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Notes #11C
1,260 Prophetic Years
Chapter 11
The dates in red are start points and the dates in blue are endpoints for 1,260 years.
257 AD
1517 AD
Pope Stephen I first to assert primacy of Bishop of Rome
Luther launched Protestant Reformation against primacy
360 AD
Julian the Apostate (355-363) attempted to restore paganism to RE
366-384 AD
Pope Damascus first to link primacy to Peter; first to refer to papacy as
Apostolic See [note: no corresponding 1,260-year date]
1620 AD
476 AD
Pilgrims landed in America to establish Christian kingdom
Fall of Western Roman Empire; Dark Ages of the West began
1730-1740s AD
First Great Christian Awakening in America; Light
1776 AD
Declaration of Independence for America; Freedom
529-538 AD
Code of Justinian (529, 530, 534; enforced 538)
1789-1799 AD
French Revolution
1789-1801 AD
Dechristianisation of France
1792-1793 AD
Cult of Reason in France
1794 AD
Cult of the Supreme Being in France
1794 AD
Zenith of dechristianisation in France
1795 AD
Return to some religion-based faith in France; public worship
1799 AD
Pope Pius died in captivity under French
1801 AD
Napoleon formally ended dechristianisation of France
531 AD
Justinian [ERE] subjugated entire Church to the Roman Pope
533 AD
Justinian bestowed on Bishop of Rome title "Lord of the Church"
1791 AD
Freedom of religion established in America by USC; no pope
1793-1794 AD
Roman Catholicism thrust out of France by cults; atheism
536 AD
1796-1799 AD
Pope Agapetus (535-536) refused to submit to Emperor Justinian
Rise of Napoleon; Pope Pius VI captured/exiled by French
606 AD
Pope Boniface III assumed title of "universal bishop"
607 AD
Emperor Phocas gave Boniface III headship over all the Church
610 AD
Mohammed had visions in a cave in the desert; formed Islam
1866-1870 AD
Papal states lost to Italy; only Vatican City remained
1870 AD
Pontifical infallibility proclaimed by Vatican
1870 AD
America declared a Christian nation by US Supreme Court
751 AD
Pope Zacharias - the "Kingmaker" [Pepin III]
[Any significance to our time, 1,260 years later is 2011?]
1073 AD
Pope Gregory VII formally established a theocracy with the pope above all kings
in the world. This does not play into 1,260 years. However, it is important in the
history of the Roman papacy and its rise to power in the world. This was the zenith
of temporal power for the Roman papacy that waned over the next 800 years.