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Food Technology is a branch of science in which the
food science is applied in manufacturing and
preservations of food products. The food technologists
study the chemical, physical and microbiological
makeup of the food. The food is processed, preserved,
packaged and stored according to the specifications by
industry and government. The research and
development in food technology has resulted into the
production of safe and nutritious foods. They include
the primary foods like rice and wheat products, oil,
sugar and pulses. They are processed to convert into
edible form. The modern food processing techniques is
the key to flourishing supermarkets we have today.
Extra nutrients can be added while processing the food
and processed food is less susceptible to spoilage. Some
of the techniques used are spray drying, juice
concentrates, freeze drying and the introduction of
artificial sweeteners, colorants, and preservatives. Of
late, many products such as dried instant soups,
reconstituted fruits and juices, and self cooking meals
were developed for the convenience of working people.
Editor: Dr.Sunita Adhikari
Publisher: Mr.Souradeep Deb, 2nd Year FT
Departmental Activities
R & D Work going on in the
i. polyphenolic contents of a milk based
neutraceutical product made from dates
and raisins
ii. A comparative study of drying kinetics
of tray dried cucumber under different
temperatures and their physico-chemical
iii. Study on medicinal values of different
types of herbs
iv. Preparation and Quality Evaluation of
Polyphenol Enriched Ginger Green Tea.
v. Studies on Antimicrobial Activities of
Indian Spices & Herbs
vi. Quality Evaluation on Market Product
The departmental faculty members along
with under graduate and post graduate
students are publishing their project/
research work regularly in different
Industrial Visit
Regular industry visits have been organized by the Department of Food
Technology and the Training & Placement cell for the students of different
semesters. Industrial training is a vital part of the curriculum. It helps to
bridge the gap between classroom and the real working world. The visit
also provides knowledge about the organizational structures and modes of
operation in different industries as for example Bengal beverage Pvt. Ltd.,
Priya Food Products Pvt. Ltd., Mother Dairy, Raja Biscuits, Keventer Agro
Pvt. Ltd.
Food Processing Industries- Status and Prospects
India producing about 1000 million tonnes (Mt) of biological materials per year
including food grains, oil seeds, fruits, vegetables, sugar cane, milk, egg, meat,
fish, tea, coffee, fiber crops, floricultural produce, forest produce and so on. The
country has diverse agro climatic conditions and consumer preferences and
hence it produces a vast variety of agricultural and livestock materials. India
holds a major share for some of these products in the global context. However,
their market potential is not being fully realized due to poor post harvest
management and inadequate infrastructure and programme for processing of
agro produce.
On account of poor post harvest management, the losses in farm produce in
India have been assessed to be of a very high order. Various studies have
estimated post production losses in food commodities to the tune of Rs.75,0001,00,000 crore per annum. The estimated loss includes losses during storage,
handling and milling/processing. It does not include losses at consumer end.
It is also estimated that the extent of losses could be brought down to less than
50% of the existing level on proper transfer and adoption of agro processing
technology. For reducing rest of the losses, new initiatives are necessary.
Therefore it is necessary to invest in developing suitable infrastructure such as
proper grain storage structure, cold stores and processing system to avoid the
Govt. of India considers food processing and agriculture industries as a priority
sector. The Govt. has therefore been focusing on commercialization and value
addition to agricultural produce, promoting SMEs business, generating
employment and export growth in this sector through a number of regulatory
and fiscal incentives. India also has potential of becoming a major food
exporting country. Indian food processing sector ranks 5th in industrial activity
in the country in terms of its volume produced and consumed. The sector
attracts 6% of the total industrial investment in the country and accounts for
13% of export.
Prof. Parimal Chattopadhyay, Professor, Dept. of FT
Leave Olive, Brace Bran
From mythological point of view, the olive is the God‘s gifted fruit and historically,
it was one of the most revered fruit of central Europe and Mediterranean countries
like Italy, Greece, Cyprus etc. Olive was such a valuable fruit that Mafiosi and gang
war was very common occurrence in those countries. On the contrary, rice is the
most common cereal of half of the world‘s population from the times immemorial.
Extraction of oil from the bran (hard outer brown layer inside husk) or the allurone
layer of the rice seed is comparatively newer concept, but still rice bran oil is one of
the most in-thing in the edible oil scenario.
Comparison of smoke point and balance of fats in Rice Bran & Olive Oil:
Fat (MUFA)
Fat (PUFA)
Fat (SAFA)
total caloric intake. This fat intake Rice Bran Oil (RBO)
should consist of balanced fat, which Olive Oil
Oil Type
intake of fat should be 30% of your
provides nutrients that are essential to
Comparison of natural antioxidants in Rice Bran & Olive Oil:
sustain life. A Balanced fat intake
should contain approximately 30%
saturated fat, 33% poly-unsaturated
fat, (containing Essential Fatty Acids)
and 37% mono-unsaturated fat.
Oil Type
Vitamin E
Vitamin E
Total Natural
Rice Bran Oil
Olive oil contains high MUFA, that may lower cholesterol but deficient in PUFA, which contains Essential Fatty Acids
(EFA). EFA‘s are truly essential to life as every metabolic process in your body depends on them. A low smoke point makes
it a poor choice for frying. On the other hand RBO is the most balanced and versatile oil on the market and closest to the
AHA recommendations. It is a superior salad, cooking, and frying oil which leaves no lingering after taste. The high smoke
point prevents fatty acid breakdown at high temperatures. Its light viscosity, allows less oil to be absorbed in cooking,
reducing overall calories. It mixes better in salad dressings and improves the taste of baked goods, possible cholesterol
reduction, nutritional and anti-oxidant value.
Rice Bran oil (RBO) has an unusual presence of both oryzanol and tocotrienols, the very potent antioxidant, which no other
oils have. Oryzanol has been proved to be very competent in blocking cholesterol to be absorbed in the body. Tocotrienols
are a group of antioxidants, which, inside the body is converted to vitamin E, a very potent antioxidant for the heart. In this
count, rice bran oil beats olive oil as rice bran oil contains both tocopherol and tocotrienol form of vitamin E, but olive oil
contains only tocopherol. Hence, a good food should be nutritive, stable and palatable. In these counts RBO is more
acceptable than olive oil, especially in the Indian cooking condition, where oil is generally used as the medium of frying.
