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Java Persistence
This section is written with the help of Mike Scordilis and Shamiel Dramat who has spent
considerable effort developing notes and programs on Java Persistence.
The previous method of accessing and updating a database with the DB class provided a
way of working with the database using SQL statements. All the SELECT and UPDATES to
the database had to be written by the programmer and displayed in the GUI in components
such as a text area. None of the GUI components were data aware meaning that the
components are linked to data in the database. We can achieve this by means of
persistence, which is an adjective that describes data that outlives the process that created
it. In this context, this means that the data entered by the user in a GUI component is stored
temporarily in an object in primary memory and then permanently in a database.
There are many ways to access a relational database from Java. JPA (Java Persistence
Application Program Interface) is just the latest of many different specifications. The Java
Persistence API, sometimes referred to as JPA, is a Java programming language
specification which describes the management of relational data in applications using the
Java Platform.
Creating a Database in Java DB
Java persistence can be achieved using the Java DB database which is provided in
Netbeans. We need to find a way of converting our UniStudents database in MS Access
into a Java DB database. We will do so by converting each table in the database into a
spread sheet file and then saving the spread sheet in Comma Separated Values (CSV)
format. A CSV file is a text file that has all the fields separated by a comma. This CSV file
can then be imported into the Java DB database.
Load the Unistudents database in MS Access.
Right click on tblStudents in the left hand window and select Export and then select
Browse to the place you can store the file and select Save then Close. Leave the file
name as tblStudents.
The table will be converted to a file in Excel. Note that Java DB has the following date
Change the date column into the format yyyy-mm-dd by selecting all the cells with
dates (there are many), right clicking, selecting Format Cells.., the Number Tab and
the choosing Date in the left window and then Type yyyy-mm-dd.
Open the Excel file
called tblStudents
and the convert it to
CSV format by using
File | Save As and
selecting CSV as a
file type in the drop
down box. Excel will
inform you there will
be features that are
not compatible,
which is fine, so click
on Yes effectively
saving the file.
Now we need to create a UniStudents database in
Java DB.
Open Netbeans and select the Services tab.
Expand the Databases node and right click
on the Java DB node. Select Start Server
to start the service of the database Java DB.
Right click on the Java DB node again and select Create Database…. Enter the
name UniStudents as a name, root as the user name and nbuser as a password.
Confirm the password as nbuser. Choose the path where the database will be stored.
Click OK.
The database UniStudents will be displayed in the Services window.
Connect to the database by right clicking
on the database Unistudents and
selecting Connect... The connection icon
will be whole to show the database is
Expand the node of the tables and then
the node of ROOT to view the tables.
Right click on the table and select
Execute Command…
We need to create the table for the tblStudents using a SQL statement.
Type the following code in the Command Window.
CREATE TABLE tblStudents(
The above code declares each field in the table and selects a type for that field. Note that
text data is VARCHAR followed by the maximum number of characters needed, a date is a
DATE type, INTEGER for integers and BOOLEAN for boolean. Lastly the field that is to be
the primary key is defined.
Run the code by clicking on the play button on top of a database icon.
Make sure you are running this SQL command against the UniStudents database as
shown in the Connection drop down box.
A new table should be defined under the ROOT node with fields shown.
Now we can import that data from the CSV file into the table tblStudents. First open the
CSV file in NOTEPAD and ensure that there are no headers and that the data is separated
by commas and NOT semicolons. If it is separated by semicolons, use find and replace all
semicolons by commas.
Type in the following command. The path in the fourth line must be the pat where the
table is stored. Note that the name of the table in the second line must be in capitals.
The command uses SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_TABLE to import the table.
'C:\Data\CSV Files\tblStudents.csv',
Click the database run button to execute the command.
Once the command has executed successfully, right click on the table and select View
Data... to generate the SELECT statement in a new window to view the table.
