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Study Guide Circulatory System The items listed below can be found in the powerpoint and assignment article used in this unit. 1) Study and memorize the meaning of these medical terms: *Thrombocyte *Leukemia *Atherosclerosis (when does this occur?) *Hemoglobin (what does it do?) *Diastolic Blood Pressure (what is it?) *Stroke (what is it?) 2) Study and know about the following: *What component of blood causes the blood to clot? *What body part is an example of a lymph node? *A person with type O negative blood is considered what kind of blood donor? *Do arteries carry deoxygenated blood to the heart? *The average adult has how much blood in their body? *What blood type is considered the “Universal Donor?” *True or False. Water makes up about 75% of the total volume of plasma. *Are capillaries the largest of the blood vessels? *What percentage of plasma is water?