Olive oil is suitable in European style of cooking where it is mixed in food after cooking and mainly used as salad oil. The
price is also tilted in favour of RBO. So, it can be reasonably concluded that the RBO has an edge over olive oil in
Dr.Kakali Bandyopaddhyay, HOD, Dept. of FT
Recent Developments in Food Adulterants Detection Techniques
Authentication of food products is of primary importance for both consumers and industries, at all
levels of the production process, from raw materials to finished products. From the legislative point of
view, quality standards have been established through the requirement of quality labels that specify
the chemical composition of each product. From the economic point of view, product authentication is
essential to avoid unfair competition that can create a destabilized market and disrupt the regional
economy and even the national economy. All food products targeted for adulteration are highcommercial-value products and/or produced in high tonnage around the world. Food adulteration is
not only a commercial malpractice but also a health risk as certain consumers may be allergic to the
adulterant material. Therefore, the detection and quantification of adulterants are very important for
the protection of wealth and health of consumers by developing consistent analytical methods. In order
to prevent food fraud in the national and international markets, regulatory authorities and food
processing companies are increasingly vigilant and require a rapid and specific analytical procedure
for authentication. Although authenticity testing and analytical techniques have improved
immeasurably over years and nowadays a wide variety of techniques and methods are available, each
of these techniques is appropriate and specific to deal with a particular adulteration problem. Some of
the advance techniques in food adulterants detection are listed below.
(i) Spectroscopy in the near and mid infrared (NIR and MIR) regions has been applied successfully in
detection and quantification of the adulteration of minced meat with horse meat, fat beef trimmings,
and textured soy protein, detecting frozen-thawed meat, identifying the freshness of ground pork,
detecting some adulterants (heart, tripe, kidney and liver) in minced beef, detection of pork in beef
(ii) Use of Real-Time PCR to detect Surimi adulteration in vegetarian foods
(iii) Detection of cashew husk (Anacardium occidentale L.) adulteration in tea [Camellia sinensis (L.)]
samples by Species specific PCR
(iv) Detection of rhubarb yogurt in raspberry yogurt by PCR Sequencing
(v) Detection of Basmati Rice adulteration with nonbasmati Rice by Real Time PCR
(vi) Detection of cereals and leguminous species adulteration in chestnut flour by Species specific PCR
(vii) Detection of allergenic mustard (Sinapis alba, Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra) and sesame in food
by Real Time PCR
(viii) Detection of adulterant in traded Turmeric Powder and Chilli Powder by Random Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
(ix) Detection of sugar in Honey by Capillary Glass (CG)
(x) Microscopic Analysis e.g. HPLC; GC, GC-MS, GC-FTIR; UV visible spectrophotometry;
AAS/AES,; DSC; and IR and mid-IR,NMR etc. are able to detect various food adulterants
Therefore in general, methods for these purposes need to be specific, sensitive, rapid, economic and
able to analyze various food products and to provide quantitative results.
Dr.Subhajit Ray, Faculty, Dept. of FT
Awareness about some commonly used Food Additives
Nowadays we are habituated to taking so many additives in our foods .Such foods are not safe
for us. Let us get to know about some of these additives.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): It is a flavor enhancer widely used in Chinese foods. It is
made from soyabeans or by microbiological fermentation method. It is a colorless crystalline
solid and is stable to heat and wide range of pH (pH 6-8). It has a synthetic meaty flavor and so
it is used in fried rice, chilly chicken, noodles, macaroni, soups, pasta etc. It is so popular
because it has the taste now known as ‗Umami‘ (combination of savory, tasty and meaty.)
Umami is the fifth basic taste (other basic tastes are sweet, sour, salty and bitter).
MSG is used also under the name of ‗Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein‘, Ajinomoto, Vetsin and
Tasting Powder.
Health risks : It is strictly forbidden for the babies below one year as it destroys brain cells. In
the case of adults it causes Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, migraine , headache, hyperactivity,
heart palpitation, stomach upset, asthmatic condition, obesity , paralysis etc.
Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) is a compound widely used as an emulsifier in citrus
flavored soft drinks. It prevents separation of components (citrus flavor oil and water) of the
emulsion of soft drinks. It is a complex mixture of compounds obtained by incorporating
bromine atom in the molecules of plant-derived triglycerides. BVO is used at a level of 8 ppm.
Although it is used at a very low concentration, it has adverse effects on human body if it is
consumed for a long period of time,
Toxic effects: In our body bromine replaces iodine which can disturb thyroid functions.
Symptoms are depression, memory loss, hallucinations, violent tendencies, psychosis,
irritability, loss of peripheral vision, slurred speech, stupor, photophobia, fatigue, lethargy, loss
of muscle coordination etc. It also damages the heart and the kidneys. Moreover, deposition of
fats in these organs takes place.
Butylated Hydroxy Tolune (BHT) & Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (BHA) are synthetic
antioxidants used in oils and oily foods to prevent rancidity.
Toxic effects : They are absorbed and stored in fatty tissues, which may produce enlargement
of liver and cause problems of kidneys and allergic conditions. If consumed in large quantities
for a long period of time, they may act as carcinogens.
Therefore, we should avoid taking too much of food and beverage that contains harmful
Dr. Anju Paul, Faculty, Dept. of FT
The word opiate means a drug containing opium used to induce sleep. Opioid is derived from opiate which means morphine-like.
Peptides with morphine like activities are called opioid peptides or exorphins. These are isolated from some food proteins like
wheat proteins, milk proteins etc. by treating proteins with enzyme proteinase, pepsin etc. Certain opioid peptides have also been
detected in brain, pituitary and other tissues and were named enkephalins and sometime are called endorphins.
The opioid peptides have several physiological functions. These include analgesia, sedation and torpor, respiratory depression,
hypotension, regulation of body temperature, suppression of gastric secretion, regulation of sexual behavior and suppression of
intestinal motility.
Brain opioid peptide systems are known to play an important role in motivation, emotion, attachment behavior, the response
to stress and pain, and the control of food intake.
Milk by nature contains different opioid peptides, hidden in milk-proteins such as caseïn, lactalbumin, beta-lactaglobulin and
lactoferrin. Milk protein β-casein contains bioactive peptides and opioids. Bioactive peptides are important for protecting the
undeveloped immune system of newborns, and stimulate the growth and development of organs like the gastrointestinal tract and
gut. Bioactive peptides have also been shown to kill bacteria that normally cause immune system infections. Opioids can be
produced by the body in the form of endorphins, or be absorbed from digested food, such as milk and wheat, in the form of
casomorphins and gluteomorphins (opioid proteins). There are approximately 13 beta-casein variants, with A1 and A2 variants
being the most commonly occurring. Studies have shown that when digested, A1 beta-casein breaks down to a casomorphin
protein called beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM7) but A2 beta-casein does not form BCM7.
