Download Pastor`s Class October 14, 2009 World Religions: Islam Rev. Dr

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Pastor’s Class
October 14, 2009
World Religions: Islam
Rev. Dr. Arthur Bergren
Origins and History
Genesis 16: Abram and Sarai
Hagar was the slave of Sarai and Abram
Abram and Hagar have a son, Ishmael
Genesis 17: Sarai and Abram have a son, Isaac
Tension: Families of Isaac and Ishmael
Genesis 21: Hagar and Ishmael expelled
God promised a nation shall come from Ishmael verse 18
Tradition believes and teaches that they went to the Arabian Peninsula
6th Century World
Europe: Christian Nation State
Buddhism Spreading
570 Muhammad was born in Mecca
Raised by Uncle and became a merchant
At the age of 40, he had Mystical Experience
Month of Ramadan
Angel Gabriel
622 Persecutions
Emigrated to Medina
632 Muhammad Died
Sacred Texts: Qur’an
Prophets have witnessed to God
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses,
Aaron, David, Jesus
Old and New Testaments: Reflections of God but not God’s Word
Muhammad was the final prophet
Literal Word of God: 114 Chapters
Given by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad
Believer must surrender to God
Key Theme: Relationship between God and Humanity
Other Themes: Worship, Law, Justice
Mosque: Center for Prayer and Conversation
Cultural Center
9 Month of the Islamic Calendar Year. Commemorates the time when
Gabriel brought the first verses of the Qu’ran to Muhammad.
‘Id Al-Fitr
The Festival of Fast-Breaking at the end of the fast month of Ramadan.
Salat al-Jum’a –
Friday prayers, the principal congregational prayer of the week on Friday early
Site where God instructed Abraham to place a house of worship
Pilgrimage SiteMedina
Site of Muhammad’s home
Site of Muhammad’s tomb
Dome of the Rock
Muhammad journeyed into Heaven from Jerusalem
Surrendering to God
Meaning of Islam
Unity of God
All Powerful and Merciful
5 Pillars of Islam
Creed: Shahada
There is no god, but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Salat: Prayer 5 Times a Day
Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset and Evening
Zakat: Alms Giving
Concern for the Poor
Occurs during the Holy Month of Ramadan
Daylight: No food, drink, sexual relations
Hajj: Journey to Mecca
Global Unity for all Muslims
Simple Dress: Equal before God
Sin of associating God with something
In Islam, the power and unity of God cannot be compromised
Conflict: Christianity – Christ Event
The code of law derived from the Qur’an and from the teachings and example
of Muhammed; “sharia is only applicable to Muslims;” “under Islamic law there
is no separation of church and state.” Islamic law, “divinely ordained law.”
The way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the
teachings and the life of Muhammad and interpretations of the Qur’an.
Streams of Islam
One of the two main branches of orthodox Islam, comprising 10 to 15% of
Muslims globally and most concentrated in Iran.
A member of the branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as rightful
successors to Muhammad and one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam.
A Muslim who practices the mystical dimensions of Islam and seeks direct
experience of God. Sufis live in many countries and can be either Sunni or
A member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect from Saudi Arabia; strives
to purify Islamic beliefs and rejects any innovation occurring after the 3rd
century of Islam. In the popular press, Osama bin Laden is often referred to
as Wahhabi Muslim, although some Wahhabi Muslims would reject this
suggestion outright.
The global Muslim community,; “moderate Muslims urge the Ummah to reject
the terrorism of radical Muslims.”
God’s Revelation
Christianity: Jesus
Islam: God has never revealed God’s self
God’s Relationship with Humanity
Christianity: God Oriented based on Forgiveness
Islam: Humanity Oriented living according to Gabriel’s words
Church and State
Christianity: Understand the Failure of European History
Islam: One in the Same
Oneness of God
God is about Justice and Mercy
Centrality of Religious Community and Prayer
Christians witness to Christ
Engage in Dialogue with Islam and all World Religions
Coming Up:
21 October: Hinduism