Using the database UniStudents, create tables and import the data for the following
1.1. tblFaculties
1.2. tblStudentSubjectMarks
1.3. tblSubjectDescriptors
Creating a Netbeans Project with Data Aware Controls
We need to create a project in Netbeans that can view the tables in the database as well as
be able to scroll through each record in a database. We will need to link or bind the
components on the GUI to the database tables we created in Java DB. When a component
such as a text field is linked to a field in a database the component is said to be data aware.
Create a new Java Application project in Netbeans project called
Uncheck Create Main Class.
Right click on the project and set it as the main project. (This may be located in the
Run menu).
Right click on the project and create a new package using your surname.
In the Services tab, right click on the Java DB node and start the server if it is not
already started.
Create a JFrame called UniStudentsGUI by right clicking on the project. Remember to
put the JFrame in the package.
Creating a Tabbed Pane and a Table
Drag a Tabbed Pane component from the Swing Containers on the JFrame form.
Drag a Panel onto the Tabbed Pane.
Change the text on the Panel to be Students Table.
Change the name of the Panel to pnlStudentsTable.
Drag a Table onto the form and rename it jTblStudents to differentiate from the
TBLSTUDENTS in the database.
To bind the records in the TBLSTUDENTS in the database, right click on the table and
select Bind and then elements. Click on the button Import Data to Form…
Select the database UniStudents for the Database Connection and the
TBLSTUDENTS Database Table using the drop down boxes.
Click OK and then use the up and down
arrows to reverse the order of the fields in
the Selected Window.
Click OK and you should see the fields listed as the headers in the table.
Creating a Persistence Unit to Synchronise Data
Later on we are going to create text fields and populate the fields with data from a database.
Previously the programmer had to write all to code to perform these functions. With the
beans binding library these tasks are simplified and standardised. You can merely write a
few lines of code to establish which properties of which components need to be
synchronised, and the beans binding library handles the rest.
The Java Persistence API (JPA) is used to perform object-relational mapping between the
database and User Interface. A JPA entity class is a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class,
i.e. an ordinary Java class that is marked as having the ability to represent objects in the
We will now create a persistence unit and the entity classes.
Right click on the project UniStudentsJavaDB and select New Persistence Unit. If
you cannot find the Persistence Unit click Other and select Persistence in the
Categories window.
Select the database in the drop down box listing the
Database Connections and select None for Table
Generation Strategy.
A new package will be created called META-INF which stores the
information about the project. The persistence unit file is created
to store the details of the connection between the database and
the project.
Note that a TblStudents class has been created for you when we
bound the table jTblStudents to the table TBLSTUDENTS in the database.
Generating Entity Classes from the Database
We need to create a class to store each record in the database tables. The structure of the
class is the same as the fields of the table in the database. These classes represent a row
in the table stored in secondary memory as an object in primary memory. Fortunately
Netbeans can do this for us.
Right click on the project and select Entity Classes from Database.
Using the Persistence Unit, Netbeans is able to list all the tables that are available in the
Click Add All to move all the tables into the Selected Tables Window then click next.
Uncheck the check box Generate JAXB Annotations.
10 | P a g e
Use the drop down box to choose java.util.List as a Collection Type.
Instead of using an array of object to store all the records in the table, Java will use a List. A
List type is similar to an array, but is more flexible as we don’t need to remember how many
items are in the array. The List can expand and contract in size as need be and is
considered to be dynamic as it can alter its number of elements while the program is
running, while an array is static since once it is declared to be of a certain number of
elements, it cannot change.
Click Finish to complete the process. You should
see all the classes listed in the package.
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Dealing with Boolean Types
The type boolean is represented as Serializable when the class TblStudents was created.
We need to alter the dp field to be of type boolean.