Several enzymes in the digestive tract process beta-casein and cause the breakdown of bioactive peptides and opioids. Studies
suggest that the digestion of cow’s milk leads to the release of opioids, such as BCM7, and can cause harmful effects in children
with autism. As this amino acid structure is more difficult to breakdown, those with weak digestion may accumulate opioids more
readily. Additionally, when the gut is ―leaky‖ these opioids end up in the blood stream in much greater concentrations than in
those people with a healthy gut wall. BCM7 is not produced when A2 beta-casein is digested, so goat’s, buffalo’s, and sheep’s milk
that contain A2 beta-casein but not A1 beta-casein should not cause these harmful effects.
All wheat-products, like bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cake and pastries contain opioid peptides. Wheat-gluten also contains a
number of extremely powerful opioid peptides some of these molecules are even 100 times more powerful than a morphinemolecule. Therefore, wheat-opioid peptides can 'sedate' the bowels so much that constipation is caused. Because some wheatopioids are extremely powerful, some schizophrenics can even be cured by not eating any wheat-products anymore.
Opioids are well known for their ability to produce a feeling of euphoria, motivating some to recreationally use opioids. Opiates
from mother’s milk produce a calming effect on the infant and, in fact, may be responsible for a good measure of the motherinfant bond. Mother’s milk has a drug-like effect on the baby’s brain that ensures that the baby will bond with Mom and
continue to nurse and get the nutrients.
Opioid Food Peptides
 Beta-Casomorphin, alpha-caseïn exorphins, casoxins, beta-casorphins, alpha-lactorphins, beta-lactorphins and lactaferroxins
(from milk)
 Gluten exorphin (from gluten found in wheat, rye, barley)
 Gliadorphin/gluteomorphin (from gluten found in wheat, rye, barley)
 Soymorphin-5
(from soybean)
 Rubiscolin
(from spinach)
Dr.Chaitali Chakraborty, Faculty, Dept. of FT
Intelligent Packaging
Intelligent packagings are the result of innovating thinking in packaging and defined as
―packaging that contains an external or internal indicator to provide information about
aspects of the history of the package and/or the quality of the food‖. The purpose is to
improve the quality of a product, to provide more convenience, or to provide tamper or
theft resistance.
Intelligent Packaging: TimeTemperature Indicators (TTIs)
The TTI is useful because it can tell the consumer when foods have been temperature
abused. If a food is exposed to a higher temperature recommended, the quality of the food
can deteriorate much quicker. The TTI can be placed on shipping containers or individual
packages as a small self-adhesive label, and an irreversible change, like a color change,
will result when the TTI experiences abusive conditions. TTIs are particularly useful with
chilled or frozen foods, where the cold storage during transportation and distribution are
important for food quality and safety. It is also used as freshness indicators for estimating
shelf life of perishable products.
Intelligent Packaging: Gas Indicators
Gas indicators are a helpful means of monitoring the composition of gases inside a
package by producing a change in the color of the indicator though a chemical or
enzymatic reaction. Indicators are capable of signaling whether there is a gas leakage in
the package, or they may be used to verify the efficiency of an oxygen scavenger. Oxygen
in the air can cause oxidative rancidity, unwanted color changes in foods, and allow
aerobic microbes to grow on foods. Oxygen indicators typically result in a color change
when oxygen is present, and the presence of oxygen can indicate that the package has a
leak or improper sealing or has been tampered with. Gas indicators are also being
developed to detect water vapor, ethanol, and hydrogen sulfide.
Intelligent Packaging: Thermochromic Inks
Inks are available that are temperature sensitive and can change colors based on
temperature. These inks can be printed onto packages or labels such that a message can be
conveyed to the consumer based on the color of the ink they are seeing. Thermochromic
inks can let a consumer know whether a package is too hot to touch, or cold enough drink.
Intelligent Packaging of the Future
i. Biosensors for Pathogen or Toxin Identification :- attachment of antibodies to a plastic
packaging surface to detect pathogens or toxins .
ii. Microwave Doneness Indicators :- able to detect the readiness of foods that are heating
in microwave ovens and signal to consumers when foods are safe to eat.
iii. Radio Frequency Identification :- RFID tags are an advanced form of data information
carrier that can identify and trace a product. RFID tags could also store information such
as temperature and relative humidity data, nutritional information and cooking
Intelligent systems are a branch of packaging that is truly innovative and offers exciting
opportunities for food safety, quality and convenience.
Dr.Sunita Adhikari, Faculty, Dept. of FT
Rice Flakes
Rice Flakes are used as breakfast food. In India, rice flakes are famous by the names like poha/chiwda
when cooked as breakfast meal. It is mixed with milk when consumed as cereal. Wide application of
Rice Flakes is in the application of beer industry to produce beer. It can also be mixed with other dried
grain flakes to create a tasty breakfast cereal. When combined with nuts and dried fruit, the rice flakes
can also serve as a healthy snack alternative. A traditional dish using rice flakes is known as banh com
in Vietnam. Rice is harvested directly from the fields. Rather than parboiling, the rice is roasted and
then flattened by hand using a mortar and pestle. This helps to remove the husk or hull of the rice
grain. A range of spices is added to the flakes and the mixture is cooked long enough to allow the flavors
to mingle. While rice flakes have traditionally been associated with food preparation in eastern
countries, the flakes have become more readily available in the West in recent years. It is possible to
purchase packaged rice flakes in most grocery stores and supermarkets that carry Asian foods. In
addition, many health food stores carry rice flakes as both a cereal and a healthy ingredient for various
types of vegetarian dishes.
Food consists of variety of substances called nutrients and the suitable balance of these is essential for
human diet. Rice flakes from broken rice used in beer industries, which is cheap convenient and is an
innovated concept. The product is used in beer industry which finds a prominent place in alcoholic
beverages. Rice flakes from broken rice, used in beer industry is a newly developed concept and has a
excellent domestic demand. The total beer industry was around 108 million cases in 2005, which crossed
130 million cases in 2006. Industry analysts say tax and levies on beer are anticipated to fall over the
next 2 to 3 years, driving down retail prices by25 to 50%. It is estimated that beer will sell for Rs 15 to
Rs 20 per 330 ml can and Rs 20 to Rs 30 per 650 ml bottle in the coming year with the reduction tax and
levies. In fact, northern Indian states, which have traditionally shown a preference for hard liquor over
beer, witnessed a jump of more than 100% in beer consumption in 2006 as compared to last year. The
per capita consumption of beer in India is very low as compared to other countries in Europe and
America. At present the per capita consumption is 0.7 litre per annum, but industry experts predict
that this may rise to around 20 litres in the next 10 years. Considering the expected increase in
consumption and the current growth trends, the future of Indian beer market looks bright and seems
set for continuous double digit growth in the coming years. The market for flaked rice will
predominantly consist at buyers from group especially of urban and semi-urban areas. Even the people
of low-income group can also buy as the products are directly consumed along with jaggery and from
coconut pieces by rural folk.
