing there with which to provide the foundation on
which a richly vibrant economy could develop. Their economic efficiency of empire in every
case was on the negative scale. That is why every empire in history collapsed and all new
empires will suffer the same fate. Empires are parasites with a lesser potential for
civilizational benefits than a graveyard.
The Golden Renaissance furnished the first major jump of probably a whole magnitude of
increase in the power of a civilization to develop itself. Being built on the agape-principle and
the scientific and cultural development of the general society, the Renaissance had the
effect of turning slaves into human beings and children into geniuses. It made cities
beautiful, and created architecture and works of art that are still admired.
The next historic step upwards, by another order of magnitude in the increase of the power
of governmental technology, was clearly the American System of Economy. It was so
amazingly efficient in raising the standard of living and the productive potential of society
that it became the envy of the world and was emulated in many countries. It was so efficient
that it scared the British Empire to death as it were, which made enormous efforts to stop it
and raised hell all over the world to do it. Eventually the Empire succeeded, but only by
wrecking the American System from within. President Franklin Roosevelt revived it briefly,
but when he died, it was put into the grave again with him and the imperial system of private
monetarism was restored. Today, few people know what the American System was, or that it
even existed.
I have added a series of articles that explore the dimension of the American System.
(see: The Historic 'American System' of Economy)
Another step upwards will unfold in the future. It will take us forward by another order of
magnitude in the increase of the power of governmental technology. However, this increase
will require a corresponding increase in power-rich physical technologies. In order to increase
the level of civilisation in terms of society's culture, physical freedom, productive efficiency,
and so forth, the greatest asset that society has available to it will have to be developed to
its utmost potential. And that asset is the human being itself, reflected in its intellectual
power and power in scientific achievements.
Right now much of the potential of that asset is wasted or even prevented from being
realized. Much of it is wasted in the gutters of homelessness, the graveyard of
unemployment lines, the battle fields of war. It is also wasted in the slums of sub-human
living and in the ghettos of poverty called "education" that eat up the youth seeking a
foundation for living, who end up being filled with imperial doctrines that are useless in the
real world and come with a price tag attached that indentures them for life.
The efficient development of the human potential of society would require a more human
world with the kind of high quality and low cost housing that only energy-intensive automated
industrial production can produce, creating the kind of living spaces in which a human being
can flourish, spaces that are bright, spacious, beautiful, clean, and so inexpensive to produce
that they can be provided for free to all who need them. Nothing is more expensive for
society than poverty and substandard housing, both of which are utterly wasteful of the
human potential.
This horrendous expense can be eliminated with automated production of housing utilizing
technologies of molten basalt that can be cast into moulds to create modular building units
than can be snapped together like large plastic toys. Basalt is an ideal building material for
that. It doesn't corrode, rot, wear out, and is stronger than steel by weight, and is nearly as
hard as diamonds, and is a 3-times better heat insulator than asbestos is. And best of all, the
Earth has 750,000 cubic kilometers of it sitting on the surface, enough to cover the entire
land area of the planet several feet deep. All that is needed to utilize this resource for the
greater benefit of society is the high-power energy input that advanced nuclear power, and
more so plasma power, can provide.
Still another order of magnitude in the power of civilization can be achieved with efficient
education that is free all the way through, and accessible to all. The second-most expensive
item for society is deficient education, and that means real education, the kind of education
that develops the art of making discoveries of universal principles, of breaking the leading
edge into the unknown, the kind of education that develops geniuses instead of saints to
Beyond that there are a whole raft of increases possible in the power of civilization, such as
efficient transportation of all kinds, efficient water supply and distribution systems,
efficient cultural platforms with advances in music, art, literature, theatre, health care, and
human relationships. Dysfunctional families, and deficiencies in all of these areas are hugely
expensive to society as a whole.
In terms of potential improvements, it seems we have barely begun to break the ice. But the
key item for most of these developments, if not all of them, is located in breakthroughs in
energy harvesting for electric and thermal power production. The development of plasma
power would certainly usher in a new renaissance in this respect.
There is one more thing we can learn from the plasma universe
If the plasma universe reflects an efficient universal principle in its organization we may see
in it a mirror of our own nature.
The human being does not live efficiently in a lone and isolated existence. Just as the
universe is bound into a single whole by its energy plasma, so mankind seems to be bound into
one humanity. We have already discovered some parts of this humanist principle with the
processes leading up to the Treaty of Westphalia in which we began to recognize our
universal humanity and found value in acknowledging it. That wasn't a giant step in terms of
what can be achieved, but it was a beginning. Many more such steps are possible that are
footsteps on the path of exploring the Principle of Universal Love, Truth, and Soul.