Open the TblStudents class and scroll down until you find the declaration for the dp
private Serializable dp;
Change the type to be boolean.
private boolean dp;
Scroll down to find the accessor and mutator methods. Change Serializable to
boolean. You will need to do this in three places.
public boolean getDp()
return dp;
public void setDp(boolean dp)
boolean oldDp = this.dp;
this.dp = dp;
changeSupport.firePropertyChange("dp", oldDp, dp);
Viewing One Record
We are going to create a new tab in the tabbed pane to display each record of the table
TBLSTUDENTS. We will add buttons to allow the user to move forward and backwards
through each record.
Add a new tab to the tabbed pan by dragging a new Panel component onto the tabbed
pane. Make sure it docks to the existing tabbed pane.
Change the text to Student Records.
Add in text fields and labels to store the fields SCODE, SSAME, SFNAME and
ACYEAR of a record in the table TBLSTUDENTS. Rename each field appropriately.
Drag a Formatted Field from the Swing Controls window to store the date value.
Rename this field txffBirthDate.
Drag Radio Button from the Swing Controls window for the DP field. Rename the
Radio Button radDP.
12 | P a g e
Scode, Surname, First Name and
Academic Year are all text fields.
Birth Date is a Formatted Text
A Radio Button is used to store a
boolean value for the DP field.
Add four buttons to scroll through the records in the table TblStudents. Edit the text on
each button so that they display First, Previous, Next and Last.
Rename each button btnFirst, btnPrevious, btnNext, btnLast.
Adding Code to the GUI to Enable Components to be Bound to
Fields in a Database
Before we can bind a component to a field in the database, we need to add code to the GUI.
We need to declare an object of the table in the GUI class that will represent the fields in the
database and a List which will store ALL the records of the table in primary memory.
Switch to the source code for the UniStudentsGUI class and add in two fields. One to
represent a row of the table and one to store all the rows of the table.
import java.util.ListIterator;
* @author Delia
public class UniStudentsGUI extends javax.swing.JFrame
Tblstudents student;
ListIterator<Tblstudents> iterator;
Declare an object student of type
TblStudents and a ListIterator that
will be used to traverse the ordered
collection of Tblstudents objects.
Netbeans should ask you to import the ListIterator class.
Add in an accessor and mutator methods to access student object.
public Tblstudents getStudent()
return student;
13 | P a g e
public void setStudent(Tblstudents student)
{ //set-method
Tblstudents oldStudent = this.student;
this.student = student;
firePropertyChange("student", oldStudent, student);
The mutator method is designed to update the student object using a new student object that
is passed as a parameter. The old student needs to be saved as the firePropertyChange
method needs both the old and new objects to be sent as parameters.
Add two lines of code to the constructor method to set the iterator to just before the
first element in the list. The second line moves the pointer to the first element in the
list and sends the student record to the mutator method which fires the change in
records to the current record in the list.
public UniStudentsGUI()
iterator = tblstudentsList.listIterator(0);
Binding Components to Fields of a Table in a Database
We need to bind each text field, formatted field and Radio Button in the Student Record tab
to a field in the database. Since we have created a student object in the form to store a
record of table TBLSTUDENTS, this object will allow us to select the fields of the object
when binding GUI components to the fields in the database.
Right click on the text field we named txfScode. You would have named it something
similar. Select Bind and then text. Select the binding source to be the Form, scroll
down to the student object and expand it to select the scode field.
Repeat the process for Surname, First Name and Academic Year fields.
Right click on the Formatted Field for the Birth Date and select Bind then value.
Choose the bdate field in the student node after selecting Form for the Binding
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Repeat the process for the DP field but choose Bind then selected after right clicking
on the Radio Button radDP.
Compile and run the project. Select the Student Record tab. You should see the first
record of the table Tblstudents displayed in the fields.
Adding Code for the First, Previous, Next and Last Buttons
Add code for the Previous and Next buttons to scroll through the records in the table.