Mr.Amit Kumar Barman, Faculty, Dept. of FT
Saving the sweet-tooth !!
Chocolates!! It can bring the world to its knees if it wants to. For years, chocolate has captivated our mind and
according to the current statistics as available to the World Cocoa Foundation, the demands are growing
exponentially. The key ingredient of chocolate is cocoa. The cocoa value chain follows a simple food processing
technique of fermentation and drying to convert the ripened beans of the cocoa tree into cocoa which are then
used for manufacturing chocolates.
Around 70% of the world’s cocoa is produced in equatorial Africa. Some 2,000,000 small-scale cocoa farms in
West Africa depend on this crop. Hence it has a large impact on the African economy. But in recent years the
cocoa market has been hit by drastic climate change, unpredictable drought and alarming increase of
pest/fungal infection.
The drought of 2011 alone claimed around 2,50,000 lives in Africa and it had also taken its toll on the crop
market. The fungal infections which threaten the cocoa plantation are Witches’ Broom, Frosty pod rot, etc.
Among the different pests are mirids, cocoa pod borer, etc. Besides this, Brazil also faced similar issues with
the cocoa market and a bulk of the small scale industry of both South America and Africa was at stake.
In the International Certification Workshop held at Zurich (2014), it was recognized that sustainability in
cocoa is a shared responsibility between all stakeholders. At one point of time it was feared that may be in the
near future, the entire cocoa population will become extinct after there was a sharp fall in the global
production in 2004. This drop alone incurred a loss of 800 million US Dollars for the chocolate industry. It
was at this point of time that the world started considering the importance of the problem and in 2008 the
chocolate manufacturer Mars, IBM and USDA (US Department of Agriculture) joined hands to help farmers
grow tastier, more disease-resistant and more productive cocoa trees. The joint venture was greeted by
exciting success in its initial stage and the team was able to find a solution to the alarming issue.
The team concluded that identifying the genes that dictate the color of the plant may be the best indicator for
better-tasting, healthier plants. Hence started the laborious work of cocoa genome sequencing, in the USDA’s
Agricultural Research Service lab. Genome is the blue print of all living organism and there was a lot of data
which was becoming available for analysis. While Mars was interested in developing disease resistant crop,
IBM’s role was in developing the technology for the genome sequencing. A DNA sequencer extracted the
nucleotides from various parts of the cocoa plant and analyzed it to develop the properly sequenced genome,
which will help to develop more yielding disease resisting cocoa plants. More than 30,000 cacao genes were
analyzed by implementation of complex algorithms, which compared known genomes from other spices of
plants for similarities. What is more important here is that they have made their discovery open and today
anybody can access it and use it for further improvement of the crop.
Today the cocoa plantation has regained its foot hold and the production has increased to cope up with the
rising demand of chocolate in the world.
Mr.Arka Roy Chowdhury, 2011 Pass Out Batch
Top 8 Incredible Food Facts
The Fact: The most expensive coffee in the world comes from civet poop. Kopi
Luwak are coffee beans that come from Civet (a cat sized mammal) poop. The animals gorge
on only the finest ripe berries, and excrete the partially-digested beans, which are then
harvested for sale. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for
between $120 and $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and the United States,
but it is increasingly becoming available elsewhere.
The Fact: The largest food item on a menu is roast camel
The camel is stuffed with a sheep‘s carcass, which is stuffed with chickens, which are stuffed
with fish, which are stuffed with eggs. This feast is sometimes featured in Bedouin weddings.
The Fact: The FDA allows you to sell bugs and rodent hair for consumption
The FDA allows an average of 30 or more insect fragments, and one or more rodent hairs, per 100
grams of peanut butter.
The Fact: The first soup was made of hippopotamus
The earliest archeological evidence for the consumption of soup dates back to 6000 BC, and it was
hippopotamus soup!
The Fact: Worcestershire sauce is made from dissolved fish
Worcestershire sauce, the popular English sauce, is made from dissolved anchovies. The anchovies are
soaked in vinegar until they have completely melted. The sauce contains the bones and all.
The Fact: The Popsicle was invented by an 11 year who kept it secret for 18 years.
The inventor was Frank Epperson who, in 1905, left a mixture of powdered soda and water out on the porch,
which contained a stir stick. That night, temperatures in San Francisco reached record low temperature. When he
woke the next morning, he discovered that it had frozen to the stir stick, creating a fruit flavored ice treat that he
named the epsicle. 18 years later he patented it and called it the Popsicle.
The Fact: Dynamite is made with peanuts
Peanut oil can be processed to produce glycerol, which can be used to make
nitroglycerin, one of the constituents of dynamite. Note however, there are other
processes that can be used to make dynamite without using peanuts at all.
The Fact: Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma.
The reason for this is that coconut water (the water found in coconuts – not to be confused with coconut
milk, which comes from the flesh of the coconut) is sterile and has an ideal pH level. Coconut water is
liquid endosperm – it surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition.
Ms.Moumita Halder, 3rd Year FT
Enough research and studies have now proved that the process of milling and
refining strips the grain of its nutrients and thus eating the unrefined kin of the
grain (such as wheat, rice or sugar) is healthier as it retains the minerals and
vitamins that are present in the outer bran or husk.
There has been a constant debate over brown rice versus white rice for decades. Although white rice seems
to be a favorable choice for the majority of people for its appetizing taste and appearance but nutritionally
brown rice is superior to white rice. The refining process of brown rice only removes the husk of the rice
kernel, leaving its nutrition intact. On the other hand, white rice is obtained after milling and polishing
that strips off its essential minerals and vitamins. One cup of white rice contains 0.6 grams of fiber, while
one cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber.
The flour used for preparing both brown bread and white bread is made from wheat berries which have
three nutrient parts: the bran (outer layer), the germ (inner layer), the endosperm (starchy part in
between). Whole wheat flour, that is used for making brown bread include all these three nutritious parts
whereas refined wheat flour, used for making white bread contains only the endosperm. Hence whole
wheat flour is much higher in fiber, vitamins B6 and E, Magnesium and Zinc, Folic acid and Chromium.
Brown sugar and white sugar, both are made from sugarcane. Brown sugar also contains molasses and
water and has a slightly lower calorific value than white sugar. White sugar is sweeter than brown sugar
and its texture is dry and grainy. Whereas the texture of brown sugar is moist and clumpy. The choice
between white sugar and brown is a matter of personal preference as both the sugars have almost same
kind of effect on body.