We are all human beings, and our greatest common good can be found in helping one another
to develop our humanity. This doesn't mean that we must shed our individual cultures, but
that we must uplift our cultures and enrich one another with them. This progressive unfolding
appears to be our future, because its principle of progressive development appears to be the
principle of all life and the universe itself. Whether or not we are ready to see ourselves in
that role, the fact remains that we are offspring of the universe and thus reflect in our
nature the key principle of the universe, the principle of progressive development.
From all that we can see in respect to our potential for a bright future no real physical limits
stand in the way of our infinite self-development should we pursue it. Only one factor stands
in our way, and that is our own small-minded habits in thinking. But as human beings were are
becoming more and more aware of those impeding habits and are on the road towards clearing
up our act.
The astronomer Fred Hoyle once wrote of the deadening effect of the herd mentality in his
profession, saying:
“The trouble with conformity is that the process has strong positive feedback. The baaing
starts up at a volume low enough to permit stronger-minded animals to think for themselves
without too much trouble. Progressively, however, we break down one-by-one, losing all power
of sensible judgement, to the point where we can do nothing but add our own baaing to the
uproar, which eventually rises to such monumental proportions that nothing remains for the
flock except the butcher's shop.” See: Holoscience - Black Holes
Yes, the principle of universal unity as a single humanity can have a homogenizing effect that
becomes mired in the cellar of all that is small, baneful, and frightening. Being swept into this
cellar with the flow of the dead from the flat-Earth society may seem like an acceptable way
to go for a society to is taught to go along to get along. Except this leads into a dead-end ally.
The freedom of mankind lies not in the cellar of consensus where few have the wisdom to
escape from and in which most die. The freedom of mankind lies with the rebel reaching for
the stars, the dissident spitting at mediocrity, the revolutionary who dares to open doors
that no one dares to touch, the pioneer who finds the sunshine of discovery more exiting than
spending his life locked into the coffin of games.
"The most merciful thing in the world" wrote someone who understood the game of the
coffin, "is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... The sciences, each
straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but someday the piecing
together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality... That we
shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and
safety of a new dark age.?" - H. P. Lovecraft
Sometimes it becomes necessary for society to look at the coffin before people realize that
this is not the place for a living human being to be in, like the coffin of computer games that
profit the players nothing but steals their life.
I like to think that we in the modern age are at the point of waking up to that tragedy,
because it appears that one by one the trapped are beginning to rouse themselves and step
out of the coffin. Like the prisoner in Plato's story of the cave, who escapes the cave that
has been his world, and the only world he knew, who finds the real world agonizing at first,
those who step out of the coffin will like the prisoner from Plato's cave invariably find joy in
the sunshine. Here is how a scientist has put it:
Typically, the greatest difficulties in communication will occur when one is questioning
something already "known" to be true. On matters of underlying principle, the confidence
behind established ideas can be so high that discussion itself may seem quite senseless. This
difficulty is aggravated by fragmentation of the process by which information is gathered
and evaluated.
The terror Lovecraft envisioned is only the first rush of uncertainty, when ideas long taken
for granted are thrown into question by facts and simple reasoning previously ignored. The
"piecing together of dissociated knowledge" will only require us to confront the deep
contradictions in things experts have long claimed to know. With the courage to see clearly,
the adventure itself could well be "the most merciful thing in the world," adding new insights
into the greatest dramas of early human history and vital perspective to humanity's situation
in the cosmos. Lovecraft did not realize that the "terrifying vistas" are but a mirage seen
through an open door. The truth is always unified, and as such it can only be friendly to those
who seek the truth first. As we pass through the door, it is not fear that goes with us, but
the exhilaration of discovery.
Wal Thornhill / David Talbott
In a major website on plasma cosmology, under the heading: Recent Development! we read:
"The American Institute of Physics has just recently announced that they will now officially
recognize the Plasma Universe as an official field of study in physics! - Eighty years late! But
better late than never."
For more information on the topic and numerous links to the electric universe, see:
The Electric Sky
Also see the video: Thunderbolts of the Gods
One of the latest confirmation of the electric universe was contributed recently by NASA
Pioneer spacecraft as it was being affected by the galactic plasma on its deep space mission.
See: The Pioneer Anomaly Sep 12, 2007.
also see Thunderbolts Info - a large collection of electric universe related articles.
Urgently Needed: An Ice Age Renaissance
The Coming Ice Age
No Manmade Global Warming
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Rolf Witzsche
researcher, and author
e-mail: [email protected]
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novels with explorations of spirituality, humanity, life, love, sexuality, marriage, romance, relationships, politics, and economics
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Cygni Communications Ltd.
North Vancouver, B.C.
(c) Copyright 2003 Rolf Witzsche
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