Right click on both the Previous and Next buttons and create event handlers for each
Add code the following code for the Next and Previous button’s event handlers.
private void btnPreviousActionPerformed
(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
if (iterator.hasPrevious())
private void btnNextActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
if (iterator.hasNext())
Add the code for the First and Last buttons.
private void btnLastActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
iterator =
private void btnFirstActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
iterator = tblstudentsList.listIterator(0);
Compile and run this project. You should be able to scroll through each record and
move to the first and last record using the buttons.
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Add three more tabs to the UniStudentsJavaDB Project to view each table in the
UniStudents database. Use a jTable component for each table in the database.
Each tab must show a record of one table.
Adding Code to Search, Delete, Insert and Update Records in
the Database
The following code and text is provided courtesy of Mike Scordilis.
The Search button will input a student’s surname and display the entire record in the fields of
the Student Record panel.
Add the following code for the Search button's event handler.
private void btnSearchActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
iterator = tblstudentsList.listIterator(0);
String person = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog
(null, "Enter
boolean found = false; // Return a message if item not found
int i = 0;
while (i < tblstudentsList.size()&& found == false)
if (student.getSsname().equalsIgnoreCase(person))
found = true;
} //end for
if (found == false)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Not found");
Compile and run the project to check that you can Search for a record given the
surname of a student.
The above code initialises the iterator pointer to point before the first element. The surname
of the person to be searched for is entered and the while loop is used to sequentially
process the List in a similar we did for an array. If the record is found it will be shown in the
field components as a result of the setStudent method calling the firePropertyChange
method to update the field components.
We need to input the data for the record to be added using the GUI. This data must be
written to the object in primary memory and then the object is saved to the database using
the EntityManager class of the database.
Secondary Storage
Primary Memory
16 | P a g e
Object containing data. Object exists in memory. No
object exists in the database. Object created outside
of DB.
Begin a transaction.
Empty object exits in database.
Make the object
Object and its data stored in the
Commit the transaction.
Object stored in database.
Add the following code for the Insert button's event handler.
private void btnInsertActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
Tblstudents stud = new Tblstudents(); //tblstudent object
Use the values in the GUI components
to assign the values of the fields of the
stud.setSfname(txfFirstName.getText()); stud object.
String startDate = txffBirthDate.getText();
// "201301-02"
SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date date = null;
date = sdf1.parse(startDate);
} catch (ParseException ex)
Convert the format of the date.
Write the object stud in primary
memory to the database in secondary
iterator = tblstudentsList.listIterator(0); Display the first record in the GUI
17 | P a g e
Clear the list in primary memory and
update with new inserted record.
Compile and run the project to check that you can Insert a record. If you encounter a
run time error, check how the fields of the table were created.
The following code will Delete a record given a student’s unique code as input.
Add the following code for the Delete button's event handler.
private void btnDeleteActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
Input the student’s code.
String idStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
(null, "Enter Student
Tblstudents stud = UniStudentsPUEntityManager.
Use the find method to locate the record to be
deleted and assign to the object stud.
Remove the record from the
iterator = tblstudentsList.listIterator(0);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Delete Completed");
} catch (Exception e)
18 | P a g e
Compile and run the project to check that you can Delete a record given the student
If a user wishes to change or edit the fields of a record, they can use the Update button.
Since the Scode is a primary key it cannot be changed.
Add the following code for the Update button's event handler.
private void btnUpdateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Update Field(s)
//0 = yes, 1 = no 2 = cancel
if (option == 0)
Tblstudents stud = new Tblstudents(); //tblstudent object
String startDate = txffBirthDate.getText();
// "201301-02"
SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date date = null;
date = sdf1.parse(startDate);
} catch (ParseException ex)
Compile and run the project to check that you can Update the fields of a record except
for the primary key.
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Add another tab to view the TBLSTUDENTSUBJECTMARKS.
1.1. Use labels and text fields to display each field of a record of the database.
1.2. Include buttons First, Previous, Next and Last.
1.3. Include buttons to Search, Delete, Insert and Update the fields of the records.