The nutritional value is not dependent on the colour of the egg. It is the colour of the hen that lays the egg
that decides its colour. Red-feathered hens lay brown eggs and white-feathered hens lay white eggs. But on
average, brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs. It is because specific breeds of brown or red hens
require higher maintenance than white hens.
Ishita Mondal & Chendrima Basu
3rd Year FT
The body‘s trillion or so cells face formidable threats, from lack of food to
infection with a virus. Another constant threat comes from nasty chemicals
called free radicals. They are capable of damaging cells and genetic material.
The body generates free radicals as the inevitable byproducts of turning food
into energy. Others are in the food we eat and the air we breathe. Some are
generated by sunlight‘s action on the skin and eyes.
There are hundreds, probably thousands, of different substances that can act as
antioxidants. The most familiar ones are vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene,
and other related carotenoids, along with the minerals selenium and
manganese. They‘re joined by glutathione, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid,
flavonoids, phenols, polyphenols, phytoestrogens, and many more.
Health Benefits of Antioxidants: What’s the Buzz?
Antioxidants came to public attention in the 1990s, when scientists began to
understand that free radical damage was involved in the early stages of arteryclogging atherosclerosis and may contribute to cancer, vision loss, and a host
of other chronic conditions. Clinical trials began testing the impact of single
substances, especially beta-carotene and vitamin E, as weapons against heart
disease, cancer, and the like. Even before the results of these trials were in, the
media, and the supplement and food industries began to hype the benefits of
―antioxidants.‖ One study even showed that taking beta-carotene may actually
increase the chances of developing lung cancer in smokers. On the other hand,
some trials reported benefits; for example, after 18 years of follow-up, the
Physicians‘ Health Study found that taking beta-carotene was associated with a
modest reduction in the rate of cognitive decline. These mostly disappointing
results haven‘t stopped food companies and supplement sellers from banking
on antioxidants. Indeed, antioxidant supplements represent a $500 million
dollar industry that continues to grow.
Heart Disease and Antioxidants
In the Women‘s Health Study, 39,876 initially healthy women took 600 IU of natural source vitamin E for 10 years. At the stud y‘s end,
the rates of major cardiovascular events and cancer were no lower among those taking vitamin E. However, the trial did observe a
significant 24 percent reduction in total cardiovascular mortality.
A recent trial of vitamin E in Israel, for example, showed a marked reduction in coronary heart disease among people with type
2 diabetes who have a common genetic predisposition for greater oxidative stress.
Beta-carotene, meanwhile, did not provide any protection against heart disease or stroke, as demonstrated by the Physicians‘ Health
What about combinations? The findings are complicated and not entirely clear. In the Supplementation en Vitamines et Mineraux
Antioxydants study, 13,017 French men and women took a single daily capsule that contained 120 milligrams of vitamin C, 30
milligrams of vitamin E, 6 milligrams of beta-carotene, 100 micrograms of selenium, and 20 milligrams of zinc, or a placebo, for seven
and a half years. The vitamins had no effect on overall rates of cardiovascular disease.
Cancer and Antioxidants
When it comes to cancer prevention, the picture remains inconclusive for some antioxidant supplements. A randomized trial of
selenium in people with skin cancer demonstrated significant reductions in cancer and cancer mortality at various sites, including
colon, lung, and prostate. The effects were strongest among those with low selenium levels at baseline.
The Bottom Line on Antioxidants and Disease Prevention
Free radicals contribute to chronic diseases from cancer to heart disease and Alzheimer‘s disease to vision loss. This doesn‘t
automatically mean that substances with antioxidant properties will fix the problem, especially not when they are taken out of their
natural context. The studies so far are inconclusive, but generally don‘t provide strong evidence that antioxidant supplements have a
substantial impact on disease. But keep in mind that most of the trials conducted up to now have had fundamental limitations due to
their relatively short duration and having been conducted in persons with existing disease. That a benefit of beta-carotene on cognitive
function was seen in the Physicians‘ Health Follow-up Study only after 18 years of follow-up is sobering, since no other trial has
continued for so long. At the same time, abundant evidence suggests that eating whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains—all rich in
networks of antioxidants and their helper molecules—provides protection against many of these scourges of aging.
Ms. Chandrani Dutta & Manasi Roy, 2nd Year FT
 The Bt brinjal is the transgenic brinjals created by inserting
protein gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.
 Bt brinjal is one of the main discoveries of GM crops in India.
 Bt brinjal are effective against pests, longevity is high &
environmental friendly.
 cry1Ac gene expressed in all brinjals tissue for its modification.
 In 2005 the first agreement of cultivating Bt brinjals was signed
in India
 The first Bt brinjals was cultivated by Mahyco after getting
approval from GEAC in 2007.
 But the massive production of Bt brinjals is not carried in India
because of high controversy.
 Maharashtra produces Bt brinjals as pilot project under the
supervision of scientists from around the world.
 But several NGO’s, green activists protest against cultivation of
Bt brinjals because some research shows it has bad effect to
human beings.
 Bt brinjal gene is an aggressive weed which can affect the
primary brinjals & also harmful for bio diversity.
Mr. Saurav Mondal & Subhajit Paul, 3rd Year FT
 The oldest evidence for soup is from 6,000 B.C. and calls for hippopotamus and
sparrow meat.
 Chocolate was once used as currency.
 Castoreum, which is used as vanilla flavoring in candies, baked goods, etc., is
actually a secretion from the anal glands of beavers.
 The softening agent L-cysteine — used in some bread — is made from human
hair and duck feathers.
 The potentially fatal brain mushroom is considered a delicacy in Scandinavia,
Eastern Europe, and the upper Great Lakes region of North America.
 Ranch dressing contains titanium dioxide, which is used to make it appear
whiter. The same ingredient is used in sunscreen and paint for the same effect.
 Fruit flavoured snacks are made with the same wax used in cars.
 The most expensive fruit in the world is the Japanese Yubari cantaloupe
and two melons once sold at auction for $23,500
 Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your
 Peppers taste hot because a chemical compound capsaicin bonds to our sensory
nerves and tricks them into thinking that the mouth is actually burned.
 There are 7,500 varieties of apple grown throughout the world and if you tried
A new variety each day it would take you 20 years to try them all.
 Coconut water can be used as blood plasma.
 Milt, which is a delicacy around the world, is
fish sperm.
 Ketchup was used as a medicine in the 1800s
to treat diarrhea, among other things.
 Peanuts aren’t nuts, they’re legumes.
 Apples float in water, because 25% of their
volume is made of air.
 The popsicle was invented by an 11 year old in
 One of the most hydrating foods to eat is the
Cucumber which is 96% water.
 The most popular carrots used to be purple.
Mr. Soumyadeep Pal, Ms.Gargi Sharma, Ms.Bornini Banerjee, Mr. Shubham Mukherjee, 2 nd Year FT
Golden Rice
It is a variety of Oryza sativa rice produced through genetic engineering to biosynthesize
beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of rice. The research was
conducted with the goal of producing a fortified food to be grown and consumed in
areas with a shortage of dietary vitamin A, a deficiency which is estimated to kill
670,000 children under the age of 5 each year. Golden rice differs from its parental
strain by the addition of three beta-carotene biosynthesis genes.
Golden rice was created by transforming rice with only two beta-carotene biosynthesis
1. psy (phytoene synthase) from daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus)
2. crtI (carotene desaturase) from the soil bacterium Erwinia uredovora
These genes are necessary to activate the biochemical pathway for provitamin A.
Potential use to combat vitamin A deficiency
The research that led to golden rice was conducted with the goal of
helping children who suffer from vitamin A deficiency (VAD). In
particular, since carotenes are hydrophobic, there needs to be a
sufficient amount of fat present in the diet for golden rice (or most
other vitamin A supplements) to be able to alleviate vitamin A
deficiency. In that respect, it is significant that vitamin A
deficiency is rarely an isolated phenomenon, but usually coupled to
a general lack of a balanced diet; one bowl of the latest version
provides 60% of RDA for healthy children.
Though now it has much importance in the economic field too but
earlier due to lack of perfect vitamin necessities it did not do well
in the market. Later it was improvised but again testing on people
made another controversy to arise. But, Golden rice as a whole
food has made its mark in the economy as well as the scientific
modification of crops.
Mr. Ushnil Dutta & Ms.Sanjana Chakraborti, 2nd Year FT
Health Benefits of Garlic
Garlic has a variety of potent sulphur-containing compounds which are the reason for its
characteristic pungent odour. Allicin, the vital compound among them, is known to have great antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties. The benefits of allicin can be best
garnered when it’s finely chopped, minced or pureed and let sit for some time. Garlic is also a
reliable source of selenium. Allicin, along with other compounds like ajoene, alliin, etc. found in
them also have an effect on the circulatory, digestive and immunological systems of our body and
help in lowering blood pressure, detoxification, healing, etc.
Indian curries are incomplete without garlic – a simple ingredient with packed health benefits. It is very strong and bitter but
adds an unbelievable flavour to the cuisine. This miracle herb has been used since time immemorial as a medicine to prevent or
treat various diseases and conditions.
Antibacterial and Antiviral: Garlic is most well-known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help control bacterial, viral,
fungal, yeast and worm infections. Fresh garlic is thought to play a role in preventing food poisoning by killing bacteria like E. coli,
Salmonella enteritidis, etc.
To treat skin infections: The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athlete‘s foot.
Blood thinning: The anti-clotting properties of ajoene found in garlic help in preventing the formation of blood clots in the body.
Hence, it may also increase the risk of bleeding after surgery.
Reduce blood pressure: Angiotensin II is a protein that helps our blood vessels contract thereby increasing the blood pressure. Allicin
in garlic blocks the activity of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure. The polysulphides present in garlic are converted
into a gas called hydrogen sulphide by the red blood cells. Hydrogen sulphide dilates our blood vessels and helps control blood pressure.
Protect heart: Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and atherosclerosis. With age, the arteries
tend to lose their ability to stretch. Garlic may help reduce this and may also protect the heart from the damaging effects of free oxygen
radicals. The sulphur-containing compounds of garlic also prevent our blood vessels from becoming blocked and slow the development
of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The anti-clotting properties of ajoene help prevent clots from forming inside the blood
Reduce cholesterol: Garlic has the ability to moderately lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol and reduce arterial plaque
Combat allergies: Garlic is known to have anti-inflammatory property. It can help the body fight against allergies. The anti-arthritic
property of garlic is due to diallylsulphide and thiacremonone. Raw garlic juice may be used to immediately stop the itching due to
rashes and bug bites.
Remedy for respiratory problems: Daily use of garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties
help in treating throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections. Its benefits in disorders of the
lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. make it a priceless medicine.
Diabetes: Garlic increases insulin release and regulates blood sugar levels in diabetics.
Effective against warts and corns: Applying fat dissolving garlic extracts to corns on the feet and warts on the hands is thought to
improve these conditions.
Cancer prevention: Daily intake of garlic has been found to lower risk of most types of cancer. This anti-cancer property is due to
allylsulphides found in garlic. PhIP, a type of heterocyclic amine (HCA), has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer
among women. According to studies, diallylsulphide found in garlic inhibits the transformation of PhIP into carcinogens.
Improve iron metabolism: Ferroportin is a protein which helps in iron absorption and release. Diallylsulphides in garlic increase
production of ferroportin and help improve iron metabolism.
Stir up passions : Garlic‘s aphrodisiac property is due to its ability to increase the circulation.
Toothaches: Simply put some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and
analgesic properties. But be aware that it can be irritating to the gum.
Reduce weight: Many researchers believe that obesity is a state of long-term low-grade inflammation. According to recent research,
garlic may help to regulate the formation of fat cells in our body. Pre-adipocytes are converted into fat cells (adipocytes) through
inflammatory system activity. The anti-inflammatory property of 1, 2-DT (1, 2-vinyldithiin) found in garlic may help inhibit this
conversion. This may help prevent weight gain.
Ms. Bhaswati De, 3rd Year FT
Antibacterial and Antiviral
New Longevity Benefits of Whey Protein
Isolates in Dairy Product Industries
Whey, a by-product of dairy manufacturing, once considered a waste
product, now used as a functional food with nutritional applications which
elevated whey to a co-product in the Dairy Industry.
The biological component of whey includes lactoferrin, beta- lactoglobulin,
alpha-lactalbumin, glycomacropeptide, and immunoglobulin. Whey has the
ability to act as an antioxidant, antihypertensive antitumor, antiviral,
antibacterial, and chelating agent. The primary mechanism by which whey is
thought to exert its effects by intracellular conversion of the amino acid
cysteine to glutathione, a potent intracellular antioxidant. Clinical trials have
successfully been performed using whey in the treatment of cancer, HIV,
hepatitis B, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and as an antimicrobial
agent. Whey protein has also exhibited benefit in the arena of exercise
performance mainly for athletes. Whey represents a high-quality protein
supplement for aging persons with a rich source of BCAAs to stimulate protein
synthesis and inhibit protein breakdown.
Whey delivers Calorie Restriction benefits, playing pivotal roles in hormone
secretion. Whey remarkably decreases blood sugar without increasing insulin
secretion. For non-diabetic individuals, taking protein along with oral glucose
would normally decrease the usual rise in blood sugar. Whey protein isolates can
be obtained by Ion Exchange methods and Membrane Filtration.
Ms.Medha Pal & Ms.Shreya Bandyopadhyay, 3rd Year FT
Types of Separation Methods
There are five representative modes used to separate sugars, as described below.
Each mode is used to separate sugars based on different mechanisms.
 Size Exclusion: Size of molecules
 Ligand Conversion: Tendency to form complexes with metal counterions
 Partition (normal-phase): Tendency to partition in stationary phases (or aqueous
 Anion Exchange: Tendency to exchange anions
 Borate Complex Anion Exchange: Tendency of a complex with borate to
exchange anions
(However, in some cases, more than one of these modes can be used.)
New Way
Multipond has developed a new concept for the removal and collection of excess
sugar when weighing sugared products using multihead weighers. The system is
described as perfect for the weighing of sugared gum sweets. Excess sugar is
funneled out of the system through specially designed outlets at the end of the
feed trays. This sugar is passed through the outlets to a rotating ring, called a
‗sugar ring‘, and is drawn off by a vacuum. The multihead weigher works
according to the system and is not affected. In addition, this solution can also be
retrofitted on existing machines.
Mr. Mainak Ghosh, 2nd Year FT
Some Amazing Food Facts!!!!
Ms. Sayani Roy, 3rd Year FT
Five daily portions of fruit and vegetables may be
enough to lower risk of early death
New research finds that eating five daily portions
of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower
risk of death from any cause, particularly from
cardiovascular disease, but beyond five portions
appears to have no further effect.
Eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of
death from any cause, particularly from cardiovascular disease, but beyond five
portions appears to have no further effect, finds a new study. There is growing
evidence that increasing fruit and vegetable consumption is related to a lower risk
of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer. However, the results are not
entirely consistent. So, a team of researchers based in China and the United States
decided to examine the association between fruit and vegetable intake and risk of
all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer deaths. They analyzed the results of sixteen
studies involving a total of 833,234 participants and 56,423 deaths.
Differences in study design and quality were taken into account to minimize bias.
Higher consumption of fruit and vegetables was significantly associated with a
lower risk of death from all causes, particularly from cardiovascular diseases.
Average risk of death from all causes was reduced by 5% for each additional daily
serving of fruit and vegetables, while risk of cardiovascular death was reduced by
4 percent for each additional daily serving of fruit and vegetables, but, the
researchers identified a threshold around five servings per day, after which the
risk of death did not reduce further. In contrast, higher consumption of fruit and
vegetables was not appreciably associated with risk of death from cancer.
The researchers suggest that, as well as advice to eat adequate amounts of fruit
and vegetables, the adverse effects of obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and
high alcohol intake on cancer risk should be further emphasized.
This study provides further evidence that a higher consumption of fruits and
vegetables is associated with a lower risk of mortality from all causes, particularly
from cardiovascular diseases. The results support current recommendations to
increase consumption of fruits and vegetables to promote health and longevity.
Ms. Sreemoyee Moitra, 2nd Year FT
As a substitute of milk such as by some Christian denomination during lent the most popular
verities internationally are almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, oat milk.
Almond Milk contains neither cholesterol nor lactose. It
is suitable for vegans and vegetarians abstain from dairy
products. Almond milk are enriched with vitamins. It
includes fiber, zinc, vitamin-E, iron etc.
Rice Milk is a kind of grain milk processed from rice. The
sweetness in most rice milk varieties is generated by a
natural enzymatic process, cleaving the carbohydrates
into sugars. Rice milk are often fortified with vitamins,
minerals,calcium, vit- B12, vit-B3 and iron
Coconut Milk is the liquid that comes from the grated
meat of coconut. It gives energy, calcium, vit-C,
protein. Coconut milk is rich in medium-chain fatty
acids (MCFAs), which the body processes differently
other than fats, MCFAs may help promote weight
maintenance without raising cholesterol levels.
Oat Milk are generally considered “healthful” or a
health food. The oat milk derived from oat have the
capability to reduce cholesterol level. It gives energy,
protein, calcium, iron, magnesium etc.
Mr. Subhajit Basu & Mr.Smarta Chakraborty, 3rd Year FT
System of Rice Intensification: An approach towards enhanced
water productivity and environmental sustainability
 To enhance rice plant health, a focus on
realizing he full genetic potential of the
 Methods
ensuring minimal root trauma during crop
establishment and higher dependency on
organic nutrient sources.
 Seed treatment and land preparation that
 SRI treatment helps in both Plant
Growth Stage and Vegetative Stage of rice
 Water Efficient Irrigation system is
evaluated and results shows that water
requirement for irrigated rice can be
lowered by 3-7%.
 Wet seeded rice yielded higher than
transplanted rice but requires 19% less
water increasing water productivity by 2548%.
 SRI cultivation practice has a higher
grain production and more nutritive value
according to recent scientific research by
 SRI initiative in India is increasing but
not reaching the pace in European and
South Asian countries.
 Kerala is highly successful in SRI
implementation and has shown other
states the potential to rehabilitate
 Other states like West Bengal, Tamil
Nadu and Orissa are also adapting
this new technique.
 The most important aspect of SRI is
that fields are only kept wet without
flooding .This helps farmers in lowmonsoon seasons since agriculture
mostly depends on monsoon in India.
 What makes SRI an instant hit to
Indian paddy growers is the saving of
all key inputs (Seeds, fertilizers,
labour) and increase in rice
productivity than traditional methods.
 Farmers in North- East states like
Mizoram, Tripura and Nagaland
earns an average net of Rs 22,500 per
hectare, more than double the cost of
production of Rs 10,950 according to
a report by ICAR, India.
 SRI techniques are found to most
environmental friendly with a very
low emission. So this technique is
approved by the Ministry Of
Environment, Govt of India.
Mr. Sandip Pandit & Mr.Sandipan Das, 3rd Year FT
Tea A-Z: 26 interesting facts about tea - From where the tea bag was invented to the natural mosquito
repellent found in it's leaves.
Astrotea. You can use tea leaves to read the future. Just leave a small amount of tea in the bottom of the cup
along with some tea leaves, and after stirring the remains three times, the pattern you‘re left with will tell you
what‘s in store. In Asia, readers of tea leaves are just as respected as astrologers.
Bags. Tea bags were invented in America in the early 1800s, and were initially used to hold samples of teas
brought from India. Today, 96% of all cups of tea served around the world were made using tea bags.
Camellia sinensis. There are many different kinds of tea, but they are all derived from just one plant: Camellia
sinensis. The color and variety of the tea (green, black, white, oolong) depends, however, on the way the leaves
are treated.
Darjeeling. It‘s called the champagne of tea: a black tea, it is grown in the eponymous area of Indian Bengal.
One of the world‘s most highly-prized tea varieties, teas are often falsely sold as coming from this area: for every
400 tons of tea sold under this name every year, only 100 tons actually comes from Darjeeling.
Elevenses. At 11 o‘clock in the morning, to stay alert, in England it‘s common to take a break with a cup of tea
and some cakes: Elevenses. Before dinner, however, you can take ‗high tea‘: a kind of reinforced snack.
Food. You can‘t have a cup without something to go with it: from cookies and English cucumber sandwiches to
seafood accompanied by green tea in Japan, by way of spicy Indian meat dishes, and all-chocolate desserts from
Gin. Mix gin and cold tea, flavor with little lemon rind, and you‘ll get a great summer cocktail. In the mid 1700s,
in Great Britain, tea replaced gin as the drink of the masses, and became the nation‘s favorite beverage.
Hot or cold. Perfect when drunk steaming hot, tea is also one of the most thirst-quenching summer drinks when
drunk cold, perhaps with ice, and possibly some lemon, lime or leaves of mint to add flavor.
India. After tourism, the cultivation of tea is India‘s second largest industry. And India tea is the variety most
commonly drunk the world over, despite the fact that it originally came from China.
Joan Cusack. «Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Me?» is one of cinema‘s best-known quotes. It‘s the
famously cheeky line uttered by Joan Cusack to Harrison Ford in the classic film Working Girl.
Kettle. You won‘t find a kitchen in England without one: the kettle, used to boil the water for tea, can be either
electric or heated up on the hob.
Loose tea. Loose tea is, for connoisseurs, the best way to taste tea: the quality of the tea leaves, which are often
whole, and not broken up as in tea bags, is often higher, and retains more of their original flavor.
Mosquitoes. Tea leaves are a natural means of keeping mosquitoes away. All you have to do is use slightly damp
leaves to add the scent of tea to the areas you want to keep insect-free.
Not just for drinking. Here are five good reasons for not giving up tea, even if you don‘t drink it - it helps to
heal shaving cuts, eliminates bad odors when added to a foot bath, can be used to marinade meat, is a great
fertilizer for roses, and is also good for cleaning floors.
Oolong. Oolong tea, a Chinese and Taiwanese tea with a fruity aroma, is also often called Dragon’s Tea: these
tea leaves, when put in teapot, often start to look like a dragon. The world‘s most expensive tea is
an oolong tea: it‘s called Tieguanyin, and its leaves cost up to $3,000 per kilo.
Party. The Tea Party is the American political movement which calls for less state intervention in key areas
like the economy and healthcare. Its name harks back to the Boston Tea Party, an act of protest carried out in
the 1700s when Americans rebelled against the British government, destroying cases of tea which had arrived
from India.
Quotes. «Women are like tea bags. They do not know how strong they are until they get into hot water.» Eleanor Roosevelt.
Ritz Carlton of Hong Kong. This is where the world‘s most expensive afternoon tea is drunk – you can
spend up to $8,888 dollars here. You can taste the world‘s best teas, finger food, fantastic cakes and enjoy the
best view of the city.
Samovar. In Russia, the water for tea is boiled using a samovar. They were initially heated using coal, but
these days usually run on electricity. They‘re traditional, common household items found in Russia, Iran and
Theanine. The stimulant found in tea leaves is theanine, an antioxidant whose equivalent in coffee is caffeine.
Tea, however, contains less caffeine than coffee: around half the amount.
UK. The London Tea Auction was an institution which lasted for 300 years. Tea was sold using the ‗by the
candle‘ system: bidding for lots went on until an inch of a candle had burnt away.
Vitamins. Tea is a natural antioxidant, and rich in vitamins: it contains vitamins B2, B1 and B6. Tea,
however, is also rich in potassium, manganese, folic acid and calcium.
Water. Experts have always advised on the best kind of water for making tea. In early Chinese texts we can
find suggestions that the best water should be taken from rivers and lakes.
X-rated. Amongst the many thousands of qualities that tea can boast, it has relaxing effects that can help
improve your sex life. In particular,Ashwagandha tea is regarded as a stimulant to virility.
Yin Zhen or Silver Needle. This is the most highly prized of white teas. It comes from China, and takes its
name from the leaves used to make it, which are harvested when they‘re young and still unfurled, and look
like needles.
Zillah. The world‘s oldest gas pump is still going strong, and can be found in Zillah, in Washington State. It‘s
known as the Teapot Dome Service Station, as it happens to look like a teapot.
Mr. Saptarshi Purkayastha, 4th Year FT
Weird Food Facts
 Ever eaten a black cow?
It’s a chocolate soda with a chocolate ice cream
 Concotion is also called the ―mud fizz‖ 
 There are more than 200 kinds of chilli peppers, none of
which belong to the pepper family
 John Kellogg invented corn flakes for a patient with bad
 The secret recipe for Coca-cola, code –named
―MERCHANDISE 7X‖ is kept under lock and key in a vault
in the Sun Trust Bank Building in Atlanta, Georgia
 Carbonated water can dissolve limestone, talc and many
low hardness minerals and guess what?
It is the main ingredient in COLD DRINKS AND SODA
 Ketchup was created for use as a drug, not as a
 The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a
substitute for blood plasma
 The citrus soda &-UP was created in 1929. ‖7‖ was
selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. ― UP‖
indicated the direction of bubbles.
Ms. Pooja Jha, 4th Year FT
Ebola virus disease formerly known as ebola
haemorrhagic fever,of an fatal illness in human.
First appeared in 1976 in Nzara,Sudan and
in Yambuku
Signs and symptomps: EVD is severe acute viral illness
of an characterized by the sudden onset of fever.
Incubation period is 2 to 21 days. People are infectious
as long as their blood and secretions contain of the
Vaccine and treatment : No licensed vaccine of EVD is
available. Several vaccines are being tested, but none
are available for clinical use.
Prevention and control : No animal vaccine
is available
WHO recommends to eat TULSI leaves
with honey
Ref: W.H.O.
Mr. Subhranil Sinha & Sukriti Dutta, 2nd Year FT